Who We Are

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Devil Without a Cause

****WINNER ALERT**** Congratulations to CRYSTAL (Comment #2), who is the winner of Jeaniene's Night Huntress books!! Send an email to booksthatgobump@gmail.com with your mailing address and we'll put them in the mail to you!

I know it's almost Halloween, and I am the last ghoul in the world to want to rush past it, but I find myself already looking forward to summer. Why? Because I have a brand-new series coming out, the Devil's Bargain series, with begins with the release of Devil Without a Cause on May 31st, 2011.  To my surprise (and very great pleasure!), I just got my very first comments about it from an author I really admire:
Devil Without a Cause is a smouldering blend of darkness and sensuality, with a villain so unique, he gave me nightmares AND fantasies. Erotic, alluring and edgy, I couldn't put this book down!"
-- Jeaniene Frost, NYT bestselling author
Pretty cool, huh?  For an avid "Bones" fangirl like me, that's quite an endorsement!  :-)

Those of you who are familiar with my past books might remember the character of Sammy (Satan) Divine.  Oh, that Sammy... he's got a story to tell, that one. And he's determined to tell it his own way, in his own time, with a wicked wink, a killer grin and a bad boy swagger. Once divine, now cast down, forever blamed for the seduction of Eve and the destruction of Paradise, the angel once known as Samael has his own version of mankind's fall from grace, believing he was the one tempted. Earthbound and damned, he's lurked in the shadows for centuries, tormenting the humans he felt were responsible for the loss of his wings.

Now he has a chance to do something about it by taking on the job for which he was originally created -- that of a guardian angel -- but will the lure of Darkness be too strong? John Milton said: 'Better to reign in Hell than to serve in Heaven', and now Sammy has to decide the truth of that for himself.

Having always been fascinated by legends and stories surrounding Satan's Biblical fall from grace, I'm excited to be able to be able to do some of my own worldbuilding around the arrogant fallen angel whose lust for the flesh led him to defy his creator. Where does he go when he's not tempting or tormenting some poor hapless female? *wink* Who (and what) are the creatures that surround him in his Kingdom of Darkness?

Even more intriguing, how do they feel when their Dark Prince is the one being tempted?

The cover art has yet to be finalized, unfortunately, but Devil Without a Cause just went up on Amazon as available for pre-order. (Always a cool moment for an author!) Since I don't have any to give away yet, I'm going to give away a full set of Jeaniene Frost's "Night Huntress" series instead, along with a big, fat thank you to her for reading it and giving me that awesome review quote above. 

For a chance to win Jeaniene's books, leave a comment.  If you'd like to read more about Sammy Divine, pop over to my website and read an exclusive EXCERPT from Devil Without a Cause.  Stop by my Halloween contest page while you're at it - I'm giving away some awesome stuff this year in honor of the spooky season!  Good luck and Happy Halloween, everyone!


Carol L. said...

Oh wow, I definitely want to read about Sammy Divine, love that name. :) After this I'm off to read more about Sammy. :) Thanks for the post.
Carol L.

Crystal @ RBtWBC said...

Devil Without a Cause sounds awesome Terri and Jeaniene's comment has me salivating for it even more, can't wait for May!
As a fellow Bones fangirl I would love to win this set. I have the ebooks but to have the real things to display on my shelf would be fabulous! So I'm crossing my fingers on this one. Thanks for the chance!
Have a great Friday-Eve and a spooktacular weekend everyone!

Katie said...

I totally agree the story of Satan falling is very interesting. There always seems to be more to it than just Satan was evil.

bigferret at email dot com

Patricia Lynne said...

GAH!!!!! The except was torture! Now I'm curious and want more. (I think author's are the devil, you tease and toy with us fans >.> and then we crawl back for more)

Van Pham said...

Devil without a Cause sounds like it's gonna be an awesome book!

Sullivan McPig said...

Devil without a Cause sounds like a great read.
Are you into reading comics?
I myself love how Lucifer is depicted in the Sandman comic 'Season of Mists' by Neil Gaiman.

(pleae enter me if this is international)

Jessica @ a GREAT read said...

That definitely sounds interesting!!


Jeremy said...

You must be soooo excited. I don't think you could have gotten a better quote and seeing who its from makes it that much better. Congratulations and I wish you luck!

Thanks for hosting the giveaway but I'll be looking for "Devil Without a Cause". :)

romancebookjunkiesdanielle at yahoo dot com

Sharon S. said...

you knew I would be here. You are talking Sammy after all ;) Can't wait for the cover unveiling. We will have a virtual party. Congrats on everything!

Mindolla said...

I can't wait to check it out. I love love love Jeaniene's book. I look forward to reading Devil Without A Cause!

Terri Garey said...

Thanks so much, guys, and LOL to Patricia, who said I think author's are the devil, you tease and toy with us fans >.> and then we crawl back for more

It's true, we can't help it... we like to leave readers on the edge of their seats! It's what we do!

It's no mystery that I love, love, love writing this character -- hope you guys love him, too!

Anonymous said...

Your new series sounds great! I loved Nicki Styx and am looking forward to more Sammy.


Lea @ The Yearning Mermaid said...

Wow that sounds really great. Now I´m even more looking forward to your new series (Thanks to Jeaniene and her review) :)

TracyW said...

Your new series sounds great! I just purchases the first book in your Nicki Styx series and I can't wait to read it!

GB said...

Wow Terry, I read the excerpt and it sounds fantastic. Bring on May!

(Please don't include me for the giveaway - I've already read Jeaniene's books.)

Zita said...

Nice giveaway! And, I can't wait to read Sammy's story =)

throuthehaze said...

I have been dying to read this series. I have heard so many great things about it!
throuthehaze at gmail dot com

Wenj said...

Wow! This is definitely going on my reading wish list!

binabug said...

great give away
sabina dot edwards at gmail dot com

Book Chatter Cath said...

What awesomeness to have Jeaniene Frost read your book and give it such high and tantalising praise!!!
Have added it to my ever increasing list of books to read...thanks♥


Martha Lawson said...

Hi Teri!! I LOVE, LOVE your books. Read Sammy's excerpt and can't wait for this one. Happy Halloween

mlawson17 at hotmail dot com

Kim - Bookishly Me said...

I love your Nicki Styx series and can't wait to read this one, sounds really great!

Kirsten said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sue S. said...

That's going on my wishlist right now!!

Sue S.


auntkate said...

Can't wait! Sounds great!

Giada M. said...

Now I can't wait to read Devil Without a Cause! I'm so curious!
Thank you for posting and for the awesome giveaway! :D

Giada M.

fabgiada (at) gmail (dot) com

CdnMrs said...

Sounds like a great series! Can't wait to check it out.
Great review by Ms Frost too! If the author of "Chapter 32" finds it erotic I'm totally going to pick it up.
sghorney AT gmail DOT com

Kerrelyn Sparks said...

Your new series sounds fantastic! Best wishes for wild success!

Terri Garey said...

"Chapter 32"!! Woohoo!! :-)

A special Hi to Martha, and to everyone else who stopped by. I appreciate you taking the time to read about Sammy and his upcoming series!

The randomizer has spoken and the incredibly lucky winner of Jeaniene's Night Huntress books is CRYSTAL (Comment #2)!!

Congratulations, Crystal - Destined for an Early Grave is signed by Jeaniene herself!

Send me an email booksthatgobump@gmail.com with your mailing address and I'll get them in the mail to you.

Crystal @ RBtWBC said...

Woohoo! Yay! Happy dance all the way! LoL
Thanks Terri! And a double woohoo for CH32! ;)
Thanks for sharing Devil Without a Cause with us, next year is going to be a great year!

Terri Garey said...

Thanks, Kerrelyn!

You're welcome, Crystal!

Have a great day, everyone!

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