Who We Are

Saturday, June 4, 2011

This and That

As the subject line implies, this post will be all over the place :). In writing news, progress is being made on my new novel (which still doesn't have a title yet) and I'm happy about that. Beginnings are the bane of my existence, so I realize that a lot of what I'm writing could get deleted or revised, but as Nora Roberts once said, you can fix anything except a blank page. In appearance news, I'll be at the Romance Writers of America convention in New York this month from June 28 – July 1. The convention is held at the Marriott Marquis Times Square. If you're attending the convention, you can find several Supernatural Underground authors (including me!) on panels, so be sure to check your conference schedule and come say hi! If you're not attending RWA but you're in the NY area, the huge, multi-author book signing is on the 28th and it's open to the public. Go here for details.

All work and no play makes Jeaniene a dull girl, so in addition to writing, I've also done some reading. Recent novels I enjoyed were Dead Reckoning by Charlaine Harris, Dracula in Love by Karen Essex, and I'm halfway through A Discovery of Witches by Deborah Harkness, which is really cool. I also glommed through the first two seasons of Justified (Timothy Olyphant, you look GOOD in this show! ;), the first mini-season of Sherlock on BBC, and seasons five and six of Supernatural. True Blood starts up soon and I can't wait to dig into that (in case you were wondering, I am Team Eric all the way!).

Tomorrow - if I'm a good girl who gets in her word count today, lol - hubby and I are off to see X-Men: First Class. To tell the truth, when the trailer first came out for that, I wasn't at all interested in seeing it. I loved the first two X-Men movies but hated the end of the third with such fervor that it made me leery of future movies in the series. X-Men Origins: Wolverine didn't do much to reassure me, either (yes, Hugh Jackman looked hot, as did Lieb Schriever, but I was meh about the movie). I've heard X-Men: First Class is being compared to The Dark Knight for awesomeness, however, so I'm checking it out. Hope the rumors are true!

What's everyone else doing this weekend? Are you working, getting caught up on a little reading, TV time, movies, or something else?

- Jeaniene Frost


Maria D. said...

I'm hoping to get in a bit of reading and then I'll be glued to HBO for Game of Thornes and then AMC for The Killing.

So glad you are Team Eric:) as I am too...lol

Pamela Palmer said...

I was Team Eric, but I may be slipping over to Team Alcide. We'll see how the two stack up as the season starts.

Game of Thrones is amazing, isn't it? And I loved A Discovery of Witches!

VegasJellyFish said...

Team Sam all the way!!! He can give her everything she wants. :-D

Jeaniene Frost said...

Lol on all the different votes for who Sookie should end up! They're all yummy, right? Lucky girl ;-).

Katie Dalton said...

I too went to see X-Men this weekend, I was a bit worried I would not like it...but I did. Here is my review if you want to check that out:


Aside from that we are having freakish rain going on in the Bay Area of CA. So not much outdoor fun to be had. A trip to the mall is about all I can think of. :)

Katfrog said...

On top of your latest novel and the "River Marked" by Patricia Briggs, I'm also reading a book called "Thank You for Arguing" It's about how to debate, and I'm finding the book both enlightening and entertaining.

Oh, and I'm Team Eric, all the way!

suzanne said...

I am 100% team Eric. I cannot believe I cannot make it to NYC in June! I go every month and this is the one time I cannot make it. I am crushed.
I am currently reading City of Bones.

DarkBloodyVamp said...

Unfortunately busy trying to catch up cleaning the house BLAH but it has to get done.

I'm Team Bill all the way! :) Love the poor tortured hero and Stephen Moyer is fine eye candy.

Maybe it is his real life British accent that does it for me. ;)

Wish I could be in NYC to see you but maybe you will be able to make it up to Toronto, Canada one day. :)

Janhvi said...

i have heard good things about a discovery of witches so maybe i'll read that next!
happy reading:)

Sharon Stogner said...

I've only seen the first season of True Blood. I decided to stick to the books.

I went to my first Con this weekend. It was mainly Scifi/fantasy, but was an experience!

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