Who We Are

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Sex, Chaos and Rock n' Roll!

Congratulations to JULIE (Comment #24), who won the signed copy of DEVIL WITHOUT A CAUSE!! Julie, send your mailing address to me at terrigarey@gmail.com, and your book will be in the mail!

You know what's wrong with this blog?  Not enough hot guys and rock n' roll, that's what!

Oh, and chaos.  Not enough chaos, which is why I'm giving away an actual RING OF CHAOS over on my site!  Yep, you, too, can own an actual ring of chaos, just like the one worn by Finn Payne in DEVIL WITHOUT A CAUSE! It's fine English pewter, handmade and awesomely cool. All you have to do is go HERE and answer the question: "When did all Hell break loose?"

If you answer the question here on the blog, it won't count! You have to enter properly, according to the rules (so my software can count you), or you WON'T be entered! Besides, why would you want to give anyone else the answer by putting it up here on the blog, hm? :)

Drawing will be held on July 15th, so get over to my website and enter!

However, anyone leaving me a comment today on the blog will be entered for something else: a signed copy of DEVIL WITHOUT A CAUSE! (See, I'm not entirely heartless.) Tell me what you think about the video, the music, the ring or the cover, and you're good to go!

Winner of the signed book will be announced by the end of the day tomorrow, June 15th!


Casey said...

That's an awesome ring and yes, while this blog has lots of vampires it doesn't have nearly enough rock stars!!


Anonymous said...

The Ring of Chaos is made of awesome, the cover is hot and the book sounds bad ass. I'd love a signed copy. Thanks for the opportunity.


Tanya Chinn said...

I have read the Nikki books and looking forward to Terri Garey new devil books

Terri Garey said...

Casey, I need an email address like "cheesecake.thief"! :)

Terri Garey said...

Miss Mel, the ring is so awesome that I had two made, so I could keep one for myself!

Terri Garey said...

Thanks, Tanya, and I think you'll like the new Devil books. :)

Rain Maiden said...

I love book covers were I can't really see the guys face but his body is smokin hot. This book is going on my wish list!

Paranormal and Romantic Suspense Reviews said...

Love the video and the music is pretty cool too!

Love the cover and the ring!

I really enjoy the Nikki series and I'm looking forward to reading the Devil series!

Thanks for a chance to win!

Ren said...

Hi Terri,

I would said that cover alone is enough to make me want to read it, LOL! And I always love when a new release book have a trailer, it help me to know and intrigued with that book. It's a shame my comp's sound system is broken so I can't hear the music, but I like the trailer. That child is so cuu..te!! ^^ You have some sexy pic at that vid too, and don't forget that man abs *sigh*

Thanks :)

sawamura_foxman AT yahoo DOT com

SandyG265 said...

I like the cover.

sgiden at verizon.net

Chelsea B. said...

That ring is pure AWESOME! I am definitely going to enter :-)
And your cover-- fabulous!


StacieDM said...

Oooh the ring rocks! I may be in the minority but I love a guy with a little chest hair. The dude in the video is hot! Don't get me wrong, the model on the cover is just as hot without the chest hair. I'm a total abs girl. Yummy yummy cover.

user1123 AT comcast DOT net

Sara M said...

Devil Without a Cause sounds amazing. Thanks for the giveaway!

Sara M
sara_UFblog [at] yahoo [dot] com

CrystalGB said...

The cover and the ring are gorgeous. Great video and music.

RFTC Blog said...

I love this cover! Everytime I see it online I say to myself that I have to get this book. That man is hot, hot, hot.


Sullivan McPig said...

I love the snake-belt ;-)
And now I'll have to find out more about that band as they sounded quite good.

Van Pham said...

awesome ring, and cool video :)


Cate said...

The cover looks awsome! Pls enter me in the giveaway.

Ashleigh said...

That ring looks so cool. And we definitely need some rock stars here. Plus, musicians AND hot supernatural men? That sounds like girlvana.


DarkBloodyVamp said...

OMG I love the ring and the book cover is HOT! I would love to wine this book!

Thanks for this giveaway!


Sharon Stogner said...

There could definitely be more beefcake on the blog ;) So...the person who wins the ring, does Sammy get their body...I mean soul! ;)

Sheree said...

The ring looks awesome! And the cover is so lickable!

ironss [at] gmail [dot] com

Anonymous said...

The video is fabulous, the ring is awesomely beautiful and I would love to win a signed copy of Devil Without a Cause! Thanks for the chance.

~Heather F.

Julie said...

I'd say something about the pretty pretty ring, but I can't look away from the cover long enough to think of something clever. *___*

theartgirl said...

Hot video and very cool ring!

colleen at myartsite dot com

Terri Garey said...

Congratulations to JULIE (Comment #24), who won the signed copy of DEVIL WITHOUT A CAUSE!! Julie, send your mailing address to me at terrigarey@gmail.com, and your book will be in the mail!

Thanks for the comments, everyone!

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