Who We Are

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Salvation is Coming my Friends...

Hey guys!

It's been a bit since I posted since apparently I totally forgot last month! Sorry! I have been in the writing cave and well, the family does tend to need my attention sometimes...and I forget some importat things like posting on my fave blog!

Not today....I have something very cool to share with you all! I'm officially posting the book trailer to my upcoming release, His Darkest Salvation. There's lots to celebrate.

This book ties up a lot of loose ends that have been a part of the first two books...and you'll get a glimpse of what's in store for my next series League of Guardians. The first book, Wicked Road to Hell is Declan O'Hara's book and I can't wait for you all to read it!

But Salvation was such a great book to write. Julian is so tortured, missing part of his soul so he's kind of nasty. I believe some of you will think he's a bit of an ass...and he is but the man can't help it! He needs his soul put back together. Luckily, Jaden DaCosta is going to help.

And they'll ya know, try to save the world while they're at it! Here's the trailer....

What do you all think? I think Lea did a fab job! I'll be hosting an awesome contest in July...please sign up for my newsletter as I'll have the deets out and you won't want to miss this!

As well, His Darkest Embrace is on sale for a week at Amazon and Barnes and Noble for 2.99 on their ereaders!

So have a good one guys, stay cool wherever you are and watch out because Salvation is Coming!


Sharon Stogner said...

I love the flames and I am ready for some Jaguar lovin!

Maria said...

The trailer is very dramatic - looks really good though!

Terri Garey said...

Beautiful, Jules! I love the flames, and the soundtrack was perfect. Can't wait to read this one!

Pamela Palmer said...

Love it, Juliana! Very cool. And this book rocks!

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