Who We Are

Friday, February 25, 2011

How to Hunt a Husband, Part One:

The winner is Teresa K! Thank you all for the comments. Some great stories there! Please come back next month on the 25th for part 2 and a chance to win a signed copy of Be Still my Vampire Heart!

(This true love story was originally translated into German for
Love Letters magazine, but in belated honor of Valentine’s Day, I’m posting it here in English.)

Is it surprising that an author would pick her husband out of a book? It shouldn’t be, for that is exactly what I did!

The Backstory: I was in my early 30’s, newly divorced, and the mother of a four-year-old boy. My first marriage was crummy. The divorce even crummier. I was left feeling like a failure and definitely not in the mood for romance. I decided to concentrate on my son and my career as a schoolteacher.

Fast Forward Two Years: I was stronger and more confident now. I thought about my secret desire to write, but I was too busy working and raising my son. Life was good, but my heart was lonely. And my biological clock was ticking. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to fall in love with the perfect man, get married, and have another child—a little girl, perhaps? It was a lot to ask for, but I’d read enough Romance books to believe every woman was entitled to a “happily ever after.”

Just like the heroines in my favorite Romances, I decided I would set a goal and go for it. I wouldn’t sit by and hope that Fate brought the perfect man to me. That kind of thinking had proven disastrous for my first marriage. No, this time I would be different. I would take charge of my own destiny and become the Husband Huntress!

This was before the onset of computer dating and online matchmaking services. Back then, spouse hunters used a video dating service. I joined the largest one I could find. I filled out the profile, had photos made, and endured the video-taped interview.

For the first few months, it worked like this: I would receive a postcard in the mail informing me that a guy (first name only and ID number) wanted to meet me. I would go to the video dating headquarters, read the guy’s profile, watch his video, and either agree or refuse to meet him. After a long line of boring dates, I realized this was not the proper course for a true Husband Huntress. I needed to do the hunting myself!

So I started with the ‘A’ book and selected a few guys to date. ‘A’ was for awful. I went through the ‘B’ book and the ‘C’ book. No luck. There were three ‘D’ books. I made it through the ‘DA’ books, but none of the Daniels or Davids suited me. On to the ‘DE-DI’ book. Forget it. Then as I thumbed through the ‘DO-DU’ book, a photo caught my eye.

Wow! One of the ‘Dons’ was really cute. Green eyes, a mischievous grin, and dimples. I ran to the video room to watch his interview. Wow, again! He was tall, and his deep voice had a slow cowboy drawl that made my heart flutter. And best of all—he made me laugh!

One problem: this Don looked young. What if he was younger than me and didn’t want to date an older woman? I ran back to the ‘DI-DU’ book to check his profile and date of birth. My jaw dropped. I blinked to see if the birth date changed. It didn’t.

His birthday was exactly the same as mine.

Was it fate? Would he agree to meet me? I filled out the form to request a date, then went home. And waited.

What happened next? Did Kerrelyn find her true love? Come back next month to find out! Please leave a comment telling me where you met your true love, and one lucky commenter will receive a signed copy of Vamps and the City! (no, those aren’t my legs!) Please include an email address so I can contact you. Good luck!


Sharon S. said...

I met my husband at a bar! We were both playing foosball. I saw him and thought "he is going to be the father of my children". 10 months later we were married. That was almost 19 years ago :)

CdnMrs said...

14 Years ago I met my husband at church. His buddy dragged him along so that he could "pick up girls". Jeff showed off his musical talents and then asked me if I wanted to learn to play harmonica. I thought it was possiobly the worst pick up line ever. Pfft! Mouth organ riiiight. Not falling for that one.
We'll be married 9 years March 9th have a gorgeous 5 year old son and a cat named Hendrix. I am well and truly blessed.

Kelly said...

I meet my husband while I was working at a resturant. I worked with his best friend who also was dating my roommate. So we were thrown together a lot...
14 years later I think that we are soild...
Thank you for a chance to win Kerrelyn's book..

Kelly M

VanessaD said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
US Military Wife said...

I originally met my husband in elementary school, we are High School Sweethearts since 97. This Sept. is our 10yr anni.

VanessaD said...

I haven't met my true love yet.. I also had a crummy marriage and a crummy divorce. Life as a single mom of 4 rambunctious kids hasn't done much for me with dating. I've done the online thing but haven't found any success. I'm still keeping hope though!


June M. said...

Have not met my perfect man yet...but still looking!
BTW...Love Kerrelyn's books! She is an autobuy for me everytime. I am anxiously awaiting VAMPIRE MINE's release on 3/29!

manning_j2004 [at] yahoo [dot] com

Amber said...

My husband found me on myspace! We met in person in August 07 and I was moved in by the middle of September. He proposed in August 08 and we've been married since August 09. We both had been married before and were NOT looking for anything serious---or so we thought!

Unknown said...

I haven't met my true love..don't think I ever will..I gave up looking a few years ago..

Sara said...

Loved your post, Kerrelyn! :) I'm on the edge of my seat, wondering how your story turned out.

I first met my husband at karate at age 15. He was 22. I re-met him at a nightclub at age 18, where he introduced me as his wife to a woman who was pestering him. We've been together for 31 years now. We got married in 1983 and have three children, son: age 25 (26 on 3 March), daughter: age 21 and youngest son: age 16.

Anonymous said...

I am married but he's not my "true" love. We met online and had an instant attraction which turned into passion and marriage and babies. I do believe in true love though, I've seen others who have it.


Renanda said...

I don't know is my boyfriend now is my true love, but if it's true, I'll happy to accept him as my husband when he proposed me ^^. And if he's not, I won't give up to finding the right man...

I love your books Kerrelyn, the humor is hilarious and the story is captivated me.


Sara said...

Sorry, forgot to include my email addy with my comment above. I'm at sweetbrier at shaw dot ca :)

Kristen said...

My husband is my best friend's brother-in-law and she introduced us at a family get together. Now she's not only my best friend, but my sister-in-law as well! We've been married for six years now and I feel very lucky to have him as my husband. :)


Anonymous said...

Amazingly enough I met the love of my life at a party. We were married and had a son within a year but the best part is 25years later I still have to say that was one hell of a party!!!

Alaina said...

My first week of college I met this great guy who ended up being in several of my classes. He became both my biology and chemistry lab partner, so we were inseperable! These past 4 years have flown by with us still together! We are now getting ready to graduate and head out into the real world. He is definitely my true love but our lives are heading in different directions. It is hard knowing that but 'if you love someone you have to let them go and if its right they will come back'...right? Let's hope!


Anonymous said...

I met my true love in our local jail.... Ha ha. It is not what you are thinking but it always sticks with people... We had both joined a Club called Junior Sheriffs Group for teens interest into going into law enforcement. He was there in the group and so was I. We met when I was 14-15 years old were best friends through the group and started dating We married when I 20. Today February 25 is our 16th year wedding anniversary we have 3 great kids, 2 dogs, 1 Cat, 1 fish and a goat. We are so happy in our life as it is now. We know communication and humor is our secret to true happiness in our marriage. He is my best friend my greatest supporter in this world.

Maria D. said...

I haven't met my true love:(.....
but I'm still looking...


~Jenny~ said...

I'm still waiting for find my Mr right. There's someone I really like, but I need to pluck up the courage to ask him out. Fingers crossed he comes into where I work tomorrow so I can ask him.


Anonymous said...

I met my husband through my best friend when I was 15 (he was 17). He was interested in another friend of hers who wasn't interested in him, so they set him up with me. He happened to know the guy I had just broken up with who asked him to call me to take him back (small world). Well that wasn't happening so we ended up talking for hours and he asked me out and the rest is history. I knew from our first date that I was going to marry him and we have been married 34 years. We have 3 great children and 7 even greater grandchildren.

My email is cgehling@cox.net

LorettaLynn//Temprance said...

Hello, i love your books..There wonderful..I meet my true love in high school,i know nothing new right:)But we have been together for 10 years now and are happly married with to kids...
mine email is

Unknown said...

Great story Kerrelyn, can't wait to hear the rest of it next month!!

I met my husband in Driver's Ed. I was dating a boy at the time but a couple months later, right before the prom he broke up with me for my best friend. My now husband picked up the pieces of my broken heart and asked me to go with him to the prom instead. That was our first date. It's now almost 13 years later and we have two handsome sons, almost 4 and a 1 year old:)

Carol L. said...

Great Sherrelyn, I can't wait to find out the rest of your story. So exciting. I also can't wait for Connor. lol
I met my first husband at a New Years eve party. Didn't last.
Meet the second one at a friends house. He was friends with her brother. That too ended in a messy divorce. Hey, I'm happier now then I've ever been. :)
Carol L

Anonymous said...

I met my husband on a blind date. As it turned out his friend wanted to get lucky with his girlfriend. My husband's parents were on vacation so his house would be perfect. I was there to keep my "date" company. Long story short our friends broke up that night and we've been married 23 years.

Unknown said...

Wish my marriage was romantic, BUT I can sigh and dream reading your undead books. Thanks for the smiles and laughs

MJ said...

I met my hubby at church. He stopped me after service and said I looked cute. I thanked him and moved on without a second thought. The next day he told his parents at supper that he was going to "the gal next door" out on a date. He couldn't remember my name! Less than 4 months later we got married.
16 years later, we have two boys (14 & 11) and lots of laughs to look back on. I can't wait for the 16 years.

peblz68@yahoo.com said...

I met my hubby at a bar on halloween night, he and his friends came as thier selves and me and my sisters had all dressed up, i was a vampire of course and my sisters claimed to be one werewolf one shapeshifter. we have been married now 14 yrs but have been together for 15yrs. when i asked his friends if he had a girlfriend they had lied and said yes. so i ignored him all night. the next week he came up to me and i told him u better run to ur woman. and he said sorry i dont have a girl i just got back from saudie. when i learned he was air force i had a feeling of pride for him. and from there it just happened. 15 yrs later we are still together an when he comes home from his trips to the big sand box its just like when we first met.


Johanna R Jochum said...

I knew my husband since the 4th grade. I never talked to him though. I actually hated him in HS cause he was kind of a class clown but was not funny in my opionin. He was also rude to one of my friends too. I never thought anything of him actually then years later we met up at a bar with a bunch of mutal friends. We started hanging out shortly after and got to know each other and realized he was not that bad after all and he even apologized to my friend for being mean. We have been married now for 10 years and have 2 little girls! Oh, and yes he is the love of my life!

Johanna R Jochum said...

Oops! I forgot my e-mail addy!


Megan@Riverina Romantics said...

I met my guy through an ex-boyfriend. It was funny. We actually ended up swapping our partners. His girl went with my ex. We lasted...they didn't.


Teresa K. said...

I met my true love through a Country & Western Station onlite dating site. They would host parties for singles to meet.
I checked my vmail one day and heard Wayne on it. I said to myself what a dork.

But he's local give him a call Teresa. Four hours later we hung up. The next night three hours on the phone. Then we agreeded to meet. When he came to my house my son at the time was 5 gave him the third degree. He asked him if he did drugs, did he drink, and would he be good to me. Wayne's answer were the following. No but I use too, No but I use too. and Yes I will be good to your mother. He said he got tickled with my son. My son told him okay your cool to go out with my mom.:)

When I came down the stairs and looked into this mans eyes, I knew than I wanted to spend the rest of my life with this man. The Creator only seen fit to let me have three years with this man. But it was the best three years of my life. I felt being loved and was in love for the first time of my life.

Teresa K.
tcwgrlup41 (at) yahoo.com

Anonymous said...

I met my husband in high school. he was sitting on the gym floor waiting for class to start. I remember thinking his friend was better looking with his blue eyes.
But I started liking him much later. We dated till his family went to Florida and he was gone for a year. He came back and we dated again and then after I graduated but before my 18th birthday we were married.

Anonymous said...

I met by DH (darling husband or damn husband depending on my mood) in a karaoke bar. He doesn't remember because he says we met at a baseball game. That my darling husband was our second meeting. Nevertheless, he pursued me for nearly 9 months before I finally agreed to go out with him. After our first date I wondered what took me so long. We've been married for 12 years on 5/15/11.

Beach said...

Ooooo this very Interesting! I can't wait to see what happens. See she is just like her books, she give you just enough to pull you in and hock you right on the start.

SandyG265 said...

I found him around the block from me building a shed. He talked me into helping him.

sgiden @ verizon.net

Anonymous said...

I met mine in the doctor office. I was the receptionist and he the patient who was brought in my a highway patrolman. They thought he was having a heart attack. Found out his BD was the day before mine (12 yrs apart). We fell in love and I married the love of my life.

alinaduffer said...

Hi Kerrelyn! I love the beginning of your story and can't wait to see what happens next! I also love your books! I met my hubby 12 years ago. He was in the Marine Corps and worked for my BIL. Him and a bunch of the guys from his unit came to my sisters house to help them move. He and I were trying to move a mattress. Well needless to say I accidently ramed the bed into a certain part of his anatomy, lol! We became friends first then after a month he asked me out. A month after that he asked me to marry him and of course I said yes. We were married two months later. And now here we are all these years later with three kids and we are even more in love then we were back then. We have had our ups and downs, but in the end they have made us that much stronger!

Have a wonderful weekend!

alinaduffer AT hotmail.com

ixka said...

I unfortunately am still waiting for mym true love. I thought I had him but he had other plans & left me for someone who I thought was my best friend. After that I was a complete mess for awhile, but after some time I knew it wasn't meant to be. So now I'm working on improving myself and liking myself. I'm still waiting for the one for me, but I know it'll be worth it!

Anonymous said...

I have not met my true love. But I keep wishing, just like Kerrelyn that he will walk into my life. I guess I need to just start looking for myself. But after being married twice its kind of hard. I don't like as good as I use to.
Can't wait to hear the rest on the story. Keep up the great writing. I love your books. swisecarver2836@att.net

KerrelynSparks said...

Wow! All these stories are so interesting! I'm getting such a kick out of this. No surprise, I guess, that I'm a sucker for romantic stories!

Thank you all for sharing!

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to hear if "Don" was the one! Ian followed in your footsteps and got into the online dating circuit as well (at least Vanda made him do it:).
At least both of your stories ended up happily ever after!
I can't wait to hear about Connor and Marielle!!!!

Holly Hill
Lewisville, TX

Anonymous said...

What a fantastic story, can't wait to read the rest!!!!

I always knew I would meet a man older than me...and a German. Now I'm a Brit and I had to travel to Istanbu, Turkey to meet my German hubby who is 12 years older than me...hehe!!!

in Germany

Anonymous said...

Love the Love at Stakes series! Can't get enough! Keep them coming, I can hardly wait to get my hands on the next ones! I met my husband in high school when he needed a date for the prom. Guess I fit the bill LOL been married 16 years.

Anonymous said...

Where was my head? I left the comment about meeting my husband in high school when he needed a date for prom and i forgot to leave my email. It is wmeyer@atlanticbb.net Thanks :)

Anonymous said...

I met my fiance two years ago. Throught a friend. We became good friends. We liked each other and wanted to give each a shot so we decieded it would be maybe at one time deal last for maybe a 2 to 3 days or weeks. But now it has been almost 2 and half years and he has asked me to marry him. Which I told him yes!
Chillicothe, MO
I love your books!

Unknown said...

I met my fiance two years ago. Throught a friend. We became good friends. We liked each other and wanted to give each a shot so we decieded it would be maybe at one time deal last for maybe a 2 to 3 days or weeks. But now it has been almost 2 and half years and he has asked me to marry him. Which I told him yes!
Chillicothe, MO
I love your books!
forgot to leave me email

Beth aka Scifibookcat said...

What a great story! I met my husband in college on group outing with friends and we'll be married 27 years this August.

Unknown said...

I met my husband on a blind date and nursed him back to health when he broke his jaw two days later. We have been together ever sense.

robin [at] intensewhisper [dot] com

Deb said...

Hi Kerrelyn, I met my husband, when I was a baby, his parents and my parents where friends!!We lose contact for 20 plus years and later came together through mutual friends. The Love of my life passed away 5yrs ago, but we had a beautiful 35 year marriage!!!

txpepperqueen said...

I met my husband in the college library. Not nearly as exciting as your story!

Anonymous said...

Ive read the whole interview in German translation already in the LoveLetter magazine and I really loved it. I've met my true love, which I'm married for 25 years now, at a gym in 1983. We married in 1985 and got two fantastic sons )one in 1987 and the other in 1989). We often laugh because of our birthdays: mine is the 7th Feb. and my hubbies 20th March and our oldes son: 27th June! Why we laugh? 20 + 7 is 27 and 2 x 3 = 6. Our second son's birthday is the 30th June so 27 + 3 people is 30. I know it sounds crazy, but we love it. Annnd: I would love to win a signed copy.
Best wishes
Cerstin Wagner from Germany

Anonymous said...

oh i can't wait for next month. i meet my love on myspace and we talked for years till i decided to visit him. mind you he lives in ohio and i'm from NY. After awhile i just decided to move over here. some more time went by and we just moved in togetter. so far i'm living happily ever after.
we've been together for 5 yrs now.

chelea_girl said...

I met my husband in high school, we ate lunch at the same table. It wasn't until a year after graduation that we started dating and we have been together ever since. Eleven years now! Wow! Time flies by so fast...


Anonymous said...

loved it soo much '

Anonymous said...

a friend set up a date for me, and when that night came my so called date held back while another guy
became very friendly with me patting my bottom.
my date then stepped up and became more asertive, and it worked.
we had the time of our lives that night.
well that was 31 years ago and we are still together and the bottom
patting guy, he,s our nerghbor.
thanks for reading this saratoga linda .
( your books clear the stress of
everyday life and bring joy so thanks for that! )

ThatBrunette said...

I met my husband when I transferred from a small college to the University of Maryland. I started dating his friend from high school. John took his time letting me get to know him. I broke up with his friend, dated other people and graduated before we got together. He tells people he stood still until I caught him.

CrystalGB said...

I met my husband through my brother forgetting to pay his water bill. My husband was the service tech who came to collect the money.


Unknown said...

Met my husband on accident. Had just broken up with my off/on boyfriend of 18 months and his best friend was dating my bestie so I was hanging out with them. He asked if I minded if we stopped off to drop off a belated Christmas present at the home of his step-brother and I was fine with it. That's how I met him. He asked me out and within two and a half weeks he told me that I was going to marry him...we have been together 26 years and married for 19. Needless to say the ex-boyfriend doesn't speak to my stepbrother-in-law anymore.


Cylver said...

Hi Kerrelyn! I look forward to the conclusion of the story!
As for me, I was married for 10 years and have been divorced for three. At this point, I don't know if I'm ready for another relationship. Even before my marriage, my luck with men was pretty abysmal! Unless something miraculous happens (you know, on the order of Johnny Depp showing up at my door with two dozen red roses - I mean, it could happen, right? Riiight!), I'm pretty likely to stay single.

Melisca said...

I believe it was your fate that brought your husband to you. If you were not the strong person you became after your divorce you may have kept up with the postcards.

My husband and I are highschool sweethearts. We got married in 1997and now have three wonderful kids.
I will never forget when we met. We were taking Spanish 1 together, I was a freshman and he was a sophmore. I remember him as the boy who sat in the back during silent reading sipping a Capri Sun. I mean he would really go at it with the slurping ( for anyone who has had a Capri sun you know what I mean). We did not start dating until the next year. I had a crush on his best friend. So I get home from the library and my mom says that his best friend had called me. Me? Oh, my gosh my heart was pitter-pattering. I called him back and ..... it wasn't who I thought it was. It was my husband! I thought, "Well maybe this will get me closer to his best friend" I know horrible right? So we went on a date and ...suffice to say the rest is history.

Natacha G said...

I have to say that I think my true love found me. We were both active duty only I was new to the army. When I first met him, I had on my (Birth Control) BC glasses. That is what the army calls them because they are so hideous, and I had on my kevlar. That is a helmet and it was kind of big on my head. So I was wrapped in green army fatigues with a helmet that made me look like the turtle man in the movie master of disguise. Plus I had those big brown army glasses on. We were in the desert working and it was hotter than Hades. Hahahaha, I looked like a green human insect. Plus I was dirty from working in the desert. He says he had to snatch me up before anyone else could come along and we have been at it ever since. We now have 2 kids and it is 17 years later.

Anonymous said...

OooOoOO I want more!

Stephanie G

Paranormal Haven

catslady said...

Oh I hope she did. My husband and I were high school sweethearts. It's been over 41 years. We are opposites so it hasn't been easy but definitely not boring lol,

DebraS said...

I first met my husband at the service station. I brought my car in to have the brakes checked and fixed. He was the manager and caught my eye. I took my car back 6 or 7 times for the brakes and he kept saying there was nothing wrong with them lol eventually I sold the car with the messed up brakes and kept the man.


Marianne Strnad said...

Kerrelyn, who the HELL would divorce you??? You wan' me ta whack 'em for youse? Lol! I met my hubby at work. He came into the blood bank to donate blood. Back then we got 2 hours of annual leave that day if we donated. he walked into the doorway with the donor recruiter and I saw his large,clear & beautiful green eyes sitting under a head full of blond curls (he had a perm at the time-lol!)and he had a huge wide grin. I was smitten! The poor guy had no chance; I felt like one of those cartoon characters whose eyes completely bug out in shock-lol!

Loretta B. said...

I met my husband over the phone. I was at my cousin's house (16 at the time)while our parents went to a Christmas party. We were bored so we decided to randomly call people (at that time there was no such thing as Caller ID or *69). So we pulled out the phonebook and just happened to call my husbands grandparents house (he was staying with them at the time)we started talking and it was over a month before we actually met in person. So after 3 kids and 3 grandkids we have been married 23 years.


Marianne Strnad said...

Sorry-forgot! virosleuth@yahoo.com

Melissa (Books and Things) said...

I haven't met mine yet and that is evil to make this post a cliffhanger! EVIL!

books (dot) things (at) yahoo (dot) com

Trudy Shaw said...

I met my "life mate" in May 1989. I was working in a little cafe and he walked in 1 morning and I knew at that moment that I would marry him and that I had waited my entire 41 years for him. He became very ill that July and never fully recovered but I didn't care as long as I had him in my life. We didn't marry until 1995 because I had to wait until he recognized that I was his life mate also. We were married just 11 years before he passed but I wouldn't trade them for 1,000 with anyone else. It was never just sunshine and roses (what marriage is) but it was ours. You will know when "HE or She" comes into your life it is truly like you all of a sudden become alive. Good luck to each of you that hasn't found their #1, it will happen, be patient and open your heart.

Unknown said...

I met my hubbie in a bookstore. He was wearing the tightest jeans I'd ever seen on a man and had this outrageous english accent. (It was fake.) He was looking through the scifi and I thought oh heck yeah! I didn't read romance yet back then I was a die hard scifi gal. Supernatural romance gives me the best of both worlds. I was seeing someone else at the time but my best friend also thought his buddy was hot. A week later my friend talked me into tagging along so her guys friend wouldn't be such a third wheel. I owe Michelle a debt I can never repay. We have been together sixteen years and have three wonderful children. (they're smart alecs like him though)

Brandy said...

I met my husband twenty years ago when I was twelve years old and let me tell you if you would of told me he was the one I was going to marry him I would of said you were crazy I would of said you were crazy when I turned nineteen but I married him on my 20th birthday a day that was already set for us his parents were married on March 4 1970 my parents March 4 1977 and my birthday March 4 1979 it turns out through out child hood we had always been neer each other with parents moving but never close enough to relize I am talking like ten minutes and never knowing well now I can not imagine my life with out hime it was ment to be and both of us cant argue that we have been through to much to be with any one else. We met when we finally moved with in two minutes of each other. But even then I would have never of thought we came in contact again the day after I graduated high school with a huge hang over and all he could thing was wow she has grown up and looks good I was just glad I washed the puke out of my hair and managed to put on eyeliner.


Unknown said...

I haven't met my true love yet. But hopefully someday soon!!


Anonymous said...

Oh my your real life is like your books..wow
Ok, I haven't yet met my true love but I hold out hope..I'm keeping my eyes and ears open..whats that funny quote: {Someday your prince charming will come. Mine just took a wrong turn, got lost, and is too stubborn to ask for directions}..I just love that..
I can't wait to read the rest of your real true love story..
Thank you for the giveaway..
Best of luck to all..

Linda said...

I met my husband 49 years ago, in college, at a dance. We're still dancing, maybe not as fancy or smooth, but we can still move around the dance floor.

Anonymous said...

Wow ! is all I can say this sounds so good, But I Love all you books!!! I met my true love when I was a little girl he lived acrossed the street from me . I know his family for ever who knew we would end up together It was fate...Been with him for over 26 years now and still going.Cant wait to read this and everthing eles you have coming out.cathy_wellman@yahoo.com

katsrus said...

I have not yet met my true love. Still looking. Can't wait to read what happens next month.
Sue B

chivixen said...

I met my husband at my first job fast food restaurant. I was his boss. chivixen@sbcglobal.net

Manda said...

Sadly, I'd have to say that I haven't met my true love either. I thought I was in love once because of how good a guy made me feel but it wasn't meant to be and although I still have some feelings for him I know that a relationship just wouldn't work out. So if you really did get that guy, that is amazing and inspiring in the sense that maybe there is hope for others.
E-mail: antalamantes@gmail.com

Stephanie M said...

I haven't met my true love yet.

smccar1 at hotmail dot com

BookLoverToo said...

My true love was walking across a parking lot of a gas station. I thought he was cute. I drove up next to him in this really junky car and asked - "Where can I get some racing fuel?" (Talk about a pick-up a line) Needless to say he laughed but was also intrigued. We've been married 17 years.

Karen said...

I used to work at a newspaper in the classified ad dept. We had these cubicles that extended down a corridor that everyone else in the company had to walk past on their way in & out of the building. My girlfriend and I both noticed this cute guy who worked in retail advertising. She was at one end of the corridor, I was at the other.

When calls came in for a specific person, you would transfer the call and yell out "park" (meaning parking a call) and the person's name. So we came up with a system. When the guy walked past me, I would call out her name & she would swivel her chair to be able to say hi to him. (She knew there was no parked call because the button wouldn't be lit up.) Same went for her - she would call out to me & I would swivel for a hello. The agreement was, we wouldn't get mad if he asked one of us out.

We, as a dept, used to go out partying every fri after work. After a month or so of saying hello and making small talk, I asked if he would like to join us.

We ended up drinking and dancing late into the night, long past when everyone else left, and kissed in the parking lot. He asked me out on a real date & followed me home to make sure I made it safely (he was a complete gentleman).

I called my mother that weekend and told her I'd found my future husband.

My friend dumped me. (She apparently thought he'd choose her.)

Twenty-four years later, with a 16 yr. old with Aspergers and a lot of tough times that would have broken most marriages, we're still together.

KerrelynSparks said...

Some truly inspiring stories here. I have really enjoyed reading them all. Thank you!

Lisa Brawner said...

I so love your books.I cant say enough good and fun stuff about them :) They bring joy to me at the end of a long day's work

Anonymous said...

I so know what you mean about not wanting romance and rebuilding your confidence. Its so hard to date now a days with everyone just wanting to sleep with you or to be able to have their cake and eat it too. I have recently found a wonderful man. So I know you can find the right one when the time is right. I love the humor in your books.

Denise Vega said...

My Daughters & I love your Love At Stake Series it's the best series I've ever Read keep up the great stories can't wait for Connor's & Carlo's story was awesome

Anonymous said...

i met my husband in guantanimo cuba when i was in the Navy, he was a marine we had a world wind romance neww each other for two months got married and will celebrate 31 years in june. have 2 beautiful children and 3 grandbabies. nerys4458@yahoo.com

Barbara E. said...

I met my true love (but I didn't know that's what he would be) when I was dating my husband to be. He was my future husband's brother's best friend. Once we split up, I still saw my brother-in-law and his family a lot, and his friend was always around. We got together and the rest is history.


Rebecca said...

I have Yet to meet my true love. But i found one of your books in a Library and then brought every book i could when i went to Canada. I would say these books are my true love along with God

Anonymous said...

Believe it or not I met my husband of almost 25 years in jail! At the time the town I lived in built a new jail and he was crew leader for my crew painting the jail. I was a single mother and he was a divorced father who's kids lived in another state. He started to spend some time with my son and the rest is history. Between us we have 8 kids (6 his, 2 mine), 18 grandchildren, and 3 great-grandchildren I have to say that even after all this time he is still the greatest gift God ever gave me.


Mountain Laurel said...

I can't wait to read the next excerpt. Was Don the one?
With me, I meet my hubby in high school. I have been married 25 years and counting. I am one of the really lucky ones.

Anonymous said...

Wow now we have to wait... I think Don was the one.. I met my hubby at work and he was dating my friend...he would come over and babysit my children with her while I played volleyball. It didn't work out with them he ended up asking me out and she was happy b/c she fell for someone else who she married too. We have been together for 22 years he is my soul mate...

Janiebow said...

I have not met him yet. I guess I am looking for a mix of Roman and Carlos! LOL! Does not exist outside of Kerrelyn's wonderful books.

Anonymous said...

My husband and I live in a small town and hung around in the same crowd all through school. I went to college and he stayed in town. I came back after I graduated. I was bridesmaid for one of my college roommates. I took him as my date for the wedding. I went and stood with all the girls when the bouquet was thrown. Someone asked him what he would do if I caught the bouquet, he said he would have to marry me. I didn't catch the bouquet, but we have been married 20 years this year.

SiNn said...

which time imet him first when i was 12 yrs old in school wed speak very little but we just knew he moved away wasnt untill i was 18 did we meet again on line the irony is i didnt know wa shim for months we never exchanged pictures atf irst well let me rephrase we never exchanged older pictures of us as teenagers for months then one day he showed one of him at 16 and iw as alli so know you and he showed me one where i was in the picture in the bg irony is its the same picture shot at a different angle that i showed of my self weve been together ever since


shannon said...

meet my husband on quset chat line and we meet up at walmart and then we hit it off and we are now married and been toghter for 10 years and april 28,2007 will be 4 years of marrage and april 8,2002 is when we got toghter and that will be 11 years for us and we are going stong till this day and we are very happy..

Anonymous said...

I met my true love at a group where I work. We have been together since --almost 22 years! At first we could had not been less interested in each other but I was pursued and happily ever after!

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