Who We Are

Saturday, January 15, 2011

And Baby Makes . . . .

For a very short blog post today.

Laura here, and I want to apologize for the short post on why there's not a writing post from Sable Grace on the blog today. Seems my middle daughter has decided that the 'baby watch' that we've been on for the last five days is almost over. Her water broke this morning and we're on the way to the hospital. Hopefully, after making us wait an extra week, this will be a short and sweet process.

And I promise, my next post will have something to do with writing. Most likely how the best plans always get sidetracked by real life :)


Sable Grace


ThatBrunette said...

Congratulations! A short post is totally understandable and acceptable. :-)

Unknown said...

Very exciting!

Terri Garey said...

Gee, Laura, I can't imagine why your daughter being in labor could be more important than a blog post!

(I'm COMPLETELY joking, of course!)

How very, very exciting for you! I hope you're cuddling a precious little baby soon, and best wishes to you and your family!

p.s. - make sure you let us know if it's a boy or a girl!

D. F. Krieger said...

Here's to a happy, healthy baby! Congrads!!!!

Helen Lowe said...

Best wishes for the new arrival! :)

Melissa (Books and Things) said...


Sharon S. said...

enjoy :)

Anonymous said...

Oooh exciting! Congrats in advance :-D

Tracey O'Hara said...

wow - what an exciting day. Hope everyting goes swimmingly for your daughter. Let us know the details when the little one arrives. Best of luck to you both.

Nicole Murphy said...

Hope it all goes - has gone? - well and bubs and mum are happy and healthy.

Judit said...


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