Who We Are

Saturday, June 25, 2011

A New Member (Monster) in the Family

Congratulations to jfort (Tonya) for winning the signed copy of Eat Prey Love! Thank you all for the great comments! I loved reading them all. See you again next month!

I've been working my way down a long list of things to do in preparation for the national RWA conference next week in New York City (selecting just the right clothes and shoes, preparing presentations, packing up bookmarks and postcards, etc.). Another item on the list-- make myself presentable (a daunting task, to say the least!) Is it too late to lose twenty pounds by Monday? Also on the list: promote the booksigning!! So here goes-- if you're in the NYC area, please come to the Marriot Marquis Times Square on Tuesday, June 28th. Over 400 authors will be signing their books from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. You can find out more information here--http://www.rwa.org/cs/literacy_autographing

Oh, and there's the other little item on the list. Book #12 in the Love at Stake series is due next month. Yikes!! So, I'm furiously working away. Or trying to. Because while I'm writing, a little creature occasionally sinks its teeth into me. No, it's not a vampire. It's the new member of our family-- my daughter's kitten. When she adopted him, we called a family meeting to discuss the all important issue: what will we name him? My daughter wanted a German name, so we compiled a list and then voted for our favorite. This was the list: Klaus, Manfred, Siegfried, Sigmund, Hansel, Barnaby, Ludwig, Nicolai, Fritz, and Dietrich. Which name did we choose? Ludwig! We decided to use the nickname Viggy, which I really liked because it reminded me of Viggo Mortensen (sigh). So let me introduce the new member of our family-- Ludwig von Kittyhoven.

We should have named him Frankenstein. The little monster comes equipped with a ready arsenal: sharp teeth, little claws, and a never-ending supply of energy. Even now, as I write, I can hear my husband fussing at him. "No biting! Be a good boy!" Good luck with that. We spray him with water, but the ninja warrior simply runs away to plan the next attack. Nothing slows him down. He's a top secret stealth weapon. If you dare to walk through the house, you will be attacked, and you'll never see it coming. If you go into the kitchen, he'll jump you, just to remind you that it's been thirty minutes since he last ate and he's in danger of starving to death.

My husband is fussing at him again. "Stop scratching the chair!" My daughter's response, "Aw, he's so cute!" And I squeal when he jumps on my lap and dances across my laptop, doing strange things to my manuscript. When I shove him off, he retaliates by attacking my feet. So now I write with a spray bottle handy, and my feet encased in boot-shaped house shoes.

In honor of our feline warrior, I'm giving away a signed copy of Eat Prey Love, which features Carlos, the Brazilian were-panther. Just leave a comment about a pet of yours or whatever strikes your fancy. I'll post the winner in a few days. And I'll hope to see some of you Tuesday at the booksigning!


CdnMrs said...

OMG! So cute!
When we brought our kitty Hendrix home she was all about attacking our feet while we slept. She's since grown out of thT and is now a sweetheart.
Good luck with the kitty and thanks for the giveaway.
sghorney AT gmail DOT com

Rain Maiden said...

Yes he is cute. Our Miss Puss was a little pistol when she was a kitten. She would climb on to the fridge for a jump, sneak attack from above. I have found her in the dryer, the fridge and I don't know how she got in there. Toys, lots of kitty toys help.

Jnmt3 (at) hotmail (dot) com

Brenda Hyde said...

It's always the cute ones that try to get away with stuff. LOL We have three indoor kitties, and all three have different quirks. Okay, guirk is just a different word meaning bad habit:)

I hope you have fun at RWA!
wayfaringwriter at gmail.com

StacieDM said...

I have a one year-old tricolor Cavalier King Charles Spaniel named Geisha. She is the sweetest and most fearless dog I've ever met. She positively loves everyone, including other animals. Geisha is my avatar on twitter. My Twitter handle is GeishasMom73. Can you tell I adore her? :)

user1123 AT comcast DOT net

Sullivan McPig said...

He's so cute!
I'm the closest thing to a pet my owner has at the moment, but she's had lots of pets and farm animals over the years, including cats, chickens, pigs, dogs, sheep and rabbits.

Heather Murphy said...

Awww he looks so much like my kitten "Tiny". Tiny isnt tiny anymore but he was only the size of the palm of my hand when I got him. I also have a cat named "Wolfie" that my daughter named!

Kim said...

It looks as though he might attack the photographer at any given moment too. "Go ahead and click. Make my day!"

We have 3 rescue cats and they are our li'l furry kitty monsters. 3 cats equals 3 separate, distinct personalities. It's quite the household.

Good luck with your book signings and safe travels!
mkconverse AT yahoo DOT com

Desiree Hebert said...

I remember when I first brought my Cat home from the Animal Shelter. They said she was an aggressive little girl and she did not have any human contact.
I took her anyway, she fell in love with me. I brought her home and she always stayed right beside me the whole time. She never wanted anyone else to touch her. just me.

She is a all black cat, I decided to name her Levana, which means Black Night. It suites her perfectly. She is my precious adorable baby. Even to this day, I am the only one allowed to hold her.

Laurenrrt said...

Good luck with your new kitty! We have three of them, Boots, Bruiser, and Bones. I had initially named Bones after Jeaniene Frost's character only to find out that it was a GIRL!!! The name stuck though!

Not only that but she has a kink in her tail - and all of my heart! She is my girl (the only one besides me in the house) and she sleeps with me every night.

BTW - The next one will be named after one of your characters...TBD!

Kryssian said...

Wow, Viddy looks like he's full of spit and vinegar and ready to go! With all my boy kitties they tend to mellow out after they're fixed. Then they're super love bugs. My fave cat Winky used to snuggle up to my tummy and stretch out his full length before falling asleep. He thought he was a person I'm sure of it.

KerrelynSparks said...

Viggy has been neutered-- but it hasn't slowed him down! I can hear him now, tormenting my husband, LOL.

Thanks for the comments!

angel said...

I have two cats. Onr is four and the other just turned a year. Shadow, the one yr old, is living up to his name. He follows me and my hubby everywhere in the house. He also thinks that our bed time is his playtime. Chase, the four yr old is bigger then normal in size and chases anything from a lazer pointer up a wall to playing fetch with a paper ball. They do both love boxes and paper bags.

Just Judy's Jumbles said...

I have too many pets. About 30 birds and 3 dogs. Ellie Mae is our sons dogs we are keeping, perhaps indefinitely. She is a coonhound and very expressive. She does the Lassy thing. Woof Woof Woof Woof. Only hers is Howl howl ....

She either wants food, out or to play. Mostly to play. She don't understand lay down or leave me alone. And when you yell at her she puts her soggy jowls on your arm and looks up at you with big brown puppy dogs eyes (this is the honest truth, I now know why they are called such). It is pitiful when she looks at you. I read where coon hounds cannot stand to have people upset with them. She is quite lovable when I'm not frustrated with her.

Jocelynn Drake said...

lol. I have two cats: Demona and Harley, and they own my heart. Have a great time at the conference! I wish I could be there this year.

Oh, and I love "Eat Prey Love". Carlos was so awesome, but I think he needs to find a friend. There must be more were-panthers. And you must write faster. I'm running out of books. :)

Anonymous said...

I named my kitten Duncan because I was reading Robby's book when I got him and I liked all the highland warriors. Yours sounds cute, wait til he pounces on his toy! I love when Dunc does that.

Janhvi said...

OMG!Ludwig looks absolutely adorable and cuddly:)
i hope you are having a great time with him:)
my grandparents have 3 dogs and there's always soo much energy in the atmosphere when there are pets around!

thanks for giving a copy of eat prey and love!i would love it!

Janhvi Jagtap
justjanhvi at gmail dot com

Lindsay :) said...

Aw. He's cute! My dog Cheeko is always full of energy, although now he will listen more. Thanks for sharing and thanks for the chance!

Phyllis said...

He is so cute and I love the name Viggy! I hope you have a fun with him. My son has 5 labs and 1 cat that my grandaughter loves too death.Hope you have a wonderful summer and keep writing cause I so LOVE your books!!

Betty Tankersley said...

Cute kitten. We just returned from Pasadena, Ca. where we attended the CFA awards banquet. My daughter's cat, a household pet, was the regional's best Household pet.

Cerstin from Germany said...

What a cute little tomcat. Ludwig? I had to laugh when I read your daughter wanted a German name for him. Unfortunately we have no pet, but when I was young my parentts had a black tomcat called Moritz. He was really sweet and always when I bent, he jumped on my back. I loved him very much.

Wendy said...

This is funny Kerrelyn. We need to introduce your kitty to my turtle. We have 2 red eared turtles but one (which is the oldest) likes to bite fingers. It all started when we boought him and he kept poking the side of the case with his head, so we named him Pokey. My son would feed him and Pokey wouldn't see the food, so my son would stick his finger down in the tank and thats when Pokey would attack. Several years later he still does it. LOL, my son doesn't feed Pokey anymore.
So your kitty likes to attack and my turtle has the right armor to protect himself. Lets make a play date. LOL.

Tessa Blue Jones said...

What a cute kitty! I have a cat, Sekhmet, named after the ancient Egyptian goddess of war. She's anything but, however. Fat and lazy, about the only thing she does remotely goddess-like is to lie on the back of the chair and survey her kingdom.

Teresa K. said...

Hi Kerre,

I love my Kitty's but I haven't had much luck with them. Well that's not exactly true. I once had my Kittie's for a long time. I had my Russian Blue Siamese for over 16 years. Cinder was a lover it wasn't always between us. Those first year when she hadn't been spayed yet was awful.

I lost her and my other two cats, a Cockatiel, and two dogs in a terrible house fire.

But before the fire I bought a beautiful black and white cat. He had a heart shape tattoo marking under his chin. He reminded me of a Harlequin Great Dane. We named him Taz. He was a little Devil.

We called him that because he came into our life as a whirlwind. He was so rambunctious. He had sneak attacks, loving moments, and his tiger moments. We were his prey.

Taz, was in our life for over six years before the fire claimed his beautiful life. But when moved to NC in 1997 his new trick was hide and seek.
Do you know that little devils hiding place was never discovered by my son nor I. We would search the house high and low. We would panic and think he had gotten outside somehow.
We would soon find out how to bring him out. Taz had a weakness, his weakness was for our Ice machine in the refrigerator. When ever we would get ice out of the refrigerator he would come out of nowhere and slide stop on the kitchen floor.

We would throw a piece of ice on the floor and Taz would play hockey player until that piece of ice would melt. We would have many laughs watching him bat and flip and chase that ice all over the kitchen. He brought us so many joys. We miss him dearly.

Teresa K.

David Stanton, Minnesota said...

First - add a little lemon juice to the water you spray your kitten with to discourage bad behavior. It has worked for over thirty years at our home on our series of cats.
Most recently we adopted a kitten from a PETCO adoption day. He is gray with white markings under his chin and belly and really large feet. Whe just found out he is a Maine Coon Cat which will grow to about 25 pounds over three years. That is enough surprise for now.

Keep up the great writing and we will keep buying them.

Nancy G said...

What a cutie!!! I have one very spoiled kitty, she thinks she is the queen of the house, spoiled rotten. Purrsephone just loves to lay across my chest when I lay in bed trying to read, and she is fascinated by my laptop.

Jeanette J said...

Ludwig is adorable. I am owned by a miniature Dachshund that I named Templeton. We just had his tail docked because he was born with a broken tail and he kept re-injuring it. Now when he wags his tail, his whole bottom wags too.

Crystal Quinn said...

I adopted a sweet retriever mix for my mother a yr ago ... that lasted for 3 days b4 mom was calling about the energy crisis ... ie.. dog had too much mom had none ... so we have since become the owners of what we found out is an american mastiff ... lol @ 17 mos she is 125lbs of pure energy and only 19 or 20 more mos of growing ...lol HELP !!!

Lauren said...

aww such a cute kitty :)I have three myself. Poor cats have such embarassing names though. I was in middle school when I named them. But they're all sweet as can be so we can overlook the name thing!


wanda f said...

Aww so adorable and I love the name .Pls dont enter me as I have already read at Prey Love and Loved it !!!I just wanted to pop over and say hi.

Anonymous said...

My cat is a Siamese (Seal Point) and she is BIG and fiesty. We love her, but my arms look like they've been put through a meat grinder, everyday.
We've named her: Kadabra~and she is magic to us.
Enjoy your kitty.
Hope to win your book.
Sherri A. Dub

Pam Raines said...

A had a cat when stationed at Edwards AFB CA named Frosty. He was black with white tips, it made him look like he was frosted.
Frosty did not like men, he would await my husband and male friends to walk by and jump at them with claws and fangs displayed. It was very funny to us females because with him being so dark you couldn't see him in hallways or dim rooms. The funnist was when he found he could get on top of the bookcases, wait for a male to walk by, and pounce from above. He lived a long and happy life but any male in the house walked with caution.

Anonymous said...

Awww, he's gorgeous!! :) I have two adorable cats, Socrates and Aristotle ... Socrates is the world's biggest attention whore - when HE wants something, otherwise he doesn't even want to KNOW about you, LOL ... and Aristotle thinks she's a dog ... she plays fetch with crumpled papers and I've only ever heard her meow (albeit quite pitifully :P) the one time we tried to wash her!!

bella-on-toast [at] hotmail [dot] com

Casey H said...

My sister got a puppy about a year ago, and I had to babysit her (the puppy, not my sister) for six weeks. The puppy's name is Everest, but I renamed her Psycho Puppy while she stayed with me because she was psycho! Sometimes I'd be rubbing her belly, then she'd roll over and attack my feet, for absolutely no reason!

She also HATED bugs and would let nothing stand her in way to get one - even gravity. There was a beetle crawling on the ceiling one night, and she kept trying to jump up and get it...never got within 5 feet of the bug.

Thanks for the giveaway!


Kathy Viernes said...

Very cute kitten. My dog Toby used to attack our feet when he was a puppy I swore he was a cat because he used to make a meow noise lol now the only thing he attacks is my husbands arm lol

Pamela Overstreet said...

5 years ago, my son was 4, and my daughter was 1. Robbie, my son wanted a pet sooooo much, that we went to the Animal Shelter. We found an adorable little kitten that was about 8 weeks old. It was solid yellow and very bouncy. My son told me he knew what we should name him. I asked what, thinking it would give me a glimpse of what years from now my grandchildren might be named, when he smiled, his entire face lighting up and said, 'Popcorn'! I thought it was a fitting name given how bouncy and buttery he looked, and it stuck! Now just to hope years from now that he finds something more conventional for his kids' names!

host said...

Ooooh he is super cute! But there is something in his eyes... he looks very sly :)
I had a shih-tzu called Dino for 14 years; he lived through war with me and died of an old age 3 years ago. I still don't have another pet, I am just too sad.

franalokas (aqt) yahoo (dot) com

Anonymous said...

my cat missy is so cute and she is very spoil and and i love her to much and she like to eat my book marks so i have to hide them from her but i still love her every body would love her i hope i can win a book from u i love your book..

shannon jackson


Anonymous said...

I had one just like him, his name was Harley. Loved that damn cat, but oh God he was scarey.


Lori Meyer said...

i don't have a pet i think 2 kids are enough to take care of LOL and i don't think i'd be able to give it the attention it needs and deserves but a were-panther I'd take care of one of those LOL :)


Na said...

Aww that cat looks fierce AND cute! That's a rare combination but he definitely looks it. I don't have any pets, but want a dog and/or cat one day! Someday!
I still have a tednre for cats despite meeting one from my friend. We did not get along, upon introduction he bit my nose and proceeded to hiss and glare. I mean look at me being terrorized by a 5 pounds ball of fur. Sheesh cat, what did I ever do to you?! Yet, I still adore them.


CrystalGB said...

Your kitty is so cute. We have two Bengal cats that were demons when we first got them. After much patience and petting, they settled down.

Beach said...

I love cats, we have a cat named BC. We adopted him from our local shelter. He is beautiful, black slick fur, green eyes, bob tailed, a great loving personality, and weighs 16 lbs. So can you guess what BC stands for? He wants to be right with you all the time, and will fallow you around lime a puppy.
Your kitty will calm down with the biting, but will Always want to be right with you.

Maria D. said...

Lol...Viggy is adorable. We don't have any pets because of allergies but I do love looking at other peoples pictures of their pets. Have fun at RWA!


Sheree said...

What an adorable kitty!

ironss [at] gmail [dot] com

Michelle said...

Its just about time to get a kitten (or two) so thanks for the reminder of what we have to look forward to. Its been so many years since I've had a kitten I forgot! Gotta love em. Can't hardly wait!


Gabby said...

Awe! He's so cute! He kind of reminds me of my cat Sky, this was long time ago she was really sweet. He also kind of reminds me of my dog inuyasha.

I love that picture of your new pet he's so cute!


Cylver said...

Congratulations on the new arrival! Viggy is adorable!
We have a huge, yellow striped fluffball of a cat that we adopted from the ASPCA. We brought him home two years ago on Academy Awards night, so of course we named him Oscar!
As is true with most cats, he is the King of his castle, and that's exactly the way he likes it!

ChrisS said...

Aww. What a cute little thing he is! But then again he is biting and tormenting you and your family and not me. Ludwig could make for a interesting inspiration for a future Hero...

Toni said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Toni said...

OMG! He sounds just like my daughters cat Coco! She lived with us for almost 2 years. I also had a water spray bottle right with me at all times. She was our little terror. My daughter moved out two weeks ago and took Coco with her. I no longer have to wear socks or slippers around the house. I do miss my little stinker. She did bring a sense of terror and happiness to the house.


Jessica Sherrill said...

I know the feeling of sharp claws and teeth. My cat T-Rex just had 6 kittens. They are a little over 4 weeks old. They love to climb your legs when you walk by.

c4runner86 said...

Ahhh, how cute. Here kitty, kitty. Want some catnip?

Isabella said...

Hey! Good luck with the book signing and Book #12(can't wait!)!

Unfortunately I don't have any cats, but I do have dogs. One of our little ones likes to attack peoples feet if their walking through the house with slippers on, haha! I don't know why she does it but she's still loved! She's an Eskimo Spitz and her name is Eska, cutest pup ever!

Unknown said...

He's adorable! We unfortunately lost my nephkitty today to feline leukemia:(...A sad day to be sure. Russell (the nephkitty) was a Christmas present this year to my niecpuppy Sadie..I know she is gonna miss her little buddy. I hope Viggy give you the hours of enjoyment that Russell gave to all of us.

Have a great RWA conference..hope you started your hand exercises for the signing.

jfort357 said...

Enjoy your new kitty!!!! Too cute!! We have 2 Betta fish. One for each of my kids. They named them Sea King & Goldine!!! Now my kids are asking for a dog, so we may be getting another addition to our family in the future!!!

Best wishes at your book signing!!! Thanks for this awesome giveaway!!!! :-D


TattedBookworm said...

I love kitties I would sorry one if I wasn't allergic but I have a dog named tootse he's so cute with one floppy ear and one straight ear and he always looks at me like 'what I didn't do anything'

JenM said...

I'm so jealous of everyone's kitties. I adore them but I have horrible cat (and dog) allergies so I can't have one of my own. Someday, I keep hoping someone will find a cure. Best wishes with your little one.

jen at delux dot com

Seduced By Books said...

I wish I could be there in NY - got the chance last year at RWA Florida to meet you - We have 2 cats and 1 dog - our cats, GIRLS, are named Mario and Luigi - when we got them we were told they were BOYS - they were about 10 weeks and there was no 'decension' if you catch my drift... so we named them Mario and Luigi - brothers - yea - UNTIL about 2 months later as we still await the 'decension' and they go into HEAT! - GIRLS are you serious. and of course, one went before the other so we had to keep them separate for fear of more kittens - we would have had them fixed immediately had we known they were girls - we were waiting for the 'decension' so we could get our boys fixed LOL - of course, the names stuck - so they are Mario and Weazy since our 2 year olds couldn't say Luigi at the time LOL
- Jenn at Seduced by Books

elizabeth said...

He is beautiful. Love kittens. My cats are crazy. My Dale and his family were born wild, but we brought them in six months after he and his brother were born.

He loves to be with me any time I'm home. He follows me around the house, has to sit right in front of my computer so I can't see. Every morning, I have to pet him when I'm getting ready for work, or I can't put my socks on. I sit on my bed, and everytime I do, no matter where he is in the house, he comes running to be petted.

But, I love them all. We have four.

Love the series and can't wait for Gregori's book.


Nicole said...

I have two cats both are the same age, but I got them at different tmes. I have had Chloe since she was a kitten, so it was me and her for 6 years Then I rescued Jenna in2006. Two female cats..... not having grown up together, well lets just say sometimes the fur can hit the fan. They both have mellowed some over the years, but they still don't hang together. Oh, please keep the Vamps (esp. the Scots) as long as you can... I LOVE The Love At Stake series.

Tami Winbush said...

My sweeties name is Thor. I love him to death - he crawls up to the top of the bed, and then pushes my laptop over. i have to put it down and cuddle him! :)

June M. said...

I have a big black cat....If I ever have a solid black one again, I will name him Carlos. LOL As it is, mine has some white and really white whiskers so I named him Mr. Whiskers when he was a baby.
manning_j2004 at yahoo dot com

LittleMsBookish said...

I love cats but we don't have one at home. SOOOOO ADORABLE!


Karen said...

We just adopted a sweet, incredibly affectionate, 3 yr old orange tabby. He came already named Tigger, which we promptly shortened to Tiggs. My jack russell/foxhound? mix Leo thinks he's the cat's meow & can't wait to play, unfortunately Tiggs doesn't appreciate wet dog nose on his butt yet. Needless to say, it's been an interesting week. But I think they'll be fast friends, because Leo thinks he's part cat and Tiggs definitely has some dog tendencies. lol

Virginia C said...

Hi, Kerrelyn! I hope you have a great time in NYC : )

Congrats on "the Vigster"! I have seven cats who each have their own way of getting my attention! They are all rescue/abuse cases, and we have been together a long, long time. As soon as I start to fuss....they find a way to make me smile! >^,,^<

Taylor O said...

I have a looks just like the cat in the picture. We named him Mickey because if you look at his forehead you see an M in black marks just like the one in this picture and he is annoying how he will meow when he wants something and he meows when he goes to the bathroom which i find weird and funny and cute at the same time.

Tamsyn said...

He is a cute, even if he is a "little monster"! I would love to have a pet. Unfortunately, we live in an apartment building and although pets are permitted, I just don't feel that it is fair to have it cooped up all the time as I work really late hours. Going to have one in the future, though.

SiNn said...

aww whes adorable id loveto have a kitten cant saddly my apartment is pet free so i live vicarious;y threw other pet owners


Runa123 said...

So cute. We had a Kitten like that. She was a rescued kitty she was found in a car engine. She only had three legs but was so full mischief when she was a kitten we kept finding her at the top of the drapes. She turned into the most loving cat I have ever known.

Karen H said...

Hi Kerrelyn,
Viggy is so adorable, I also have cats and the youngest, Bella, is the Queen of the Castle. My husband tells me all the time that we should be very honored that she allows us to live in her home! LOL
I can't wait for Sexiest Vampire Alive

claddagh64 at yahoo dot com

Eurika S. said...

Hello! Aww that kitten sounds like a handful haha just like the 30 kids I had to work with during summer!
But I wish I had a pet like him--or any pet for that matter. I am so busy right now I don't think I can have a pet. Oh well maybe in the future. But his name is HILARIOUS!

Anonymous said...

Good luck! I have learned that no matter how hard you try the pet always wins!can't wait for the new book.

Anonymous said...

How cute! I have one cat but since my grandmother moved in he's become more hers. Well, that is until his litter needs changed or he needs food then he's all mine.

NoraA said...

You have to pack special for RWA? Don't know why since I'm showing up in jeans and a polo top. I'm meeting Keri Stevens before the signing for a drink (not blood).

I'd love to win a copy of Eat, Prey, Love.

See ya at the Marriott bar. LOL

megblod said...

He is so cute I'm jealous, Ive been wanting a cat for a while now but my mom isnt a real big fan of them, so no cat for me but I would really like to win a copy of Eat Prey Love

Judy F said...

He is so cute. Its hard to be mad at them when they can rock the cute look. I do miss the kitten stage my cat Sammy is 13 now but still has a lot of kitten in him some days.

Can't wait for the doc's book.

felinewyvern said...

So Cute!

Unfortunately I don't have a pet at the moment because our King Charles Cavalier Alfie died at 12 years of age just last month :(

Emily Tardy said...

Such a cutie! Looks just like my kitty Sam, (Short for Samantha)even though she has been gone for about 15 years.

Anonymous said...

I have the cutest pets all 5 of them 3 dogs agaes 9, 2,and 1. and 2 cats agaes 12 ans 11. they are my kids. they make me smile everyday even when they tear up the couch!
have to say I loved the book Eat Prey Love. totally cool!

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful kitten. He has wonderful markings. Our cat is named Shadow. We got him at the pound and he is part Maine Coon. He rules the roost.

Dani L said...

Ah, where to start? We currently have four felines. All are rescues of some sort. Buttercup (named after one of the powerpuff girls) is our queen. The oldest of them, she is regal and expects all to wait on her. Calliope, named for being noisy and colorful, is our tempramental one. We found her on a Wal-mart bench abandoned in the sleet at three weeks. Bitsy was rescued when someone threw her and her siblings out of a moving car in a sack.. she was the only one left alive and she is REALLY needy. And Cye, big fat spoiled Cye was my inheritance from my daddy when he passed this past January. The only guy in the group and often appears confounded by the girls. We have a dog too.. Lewis is part corgie, part German sheppard and all puppy, even at 2 years of age. Our family is complete.

Johanna J said...

We have a black cat with a crooked tail. We named him blackie cause were not very creative. He is the terror of the neighborhood and love to kill small creatures! We had a bells for em but he always loses them. He is getting kinda old and now so he does not kill as much. He now just lays in the sun and sleeps all day! He likes to tag along with us when were playing or working in the yard. He is a sweet boy besides from all the carnage! LOL!


WildAboutBones said...

What a cutie!! But aren't all the monsters nice eye candy to attract their prey?
LMAO!! I too am living with a biting cat - an adult male who only tries to bite me. I was scolding him not 30 min ago with, "Hey! No Biting!" several times. And then he insists on sleeping beside me. Maybe it is in retaliation for his name which is "Big Orange Kitty" - hey, I didn't name him so why come after me? So I just about fell over laughing at this post.

Please enter me in your contest.
WildAboutBones (at) gmail (dot) com.

annalisa said...

Your kitty is so pretty!
We have a bengal cat named Rudy. Rudy loves to eat anything so we have to be careful not to leave any kind of food out. He weighs about 17 pounds now and he is a large sized cat. One day my husband had put a thick steak to marinate in a plastic bag on top of our stove. The bag was in a metal cooking pan. All of a sudden there was Rudy on top of the stove with the steak in his mouth! I still don't know how he got it out of the plastic bag. He saw us looking at him and he ran as fast as he could with that steak in his mouth. We chased him all the way upstairs and down before we could get ahold of him to take the steak away from him. Needless to say, we didn't have steak for dinner! LOL! Rudy sure is a character! :)

Norma said...

OMG! If Viggy grows into those ears he may end up being a monster in size. Thanks for the giveaway. Good luck with training him.

Norma (snostorm55 at yahoo dot com

Pat Cochran said...

Our late and much loved orange tabby,
known as Gerald, loved climbing into
our Christmas tree. He was a kitten
when I walked into the living room the
first time to find him sound asleep in
the tree. The soon tubby tabby kept
trying to climb the tree, well into his 2nd Christmas season. Each attempt ended in having to right the tree and redressing it. He finally got tired of
having the tree land on him!

Anonymous said...

He is so cute. I love cats but I can't have them seeing my son is allergic to them. At the moment I have 4 dogs and a small house, they keep me busy. Maybe one I will have another cat.

Barbara said...

Sounds like a keeper to me. My "Kitty" did the did the same type of things but eventually he grew out of all of the little kitten acts except for one. Twenty seven pounds and ten years later, he still loved to lay in wait on top of the refrigerator for one of my brothers to come by (and only my brothers), and then pounce on their back to just hang there. Needless to say they did not like Kitty. I always believe he did not like the way they picked on me when I was little. Kitty & I always got them back though. Kitty still kept getting them back years later. Hehehehehe.

Anonymous said...

OMG he's precious! He looks like a jaguar so no wonder he's such an attack cat. I had a little monster like him, in fact, my mom referred to her (Kirbie) & her sister as "The Dastardly Duo". I only have her sister now & she's 13 yrs old & weighs 13 lbs & is black/white. Fiance' refers to Chloe as his "heifer cat" and loves her even though he says she's "market weight". lol

mary hay said...

We were adopted by a male cat we called "King Tut" because he acted as if he owned our house. He'd give a dirty look to anyone who dared oust him from his favorite chair. He fathered a litter of kittens whom were abandoned by their mother. He carried each one to our back door so we could feed them for him.

Jennifer G. said...

Love the kitty! He's too cute! I love watching our cat Rosie attack the dogs' tails. Its hilarious!

jfort357 said...

YAY!!! Thanks for the great giveaway!!! I can't wait to read this book!!! :-) Have fun at the RWA Conference!!!

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