Who We Are

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Today's Blog Post Brought To You By ... America the Beautiful

Monday morning I left Oklahoma with Seattle as my goal destination. I could have made the drive in three days (maybe two) but I decided to take my time and see some sights. Here are some pictures from the trip...

Sunset in Pawnee National Grasslands.

Pawnee Buttes in Pawnee National Grassland.

Frozen river in Yellowstone National Park.

Jenny Lake in Grand Teton National Park.

I have to say that I live in a spectacularly beautiful country and, living in and around cities, it's so easy to forget how much empty wilderness still exists. I'm in Seattle now and recovering before the apartment hunting begins.


PS. My new book, Fins Are Forever, comes out in 17 days! If you need more mermaids in your life, you can pre-order a copy.



Sharon Stogner said...

wow! My mom, daughters and I are going to Yellowstone and Jackson Hole at the end of July. We get to stay at the Old Faithful Lodge :)

I have never been West of TN, so I am very excited.

Anyone of my author/blogger friends live near Yellowstone? Would love to meet for a smoothie and say hello :)

Jocelynn Drake said...

Beautiful pictures! Thanks for sharing.

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