Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

Congratulations to Jo-Ann Larkin for winning the signed copy of How to Marry a Millionaire Vampire! Please contact me at so I can get your mailing info. Many thanks to everyone for leaving such wonderful comments. I'll be back on Dec. 25th, Christmas Day, to give away more books!

When all of us Supernatural Undergrounders were picking days to blog, I randomly selected the 25th of each month, not realizing I would land on Thanksgiving. You're probably busy visiting with family and/or friends and wrestling with a turkey and mounds of food. (I am, too!) So let's keep this short and sweet--

I wish to thank all those who read my books. When the first book released in 2005, only two books were under contract, and it could have ended there. But you discovered the books and liked them! It wasn't till I started writing the third book that I realized I had an actual series going, and that was when we named it the Love at Stake series. Thanks to you, the series has continued, and the tenth book will be released next March! I am so grateful to you all! Please take time out of your busy day to leave a comment, and I'll pick someone at random to win a signed copy of the book that started it all-- How to Marry a Millionaire Vampire.

And may you and your family have a blessed Thanksgiving!


Anonymous said...

Hi Kerrelyn :)
Thank you for the post & thank YOU for the excellent books!
All the best,

Ash Wolf said...

Keep up the good work, Kerrelyn. We're all excited about Conner's book and can't wait for March to come (though we'll do our best to be patient). "How to Marry..." will always be a fav.
Happy Thanksgiving Everyone! Hope you all eat well and sleep good ;).

Kirsten said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Happy Thanksgiving to you..

I would love to win your book

mariska said...

Hi Kerrelyn!

You are a new for me author. i haven't read any of your books (yet!). Hoping i will get my chance to start with this one :)

Crystal @ RBtWBC said...

Hey Kerrelyn,
Thank You for writing such a great series! I love them =)

Happy Thanksgiving!

JenM said...

Happy Thanksgiving to all. I'm so thankful for all you wonderful authors that keep me endlessly entertained.

I'd love to start reading this series, so it would be great to win the first book.

Linda Henderson said...

I hope you have a happy and safe Thanksgiving. Thank you for spending some time with us today.

seriousreader at live dot com

Lea @ The Yearning Mermaid said...

I hope you and everyone else has a wonderful day :))

And thank you for this contest!

CdnMrs said...

Thank you for a fantastic series that combines romance, adveture and humour.
Happy Thanksgiving!

sghorney AT gmail DOT com

Renee (BlacknGoldGirlsBookSpot) said...

Happy Thanksgiving all! Don't eat too much :-P

XOXO~ Renee

Karen Millett said...

This is one of the first vamp romance books I've read and loved it. I've been hooked ever since. Can't wait for the next.

Unknown said...

The books are fantastic and we were as happy as you to know there was a whole series of them coming!! Thank you for the wonderful books and have a great Thanksgiving :)

Kim said...

It was so nice to find other paranormal romance books out there that I could enjoy after getting hooked on the concept when movies and certain tv shows hit the screens. I have always had a fascination of all things "vampy" and your books have filled all my fantasies and more. Thank you and keep writing!!!!

Karen H said...

Happy Thanksgiving and thanks for this great giveaway.

Brandy said...

Thank you so much for the books! I am an avid reader and can't get enough. Since discovering your books I have read them several times. I like to visualize what I am reading and you are one of those creative writers that allows me to do that! Thank you and I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving and know that your fans are thankful for you.

Virginia C said...

Hi, Kerrelyn! Happy Thanksgiving to all : ) Thank you for your unlimited imagination which continues to offer sexy, sassy supernatural romantic reads!

US Resident, GFC Follower, Subscriber

gcwhiskas at aol dot com

Anonymous said...

Are you kidding, your books are very addicting and once you read the current one out you are wishing like mad that the next one will be out soon.

I hope you and yours has a safe and loving Thanksgiving!

Kelley Granzow

Sami said...

love your books cant wait for connor

Anonymous said...

Happy Thanksgiving! I hope you and your family have a wonderful day!

Cheryl said...

I really like this series. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your Family.

Meshanna said...

Kerrelyn, wrote a note but came up Anonymous so I just wanted to write it again did not mean for that!

Happy Thanksgiving! I hope you and your family have a wonderful day!

catslady said...

I just wanted to say how much I've enjoyed your books and Happy Thanksgiving!

jennjennmom said...

Thanks for all the fun u have given us in your writing. It was great to meet u in fl cant wait for connors book

Shari C said...

Thank you for this wonderful series, Love at Stake. I have enjoyed the stories immensely.

Wishing everyone warm blessings and a safe and happy Thanksgiving.

Unknown said...

Hi, Happy Thanksgiving. I really hope I win your book. I used to have most of the series, but then I was stranded here in Oregon with my 10 month old son. A few months ago someone broke into the house we were renting there and all our stuff was stolen. Even the baby's stuff an the few hundred books I had collected. Now I only have 9 books one of which is Eat Prey Love. Have a great day and thank you for your time. Hopefully some day I'll be sending you an autographed copy of one of my stories, if I can finish them and get them published.

Casey H said...

Congrats on all your success with your novels!

kaisquared said...

I love the Love at Stake series and look forward to your next book. Have a happy turkey day!

Maria D. said...

Happy Thanksgiving to you Kerrelyn!
Thanks for the hours of this series and the kilted Vamps!

Judy F said...

Happy Thanksgiving. You had me hooked from the fist book. It was nice to meet you in Columbus. I can't wait to read the next book.

alinaduffer said...

Hi Kerrelyn! Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family! Hope you all have a wonderful day. I got into you books late into the series so I haven't read this one yet, but I can't wait to! Have a great day and enjoy it!

Nicole said...

Happy Thanksgiving Kerrelyn!! Def an awesome series you've created :). Can't wait for #10. Have a wonderful day!

Jessica said...

Happy Thanksgiving!! I hope you're not losing the wrestling match. ;)

Congrats on the tenth book of the series! I would love to win a copy of the first book.

A BookLover's Diary

Carol L. said...

Happy Thanksgiving everyone. Kerrelyn, I love your books. Someone here said they were addicting and I do agree with them. Always looking for the next one. :)
Carol L.

Lori Ann said...

Hope you have a safe and happy Thanksgiving! I am thankful for your books and the hours of enjoyment that they have provided me.

Yesenia Villagrana said...

Love your books, I'm a huge fan!

Unknown said...

I am so thankful for the Love at Stake series! It is without a doubt my favorite book series and always makes me laugh. I get so much enjoyment from them. I can't wait for the next one!

Sara C said...

Thank you for the wonderful books! I love your series.

sararcummins AT gmail DOT com

chelea_girl said...

I just recently discovered your books. I received The Undead Next Door in a grab bag and was immediately addicted and so excited to find it was a series. I am currently on the hunt for the rest of the books and bought Eat Prey Love as soon as it released. Keep up the good work!


Marie said...

Absolutely LOVE your Love at Stake series.
Your mind is wonderful! :)

~Jenny~ said...

I love your series. Whenever I'm feeling abit down. I always find something to smile of laugh about reading your books! The Undead Next Door is and I think will always be my favourite. I wish I could find a man like Jean-Luc. Can't wait for books 10,11,12... and hopefully dozens more.

Hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving!


Anonymous said...

Hi Kerrelyn,
On Thanksgiving Day we're thankful for..Our blessings all year through..For family we love dearly..For good friends, old and new..Happy Thanksgiving to You!

PS. I Just Love Your Books!!

Stephanie M said...

Happy Thanksgiving!
I absolutely love Eat, Prey, Love and cannot wait for the new book.
Thanks for the giveaway.

smccar1 at hotmail dot com

Chrissy said...

Hi Kerrelyn!

Thanks for the amazing books. I have read all of them and I'm anxiously waiting for Connor's happy ending. Whatever mood I find myself in, I can reread your books and always end up feeling amazing and empowered.

Please don't EVER stop writing your awesome books. A lot of people would suffer from manic depression if you do...myself included!

Hope you enjoy the holidays.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your books, I've recently discovered them starting with The Vampire & The Virgin and am now reading Kiss Me Deadly. Have a Happy Thanksgiving.

Anonymous said...

Sorry by the way Kiss Me Deadly another series entirely.

chivixen said...

Thank you for this wonderful series, Love at Stake. I have enjoyed the stories immensely. Your humor is wonderful.

Crystal said...

Kerrelyn, I love your series and I hope it never ends. I can't wait for Connor & Gregori's story to come out. Keep up the great books!

Cylver said...

Hi Kerrelyn! I started reading your books based on a friend's recommendation, and I'm so glad I did! A new Love at Stake book is always cause for celebration. Can't wait to read all about Connor in Vampire Mine! Happy Thanksgiving!!

Book Chatter Cath said...

I hope you and yours have a safe and happy Thanksgiving:)....and never stop rock!!!!

rmcginnis said...

This is the only book in the series that I haven't read and am still looking for!!! Pick me, pick me!!!

Alaina said...

I love your books! I am so glad to have the last two books signed so getting the first in the series would be amazing! I can't wait for the next book to come out in March..Conner!! Thank you so much for the opportunity to win!

Minas said...

Happy Thanksgiving!!! Thanks for the giveaway! I would love to win!


Unknown said...

Hey Kerrelyn, I love your books! I can't wait for the next book in the series to come out. Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!!

Lisa Mann said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lisa Mann said...

Happy thanksgiving to you .. i am in Australia but i am so thankful for your books as i do spend many months in hospital and your books keep my mind off my illness for this i am thankful for
so many happy thanksgiving with your family and fans
lisa mann

Karen K said...

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone, At this time of year we should all say what we are thankful for. I am thankful for you sharing your talent with us. No matter how stressful my day has been, it all melt away when I open one of your books.
Have a wonderful day and Happy Thanksgiving

Rachel498 said...

Happy Thanksgiving, and thanks for the giveaway!

Sara Carty said...


I just wanted to share with you how much I enjoy your books. I've read all of them. (I've read my favorites twice.)
I'm a huge fan of Lynsay Sands so I gave your books a try based on her recommendation and I'm so glad I did!
My favorites are How to marry a millionaire vampire and Be still my vampire heart. I truly love your books and find them heartwarming and laugh out loud funny!
I'm looking forward to your next story. I read on Facebook its going to be Connor's story Vampire Mine. Super excited! I hope he falls for a mortal!

Thanks for all your amazing stories, you are terrific!
Sara Carty
Las Vegas NV

Johanna R Jochum said...

I love all your books! I can't wait for the next! Please keep em coming! Haapy Thanksgiving!

snulfers said...

Happy Thanksgiving! I love this series.

katsrus said...

Happy thanksgiving everyone. Adore your books. Can't wait for the next one.
Sue B

Martha Lawson said...

I'd love a chance to be entered to win this one!! Happy Thanksgiving..

michelle said...

i love all your books you are brilliant keep up the excellent writing cant wait for march & connor book

Patricia JL said...

Happy Thanksgiving all! I am thankful for the Love at Stakes series. It makes me lolz! (Don't worry I am thankful for more.) Can't wait for the next one too!

shannon jackson said...

happy thank giving and hope you had a good one and love your books

Melissa (Books and Things) said...

Hope you had a wonderful Turkey day with lots of noms!

Pat Cochran said...

Oh, I am so full! It's going to take several days to get past all
the good food I've ingested today!
I keep saying that I will not eat
as much, yet it happens again each
holiday. After lunch the twenty of
us chose a variety of activities:
football for the men, conversation for the women, games for the young
adults, and the playroom for the
youngsters. Separate yet together.
We are blessed!

Siobhan Muir said...

As a reader (and a writer) I'm grateful for your stories to keep me entertained and give me an escape from the stresses of life. Thank you for your time, efforts, and your storytelling abilities. I hope you enjoyed your Thanksgiving celebrations as much as I did.

azi_writes said...

Hey Kerrelyn,
I love love love your series!!! It never fail to make me smile at my worst time! So thank YOU for the amazing series!

Mysteriousrose said...

I love your series! and I would love to win a signed copy of How to Marry a Millionaire Vampire.

We do not celebrate Thanksgiving in my country but I hope everyone who did had a fantastic day.

heidi330 said...

Happy Thanksgiving!!!
I hope everyone has a great day with friends and family!!!
Your series is what made me want to write again. I had lost faith and writing and when I picked up yur book in 2005 I was hooked and saw a lot of hope in what I like writing, super paranormal stories with lots of humor mix in. A lot of people told me it wouldn't sell but you made it possible. I thank you and please i hope you can keep the series going for a long time. It truly is one of the greatest.
Have a Blessed thanksgiving Day..

Kim said...

I just wanted to leave a note to say thanks. Your books are fun reads and a necessary part of my normally stressful life. They are my escape. My travel buddies, as I am always always on a plane. I can't tell you how excited I was to find out Connor would finally get a book. He's my favorite. I have recently shared my (your)books with a friend. She has now stolen your entire series from me. I told her she will need to purchase the next one herself. Thanks again and I hope you have a wonderful holiday season.
Kim (aka Bookobsessed)

Jennifer said...

Hey Kerrelyn, and Happy Thanksgiving to you also. One of the many things I'm thankful this yr is having great books. I'm a big reader and so enjoy your series. It has everything. Action, romance, and humor. I'm reading Eat, Prey, Love now. Keep up the great work. I very much look forward to your future books.


Teresa K. said...

Thanks Kerry,

For all the great writing you put into your books. I the amazing and dumb person went out at 12:00 this morning to get in line at Wally world for a 5:00 black Friday item.
I wouldn't do it if it wasn't so important to get my college son a new laptop. This was the craziest scene I ever had ever been in.
Actuals fights in the store over items.
I hope to never be in a mess like that again. However I saw a copy of Love, Eat, Prey on the shelf and lost my self in the wait time.

Thanks for passing my time. Love to you and your family doing the busy holiday times. P.S. Got the laptop and because they screwed up got the 400.00 one for a little over 200.

Lisa Richards/alterlisa said...

WooHoo! A wonderful series, hope there are at least another 10 in this series.


alterlisa AT yahoo DOT com

Darkreader said...

Hey Kerrelyn - I would Cherish a signed book by you!! I love your books!
Happy Thanksgiving!

Kathryn Packer Roberts said...

Congrats on such a long series! Hope you had a happy Thanksgiving!

Jessfairy88 said...

Hello Mrs.Kerrelyn,

A signed book from you is the grandest of treasures. It would be placed in a case to always be charised and hope you consider me.
Happy Thanksgiving

Anna E. said...

Hi Kerrelyn! My friend recommended How to Marry a Millionaire Vampire to me last year, and Since then I have become a Huge fan of the whole series! I can't wait for Vampire Mine!!

Anonymous said...

I just want to take a moment and thank you for what you do. On those days that I really feel bad (I have Myasthenis Gravis [a form of muscular dystrophy]) Your books give me an escape to try and forget that I am sick. Thanks so musch again! Looking forward to the new book!
Jo-Ann Larkin

Lindsay :) said...

I've read All I Want For Christmas and loved it. I can't wait to read more of your books.
Lindsay J

Unknown said...

Thank you so much for continuing! It has been an enjoyable journey & I truly love your work and can't wait for the next one!!

Cathy Wellman said...

Hello and Thank you for taking time from your busy life to chat with us, Sorry im late ,Hope you had a Wonderful Thanksgiving . I love all of your books Cathy Wellman

griffom said...

I hope you had a great thanks giving and i hope you keep writing. Do you think maybe you can release Vampire Mine early? I love connor and I have waited so long for his book to come out I am so inpatient

Linda said...

I read a lot of books and a lot of series, but your "Love At Stake" series is my all time favorite. Thank you so much!
Linda Nabizadeh

JG said...

Yes, thanks Kerrelyn for giving us such a great series, and letting us travel to a world of mystery and love.

Anonymous said...

Kerrelyn you have written the BEST books on Vampires! I have ordered on Amazon 4 times now "How to marry a Million Vampire" because trying to explain it to my friends they wanted to read it also. Were all Black Comedy Buffs, thus they are hooked on you also, and now are fans of you also! Hope you had a pleasant Thanksgiving and was surprised to learn Seattle had so little snow. Living in the midwest (Nebraska) we have alternating the last 10 yrs between dry Christmas's and snow a couple of feet deep. So hopefully Seattle soon gets back to normal.

Elena Gray said...

This is a new book series for me and I love Vampire Novels. I'm going to have to put this on my TBR list.

cbandy10 (at) hotmail (dotcom)

Megan@Riverina Romantics said...

Love your books Kerrelyn!