Who We Are

Thursday, April 14, 2011

The Devil Made Me Do It

Congratulations to Kyra (Comment #22), LorettaLynn (Comment #24), and Meggerfly (Comment #43), for winning a packet of Supernatural Underground goodies and Limited Edition DEVIL WITHOUT A CAUSE beaded bookmarks!  You should all be getting an email requesting your mailing address, or you can send one to me first at TerriGarey@gmail.com!  Congratulations, you little devils!  :)

Not really, I made the Devil do it. :) Author's prerogative, see? (Oh, the power!!) Yep, when you're the author, you get to make your characters do anything they want, including making the Devil play guardian angel for a change.

In DEVIL WITHOUT A CAUSE, Sammy Divine (a/k/a Samael, the Great Shaitan, Son of Morning, Prince of Darkness and Ruler of the Underworld) has lost the only woman he ever loved to a mere mortal, and finds himself dealing with some very old issues: abandonment, loneliness, anger and pain.  When visited by an old friend, the Archangel Gabriel, and offered a possible shot at redemption by helping a young mother whose child has cancer, he decides to take the offer and see where it leads, never knowing it will lead him to discover some deep, dark secrets about himself.

Along the way he takes on an entirely different Prince of Darkness, the hard-rocking Finn Payne, who made his own deal with with Devil long ago, but isn't ready to give up his soul without a fight. A cursed ring, a sick child, and two people who've made their own separate deals with the Devil... you know the sparks are gonna fly!!

I'm not giving away any spoilers, but you can read quite a bit more about the story in this awesome review just released by GeekSpeakBlog, or read a couple of excerpts on my website, HERE or HERE.  What I will give away, as the release date of May 31, 2011 approaches, is three of these Limited Edition Beaded bookmarks AND three gigantic prize packets full of cover flats, postcards and bookmarks from a host of other Supernatural Underground authors like Kerrelyn Sparks, Pamela Palmer, Sophie Jordan, Tera Lynn Childs, Helen Lowe and Leah Cypess.  I'll even throw in three of our super-cute "I Read Books That Go Bump In The Night" buttons!  Winners will be chosen by Randomizer.org on Friday, April 15th.

(Sorry for the picture quality, but take a closer look at the beaded bookmark... it has the most diabolically cute little handmade devil bead on the end!)

Leave me a comment and tell me whether you consider yourself a devil or an angel :), and you'll be entered in the drawing to win!


Teri said...

You ask the hard questions, don't you?
Do I consider myself a devil or an angel? Well, I guess I've never thought about it until now....sooooo....I'm a little bit of an angel with a whole lot of the devil in me! LOL
Love your stuff! Amazing!

Isis M. Nocturne said...

I definitely consider myself a devil, with a smidge of angel tendencies. LOL, it's the curse of being a writer who controls the lives of her characters. Considering that I'm also a film major, I seem to play a lot on the "darker," edgier side of fiction. I like being bad and sharing stories that aren't normally told. *grinning* I also love playing the devil's advocate in arguments! :D

Tina noel said...

I guess i would have to be an angel for the most part but truly a devil in disguise!!!Can't wait for your book to hit the shelves, nothing compares to your work!!

Sharon S. said...

If I had to chose, I would go angel, but with a secret desire to dance with the devil (especially if it is Sammy)

Don't enter me (I was lucky enough to get to read Devil Without a Cause early. The review is suppose to go up May 2) The direction of the book wasn't what I was expecting, In a *very good way :)

Daisy said...

I'm an angel, but that doesn't mean I'm always good! There's a song called "Saint's Heart in a Sinner's Skin" that talks about the will to do right, but the actions that don't always reflect it. I have good intentions, but we all know how the old saying goes!

AmyC ~ said...

I have qualities of both. I'm an angel most of the time, but have a dark side too.

Nope said...

I think I'm a devil with a conscious. I definitely have my angelic moments, but I can't be good all the time. Really, who would want to be? Not me, I'd be bored to tears within a week. lol

Kalliandra said...

Hmmm toughie. Mostly an angel, with more than just a hint of devilishness :D

Anonymous said...

well in a way i would say i am mostly an angel but like 20% Devil.

Victoria said...

Honestly I'd have to say more angelic (85%). I really try to do unto others as I'd like them to do unto me. Doesn't always work but I try.

Teawench said...

I'm an angel though I'm always trying to be more devilish. Doesn't usually work, though.
I LOVE that devil bead. Very cool. And because I don't think my email is on my profile: teawench at gmail dot com

Ruth A. said...

Pass me the Angel wings with the devil horns please. It all depends on who I'm talking too.

sue said...

i have to admit im all devil

colten said...

devil (at least you ask easy q's)

kahea said...

a devil disguised as an angel ;-)

Diana Dang said...

An angel wanting to be a devil xD

faked_sugartone at hotmail

rhomitz said...

Oh my! Well, I guess i'd have to say 50/50. I can be an angel when I wanna be, but it's soooo much funner being a little devil!!! LOL! Their lives seem so much more "wicked."

Terri Garey said...

Ah, I see we've got a lot of conflicted angels/devils! :-)

That's why I asked the question - people tend to think that things are black and white, when really they're all shades of gray. That's a theme that fascinates me as a writer, and runs through all my books!

Michelle Bledsoe said...

Please...I am an devil with a little bit of angel thrown in. Bad girls have more fun.


Anonymous said...

Fallin Angel here!! Good with bad in me lol

Jenn Herrick said...

Depends on who you ask..lol hmm very hard for me.. I'd say Devil but the rest would say Angel. darn those people giving my secret away. lol

Kyra said...

Well i would have to say it depends on what kind of day i am having. Perhapes a bit of both lol

I Love your work!!!

Kim said...

What an awesome question! I consider myself a devil... all the way. My sister is the angel that keeps me balanced.

LorettaLynn said...

Is there a evil Angel, cuz if there is thats me*winks*
Im going to say Angel


Kt Clapsadl said...

It all depends on the day whether I am a devil or angel. ;)

kclapsadl at gmail dot com


Clary said...

I'm an angel who loves to read wicked books. ;D

Clarissa Pereira

mullen said...

Angel. (but isn't that what the devil would say??) :-)


leisa said...

Half the day Angel....the rest of the time Devil....and some days mostly Devil...

Terri Garey said...

mullen said...
Angel. (but isn't that what the devil would say??) :-)

Ha! He would indeed. :D

sin said...

The halo is balanced between my horns with the tail balancing the back... :D Oh the conflict..I was not called a little devil for nothing when growing up.

Sue said...

An angel with a little bit of devil.

Krystal savoy said...

I consider myself an angel, but when I read y'all books I think a little devil may come out. I so love y'all books I hope I win so I can read read read.

felinewyvern said...

I'm a devilish little angel, unless I'm being an angelic little devil ;)

CJ said...

I can be a devil or an angel. I would say it depends on the day.

Paula said...

I believe that my computer might be struck by lightning if I attempted to describe myself as "angelic". But I would make an awful devil. Could I perhaps apply for the part of an imp?

Cindy McCune said...

I'm BAD! With the middle name "Trouble". And proud of it! }:)

Sheree said...

I'm mostly an angel with streaks of stubborn devilry now and again. ;)

ironss [at] gmail [dot] com

Van Pham said...

I'm a little of both, but it depends on my mood at the moment..sometimes i can be a real devil!

thanks for the giveaway


Helen Lowe said...

Sadly, I'm "just an ordinary girl"--but the book sound like a huge amount of fun! :)

Karen said...

Can I be a fallen angel?

Seriously, people around me would probably say I'm an angel. I think I'd prefer to be a devil, tho.

Melissa (Books and Things) said...

I'm a devilish angel. :D

books (Dot) things (at) yahoo (dot) com

Megan@Riverina Romantics said...

If you talked to my acquaintances they'd say that I'm an angel but if you talked to my man or my mother you'd definitely would hear about my devilish ways!


TracyW said...

Am I more devil or angel? I guess I would say angel with just a little bit of devil in me. The cover for Devil Without a Cause us great!

Stephanie M said...

Definitely an angel

smccar1 at hotmail dot com

Brenda Hyde said...

I'd love to say devil, but nope, I will say angel. My kids and husband tell me I can't even cuss correctly. LOL I don't know if I mentioned it here before but that is one kick ass sexy cover. Seriously. Yum.

Crystal @ RBtWBC said...

Today I'd go with angel but hit me up tomorrow and I may be feeling a little devilish! ;)

Looking forward to reading Devil Without a Cause!

Unknown said...

It would depend on how I feel that day, but normally I'm a devil with alittle bit of an angel.


Amy said...

Probably a bit of an angel according to my morals. But considering the extent to which I was enjoying killing off people in my latest story I'm not too sure anymore!

MaryR said...

I have multiple personalities ....one day devil and the next day angel......but I believe the angel rules. The devil just slips in everyonce in a while.

Avis bratcher said...

I am a devil

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