Who We Are

Friday, November 5, 2010

eARC goodness

***  This contest is now closed ***

*** And the winners are:

1. Crystal
2. Leilani @ Leilani Loves Books
3. Amy

Please email me at contact [at] traceyohara [dot] com


Thank you all for entering 



just add a comment on 

1) why you would like to win a copy of DEATH'S SWEET EMBRACE eARC 


2) your favorite paranormal/Urban Fantasy series. 

You can earn points (i.e. the number of times your name goes into the draw) by:

+1 Posting in the comments section
+1 Linking to this post on Twitter
+1 Linking to this post on Facebook
+1 Linking to the Supernatural Underground blog on your own blog/website.

Post the total number of points you’ve earned in your comment. Eligibility will close at midnight, 6 November, US EST. (Do remember to check back after, or to post your email with your comment so that I can get in touch.)


Debi Murray said...

Loved the first book in this series! Thanks for the contest.

3 points, posted comment here, posted link on twitter and facebook.

SandyG265 said...

I'd love an arc because I won't have to wait so long to read the book that way.

sgiden at verizon.net

Sharon S. said...

Why do I want it? Duh! I want to find out what is in store for Antoinette and Christian and if we get any mention of Viktor (did I mention you broke my heart? )

2 points for me

Patricia JL said...

Oooohm that's a pretty kick ass cover, I really like it.
I'd like to win because let's face it, I need MORE books to read (after all, I only have two stacks of unread books and a few pages in my amazon wish list and another ebook wishlist and a paperback swap account w/ books I want)

+1 for commenting
+1 for linking on my blog

StacyUFI said...

Why do I want it? I absolutely LOVED Dantes Rising and Nights Cold Kiss. I can not wait to see what happens next.

2 points for me

Crystal @ RBtWBC said...

Why? Because I want to see what happens next in the Dark Brethren world!

+1 Posting in the comments section
+1 Linking to this post on Facebook
+1 Linking to the Supernatural Underground blog on your own blog/website.
= 3 pts

Have a great weekend!

Jessica @ a GREAT read said...

Even though I already read the e-ARC I would still love a signed one!

I love having autographed memorabilia from my fave authors. I save everything! I have an entire box filled with author swag, a photo album filled with pics with the ones I was lucky enough to meet. I want to be a writer myself really soon and yeah, I just love these kinds of things for some reason. I started out as a reader after all!

My fave paranormal series? Oh yeah, that answer is very hard, because I have several. Loads! As many fave authors I have is the answer to the series, more if the author has multiple series.

I love Kelley Armstrong's The Otherworld series, it was one of my first adult series I read when I crossed over from YA--which at that time there wasn't a whole lot of paranormal YA like there is now and that was only like 9 years ago!

I love Rachel Vincent's Shifter series even though it ended just 2 months ago! Sob!

Like I said, my list can go on and on! And I;m already addicted to this series, the Dark Brethren.

+1 Comment
+1 Blog button in my sidebar: http://jessica-agreatread.blogspot.com

2 total

Donna said...

I read Night's Cold Kiss and I want to see what road lays ahead for Antoinette...I bet it's going to be a very interesting one...

2 points.

Lea @ The Yearning Mermaid said...

Why I want to have it? because I want to know how the story in the Dark Brethren World goes on!:)

My favourite series...well, I guess it´s the Psy/Changeling series by Nalini Singh! :)
I loove the characters and the whole world they live in!

2 points total

Unknown said...

Who wouldnt want it?!?!

Lovely cover, title.... and dont forget the awesome author!

leilani @ leilanilovesbooks.com

Judit said...

OMG OMG wow first thanks for the contest I sooo can't wait till the second book comes out; and I hope that Cerberus will appear too :D!!! :) And congrats!
I have this comment and I linked it on facebook don't have twitter :P

Judit said...

never mind I'm blonde so 2 points :)

Angela @ Reading Angels said...

I want it because I MUST have the signage for my signage shelf, and who doesn't want to read it???

I have the Supernatural underground in my button slideshow at www.readingangel.com

dukesangel002 AT yahoo DOT com

Tracey O'Hara said...

Look at all these lovely comments making me smile today. Sorry - I have been out running errands. I see some on my own favs being listed here - esp. Nalini Singh - I love her Arch Angels series (as well as love her - mega awesome).

Tracey O'Hara said...

Debi, SandyG265 and Sharon - you are all in the draw with my thanks - lovely comments.

Tracey O'Hara said...

Patricia - isn't the cover great - I have been truly blessed by the cover fairy.

Stacy - thanks for reading Dante's Rising too - I loved writing that.

Crystal - I hope you like what happens next :)

Tracey O'Hara said...

Karyn - Gena Showalter is awesome I hear - she is definately on my teetering TBR list.

Jessica - thanks sweetie - you are in the draw :)

Donna - you do get to see a bit of Antoinette - but we do have another main character in this one.

Tracey O'Hara said...

Lea - you're in :) and yes the PSI changling series is ver cool.

Leilani - Thanks - you brightened this author's day

Judit - LOL - you are in the hat - twice :) There is another doggie in this one that you might like. :)

Tracey O'Hara said...

Reading Angel - you are in - I like to collect signage from my shelf too :)

Amy said...

I love collecting signage as well, and discovering a cool, new series to read!
Favorite series, it's a tie between these: Midnight Breed (Lara Adrian), Psy Changelings (Nalini Singh), Night Huntress (Jeaniene Frost), Black Dagger Brotherhood (J.R. Ward)

+1 for commenting

Book Chatter Cath said...

My fave series to date is The Night Huntress series by Jeaniene Frost....I get totally lost in the world that she has created for Cat and Bones.

+1 for commenting

Anonymous said...

The cover is really nice.

Looks like a great story and I would love to win an eArc. It would be cool to read it before it comes out and post about it at all the blogs and groups I visit.

I'm with Cath....Jeaniene Frosts Night Huntress series is really good and I love Bones.

in Germany

Mysteriousrose said...

My favorite series is also The Night Huntress books by Jeaniene Frost...I just love them:-)

+1 commenting
+1 twitter: http://twitter.com/mette_s_jensen/status/911421554556928
+1 facebook: http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#!/permalink.php?story_fbid=159465590755159&id=100000852732699
+1 link to Supernatural Underground: http://mysteriousrose.blogspot.com/ (right sidebar under favorite blogs)

total extra entries: 4


Eleni Konstantine said...

I just love the cover Tracey!!!! Congratulations!!!!

whitewolfreads said...

Why I want to read Death's Sweet Embrace... maybe because Night's Cold Kiss was awesome! I want to know what struggles the characters will face and where those struggles will take them.

+1 Comment
+1 Twitter: http://twitter.com/jmspettoli/status/1059551189147649
= 2

spettolij AT gmail DOT com

Mysteriousrose said...

hmm some of my post was gone, I just want to say that I look forward to reading your new book and I absolutly love the cover.

Tracey O'Hara said...

get caught up in NaNoWriMo for the weekend - and look what happens. Will annnounce the winners shortly - I have to put the entries though Random.org - stay tuned for the announcement.

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