Who We Are

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Comic Con NY 2010 - Part 2

Juliana already talked about Comic Con, but I didn't realize it until I'd written this post, so you get to hear a little more!

This past weekend, several Supernatural Underground authors met in New York City for the 2010 Comic Con (comic book convention). Though these conventions swarm with comic book fans, publishers, writers, and illustrators, they've expanded in recent years to include other aspects of the paranormal and fantasy worlds. Hollywood always shows up, and New York publishing is getting in the game. Harper Collins manned a couple of exhibitor booths, presented several panels, and sponsored book signings for a number of their sci-fi/fantasy and paranormal romance authors.

Friday afternoon, Jeaniene Frost moderated a lively panel titled Fighting Like Cats and Dogs: Shapeshifters and Paranormal Romance. On the panel were authors Juliana Stone, Marjorie M. Liu, Margaret Ronald, Jocelynn Drake, and me. Jeaniene's questions included: What mythology did you use behind your shifters? How do your weres/shifters balance their inner wildness with their human side? Do they have increased strength, heightened senses, a tendency to give fire hydrants a longing glance...? Werecats or werewolves, which do you think would make the stronger, sexier alpha protagonist, and why? The answers got a little catty--in a good way, of course!

The six of us signed books along Autograph Alley later that afternoon along with celebs like James Marsters (Spike on Buffy), Richard Hatch (the original Captain Apollo on the first Battlestar Gallactica) and Lou Ferrigno (the Incredible Hulk). While we were waiting for our time to sign, I stood in line for a pricey autograph of James Marsters and the chance to shake his hand and chat with him briefly. Jeaniene took the more direct (and cheaper) route and backed into him as he was walking behind the tables to leave. Next time, I'm sticking closer to Jeaniene.

When my publicist showed me my table assignment, I discovered, to my delight, that I was seated beside Lou Ferrigno. One of his poster stacks was at the edge of my signing space and he kindly asked if his posters were in my way. "Not at all." We chatted on and off during my signing hour and my editor took a picture of us together. Lou was charming.

After the signing, I returned to the Harper Collins exhibit booth and signed an additional box of books. While I was signing, a camera crew from Silver Cheese Productions stopped and asked if they could interview me. On the fly interviews are a little terrifying to someone who edits even an email five times, but of course I did it and I think it turned out pretty well, all things considered. Check it out at: http://www.blip.tv/file/4223742.

On Saturday, Jeaniene, Margaret, and I joined two Harper Collins editors on a panel spotlighting Harper's upcoming paranormal/sci-fi/fantasy releases. Afterward, I walked around the convention center, wandering among the hundreds of booths, entertained more by the costumed crowd than the exhibits. I saw everything from a true-to-size Chewbacca and Hellboy to vampires, demons, and dozens of anime characters I couldn't begin to identify.

NYCC was crowded, crazy, and a ton of fun!


nymfaux said...

Sounds absolutely AMAZING!!!! That's definitely a panel I'd like to have attended...and a table I'd like to have sat at--nothing against Spike, but The Incredible Hulk...is, um, pretty Incredible--And he looks like he could totally pick you up and bench press you!!! ;)

Oh--And you're interview was great, too!!! Especially for on the fly--you really packed a lot in!!!

Anonymous said...

Wow, that sounds like CRAZY fun!!! Spike from Buffy? Oh man...I would have loved to see him. But even more so, Lou Ferrigno. *sigh*

Pamela Palmer said...

Thanks, nymfaux! Lou was a sweetheart. I shook his hand at one point and his hands are HUGE.

Lynnrush, James Marsters (Spike) was very nice, too. Of course, his hair is brown and the British accent was Spike's, not his, but I'm a huge Buffy fan, so meeting him was a thrill.

Sharon S. said...

you had to pay to get James' autograph? I'm a fan, but I don't think I would pay. That is funny your table was next to LF. Very cool. I have never been to a con and they sound like so much fun!

sherr said...

How exciting to be included with other great authors. Had the biggest crush on Richard Hatch when I was a teen. Now it is totally shapeshifters...and a few vamps...demons...weres....lol

Pamela Palmer said...

Sharon, apparently this a money maker for the celebs. They sign autographs and take pictures with fans--all for a price. I considered standing in line and asking if I could just shake James Marster's hand, but decided I'd just do it the legit way and pay for the autograph.

Pamela Palmer said...

Hey Sherr! Everyone around me was crushing on Richard Hatch, but I never watched BSG and didn't have a clue who he was. Oh well.

Sherr said...

Shame on you Pamela!! Richard Hatch was so dreamy in those days. Don't tell Jag! lol

GB said...

I went to my first con ever earlier this year (Supanova in Sydney) and Lou Ferrigno was there, along with Michael Winslow, the Groosalugg from Angel, and the Kiwi kid from one of the prequel movies who in the later movies was supposed to be Boba Fett. I felt really sorry for all of them as they hardly had anyone in their lines for autographs.

Just about everyone in attendance lined up to meet Eliza Dushku, Summer Glau and Charisma Carpenter instead!

Pamela Palmer said...

Lol, Sherr!

GB, I can just imagine the lines for those three ladies! All Joss Whedon gals. Wow.

Crystal @ RBtWBC said...

OMGosh that looks like so much fun. Wish I was closer to NY, so many awesome things go on there and in CA. And they always have the coolest Cons.
And WOW, The Hulk is HUGE!
Me being a nerdy fan girl would of asked Spike to do a British accent and I would of put it on my phone as a ring tone, that would be so cool. "This is Spike from Buffy, you have a bite." Every time the phone rang, hehe. Like I said, nerdy fan girl right here <~ LoL
I wonder how much that would of cost...
Anywho, you gals all look great in your pics and it sounds like you all had a blast! =)

Brenda Hyde said...

Wow, so cool that I am not the only Joss and Spike fan. LOL Pamela- Lou Ferrigno is one of those guys who's looked the same forever. I always remember him as the Hulk. I have no words about meeting James Marsters. That would have been very cool:) Thanks for sharing the pics and the experience!

Carol L. said...

What an awesome event. I'm so there next time. Lou Ferrigno looks HUGE and almost the same.:)
Carol L.

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