Who We Are

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Supernatural Underground Book Giveaway


**** CONGRATULATIONS to the winners
throuthehaze has won the copy of  BITTEN BY CUPID by Lyndsey Sands, Pamela Palmer and Jamie Rush
Crystal – has won Sara Creasy's SONG OF SCARABAEUS
Please contact me on contact @ traceyohara . com (no spaces) so we can arrange for your prize to be sent *****

It's a down day for us today - so we are giving a couple of books.

First off we have BITTEN BY CUPID by Lyndsey Sands, Pamela Palmer and Jamie Rush

Second we have Sara Creasy's SONG OF SCARABAEUS

How do you enter?  It's easy, and there's tons of ways to earn extra chances at winning:

1) Earn one point for commenting in this post, either here or on our Facebook page. 
2) Earn one extra point for Re-Tweeting/Facebooking (or any other status updating) of the contest.
3) Earn one extra point for Friending on Facebook, Following us on Twitter or Following this blog (the links to do all three are over in the sidebar).
4) Earn two extra points for stealing this graphic, and putting it on your blog/website/Facebook page, with a link to our blog or Facebook page at http://www.supernaturalunderground.blogspot.com/ or http://www.facebook.com/supernatural.underground.

**IMPORTANT:  You have to tell us what you did in the body of your comment, or we won't know!


Rosie said...

Hello you wonderful divas of the Underground! So you've taken the day off have you? Are you eyebrows deep in twisty plots, fascinating characters and sexy sexy action??? (well either that or a bottle of red!)
loved Bitten by Cupid, but very very interested in reviewing Sara Creasy's debut novel, Song of Scarabaeus - it sounds terrific!
Oh and I've retweeted to spread the word :)

nymfaux said...

Yea!!! I love contests, and super-bonus, you guys have an amazing blog, with amazing authors, and amazing posts!!!! Hope you all have a great weekend!!!!

+1 commenting on your post!
+1 facebook status update/tweeted
+1 friends on facebook/follow on twitter (as moviebunny)/follow this blog
+2 copied/stole badge and linked it on my blog sidebar http://nymfaux.blogspot.com/

=+5 (=+8 if you get bonuses for doing multiple--but I'm not greedy)

Smash Attack Ash said...

+1 Awesome contest!! :) These books look delish!
+1 New Twitter Follower (SmashAttackAsh)
+1 Retweeted your contest tweet

a.hoffenberg at gmail dot com

red_reaper said...

I love your blog. It is what inspired me to start mine. http://www.cattheredreaper.blogspot.com
2 pt stole graphic and posted link on my blog,1pt Twittier follow, 1pt Facebook friend,1pt comment, 1 pt retweet =6pts
Thank you.

Trixie said...

Love the website, it is helping me keep tract of what I need/want next. I have not read anything by Sara Creasy but love Lyndsey Sands books.
I made a comment on the facebook site as well as here.
Keep up the good work all you wonderful authors. Where would we be without you???!!!

Tanya said...

I love this blog. I have read every discussion and commented on each. I thouroughly enjoy it and have gotten some great read ideas. Thanks guys!

+1 comment
+1 re-tweeting
+1 friend on facebook/twitter/follow blog
+2 posted graphic & link on facebook @ http://www.facebook.com/tanya.maxemow

Jacqueline C. said...

Loving this blog so far. Keep up the good work, guys!

I love anthologies - there such a great way to find new authors! I recently began reading more sci-fi so Song of Scarabaeus sounds good.

Also, I'm a friend on Facebook, following on Twitter and following the blog.

Nicole said...

YAY! I love book giveaways!!

+1 commented here =)
+1 Retweeted (MinnChica) & Updated Facebook (Nicole Snyder)
+1 Follow Twitter, Like Facebook Page, plus Follow this blog
+2 Shared graphic on my blog (Http://lifeaccording2nicole.blogspot.com)

debbie said...

I would love to read this book. +1

CHRISTIE said...

I’d love to enter. +1
Blog Follower +1
New Twitter Follower +1


Anonymous said...

Hi I'd like to enter, my name is Misty Nicholson-Price
I followed on twitter and retweeted :)

Melissa (Books and Things) said...

1) commenting... ;)
2) http://twitter.com/BooksThings/status/16552325569
3) I've friended on FB, follow blog, follow tweets (@BooksThings)
4) Stole graphic and link. It's on right sidebar at: http://melissawatercolor.blogspot.com

Angela @ Reading Angels said...

I'm commenting :-)
I follow you on twitter @readingangel002
I follow on facebook
Angela Hedrick-Messer
I follow this blog

Thanks for all the great posts and giveaways :-)

tetewa said...

These all sound good, count me in! +1 tWarner419@aol.com

Sara M said...

Count me in! These titles sound very interesting.

+1 tweeted: here

Sara M
sara_UFblog [at] yahoo [dot] com

Debbie Shumaker said...

Count me in too. I love Lynsay Sands.

Blodeuedd said...

Well a day with a only a contest is a good day too!
Here we only got boring rain

Anonymous said...

I follow your blog, your twitter (from omg_Lauren), and your facebook! :)

-Lauren G.

Barbara E. said...

I'd love to win either of these books, they're both fantastic.
I follow the Blog, on Twitter (@BarbaraElness), and Facebook.

s7anna said...

What a fantastic giveaway! *keeping my fingers & toes crossed* (grin)

*shared on facebook about this giveaway
*"liked" you on facebook
*GFC follower
*posted graphic & site URL on my facebook profile http://www.facebook.com/people/Anna-Shah-Hoque/767402866

Thanks for the awesome goodies.


KDSGS said...

Wonder giveaway! Enter me in!
Sorry I don't twitter!

Crystal @ RBtWBC said...

I'm going to kind of repeat myself here. I've never kept up with blogs before but this one is great and I follow it and facebook everyday. There are such great & interesting topics posted, a big THANKS to you wonderful ladies for creating it!

* Comment
* Posted graphic & links on FB @ http://www.facebook.com/crystal.folk
* Friend on FB
* Follow Blog

Michelle Santiago said...

i'd love to read either of these books. thanks for the giveaway.

+1 commenting on this post
+1 i tweeted: http://twitter.com/chelleyreads/status/16563279011
+1 follow you here on the blog
+1 i follow you on twitter (@chelleyreads)
+2 i have the graphic on my blog (http://booksandmakeup.blogspot.com)

bookmakeupreview AT gmail DOT com

Cathy M said...

Have a wonderful day off!

blog follower

caity_mack at yahoo dot com

Larissa said...

I love this blog!

I am a follower and have posted the badge on my blog: www.lchardesty.blogspot.com

lchardesty at yahoo dot com

Terri Garey said...

Thanks for all the great comments... so nice to know you guys are enjoying yourself here in the Underground! Good luck!

Kylie Griffin said...

I'm not surprised you guys need a breather today! You've been flat chat for nearly three weeks now and doing so much. Enjoy the rest and relax while we spread the word! :-)

+1 comment here
+1 Facebooking promo
+1 following your blog
+1 graphic on my blog

Jessica @ a GREAT read said...

Awesome contest! This is one of the coolest blogs that I follow!

+1 Comment here
+1 for being a follower
+2 for putting link on my blog; http://jessica-agreatread.blogspot.com

mariska said...

Wieeee..Another great books up for grabs :) Count me in !

+ 1 commenting here
+ 1 Tweet : http://twitter.com/becunique/status/16585345259
+ 1 Facebooking : http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1834044116&v=wall&story_fbid=130750196954816

+1 Friending on Facebook,
+1 follow on twiiter (@becunique)
+1 A follower via GFC

+ 2 stealing this graphic, and putting it on FB page : http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1834044116&v=wall&story_fbid=126608354043161

robsad79 said...

I have Song of Scarabaeus but definitely looking forward to Bitten by Cupid.

+1 commenting
+1 tweet (http://twitter.com/robsad79/status/16588712262) & did blog post (http://robsad79.blogspot.com/2010/06/daily-giveaway_19.html)
+1 Friend on twitter/facebook,follower of blog
+2 )Took image (http://robsad79.blogspot.com/)

Louise Delamore said...

Just a comment here, but both books sound great :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the contest +5 for me

Cassandra C

Unknown said...

I missed you ladies while I was in Disneyland. Okay so I had fun but I miss my daily fix. I didn't even open a book while I was there. Shocking I know. But I am home and back to reading your lovely books. I use your symbol as my avatar on twitter, disboards.com and until today I used it on facebook, but I changed it to a vacation picture.

Carol L. said...

Winning any of these books would be awesome. Great blog. Have a happy weekend.
Carol L.

Sharon S. said...

enter me for the Bitten book (I already bought SOS .)

+3 points for me!!!

Meredith said...

Great contest! I'd love to read these!

+1 comment
+1 blog follower

throuthehaze said...

+1 count me in please
+1 follow on twitter @throuthehaze
+1 follow blog
+1 FB fan-Rae Pavey
throuthehaze at gmail dot com

lavendersbluegreen said...

A day off is often well deserved - hope you all enjoyed it!
+1 friended on twitter:
+1 friended on facebook:
+1 tweet:
+1 facebook post:

Lisa Richards/alterlisa said...

Hope you girls enjoyed your day of rest--now get out there are give us what we want---more books!

+1 comment
+1 blog follower-Lisa Richards
+1 tweet:alterlisa
+2 put your button on my button slide- Button, Button Whose on the Button

alterlisa AT yahoo DOT com

Spav said...

Great contest!

+1 Comment
+1 Tweet: http://twitter.com/Sparima/status/16677134734
+1 Facebook friend: as Arantza C
+1 Twitter follower: (@Sparima)
+1 Blog follower
+2 Graphic: http://fictionkingdom.blogspot.com/

TracyW said...

Love the blog and would love to read either of these books!

CrystalGB said...

+ 1 Comment
Great contest. I would love to read these books.

+1 Facebook Friend Crystal Br...
+1 Twitter follower

Kimberly B. said...

Wow, such a generous giveaway! And I've really been enjoying reading this blog!
+1 for the comment
+1 Facebook Friend (Kimberly Bea)
+1 following the blog (as sneakybea)
+1 following you on twitter (@KimBea)
Thanks for the great giveaway!

nymfaux said...

Congrats to the winners!!!

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