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Friday, January 14, 2011

Devil Without a Cause - the Cover, and an Excerpt!

CONGRATULATIONS to robsad79, lynnrush, CLMcCune, Chris J., and Danielle Gorman, who've won an assortment of awesome bookmarks from some of the authors here in the Underground! You guys please email your addresses to bookthatgobump@gmail.com so we can get them in the mail to you!

Idle hands are the Devil’s workshop…

Temptation and seduction are the tricks of the Devil’s trade, and when offered the chance to regain his wings by playing guardian angel, Sammy Divine is hell-bent on doing things his way…

Faith McFarland is in need of a miracle. So desperate to save her sick child, she’s willing to make a deal with the Devil: steal a ring worn by Finn Payne, the bad boy rock star who long ago sold his soul for rock n’ roll. Temptation and seduction become necessary evils, yet Faith’s salvation means Finn’s damnation… because the ring is all that stands between him and Hell. Falling in love was never part of the bargain, but now that they’ve tasted heaven in each others’ arms, can they convince the Devil to give up his due?

Ok, I fully admit that I absolutely LOVE this cover!  Waiting for cover art is absolutely one of the most stressful parts of being a writer: Will the art department "get" your vision? Will the characters look anything like what they're supposed to?  Will there be a third hand in the wrong place (don't laugh... I know authors this has happened to), or an ugly font for the title, or will the overall look just make you go "ugh."?

I'm happy to say this cover makes me go "Mmmm...", not "ugh".  :)  What about you?  Do you like books with man candy on the cover?  Leave a comment for a chance to win a signed cover flat of DEVIL WITHOUT A CAUSE, and bookmarks from me, and fellow Supernatural Underground authors Kerrelyn Sparks, Pamela Palmer, Helen Lowe, Jaime Rush, Sophie Jordan, and Leah Cypess! (Five winners will be chosen.)

Want to read an excerpt from Devil Without a Cause?  Go here.

(In stores and e-book form on May 31, 2011.)


Tracey O'Hara said...

Nice cover. Not usually one for the man candy cover - but depends on how they are done.

robsad79 said...

I do now these days. They have improved since the days of Fabio. I was never a fan of that.

CdnMrs said...

Do I like books with man candy on the cover? Is that a trick question? Of course!
Now, I want man candy not man cheese. No Fabio, no illusions to the size of a hero's um...sword and some fashion sense on the man candy is a must. If he's wearing aviators and a vest with no shirt I'm not impressed.
Your cover is perfect. All the essentially elements (ie. hot abs)and not over the top. Book sounds fantastic too. I look forward to checking it out.

SandyG265 said...

Nice cover. I like the gray with the red type.

I won't buy a book just because of the cover but a cute guy on it doesn't hurt.

Sharon S. said...

I know what you mean about cover worry. There are sites out there that love point out any cover short comings .
You cover is smexy. Love the way the...um, coat! is blowing behind him. I love mancandy covers. It won't make me buy the book, but I sure as hell will pick it up, which is half the battle . I also will pick up covers with kick-ass females on the front too, cause where there are kick-ass females, there are alpha-males waiting to get said ass-kicking .

Terri Garey said...

Robsad79 and Sara, I agree with you about the man candy covers being better these days... it used to be all about the chest and the (man's) flowing hair, but now it's all about the six pack! :) I can't say I ever envisioned my books with a half-naked man on the cover, but I really like the "atmospheric" look of this cover: the smoke as well the gray, red and black palette.

Oh, heck... who am I kiddin'? It's all about the six pack! LOL

Anonymous said...

Wow. That is a SWEEEEET cover! Doesn't matter to me about who or what is on the cover, just as long as it's eye catching for sure. It has to make me want to pick up the book.
And...um...this one does! :) NICE!

Melody said...

BRING ON THE MAN CANDY!! Can never be enough in this world. Lord knows we see enough of women exposing themselves, which I do not want to see by choice...

Brooklyn Ann said...

Loooovvve the Man Candy. I'm kinda getting tired of the sexy chick all by herself covers.

Tanya Hoffman said...

I know you shouldn't judge a book by it's cover, but I gotta tell ya, I have been drawn to many awesome books that I would have overlooked had the cover not caught my eye.

I am a sucker for man candy covers, but I also find myself more likely to choose a book that has something that stands out. Different colors, a comical scene, a catchy title and my favorite, a symbol that identifies a series! *I have a tattoo of one on my arm. :)*

Crystal @ RBtWBC said...

YaY for the man candy!
This cover is quit delish Terri, I love it. If I didn't already know about it & saw it in the book store I'd def. pick it up & check it out. And then I'd look at the back to see what the book was about. LoL

Book Chatter Cath said...

Urmmm, hello, perfectly healthy female here with eyes.....YES I LIKE MAN CANDY ON BOOK COVERS....If its man candy like that I'm probably gonna buy it, possibly without even reading the blurb!!!!! (Although your blurb sounds fantastic ♥)
I am a self confessed cover whore!!!

Terri Garey said...

Oh, I'm so glad to learn that I'm not the only one here whose eye is caught by set of well-toned abs! LOL I definitely pick them up in the bookstore, and I always flip them over to read the storyline. (Btw, do you guys know how HARD those couple of paragraphs are to WRITE? Condensing an 80,000 word novel into 125 words is... whew!)

Anyway, I love those jeans, and where they're riding... :)

Patricia JL said...

Ooooh, I like that cover. I'd definitely pick it up if I saw it on the shelves. It's droolworthy.

Kirsten said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Cindy McCune said...

OMG...Drool, drool...wanna touch, NEED to touch *whimper*. Bookmarks? WANT...want...

Chris J. said...

First I love your books and can not wait to read it. :)
As to your question, OMG yes that is some real man eye candy! An the long coat action, the jeans just revealing the very nice lines... ummm well yeah.
I love covers that are pleasing to the eye and the different. I know I will pick up a book not knowing the author if the cover grabs my attention. It's a great lure you know.
Thank you for the chance to win, you so rock! Have a Great Weekend!

Terri Garey said...

Ah, fellow man candy lovers have arrived! Allow me to pass tissues to catch the drool...

Melissa (Books and Things) said...

Oh yes... I do love me some man candy. Yum! Sometimes tho... I do like eyes on a man and they forget that. Perhaps it is the abs that detract. Oh, what was I saying? ;)

Sullivan McPig said...

I'm not into man candy I must say. Give me a kick ass heroine or hero with their clothes on. That said: I buy a book for the story, not the cover, so got no problem with man candy as long as the story is cool.


INCiDeNT (Kayleigh) said...

Depends on what they pair the man candy with - colours, typeface, other elements in relation to the book. But overall, it doesn't hurt and when done right, they can serve as one hell of a distraction. ;D

Unknown said...

I do love the cover and I can't wait to read the book!

RFTC Blog said...

I love man candy book covers. Those are the best. I know it's bad but the cover is the first thing I look at when looking at books.

Helen Lowe said...

I loved the excerpt, Terri! Now I want to 'read more'!

Sharon S. said...

"(Btw, do you guys know how HARD those couple of paragraphs are to WRITE? Condensing an 80,000 word novel into 125 words is... "

you mean there is no such thing as a blub fairy (with awesome abs)?

Ashleigh said...

That cover is HOT. I love me some good man candy on my covers. Or kickass heroine on the cover, then man candy in the stepback so I look less like a hopeless romance junkie. People tend to see man candy on the front cover and write you off like you're reading a bodice-ripper.

Casey H said...

I love man eye candy - since I so rarely see it around town, book covers are the best place to look!


Stephanie M said...

I love man candy covers as long as I can see a connection to the theme of the book.

smccar1 at hotmail dot com

TracyW said...

If done right I like a cover with some man candy on it and the cover of Devil Without a Cause is definitly done right!

Anonymous said...

I have never seen a Candyman look like that. Oh...my!!!!

Cylver said...

I love man-candy as long as it's relevant to the story. Devil Without a Cause? Definitely relevant! A Tale of Two Cities? Um, not so much. That said, I have a really hard time turning my eyes away from a hunky six pack in the book store!

Terri Garey said...

CONGRATULATIONS to robsad79, lynnrush, CLMcCune, Chris J., and Danielle Gorman, who've won an assortment of awesome bookmarks from some of the authors here in the Underground! You guys please email your addresses to bookthatgobump@gmail.com so we can get them in the mail to you!

Me said...

Yum! Gorgeous cover!!! Congratulations. :)

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