Who We Are

Friday, March 25, 2011

How to Hunt a Husband: Part Two

And the winner of a signed copy of Be Still my Vampire Heart is-- Pat Cochran! Congrats, Pat! And many thanks to everyone who stopped by. I loved all the comments! If you check the Appearances page on my website, www.kerrelynsparks.com, you will find a lot of blogs and interviews in the next few weeks with a lot more chances to win free books!

(Kerrelyn has chosen a man out of a book at a video dating service. His name is Don, and his birthday is the same as hers).

After a few days, I received a phone call from the video dating service. Don wanted to meet me. They gave me his phone number and told me that he now had my number. I paced about the house. What to do? Should I wait for him to call? No! The Husband Huntress would be brave and make the first move.

I called. He was charming and made me laugh. We decided to meet the following Saturday for breakfast, and that day just happened to be our birthday!!

That Saturday, I packed a little birthday cake in the car and drove to the restaurant. He was just as handsome as his photo. We talked and laughed. I pulled out a copy of my birth certificate so he could see it. His jaw dropped.

Don: Your father’s name is Lester?

Me: Yes.

Don: So is mine.

A moment of silence while we adjusted to this strange development.

Me: Did your father do any long-distance business trips before we were born?

Don: Yes.

We compared notes about our fathers to make sure we weren’t actually a long-lost brother and sister, in which case, we had to stop dating immediately! It turned out we weren’t related, so we laughed and the date continued.

Me: It says on my birth certificate that I was born at 7:20 in the morning. What time were you born?

Don: I don’t know, but I bet I’m older than you. (He called his mother, and she couldn’t remember the exact time. It was some time between 7 and 8 in the morning.)

We laughed over that. Then I went out to the car to fetch the cake. He was so surprised! The waiters came over and sang “Happy Birthday” to us. Weeks later, he admitted he fell for me on that first date.

Six months later, we were married. Don had a son from his first marriage just like I did (and both boys were born in May, fancy that!). You might think the story ended there, but remember the last part of my wish? I wanted another child, hopefully a little girl. My husband and I (since we’re both equally crazy!) decided we should have the baby on our birthday. We counted back nine months, then rented a hotel room in Fredericksburg. Fredericksburg is a charming town in the Texas Hill Country founded by German immigrants over a hundred years ago. We ate apple strudel, wiener schnitzel, and got down to business.

A month later, the results came in. I was pregnant. My husband was very proud. And the doctor gave us the due date for the baby. Gasp!! It turns out that the gestation period for a human baby is not exactly nine months. We were ten days off our target date!

The due date arrived. The baby didn’t.

Five days later, our baby girl was born. She’d missed our birthday by four days. And her parents still didn’t know which one of them was older.

With three children to raise, I retired from teaching and became a full-time mom. But with my mind unoccupied for hours at a time, the old desire to write came back to haunt me. Finally, I gave in and started writing. When my son found out I was attempting to write a book, he ran to tell my husband. Don came into the room with a stunned look on his face.

Don: You’re writing a book?

Me: (blushing) Yes.

Don: (nods his head) Let me know when we need to go to New York to sell it.

My jaw dropped. With that one line, he had let me know that a) he believed I could write, b) he believed I could finish the book, and c) he believed the book would be good enough to sell to a publisher in New York.

My hero!!! Just like the heroines in my favorite Romance books, I had found my ‘happily ever after!”

And by the way, we eventually discovered that I’m the oldest. By twenty minutes.

Connor’s book, Vampire Mine, releases in just four days!!! To celebrate, I’m giving away a signed book that features the first kilted vampire hero, Angus MacKay. For a chance to win a signed copy of Be Still my Vampire Heart, please leave a comment and tell me who’s your favorite Scottish vampire. Please include an email address so I can contact you. Good luck!


Sharon S. said...

no way?! That is one of the best "how I met" stories I have ever heard :) Thanks

CdnMrs said...

What a fantastic story! It's so wonderful to hear of true life HEA's.

Connor is my favourite of the Scotsmen, but Ian comes in a close second.


SandyG265 said...

Ian is my favorite.

sgiden at verizon.net

Ash Wolf said...

That is a really great story. Made me smile.

Fav is Angus. "Be Still My Vampire Heart" is still my favorite story in the series.


Amy said...

That's such a cute and silly (good silly) story! I loved it!

My fav is Ian!


nicoletta said...

Such a great "how we met" story. Just lets you know that there is someone out there for everyone! It's great to find someone full of a sense of humor and can make you laugh too, that is why my favorite is Ian. He's got a great humor streak in him!

e-mail: niki1969.nc@libero.it

Amanda Shivak said...

Ian is my favorite Scottish guy but I'm excited to read Connor's!


i_luv_sheep11 said...

I Love all of the Vamps. Angus is my favourite. He sounds soo sexy and how he treats Emma makes me love him. The fact that he fears she will hate him for turning her. And in the other books. <3 Angus. Best character. :) btw Can't wait to read about Connor XD

Jessica Hansen said...

That's probably one of thee best "How we got together" stories EVER!

I will have to say that I love, love, love Ian! What he did in Texas for Heather & her daughter, then how he met his love and saved her....he's my fav. (no offense to all other Scottish vamps out there)



Amanda said...

Oh that brought tears to my eyes.

My favorite Scottish vamp is Connor, I've loved him since book one.


Crystal @ RBtWBC said...

That is such a sweet story about how you met your husband and it sounds like you found a good one!

My fave Scottish vamp is Connor!

folksohana at gmail dot com

Johanna said...

My favorite Scottish vampire is Ian but don't tell Jean-Luc is my all time fav vamp! LOL! I loved your story! I'm sure it was written in the stars! Thanks for sharing with us today!


Nicole said...

How romantic to meet your husband that way! Such a cute story to share, thanks for sharing with your readers.

Fave Scottish vamp--Robbie *G*.

angel said...

what a romantic love story for you two!!! i wish you both all the happiness in the world

my fav scottish vamp is Ian


JodiR said...

My favorite Scottish vamp would be Angus.


Leagh said...

What an amazing story!!! I thought you were gonna be long lost twins but I was rooting for you cause it sounded like you hit it off right away. So glad it turned into a happily ever after for you! I have only read How to Marry a Millionaire vampire but that one was so good that I have the rest of the series on my TBR list.

Unknown said...

I LOVE Angus...I wish him and Emma could have a child of thier own..maybe Roman can figure something out in the future! Love your LOVE story :)

June M. said...

I love all the Scottish Vamps! I'm gonna have to pick Robbie (because no one else is and I don't want him to be left out)!

Love this series. PLEASE do not ever end it! :D

manning_j2004 at yahoo dot com

Tamara Hoffa said...

That was such a sweet story! You made me cry. I have met several people who have made "life matches" thru dating services, one of the ladies I work with met her husband on Match.com Personally I have been married 28 years to my High school sweetheart. We met in economics class when he offered me his jacket because I was cold.
E-mail is sugerlady@aol.com

Anonymous said...

That is such a cute and sweet story of how you met your husband. :)

fave vamp
Robby robby robby lols


Tamara Hoffa said...

ugh! forgot to name my favorite scottish vamp! It's hard but, Connor I think

Anonymous said...

I think agnus is my fav thus far but I'm sure I'll fall in love with the next Scottish vampire when I read the next book. I love the fact you throw humor into your books it makes the book that much better. Meeting your husband the way you did is awesome my brother also met his wife online she was also a school teacher. Lol Good luck with the release.

leisa said...

I love your story...there may be hope for me yet...Thank you for sharing...Ian or Connor...can't decide...Can't wait to read Connor's story

Anonymous said...

cool story

Conner is my favorite charater he is always there through thick and thin


Alaina said...

The Scottish vampires, can I just say mmmmmm! lol I was just like Shanna in How to Marry a Millionare Vampire when she was like the kilts are soo cute! But I would have to say that Connor has always had a place in my heart! He always makes me laugh with his dry/grumpy humor or say ahhh when he is interacting with Darcy in Vamps in the City! I am so excited to read his love story! Cant wait till Tuesday!


Ren said...

Hi, Kerrelyn! GREAAAT interview, with capital G :D.
I love the story when you and your husband meet and then you two decided to marry. I'm so happy for you two. It's true that soulmate and true love exist, I hope I will have my love story like you too ^^..

My favorite Scottish vampire? Of course Angus MacKay! And Ian, the second favorite ;) and Connor..
How if ALL scottish vampires for me *lol*

Thanks for the giveaway too ^^


Denise Vega said...

That was a beautiful how we met story My favorite vampire is Connor he seems the one that needs a girl wether he realizes it or not but it was hard to choose their all awesome also my daughter & mine's favorite series : )

Ashleigh said...

That story is amazing! Sounds like you snagged a good one :)

BiteMeAsh said...

Thanks for sharing your amazing story - Love it!! It reads like a good Romance story with a HEA and that is my favourite genre to read ;-)

Angus MacKay rocks my world *lol*



Anonymous said...

I can't wait until Connor's book! I don't know if I can choose my favorite; they all have irresistible things about them they make them all sooooo yummy!

Lori wmeyer@atlanticbb.net

alinaduffer said...

Kerrelyn, your story is wonderful. I love hearing stories about how people met and fell in love.

I have to say for me my favorite Scottish Vampire is a tie between Ian and Conner. I love then both! Can't wait to read Vampire Mine!!

Have a wonderful weekend!

alinaduffer AT hotmail.com

Judy F said...

WOW I love that story. You had me worried a bit at the begining there. LOL

I have your next book on order. I love the whole series.

Maria D. said...

Wow....fantastic story....so romantic! I just love this series...so much fun and romantic at the same time:)


Cylver said...
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Morgan said...

What a lovely story, it really seems as though you may be two sides of the same soul! LOVE!

My favorite Scottish vampire is Connor of course! Fell in love with him form the very beginning. Can't wait to read his story!!


Sarah said...

Great story!! My favorite Scottish Vamp is Ian!!! :)


wildchild1954 said...

WOW Kerrelyn, that sounds like as much fun as my "I met my husband in jail" story - which happens to also be true.

My favorite Scottish vampire would have to be poor Robbie. Look how long he had to look like a teenager and then what he had to go through just to look like he was at least in his twenties. I was so happy when he finally got his girl!


Teresa K. said...


That is nothing but destiny on how you and Don met. The Creator sure knows what he's doing. You found your happily ever after.

I love Conner, he was so grumpy in the beginning of his book. He didn't feel he was worthy to be loved. Ian's my other favorite.

Wishing you happiness with Don always.

Teresa K.
tcwgrlup41(at) yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

Angus is my favorite kilted vampire hero. I love the way he is so compassionate with all of his employees and friends but can see the funny, sad and passion in their lives, even though he has lived through so much pain. He thought he wasn't worthy but never gave up helping others to safety. He is sexy, smart and funny. What I wouldn't give to spend some time with him.

CrystalGB said...

I love your story. Ian is my favorite.


Casey H said...

Angus MacKay is my favorite kilted vampire!!!! And congrats on the upcoming release/getting your happily ever after!!


Anonymous said...

It's a close tie. Conner then Ian is my favorite. I can't wait to Vampire Mine.

Sara said...

Kerrelyn, I love your story! :) All those funny coincidences make it so interesting and so romantic.

I can't choose a favorite Scottish vampire. Hey, if he's Scottish, he's hot to begin with! ;)

I'm at sweetbrier at shaw dot ca in case I'm the lucky person! :)

Just Judy's Jumbles said...

My favorite is Angus because it makes me laugh everytime he transports and checks that all his dangly bits are still in place.


Cylver said...

Kerrelyn, what a sweet story! Gives me hope!
As for me, I love all the Scottish vamps, but my favorite is Mr. Hot Hot Studmuffin himself, Ian. I loved what he was willing to go through in the name of true love.
Can't wait to read Vampire Mine. Only a few more days to go!


Anonymous said...

Ian is my favorite,but Angus comes in a close second! I love how he has to check to make sure all of himself came through the teleportation.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Chrissy said...

What an awesome story! You are proof that people can get their own "happily ever after. Hope I get one too.

My favorite Scottish vampire is Connor. He's got a unique sense of humor and doesn't believe he deserves to be loved. I'd love to show him how wrong he is through a shared personal experience! Lol.

Angus will always remain close to my heart. His was the first of your books that I read and made me completely fall in love with your books.

Can't wait to read Connor's book!


Unknown said...

I love Connor, he's great. I also love Ian and Angus.


Anonymous said...

Awww that story is so sweet and i love the happily ever after part. it reminds me of me and my boyfriend. Two souls but one heart.
My faviorte vamp- would have to be Ian.

Michelle said...

Ian McPhie is my favorite

Anonymous said...

That's so cool how you and your husband have so much in common..Its the best (how I met) story I have read to date..You must of knew right away it was meant to be..
My favorite Scottish Vampire is to date Angus but I have been waiting for Connors story so it may change..
Thank you for this chance..
Good Luck to all..
And I Can NOT Wait Til the 31st..

Viviana said...

Thank you for sharing with us, its great to see HEA in real life.
By the way my, my favorite Scottish vamp is Connor.


Toni said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mindolla said...

Actually While I do love Connor, Angus has been my favorite out of the Highlander's in your stories!

And awww, romance is so sweet and touching.. thanks for sharing your story!

Barbara E. said...

My favorite Scottish vamp is Angus, although I'm also looking forward to reading Connor's book.
I loved your story, how wonderful that you got your happily ever after with a real life hero.

Barbed1951 at aol dot com

Melissa (Books and Things) said...

Love your story! So cute!
Fave scottish vamp? Um... Angus MacKay? (Hey, I'm wanting to read it...)

books (dot) things (at) yahoo (dot) com

Unknown said...

Wow... the story is amazing! I am glad that you found a great husband and have a unique story to tell.
Congratulations for all the books in the series. I love each one of them, but my favorite is Be still my Vampire Heart. I love Angus and his obsession to check his package under his kilt after teleporting! This was the first book that I read from the series and it was so good that made start from the begining (book 1).

Omayra Comas ocomas@hotmail.com

Texas Book Lover said...

Wow...what a great story!

It has always been a toss-up between Ian and Conner for my favorite Scottish Vampire! I am super excited to finally read Conner's story!

Thanks! mmafsmith@gmail.com

trisha rupert said...

you are an amazing author!! i love your story!!

i'm going to say that connor is my favorite because he's a hard puzzle and i love a challenge!! i can't wait to read his story!! i've read the whole series twice already!!
you're awesome!! - trisha


wanda f said...

Wonderful story.Conner is my favorite Im very excited about reading Vampire Mine .

Phylis said...

I don't suppose I could have all Scottish Vampires as my favorite???? LOL! If I have to narrow to one then I will pick Ian. lol I love your "How to hunt for a Husband". Mine is similar in that I had decided not to be alone at home on New Year's Day and a friend of mine told me that she had someone that would be great. It turned out that we had mutual friends,etc.


chivixen said...

My favorite Scottish vamp is Ian

Sueski54 said...

Wow,your love story sounds like a great movie script. Love it!
At the moment, I like Angus the most,but have a sneaky feeling that once I read his story,Connor will give Angus a run for his money!

JenM said...

It's always hard to pick a favorite, but I guess I'll pick Ian.

jen at delux dot com

wilma said...

What a great story. Loved it! It is hard to pick a favorite, because I like all of them. I would have to pick Ian. Thank you for so many great reads. Can't wait to get Vampire Mine. Have a great day!


Jessie Patterson said...

Ian is definitely my favorite. He's tough, sexy, and humble. I was so happy for him when he was able to find a way to physically age himself so he could find love. ::swoon::

I love Angus, as well, and his book is actually my favorite so far. However, I'm DEFINITELY looking forward to Connor's story. =)


Stephanie M said...

My favorite is Connor. I cannot wait to read his story!

smccar1 at hotmail dot com

Anonymous said...

Ian has always been my favorite, although I like them all.

mariska said...

Ian is my favorite ! :)

uniquas at ymail dot com

Sheree said...

Connor! And I love your "how we met" story! At least his mother remembered his time of birth; all my mother could tell me was that the doctor missed his lunch by delivering me.

ironss at gmail dot com

Clary said...

That story is so amazing!

Angus is my fave scottish vampire.

Clarissa Pereira

Smilingcat said...
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Smilingcat said...

Love youe HEA story.
Angus is my favorite. He makes my heart go boom! "It's naugh a purse!" cracks me up every time.

Laurie O'Brien

KerrelynSparks said...

Thank you all for stopping by!! I love all the comments!

Anonymous said...

carlos is the one i like he sound so good looking.

shannon jackson

llamannerdymama said...

What a wonderful and romantic story.

Carol L. said...

That's a great story. Seems the stars were aligned just right and you met your soul mate. Good for you. :)
I love Angus. But I also love Robbie and Connor and Ian. sorry. lol Love all kilted Scotsman.
Carol L.

Anonymous said...

I love this. It is like a dream come true. lol
My favorite Scottish vamp is of course CONNOR BUCHANAN. He is so yummy but now he is taken *pouts* but I am happy for him *smiles*


Anonymous said...

This is so wonderful my sister in law loved it.

Favorite Scottish vampire humm lets see... It has to be Dougal I like that he is a little shy when it comes to females.


Anonymous said...

Oh I so love this. And my family have something close to this. My cousin married a man who had the same birthday only he was three years older and her four baby was born the day after thier bithday so they celebrate three birthday on one day.

Scottish Vamp? Ian


Megan@Riverina Romantics said...

I loved hearing your story! thank you so much for sharing it! I think Robbie is my fav. But Anus is right behind him with the need to look underneath his kilt after he teleports!

DebraS said...

What a great story! Thanks for sharing it with us.
My fav would have to be Angus but love all the Scottish vamps.


Lisa Richards/alterlisa said...

Wow! THEY do say that real life is stranger than fiction. My favorite Scottish vamp is Connor, so far. I say this as it tends to change with every book I read.

alterlisa AT yahoo DOT com

Kirsten said...
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Meljprincess said...

If he's Scottish and a vampire...I love him! lol!

I like Ian MacPhie.

Meljprincess AT aol DOT com

Pat Cochran said...

Cute story!

Have to admit that I've not read any
kilted vampire stories. If I win this
book, Angus would be my first! So then
I can say as the first, Angus is the favorite!

Pat Cochran

Pam S (pams00) said...

What an amazing story! ty so much for sharing :).

Do I have to choose just one? can't pick them all and call it a day lol? Would go with Ian or Connor I think if prodded.

pams00 @ aol.com

Sara C said...

That's a wonderful story! Thank you for sharing. I have to say my Fav would be Connor. Can't wait to read his story!

Sararcummins AT gmail DOT com

Toni said...

Hi Kerrelyn,
That was such a nice story. I loved it! So you did found your dream guy. You should write a romantic book about it. Can’t wait till Connor’s book comes out.


clynsg said...

Ian is my favorite Scottish vampire.

cgclynsg0 @ gmail dot com

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