Tuesday, November 23, 2010


We don’t get a lot of snow in Seattle. Wait, let me rephrase that: When we get ANY snow in Seattle, the entire city shuts down! Schools close, flights are canceled, drivers panic and freeways literally shut down.

That’s where we are right now. The city is layered in fluffy white snow, the roads are sheets of ice, and highs today are predicted to be around 20 degrees. WE ARE CLOSED FOR BUSINESS!

But this is what it looks like:

At our house that means hot cocoa for the kids…and for the grown-ups (Bailey’s included):

It also means a little something we like to call The Alex Express, in which our dog becomes a reindeer, pulling the kids around the neighborhood on their sled. (Usually the kids are done before the dog!)

And because I’m feeling festive and cheerful (and possibly a tad frostbitten), I’ve decided to do an ARC giveaway for my upcoming release DESIRES OF THE DEAD!

All you have to do is leave me a comment about your favorite (or least favorite) thing about the snowy weather, or tell me if you’re one of those folks who don’t get snow where you live, by midnight Pacific time November 25th (that’s Thanksgiving if you’re in the US). One commenter will win a signed copy of DESIRES OF THE DEAD. This one's open to International entrants too!

And be sure to check back to see if you’ve won.

*** Contest is now closed ***

*** And the winner (chosen by random.org) is: A.J. ***


Happy Snow, everyone!


Amy said...

I live in Fort Worth, Texas, so we get ice more than we get snow. I am a Summer gal and really don't like cold weather or snow that much (even though it looks pretty).

However, last Christmas it snowed like crazy here. My brother and I got stuck at my dad's house Christmas Eve night because of the ice and snow, so we woke up on Christmas morning to a tree with presents and dad and stepmom making blueberry pancakes as if we were 12 years old again. It was fantastic!

Also, I would love to have an ARC of Desires of the Dead!

Marquita Hockaday said...

Snow seemed to stalk my life last winter. I went to England for my MFA program--we were told it NEVER snows in England. When we got there in January it snowed over two inches...not fun when you're walking in knock off Uggs that make you slide all over the place. Then, when I got back home to Virginia (where it also rarely snows) and we got few inches and icey roads. I used to LOVE snow and wish for it...now I'm a little over it. However, I am a teacher so snow days are always welcomed :)

j said...

I am one of those non-snow folks! I live in South Florida. But hey, with global warming, we might just get snow one day. :D

Thank you for this fabulous giveaway!


Ivy said...

I envy those who does have snow. I don't have snow here and haven't seen or touched snow in years! But my favorite thing about it is that it's nice to throw snow at people. Not particularly snowballs, because I had a hard time making those. The snowy weather is a beautiful sight!

Francesca said...

Thank you so much for the contest Kimberly!

I don't like snow very much. When I was a child, I used to enjoy it, making snowman and snowballs battle.

But now I have to go at work, when it snows, there is no bus, no train, I'm always afraid to fall on the ground and it's very cold. In Paris where I live, there was not so many snow usually, but since several years, snow begins earlier (the weather forecast predicts snow for newt Thursday). :(

But I enjoy watch snow falling when I'm warm at house. :)

Lee Bross said...

I live in MidCoast Maine, we have 2 seasons, snow and no snow!!

My favorite part is when school is called off, the sun is shining and there is just white everywhere. The trees look like they're right out of a postcard and we all bundle up and go outside to sled and build snowmen. Then it's inside for hot chocolate. Can't beat those kind of days!

S.F. Robertson said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kristen My Bookish Fairy Tale said...

I live in Ontario Canada and we get snow lots of it! lol I love snow! Especially right around christmas! I dunno there is something about the snow that makes the holiday's seem so much more festive ya know? There is nothing better than coming in from the cold outside and grabbing a hot cup of coffee and sitting down with the fire and a good book! That is my favorite thing about Winter.
It just makes you want to curl up with a great book!

Kristen H
My Bloody Fairy Tale

S.F. Robertson said...

My favorite thing about snow where I live is the quiet. Okay, and the ridiculous way people act when it does snow.

In central Virginia we get snow, but it's rare that we get a decent one. Regardless, everything grinds to a hault.

Virginians clear the grocery store shelves of milk and bread like the zombie apocolypse is upon us. Virginians lose their ability to operate motor vehicles. Virginians also never cease to be amazed that when bad weather rolls in the power goes out. (It's not exactly a revalation.)

All this chaos created by a little frozen water. Sheesh.

Kathryn Packer Roberts said...

Actually, winter isn't so bad in Utah. We just moved from Nebraska where you would get stuck in your house for several days at a time and the highs sometimes never reached -2. Fun stuff. But it is a beautiful site to see everything blanketed in fluffy sparkles of snow, as if you've entered a fairyland.

Katie (Bookishly Yours) said...

I live in Ottawa, Canada so snow is inevitable every winter. I love the first snowfall of the year, when you haven't seen it in so long it makes everything look magical. It just adds to the happy Christmas feel. After Christmas, though, it can go away. I hate it after the holidays. It's wet and makes you have to get up early just so you can get your car out and clean it off and it's just a nuisance.


DforDarla said...

We have only gotten snow once where I live and it wasn't much. I just remember sleeping in and my parents yelling at me to wake up because it was snowing. I didn't believe them but I had to go look and sure enough there was white cold stuff falling from the sky.

Cars and mailboxes were great for gathering snow as we had a mini-snowball fight in the front yard.

The snow didn't last long though and soon it was water again.



A.J. said...

We get some snow about once or twice a year. Usually an inch or two (last year we got about 4!). Since we don't get much snow where I live, when it does snow school/work is delayed or canceled. So that's what I like about snow. ;) However, I like warm weather way more than cold weather, so I would say that is what I don't like about snow. It's too cold! :p

Thanks for the giveaway! :)


MamaSeal said...

I live in North Texas and we don't normally get a lot of snow, but since everything in Texas is bigger when it does snow it's a blizzard! That's what we had last year for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. It started out with tiny flakes so we all woke up took the usually "snow is falling!" photos and went back to sleep only to wake up to a foot of snow! When it finally stopped we had about 10-15 feet of snow. So my hubby got to build a snow castle and our son finally got to make real snow angels and I walked over to the park with my camera and chanelled Ansel Adams for the day.

Jamie Manning said...

Living in the South unfortunately means snow is rare. But when we do get it, I love playing with my dogs. They've only seen/touched it twice, so it's so much fun watching their reaction - and I love when they bury their faces in it! It doesn't get much better than that!

Thanks for this giveaway, and your house is beautiful!


danya said...

We normally don't get much snow in Vancouver, but this year we've already had our first snowfall! I think what I like most about the snow is just that it puts me in a holiday mood and feels right for Christmas. I grew up on the prairies where you were guaranteed to get snow for Christmas, and it's still a disappointment for me when we have a green Christmas in Vancouver (especially if it rains!)



Stacey said...

I live in IL so snow is something we just deal with lol. We'd have to get a CRAZY amount for anything to close hehe. My favorite thing about snow is the way it looks when it lays on the trees. It' just magical and when it's white and new everything looks like a winter wonderland. What i hate about snow it how it impacts driving. I live about 10 minutes from the larger town in the area - so you have to drive on country roads to get to anything. So always an interesting drive after it's snowed! Also not a fan of it when it's old, it gets all black and icky looking, totally loses it's winter wonderland feel hehe.

secsec1 (at) gmail (dot) com

Tara said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ginger @ GReads! said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Miss Page-Turner said...

I'm living in Germany and so fortunately get snow every year. I just love it! Winter is my favourite season and I although it's freezing cold outside I can't stand to lie down into the deep snow in our backgarden and feel the magic. When I see the first snowflake I grab my parka, gloves+dog and head outside:)
PS: I love the photos!Where is my snow! It's raining outside...totally not the same:(


Izzy said...

I unfortunately live in an area where it never snows, but I don't live too far from where it does. I LOVE wearing warm sweats and curling up in front of the fire with a book and (really hot) hot chocolate :) Yes, instead of being outside snowboarding I am reading indoors, haha!

Ginger @ GReads! said...

Snow!! I'm super jealous. Living in Houston, TX we hardly EVER get snow. However last year, right before Christmas we did! It was the funniest thing ever since the city didn't know what to do. Everything shut down - and I mean EVERYTHING. The snow melted in a whole 2 hours! I'm not sure I'd know what to do if it snowed like that here. But it looks like super fun!! and how gorgeous is your house?! Love it.

Please enter me for the copy of Desires of the Dead! Just read The Body Finder not too long ago & really enjoyed it. Thanks for doing this giveaway! and I hope you stay warm :-)

My email: greadsbooks(at)gmail(dot)com

Tara said...

I've lived in Michigan and Illinois my entire life so snow is a routine, common occurence for me! My favorite thing is the first snowfall of the year. Everyone just sort of stops and takes their time enjoying the beauty (and when people stop and pause in Chicago, you know it must be something big). The white-covered yards, tree branches, and beach are just beautiful when the snow first hits. After that, it all becomes a muddy mess!

Thank you so much for this awesome giveaway and happy holidays!

fictionfolio (at) gmail (dot) com

Anna said...

I'm from Chicago, where snow is best enjoyed walking down Michigan Ave., hot chocolate in hand, to look at all the twinkling Christmas lights and people-watch the busy shoppers. Then again, once the wind picks up and the snow turns to slush, it's pretty much THE WORST.

Beautiful while it lasts, though! Thanks for the great giveaway. Happy holidays!

annareadsbooks (at) gmail (dot) com

Jaime Z said...

I grew up in New Jersey where snow is a normal occurance. I remember the Blizzard of '93 where we returned to school from winter break only to be out of school for an aditional week because the snow was so bad. Living in Texas now, I really don't see snow. One thing I do not miss is shoveling my car out in the morning, but it is always nice to look out the window and see a perfect blanket of white.

Shama said...

I live in New York City and snow is very different in the city. The beauty of it lasts for about an hour while it falls at midnight, but by morning it turns to the gross slushy, icy, dirty, hard snow. The beauty of snow doesn't last in New York City, and that is my least favorite thing about snow. That beautiful first hour? That's my favorite.

Fi-chan said...

Woah beautiful! and sounds fun! LOL I have NEVER seen real snow, sigh. That picture looks like it's from some movies with lots of beautiful snows that who-knows-when I'll finally get to see some real ones!

Tena said...

I live in So Cal so no snow for us! Which is good because I am not a fan of snow!!! Beautiful to look at but I will whine if I have to be out in it!!!

thanks for the chance to win an ARC of your book


Neil Raz said...

I'm from the Philippines, which means we don't have snow.. and thankfully so, I've seen it, felt it and ate it(joking) and I really don't like it that much, I prefer the heat and warm weather(although that's not happening too much here) compared to the coldness of snow

Library Gal @Lost in the Library said...

I'm in Ontario Canada so we get lots of snow....none yet though. I like it from December 1st until the 3rd day of January, then I've had enough.
I love those crisp snow days where the sun is shining bright and we go for walks.
I also love when it snows a lot, we have no where to go, and can watch it from inside.

Laurie T said...

We live in upstate NY so we get lots of snow and snow days and 2 hour delays. The one thing I LUV about the snow is the very snowfall of each season. I like to take pictures early in the morning when everything is untouched and NEW. We have a lot of pine trees in our yard and they're gorgeous covered in white.

Thanks for the contest!

Rachel said...

Thanks so much for the chance to win!

OK, I live in MN where even if it's 40 below, we still go to school and work, and unless there is eight inches of snow on the roads, we still go to school and to work. Snow days, are RARE. But school's always save those extra days "just in case" and it never happens, so then we are left with extra days when we really could have been out playing. I also really dislike getting up at the crack of dawn and having to go start my car early and scrape away all of the ice on the windows and then coming back out ten minutes later and STILL be freezing cold! LOL I am NOT a morning person!

Thanks again!

ivy AT ivyhawthorn DOT com

Vicky said...

Oh, I love snow, unfortunately it doesn't rain where I live. I live in Honduras which means is either sunny or rainy, and mostly is sunny.


Laurie T said...

Meant to say the very FIRST snowfall of the season. Got too excited thinking about snow while typing:) LOL.

Holz Smolz said...

I live in the South East of the UK in a little town. We don't really get much snow ever...but last year we had about 6 inches which is pretty impressive in my book lol.
The absolute worse thing about snow is how even if your wearing gloves it still seeps through..its freezing!! BUT i do love to watch it from inside.


Christine Danek said...

I live in Pennsylvania. We get snow. Last year, we got a lot of it. I don't really like it. I don't like the cold and snow just adds to my 'don't like being cold policy'. Plus, I don't like to drive in it.

I do like to see my kids play in it. I usually watch from the house while they tackle my husband. I love it when they smile.


Juliana Piovani said...

Unfortunately I'm from Brazil,and it doesn't snow here :-( I hope to go to the USA someday and see it in person,it's so beautiful!

Cammy S. said...

My favourite thing about snow is how quiet it gets outside! It's almost creepy in a way (we have lots of woods behind our house & you can hear branches falling LOL). I also love sometimes being snowed in, I'll watch movies and knit all day. Dang, now I want snow! haha


Michelle at Clover Hill Book Reviews said...

I live in the East of the UK, when we do get snow, it brings everything to a halt. We don't get masses of snow unlike some parts of the world.

My favorite snow kissed memories are going sledging and having snow ball fights with my children. Last year we made snowmen and spent almost everyday when it was snowing outside at some point. I love the crisp, first-to-walk-on snow. The kids laughing and rosy cheeks...and coming home to home made soup and hot chocolate. There's nothing like it :)

Thank you for making this an international giveaway!

bookwormreviewedAT gmail dot com

My Life With Books - Jennifer K Jovus said...

I think Christmas lights are beautiful when there is fresh fallen snow. The rainbow of light reflecting off of the soft snow is just...magical. It reminds me of Christmas as a child and the giddiness and anticipation of Santa.

"There is a certain magic with the first fallen snow." From Frosty the Snowman

Glad to see you enjoyed the snowstorm. It is now heading toward Utah! (With BLIZZARD warnings!)

Book Nerds said...

This is why I live in South Florida! No snow :)

Book Nerds said...

Oh, and my email: TweetyB99 [at] aol [dot] com

Anonymous said...

I live in Chicago where you see snow at least six months out of the year (lol). Even though we get a lot of snow here and it's mostly the least favorite thing on anyone's list, the best part of it is fresh and untouched snow. When you look outside the window after a fresh snow fall it makes the otherwise bustled and grimly city look peaceful and pure. As if the world was getting comfy under a cool white blanket. That's my favorite part of snow :)

Anonymous said...

Omg Kim, you have more snow then we do in Kamloops. What I dislike about the snow is it deceit!! It looks warm outside with the sun and pretty snow but once you get out there the wind chill is -20 and your face burns!!! Evil lying snow!


ps. I also re-tweeted it.
Email: Nczirjak@gmail.com

Misha said...

No snow where I live. I have always been jealous of people who live in places where it does snow.


Unknown said...

Well, I live in the Dominican Republic, an island in the Caribbean, so I think you could guess that we don't get snow. Christmases here are cool, so we don't get the sun blaring down at us from every possible angle. It's quite annoying, though, because it rains all the time!
I've never, ever seen snow, but I've always wanted to try and make a snow angel. Seems kinda fun....
What I most like about Christmas is seeing the exited face in little kids when they expect Santa to bring them their gifts. I also like the fact that I'm only asking for books this year.
Those pictures look great. That kid sure looks as though he's having some fun.

Allana Woods said...

I live in Chicago where you see snow at least six months out of the year (lol). Even though we get a lot of snow here and it's mostly the least favorite thing on anyone's list, the best part of it is fresh and untouched snow. When you look outside the window after a fresh snow fall it makes the otherwise bustled and grumpy city look peaceful and pure. As if the world was getting comfy under a cool white blanket. That's my favorite part of snow :)

Sab H. said...

We dont get snow much here in Houston but we have gotten a tiny little bit for the last two years and it's been awesome! I guess we all long for what we dont have. I hate the cold, but if I have to stick it out in freezing weather at least we should have snow to look pretty and have something to play with (and to cancel class sometimes too!)

yabliss AT gmail DOT com

My Life With Books - Jennifer K Jovus said...

oops, forgot my email.

Unknown said...

It doesn't snow where I live but about two hours' drive away it snows on the mountain tips. A year or so ago, we drove there with our 4x4's. It was the first (and only) time I saw snow - wow. Had a wonderful time running around and throwing snowballs. You guys are so lucky to have it every winter!

baychriz at gmail dot com

Nicole Settle said...

It hasn't snowed yet where I live but when it does, I'm going to love pummeling my sister with snowballs. Ooh and hot chocolate on a snowy day sounds fabulous.


SandyG265 said...

I live in NJ and last year we got a lot of snow - several feet at a time. My least favorite thing is shoveling it.

sgiden at verizon.net

Kulsuma said...

I live in London so yes, we do get snow! Sometimes, we're praying for it around Christmas time. It doesn't snow here as much as Scotland though. My favourite thing about the snow is how picturesque everything turns and the thing I hate about it is that it's hard to get anywhere in the snow, so long car journies, traffics, accidents:(

Thanks for the contest!


iffath said...

You need to live in England! *shivers* Winter is one of my favourite times of the year, although it's so cold, I LOVE the snow, I love messing around with it with my friends, throwing snowballs, and making snow angels! :D

Thank you for the giveaway! And for making it international ;)


Anna said...

Ah Kimberly, I know exactly what you mean. I live in seattle too and Seattle is pretty much shut down as you said. Being in school yesterday and watching the snow fall outside was just about too much for some of my classmates. haha.
My favorite part of the snow has to be how pretty it is. When it's falling it really doesn't matter how cold it is. And yeah, it turns to ice afterwards most of the time but when it's falling it's just so pretty you just don't want it to stop. All day yesterday I was hoping it would stop snowing but then again I also didn't want it to stop because it was so pretty. That's what I love about the snow, the beauty of it...well and the fact I don't have school today. :]

Danielle Nguyen said...

I live in Wisconsin and we get plenty of snow here. It gets old after awhile, but I do love a white Christmas. It doesn't feel like the holidays without snow.

Natalie @ Book Lovers Life said...

We very rarely get snow here in Ireland mostly we get ice. We had snow last year for Christmas and I was overdue my baby!! So guess what day he decided to make an appearance, Christmas day! We had to drive 39 miles to the hospital in the snow while I was in labour. It took us nearly an hour to get there. It was horrible.
natcleary at gmail dot com

donnas said...

We really get a mixture of ice and snow every year. Usually more ice. But I love that first snowfall. Its so much fun to watch it come down and coat everything in white. And it all looks so pretty that day. The next day though after its been plowed and turned to ice underneath it, it can go. I was just in Seattle for the first time a couple weeks ago, what a pretty spot. I was really surprised when I heard about how you rarely get snow. For some reason being up North I figured there would be more of it. Enjoy your snow days!

bacchus76 at myself dot com

Book Chatter Cath said...

Hi Kimberly
We live in a part of New Zealand that doesn't get snow but I grew up in England and took my girls home to meet their great grandparents a few years ago during the winter and they ABSOLUTELY LOVED IT ♥
We all had so much fun making snowmen and having snowball fights, filling each others jackets up with 'the cold stuff' it was a blast!!!
Please enter me in the comp for the ARC.....The Body Finder was my fave YA read this year and I cant wait for Desires of the Dead ♥♥♥

Lynsey Newton said...

Your pictures are fantastic, what a beautiful snowy scene :) I'm from the UK and when I lived in the North, we definitely got snow and I loved it. Usually it meant a day off from school and thus a day of sledding, snowmen and snowball fighting. Now I live in the South and we don't get snow like that down here, it's mostly sleet. What I miss and love about the snow is two fold - firstly, it makes any scene look beautiful and even when it's night, it's still light because of the snow. Also, I love it when you come in from outside and your cheeks are all rosy while you shake off the snow and drink a hot chocolate (marshmallows are compulsory). Snow has a comforting feel about it and I love it for that :)

Thank you for the contest and for making it international.

Barbara E. said...

I grew up in Southern California and now live in Central Florida, so no snow for me. It's finally cooled off to 80 degrees here (60 at night). The only time I experienced snow was when we drove to Big Bear in the California mountains. But we got to drive back home to the nice warm weather afterwards, LOL.
Last year here in Orlando we had some unusually cold days, below freezing, but no snow. Just a lot of plants getting frostbitten and a huge electric bill.

Libby said...

I live in Southern California so it doesn't snow down here.
But once in a while we head to Big Bear or the mountains where it snows.
When we do go we sled down the mountain and have a snow fight.
Then get home to a warn hot chocolate.


Marsha Sigman said...

I live in the suburbs of Houston, TX. So, not a lot of snow. And to me it's time for winter coats when it drops below 70.

But that strange unfamiliar white stuff does look fun.lol

Patricia JL said...

Ahhh snow, where do I start... Okay everyone put up one hand like a mitten, now put the other one above it diagonal like a sideways mitten. You've just made Michigan. Now point to the tip of your index finger and you'll find me, in 'Da UP'. You want snow? We got snow, we truck the snow out when we get to much. It's Nov, right now it's cold, windy, snowy, wet and starting to stick. Ever heard of lake effect? Does everything shut down when you look out your window and see nothing but white? Hell no! We're driving 70MPH in it! 29 years and I'm pretty much sick of snow and everything that goes with it. (And trust me you would be too!)

Patricia JL said...

OH and can I also add we're laughing our asses off when the news shows some place that never gets snow and has like an inch and cars are careening into the ditch left and right.

Lesley said...

The picture of the dog being a reindeer is sooo cute, I love it!

My favorite thing about snowy weather at my house is I live on a mountain and I get snowed in. Weird I know, but it's so relaxing not having to do anything. We just lounge around enjoying the snow, drinking hot chocolate, and reading. So fun!

Thank you for the giveaway!

Lea @ The Yearning Mermaid said...

I live in Germany in a rather high region, so we have a lot of snow in winter. But it has been sooo long that we had a white christmas.

The least thing I like about snow:
Snow makes it hard to drive with a car. I admit, I´m a bit lazy here, but nowadays you always need a car to go anywhere.

But I have to agree that snow is a wonderful thing. If I´m not annoyed by it (durin schooltime) I could be buildung snowbunnys and snowangels aaaaall day long.
Wich is rather difficult, because if it snows, then it snows much. And I´m talkin about 1m + here :-D

Elizabeth Briggs said...

I've lived in Los Angeles all my life so have only seen snow a few times. Very sad!

But one time we had Thanksgiving in Oregon and it snowed a lot, and this little dachshund loved it... he ran through it for hours, and then his arms were covered with big blocks of ice that we had to break off. Silly dog.

Book Sp(l)ot said...

We don't get snow where we live now (and I miss it!!). But we used to get tons and I loved playing in it with my dog--she'd catch all the snowballs and stay out until she couldn't feel her paws (we had to watch her on that one!).

book.splot [at] gmail [dot] com

Rachel498 said...

I'm in Connecticut, so we get snow pretty often. I love how gorgeous everything looks right after it snows, before there are footprints or mud. It looks so pretty covering the neighborhood.


Becca said...

I live in NH so needless to say I get snow many times a year. I love snow and the winter weather, except when it gets all brown and slushly then it's just ugly. My favorite things about snow (you really can't just have one if you love it) are SNOWDAYS! love them. I also enjoy snowboarding and sledding with friends. And finally watching friends and family fall on their butts attempting to ice skate. Winter weather just brings out the funniest injuries and I love it!


L. T. Host said...

I live in San Diego, but I was born in Michigan. I don't remember much about snow, but I do remember that magical feeling when it would snow in time for Christmas-- when you would wake up the next morning and the world was transformed.

Snow can be an inconvenience, but I miss it. It puts the joy and wonder back into winter. It gives you hope and light when it's cloudy and gloomy outside. It's no wonder that so many people around here refer to winter as the rainy season, and usually with an eye-roll and a sigh.

Having said that, though, I hate to think what would happen to this town if it ever snowed in San Diego proper-- I think it would resemble a post-apocalyptic movie!

Hope you and yours stay safe and enjoy the snow!

Cielo Azul said...

Unfortunately I´m one of those non-snow folks :( I live in Chiapas, Mexico.

Thanks for the chance


Helen Lowe said...

Magic photo! I love winter, crazy though that is, so long as I can be warm inside while it's cold outside. Some of the aspects of winter I particularly like include: the stark silhouettes of winter trees, jumping on the ice over puddles and feeling/hearing it crack (yes, I know, still!), walking through grass after it's been crisped by an iron-hard frost, winter meals, ie comfort food, and of course, mulled wine. :)

StacyUFI said...

I am from Chicago (currently in NC) and i dont like snow. Its cold and wet and you have to clean it up to much. PLUS it always made my kids sick when they went out and played in it. Now being in NC I do miss SEEING it sometimes but I cant complain to much.


Christi said...

I love when it's snowing, and you go outside at night, and the air is just so heavy that everything is quiet, and you can actually hear the snow falling to the ground. Oh, and I love that my husband does all the shoveling and/or plowing.

Melissa (Books and Things) said...

Favorite thing: I love it when it is late at night, fresh snow and quiet. So peaceful.
Hate thing: I hate driving in it especially with others who cannot figure out that ice (usually beneath the snow) is slick! Oh, and to those I've wanted to throttle because they don't think an SUV will slide. Yes, ice is slick to you people as well! *deep breath* *thinks back to peaceful part*

books (dot) things (at) yahoo (dot) com

Anonymous said...

I'm from Germany, and we do get a little snow every now and then.
Last year, we've had this huge snowfall. It snowed and snowed and snowed for weeks and wouldn't melt. But then, suddenly, all the streets were muddy and I couldn't ride my bike for days because of that evil sludge.

When the snow's there, it's all shiny and everything seems to be refreshed somehow.
And that's what I loathe the most: the mud afterwards.

Jessy said...

I live in Pennsylvania and we get tons of snow. I hate it. I would rather have a sand storm while sitting on the beach :)

NOOKIE said...

Here in Southern CA we don't get too much snow but I always try to find a way to get to where there is some! I love it!

Pokadots1121 said...

I'm from NJ so we get tons of snow every year. My favorite thing to do is make smores in the fireplace while cuddling up with the couch with a book.
Winter is the best holiday for me!
Thanks for the chance!

Danny said...

I live in Germany, Munich to be precise so we have lots of snow in winter. What I love most is how everything sounds differently once there is lots of snow. It's so much more quite and I love it!!

What I hate is when snow is melting and it's getting wet and the moistness is creeping inside you...

But there is nothing better than a white christmas!

Thanks for this giveaway, I'm dying to read Desires of Dead!!

basma aal said...

I live in Canada so snow is a must. I like walking in the snow with my heavy boots. snow makes me happy until it turns into a storm

Ginamarie said...

I wish NYC got snow that pretty, we have more of the slushy left overs from everyone else lol Beautiful pics....HAPPY HOLIDAYS!

Thanks for the give away ****fingers crossed***

Mysteriousrose said...

I just got an 8 weeks old puppy and it was her first experience with snow today and it was just pure happiness to watch her jump around in the snow.

Thank you for the chance to win your book and for making the contest international.

Merrie Destefano said...

Sigh. I know I don't qualify, but that's okay. I'm just REALLY WAITING FOR YOUR NEXT BOOK!!

Snow. Hmm. None here because I live in Southern California and I really love that it doesn't. But when I lived in the Midwest as a teenager, I loved waking up to discover scary-long icicles hanging from the eaves on our porch. And I loved how the trees and branches glittered like they were encased with glass. It was like my world was transformed in a fairy wonderland overnight.

Katie said...

I hate but love snow! I love it when it snows, it's just so magical!! But it is also cold when it snows and I like to wear shorts. Since I live in Iowa, we get a lot of snow so it looks like no shorts for me!! Haha


Chloe said...

I'm also in Seattle, and I love that snow made it so I only had to go to one class this week!! I also just love the way the snow looks and how it makes everyone so happy :D


Abigail said...

As a kid, it was snow days from school :)


Stephanie M said...

I live in Florida and it hasn't snowed her for 20 years. I like that because I hate the cold and rain associated with snow and my dad had too much fun tormenting us with snow when we went to NY.

smccar1 at hotmail dot com

Monica said...

I also live in seattle and was surprised by the snow.
It is so slippery here that on my way home yesturday after school I slipped will crossing the street between two stopped cars and fell on my but. It was embarassing and hurt pretty good.
On the good side of things my two exams were postponed because of the snow.

Onge said...

I work at an elementary school so my least favorite thing about the snow is guarding snowmen from other destructive kids. :)

Bwyatt said...

The thing I love about getting snow is also the thing I came to hate last year. My husband and I moved to Chattanooga, TN and everyone swore up and down that they "rarely get snow except up at the top of the mountains." Well, I think they lied. One day it began snowing and before everyone knew it it was almost impossible to drive. (people in Chattanooga don't know how to drive in the rain either.) So, they waited to long to shut everything down and people went into panic mode. I'm talking abandoning cars on the roadways and interstates. I ended up having to walk a mile to my apartment carrying groceries! Needless to say, I love that everything shuts down and its like a holiday. (at least in TN) But it didn't work out so well for me last time. ;o)

LucĂ­a said...

I live in Uruguay, South-America so it doesn't snow here but the last year I went to Argentina, Bariloche and the funniest part was having a snow fight with friends and falling and falling, then of course HOT CHOCOLATE!


Llehn said...

I live in Singapore so no snow :(


AmburHostyn said...

I live around Edmonton, Alberta and we get tonnes of snow. Right now we've got maybe half a foot on the ground, so it isn't too bad, but the cold is what I don't like. We get really heavy windchill so when you go outside you freeze your booty off...walking to class is a real pain in the morning. That being said, as much as I hate the cold that comes with the snow, I love the way it looks when it's falling and frost on the trees is so gorgeous. The relief of coming inside into a warm house is always welcoming too, and who doesn't love hot chocolate :)

Thanks for sharing your post about the snow and for the chance to win Desires of the Dead :)


Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

I live in an area where I don't get any snow. In the winter it just gets cold and windy. I envy those who do get a white Christmas.


Germaine Dulac said...

My favorite thing about snow is watching it. Not playing in it, or skiing on it, or shoveling it, but just watching it fall from the warmth and comfort of my home. Settling down with a steaming mug of hot chocolate (marshmallows and whipped cream included, of course) and watching the snow fall is one of my favorite winter fantasies. Alas, I live in the Bay Area, where the snow doth not fall. But Lake Tahoe is only four hours away, so all is not lost!

Unknown said...

I actually live in WA too :D I'm 3 hours away from Seattle though, in Wenatchee. I love the snow!!! Wait, let me rephrase: I love the snow... except for when I have to drive in it. Like last night... that was scary! lol

Unknown said...

My name is actually not allison... its Liliana :) hehe

Unknown said...

I guess what I love is the silence of the snow that fills you, it can get so quite, when it's just you and the snow in all it's beauty, that's cool

Casey H said...

I live in Florida and the last time it snowed here (in Tallahassee) was 1989 - just two years before I was born. So, nope, I've never seen snow =(


Anonymous said...

Living in the south, I'm not too used to snow but when we do get snow, we have a HUGE snowball fight and it's always a lot of fun!

Maidenveil said...

I'm currently in Asia so snow is RARE here. I would love to experience snow..but I have low threshold for cold. :p


Christina said...

I love snow days! I work at a school so I get off for snow days and my favorite thing to do (after sleeping in!) is cuddling up in blankets with the heater on and reading all day!

Last year, we had over a week of everything basically shut down because the snow storm was so intense! I couldn't even get out of my house at all. The snow drifted and barricaded our door up to my waist. It was crazy and fun.

Snow barricaded door!

JenM said...

I live in the SF Bay Area so we get no snow, but if I'm visiting somewhere and it is snowing, I love to just curl up on the couch under a blanket and watch the snow fall. It's so hypnotic.

jess said...

I live in Washington state, so the snow is pretty bad this year. My least favorite thing about the snowy weather is im not allowed to drive my car. My dad is afraid that im going to crash the car or something.

Thanks for the giveaway!


Aydrea said...

I live in Minnesota so snow is very common. While I love the snow I absolutely hate when it is icy and 30 degrees below zero. Not to mention crazy drivers!

Lena1xoxo said...

Sadly, I live somewhere that doesn't get snow (Houston). BUT, if it did snow, I'd love to curl up by the fire with a mug of hot chocolate and a good book. MMM. Sounds like heaven!


sara said...

I live in the Seattle area and this storm was crazy! Turned my hour commute into a five hour one. On the other hand I got a snow day to sit around and read all day....so worth it!

Thanks for the giveaway!


Tam and John said...

I know I don't really count, but I can't resist. My LEAST FAVORITE THING about the snow is that one guy who thinks that a little WHITE means it's time to turn on the Christmas lights.

Hailey said...

I live in Lousiana, so snow is a very, very rare experience. The sad thing is, I really love the snow - i'm a winter girl all the way! I seem to be stuck in the wrong part of the country, no?

Last year we did get some snow, and that was wonderful. Snowmen are definitely my favorite part of snowy weather! Snowmen galore! I was so unprepared for snow that my snowmen looked like quite the eyesore, he had:

- rock eyes
- a broccoli nose
- a belt scarf
- a penny mouth & penny buttons

He may not have been the handsomest snowman around, but I sure was protective of him! In my eyes he was in constant danger, so nobody was allowed within 10 feet of my precious snowman! You never know when somebody's waiting to be a mean little smartbutt and destroy all that hard work!

Wow, sorry for the super long response! Thanks for the giveaway, I loved TBF! O:

Hailey, haileydanielle1@live.com

Unknown said...

Well ** sniff sniff** never have experienced snow so I really feel I am missing out here !! I live in cairns,AUSTRALIA we have surf, sun, sand and sunshine which is of course devine in the hot days.. But the hot days brings on the *I wish it was cold and it would snow* and it was frosty ** So I must say if by sheer amazement it snowed,, Id be out in the front yard doing the snow man thing, snow ball fights and opened mouthed be dazzled ;0
thanks for the giveaway.. ;) hope you enjoy your snow !!!

Christine said...

I live in the south of Germany, so we get snow here pretty regularly in the winter.
I love it especially in the time before Christmas, when I visit the Christkindl market with my firends and family. It sometimes freezing cold, but it just looks more scenic that way.
Plus, there is always GlĂĽhwein to warm up! :)

Katie Dalton said...

Fav thing: making snow angels
Worse thing: scraping ice off my car windows :(

PS we are having snow in the Bay Area too. Crazy!


Alicia said...

My fav part is just running around and playing in the snow.

Anonymous said...

I am from South Carolina dn we hardly ever get much snow but I do think it isd really pretty watching it come down when we do.


mariska said...

we don't have snow here, indonesia..only rains on sunny day :)

uniquas at ymail dot com

EVA SB said...

I live in the land of almost no snow. We do get some on our high mountains and my most amazing snow experience was taking a 'snow day' with South Africans who had never seen snow before - the expressions of joy and excitement on their faces was indescribable.


F said...

I guess the only thing I like about snow is the possibility of school closing. Although, who doesn't love that??

Happy Holidays everyone!


Giada M. said...

My favorite thing is a cup of hot chocolate with a good book. >_<
Thank you for making the contest international! :D

Giada M.

fabgiada (at) gmail (dot) com

Melissa said...

I have lived in Florida for the last 20 years and we have had the threat of snow once.

Before my move, I lived in a lot of snow and ice areas (one being close to you - Portland). All sounds are muted and the landscape looks so pristine. I waited anxiously by the radio or the television to see if school would be canceled. Then ran outside to have snowball fights and general snow day mayhem. Great memories.

Anonymous said...

Living in the UK means I get to see snow pretty much every year. My fave thing about it is snuggling at home in the warmth with a mug of hot chocolate reading away! Bliss!


Unknown said...

I live in New Hampshire so I had that awful ice storm last year that made us lose power for a week. I got out of school for a while, so that was good, but it also forced me to spend a lot more time with my family than I normally would have. Power lines and trees were down all over the road, so my entire family had to stay home. Without electronics to distract us, we spent time together playing board games and just talking more than usual. It was really nice getting closer to my family and hearing about all the stupid things my dad did when he was a kid :).

But when that doesn't happen and all we get is snow, my favorite thing is sledding down the hill in my backyard with my brother trying to avoid the trees.

Tatiana L. said...

I live in Hawaii now. Tha is a looong way for a northern Russian girl to end up =) And even though I do not miss cold Russian winters, I do miss skating and the sound on the blades ringing on ice, and all the fun of a skating rink. The only snow I see now is on the top of Mauna Kea volcano (but that's not until later in December and January).


Unknown said...

What a beautiful topic to write about! I love snow. My favorite is when the snow is heavy, caused by warmer temperatures and it sticks to the pine trees. It makes the whole outdoors look like a beautiful winter wonderland. I live in Northern Illinois and I love when we get 15 inch snow storms. I learned how to drive in Northern Wisconsin so driving in the snow for me is a lot of fun!
Thanks for the chance to win! Happy Holidays and enjoy your winter!


Vanessa Z. said...

I dream of real winters! I live in sunny Southern California where we are lucky if it goes below 70 degrees in the winter time! I have always wanted to live in the cold, snowy weather, especially during this time of the year because it puts you in the mood to celebrate the holidays! I still love the winter months even without layers of beautifully packed ice to prove that it is winter! Thanks for this awesome giveaway! Love reading everyone's stories!

Krystal said...

I love winter! I'm from Ontario, Canada, so each and every year we have a full blast winter! My family and I love building snow forts and we had a crazy tunnel and fort in our front yard last year! I absolutely adore the photo of your dog pulling the children! How fun would that be, honestly!?
Enjoy your day, and remember that at the end of a winter-y day, there's nothing like cozying up with a hot drink, and a great read!


Minas said...

I live in Chicago, and we get snow. I love when I wake up in the morning, and find snow on the ground. It looks so beautiful and peaceful.

Thanks for the giveaway!


CdnMrs said...

I live in southern Ontario (Canada) and we get snow. Not as much as MN or even Buffalo, NY, but we get it.
I take public transit so I'm not crazy about snow. However, I love to take my son tobogganing (sledding) and there's a certain type of snow, big, fluggy flakes, that reminds me of when my husband and I got engaged. Whenever it snow's like this my husband will call me at work or at home tell me there's "engagement snow" and that he loves me. I love it when it snows like that :)

Thanks for the contest!

sghorney AT gmail DOT com

Jessica said...

Unfortunately, we don't get much snow here in southern California. But when I'm around snow, my favorite thing to do is go sledding, snowboarding, or get nice and toasty with a cup of hot chocolate. :) Thanks for sharing the lovely pictures and for giving us the chance to win an ARC of Desires of the Dead!

Danielle said...

I live in Virginia and for the last few years we've gotten a ton of snow! I love the summer, but by this time of year, I'm ready for Christmas, and snow!!!!!!! I love, love, love hotchocolate, I love coats and gloves and hats and boots, I love snowmen, real and decoration. And I REALLY love how beautiful and sparkly everything is when it snows! :)

Linda Henderson said...

I live in Southwest Missouri, we get snow. But even worse than that we get ICE, sometimes a lot. Actually we have freezing rain in the forecast for this evening and early Thursday. The part I hate the most, trying to get around with my walker. It's the pits to use a walker when there's ice and snow.

seriousreader at live dot com

Anonymous said...

Here in Virginia Beach, we don't get much snow, so we are heading back to Missouri for Christmas in hopes to catch some! My girls & I love building snowmen and making snow angels!

Stormi said...

OOOOOOOOOOOOOOH I want this book so bad..LOL Thanks for a chance to win your book!!

I am not real big on snow and here where I live in Missouri it gets more cold than snow but we do get the occasional snow storm were it snows 21inchs..LOL It was more fun when I was young, building snowmen with my dad, etc.(Once we made a T-Rex out of snow, now that was cool) Now it just snow that I have to drive in..blah.

Anonymous said...

well...definitelly...don't get snow AT ALL where I live...wich is in central america...
yeah...yeah...you know...they say we're tropical and stuff...but seriously...I think a little snow once in a while wouldn't kill anyone!!
would loooooove to have snow here some time! it'll be like watching everything change color!!
so that's why I'm dying to go to seattle...and soon!!
AND BELIEVE ME!! if I where one of the dead in ur next book...your book would be one of my desires!!!

Anonymous said...

oh yeah...so this thing didn't recognice my google account in the comment I left before...and forgot to put my name at least!
but I'm Alba...not ¬¬ anonymous!
enjoy thx giving!

Sharon said...

I live in east Texas now so I don't see much in the way of snow. However as a child I lived in Alaska and loved everything about the snow including snowmobiling, snowball fights,snow angles, sledding, the beauty of it all. Then as a teen I lived in Kansas and loved it when school was called because of snow, which wasn't often. I would love to see another white Christmas!

Tegan said...

I'm in canada. And I am going to regret saying this because we are the only Pro. that doesnt have snow right now. (effen sucks! like BC has snow!) But I love it when the 1st snow fall is on my birthday and when I wake up in the morning and there is a nice thick layer of snow on the ground, and I love playing in the snow, breathing in the cold air, and coming inside and having a nice hot chocolate ready. I love the snow, and I will really regret saying that because its going to get cold soon, and theres going to be a tone of snow (cant believe we dont have any yet)

I also love the looking out of the window and seeing all the lights and christmas trees.

Sharon S. said...

I live in the middle of NC. Sometimes we get a lot of snow, sometimes we don't get any. I like it to snow for a day and then be gone the next .

misskallie2000 said...

I live in the South in middle GA so don't have snow every yr but do sometimes. When the snow sticks it's a mad house with cars sliding, kids making snowmen, having snowball fights etc. If the snow only hangs around 1 day I don't mind but don't like it for several days. I don't drive in it but some folks that should not drive do so causing numerous wrecks and pain for lots of folks. I live in the South because I don't like the cold or more than 1foot of snow.

misskallie2000 at yahoo dot com

Elizabeth said...

I live in Middle Tn, so if we get snow, it's really more ice...but my tradition has always been to go sledding and then curl up near the fire either reading or watching a movie with friends and family. Last year we introduced my niece to the wonders of sledding and she loved it! So now I have someone new and to come play in the snow with me. I also love doing snow angels or snow demons (their just angels with horns my brothers add on)

The only time I don't like snow is when I have to go to work and can't stay home and play in it. Thanks for the contest!


Little Miss Becky said...

No snow here!! We have to drive about 3 hours east to Tahoe if we want the white stuff! Hubby and I love snowboarding, though, so we tend to make the trip 3 or 4 times a winter. We get plenty of cold weather without snow (right now it's 32 degrees outside!) so on those nights I love to curl up on the couch, fire in the fireplace, cuppa cocoa in hand, and a book in my lap!

Thanks for the contest!


Crystal @ RBtWBC said...

No snow here in Central Florida which is great with me because I don't much care for it. Pretty to see in pictures but too cold & wet for me to be in. =)

Happy Thanksgiving!

kerrie-ann said...

We don't get much snow here in London, but when we do I love the snow because you get to have snowball fights with your friends and family. I also like it because everything is covered in a white sheet like a blanket. It makes everywhere look like a beautiful Christmas scene.

April X said...

Thanks for the giveaway :) I hope I'm not too late! I love having snow days :) They're maybe one of my favorite things in the world. Well getting school is great, but that means I can play in the snow too! Hehe and we get a couple every year, but this year I'm worried the snow will not come or will start late :(

Unknown said...

I absolutely love snow! I think the best part about now is that it actually happens! Well, when it actually happens here in South Carolina...which is rare!

Thanks for the giveaway and chance to win!! jeremywest91@gmail.com

resugo said...

I live in Utah and we get snow all winter long. We've had two big ones the past week and the one yesterday night shut down most of our town--which doesn't happen often!

My favorite aspect of snow is when it is actually snowing. I love falling snow! And it's usually warmer as it snows than later on when it ends.

thanks for the giveaway!

Rachel said...

I live in Washington (Seattle area) as well, and I've always loved the snow, and it's great that it hits us almost every year.

As a kid, I loved to play in the snow, make snow angels, throw snowballs at siblings and, of course, make a snowman.

Now, however, at 17 going on 18, my perspective on the cold, white, crunchy material outside my home as changed. Yes, I still love it--it's gorgeous. But I now prefer it to be untouched because then it looks someone played all over it and some of the beauty is lost. I, personally, stay out of the snow, because I dislike the snow.

My last problem with the snow is the fact that I was practically stranded in another town because the snow closed the hill to my house while I was at work.

In, the end, I must say that I love the snow (and Mr. Snow Meiser), and that I always have and always will. Snow is something that makes winter winter, and is an experience that everyone should, well, experience. Snow is something precious, treasured and absolutely beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Freezing freezing wind that rips through your bones. That's my least fav thing. Best thing is how pretty and magical everything looks.

kaisquared said...

Well, we live in WI, where the two seasons are snow and construction. I must say that I prefer piles of flakes to orange barrels. So far we have just had sleet this year, but I look forward to the brown lawn being covered in fluffy white.

ally said...

In my country we don't get snow. Actually, if temperature drops to low 20's, high 10's, we're histerical here. I live in the Dominican Republic. But, I have been to the US in winter so, the thing I hate the most about snowy weather is the wet clothes >.<!


Happy thanksgiving!

Ava said...

I live in the Northwest, and we get plenty of snow! My favorite part is that the ski resorts are already open and I love to head up their for some snowboarding. My least favorite part is driving in the icy freezying weather. :)


Skip Maslan said...

The best snowfall of the year is always the first truly heavy snow. The trees, bushes and buildings are all covered in a white fluffy blanket that always looks so beautiful. No other snowfall seems to match that first magical brush of winter's hand.

Sara C said...

I live south of Seattle, so what ever happens in Seattle, is usually worse here. I don't like the freezing cold and ice. I'm quickly learning that my new car, Camaro, is not something that should be driven in this weather. I'm starting to go crazy from being inside. Luckily my husband has a truck and can take me out when he gets home.

Happy Thanksgiving!
sararcummins AT gmail DOT com

Valia Lind said...

I used to live in St. Petersburg, Russia and the snow was my absolute favorite. There was just something about the whole world changing when the snowflakes fell :) I know live in AZ and most years I dont have the opportunity to see snow at all.

Happy Thanksgiving!!!


Vivien said...

I live in the midwest so we get plenty of snow and ice. I have a newer car that just absolutely hates the snow and will always get stuck. It's so frustrating getting stuck in the snow, especially after dark. It's just impossible. I think the snow is pretty but after getting stuck multiple times I now resent it. I need a new car.

deadtossedwaves at gmail dot com

Mithee (The Deranged Book Lovers) said...

It doesn't snow in my country but I've always wanted to experience snowy weather. It's white, cool and cute and kind of looks fluffy. I've been wanting to do snow angels, really.

somithee @ gmail dot com

BenitaG said...

Love the Snow! Since I live in Ohio, we tend to see several inches every Christmas. Can't wait! It makes everything look clean and sparkly! But, the shoveling is the most least desierable thing to do, espically for the a Double Driveway!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

PinkStuff28 said...

I love the snow...I live in a village and when it snows it's all white and beautiful

raluk.93 at gmail (Dot) com

Kimberly Derting said...

ENTRIES ARE CLOSED...and your comments were awesome, I LOVED your snow stories!!!

Check the post for the winners name :)