Who We Are

Monday, October 11, 2010

My Own Private Universe

Recently I was asked to participate in a fun YA anthology that centers around a very different type of supernatural creature than I've written about before. My first thought was that I needed to figure out a way to make those creatures compatible with my universe.

Currently, I'm hard at work at my third series. The first was about a school for the descendants of Greek gods. The second about magical underwater mermaids who sometimes live on land. The third is about monster-hunting descendants of the gorgon Medusa. The three worlds of these stories are very different, but the one underlying thread is that the magic is all rooted in Greek mythology. And, although none of the characters in my different series actually meet up IBL (in book life) I like to leave open the possibility that they could.

My triplet descendants of Medusa aren't even in the same hemisphere as Phoebe and the gang at the Academy, and mermaid Lily's mythological dates back many, many generations, but there is nothing about any of the three book worlds that excludes the others.

I love this idea, this kind of bigger world that is mine and mine alone. Sure, I let readers in, but it's really there for me! Even if readers of my mermaid series might not ever read my Medusa books, I secretly know that the worlds are totally compatible. They inhabit the same universe.

So, as I think up a way to work these new supernatural creatures into my repertoire, I'm making sure they fit in a way that makes them belong in the universe I'm building with my other books.

My question of the day for you is:

What author-built universe do you love to visit again and again?

I'm going to cheat and say Joss Whedon's Buffyverse because, well, just because.




Sullivan McPig said...

The world Anne Bishop created in her Black Jewels series. It's so complex, dark, rich and intriguing. I can reread her books a gazillion times and not tire of them.

Unknown said...

Jeaniene Frost's world!

I absolutely adore her series and I always say "I want to be a vampire! As long its like the vampires in Jeanienes books!"

Kerrelyn Sparks is another vampire series I adore.

nymfaux said...

um, well obviously yours! :)

But my other super-favorite is Tamora Pierce's Tortal Universe. I love how the books connect to each other and I can see my favorite characters grow, even if it's just peripherally--but they're still there, like facebook friends that I don't always get a chance to talk to, but I still keep up with what they're doing--Except if these characters had more books, I'd totally pick them up in a heartbeat.

Congrats on the anthology!!!--I'm so curious!!!

Patricia Lynne said...

Harry Potter definitely. For me it's fun to get lost, even day dream about going to Hogwarts (even tho I've been out of school for 10 years) Plus the universe isn't just in the books, there were a few 'school' books that were released and more recently the tales of the beetle bard so the universe is totally expandable and I love it when authors go overboard in their universe and create tiny details to make it more real.

nymfaux said...

@Patricia Lynne--Ditto Harry Potter!!!

CdnMrs said...

I have to say Tolkien's middle-earth hands down. However, if I'm looking for something slightly less high brow and way more sexy I go for Jeaniene Frost's world of strong heroines, sexy vamps, cool ghouls and the occasional demon.

Crystal @ RBtWBC said...

The Night Huntress world. =) I'm actually re-reading the series right now for probably like the 6th, 7th, 8th time. I've lost count. LoL
And I may have to steal that line Leilani!

Have a wonderful week everyone!

Nicole Murphy said...

I'm going out of the paranormal sphere and into - The Discworld! Pratchett's invention is a place I'd love to see for myself. The machines! The mayhem! The witches (Damn, I love Granny Weatherwax) :)

Unknown said...

Have to do another ditto here and say Harry Potter. I dont exactly know why her world is so vivid to me but every time I read the series I find new things to adore.

Unknown said...

Have to do another ditto here and say Harry Potter. I dont exactly know why her world is so vivid to me but every time I read the series I find new things to adore.

GB said...

Definitely on the Harry Potter bandwagon here, but if I had to just pick one, it would be Whedon's Firefly.

I'd like to shoot me some bad guys just one time with everyone's very favourite gun, Vera.

Sweet Rachel! said...

Harry Potter! N matter how old I am or how many times I have read it, Harry Potter captures me every-time. A true Modern-Day classic, Future students in British Lit. will read those books as curriculum.

Brenda Hyde said...

If I'm going with Television I'd have to say the Firefly world- or any of Joss Wheadon's worlds:) Books-- I love Jeaniene Frost's world, and can read her books over and over and over... I just want to see evil getting it's ass kicked.

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