Who We Are

Thursday, June 16, 2011

What Love Means

The Spell of Rosette Giveaway (see below)

Thank you everyone for the wonderful response! A lovely third party has just drawn 2 names out of the hat PLUS 2 bonus names. Congratulations to the winners! Please email me with your details so I can get your copies to you!

(1) Billabong1502

(2) Fleur

(3) Cylver

(4) Jess

Thank you!!!!

I find it fascinating that the English Language has only one word for love. We love our cars and cats and pancakes. We love our new job, the latest film and the computer that never lets us down. We love our gardens, sports, family and our lovers, but the feeling for these ‘loved ones’ can be quite different. Still, we say the same thing: I love . . . Not so in other cultures. The ancient Greeks, for example, had four different words for love with different meanings and different ‘locations.’

Love as Epithemia translates into words like horny or randy. It’s a physical, sensual, sexy love that’s hard to resist. Animal attraction. Chemistry. You know the kind? It’s tactile and felt in the body. It wants to get close, to touch and explore. It wants to have sex because that’s the only thing that will put the fire out!

Love as philia is a friendship love that brings creative inspiration. There can be a deep sense wanting to be together in companionship and co-creation. Philia is felt in the heart. We can write characters that have a feeling of philia for each other and it really screws things up if they do have sex. Or if one character is feeling the philia and the other is on fire with epithemia. These make great problems for convoluted story lines!

Love as Eros is felt in the soul. Eros is a god from which we get the word erotic, but to the ancient Greeks it was much more than just ‘sex’. The original definition of erotic (of Eros) is a situation when two or more people come together in such a way there is a lasting transformation. By this definition, sex is seldom erotic, but it can be. The Eros relationship is heady, intense, obsessive. It always leads to growth and change.

Love as agape is a divine love felt in the spirit. It may not need the body conneciton to feel fulfilled. This is also tantric, sex that opens the mind to another level of consciousness. Agape can lead to transcendence where characters move beyond their earthly limitations to become more than they ever thought possible.

Stories that contrast these kinds of love can be deeply moving because they speak to our own subtle and complex longings. One character feeling the ‘brotherly love’ of philia may be confronted by their companion’s erotic fire. Someone with the reverence of agape may not know how to face pure epithemia head on. It’s not unrequited love, exactly (it doesn’t have to distance characters) but it brings trouble and that’s exactly what we want in a good read! Mixing up the love keeps the stakes high and the dynamics flowing!

Readers will find all four brands of love in the Quantum Enchantment Series and to get you started, I’m giving away two copies of The Spell of Rosette, paperback or Kindle version, your choice! All you have to do to put your name in the hat is make a comment. Tell us what your favorite kind of love story is and be in the draw to win! Winners drawn on the Solstice, midnight June 21.

Kim Falconer is a Supernatural Underground author writing epic science fantasy novels. Kim’s latest series is Quantum Encryption. Book #1, Path of the Stray, and book #2, Road to the Soul are out now. Book #3, Journey by night is out Sept 1. Currently she’s writing an entirely new series. You can find out more about her at kim.falconer.com. She posts on the 16th of every month.


Joh Blogs said...

Your review of this book is great. I have recently finished 'The Spell of Rosette' and the richness of the relationships was one of the things I enjoyed very much about the read. I am slightly into the next book in the series and agree that Kim is a great storyteller.

Obviously I don't need a copy of the book, having already consumed it, but I wanted to comment:)

Kim Falconer said...

Joh, Thank you! If you're a winner and have a Kindle, you can choose ANY of my books :)

Saw your review and loved it, of course!

Perhaps ppl can state their preference, Kindle or physical book. I'll go edit that in.


Jan Bird said...

for me, love means saying "I do" and meaning it. For life. Would love a Kindle copy if I'm lucky!

Kim Falconer said...

Woot for commitment! I'm more a free spirit myself but I LOVE the divergent meanings and feelings that go with love.


PS I do love the word 'forever' . . .

billabong1502 said...

In reply to your question "Do you know what love means?"

... for me love is all!
And you don't lose love by giving it away :-))


PS: I'd like a Kindle version, please. Ta.

Kim Falconer said...

Thanks for posting here, Christine. Love that one too :)

Anonymous said...

My favorite type of love story is the enduring love that last through many life times. A forever and ever love.


ps: I like the print version please! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Love is being married for 40 years. Love goes on forever.

Rebecca said...

In terms of a fictional story, my favourite kind of love story either involves the paranormal (vampires, werewolves and the like) and/or set in olden times (Victorian England, Roman "times") where the costuming and manner of speech adds that extra bit of romance.
In the real world, my favourite kind of love story embodies the vows we make at the marriage alter.

Sharon Stogner said...

great post. Chance to try a new SNU author! Color me there.

My favorite love story (today, cause it does change often) is forbidden love. The hunter that falls in love with the prey type of thing. I like a female human hunter type to fall in love with the shifter/vamp/fae rouge she is suppose to kill.

Emma was an angel said...

One of the Laws of the Light is the Affinity Law. We attract the Like, and if we want more abundance in our lives we should act like The Light. When we feel drawn to somebody, or there is affinity between 2 individuals that are different, you go against your nature just to share the Light.Love is that energy that unites what it seems impossible. Because is really easy to be around someone just like me, and I don't have to question much about my spiritual work. But to be with the complement will always rise doubt of the Ego in order to connect in a higher level.

I really like your page Kim, I learn so much. And as a Sag with Sun+Nept+Jupiter in conj, you give the best doses of knowledge ever.


SandyG265 said...

in real life I like enduring love. In stories I like humorous love stories. If I win Id like a paperback please.

sgiden at verizon.net

Vithushan R Trotsky said...

love has no meaning, its about understanding... ^^ ♥

Laura Serena said...

Great post. I used to really like tragic romantic stories like Tristan and Isolde, Romeo and Juliet, but I find that I've had a bit too much tragedy in my own life, thank you very much. Now my favorite kind of love story is one where the characters are mutually supportive of each other, and help each other to grow and accomplish goals. "Love does not consist in gazing at each other, but looking outward in the same direction." -Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Rain Maiden said...

I love reading about a star crossed romance. A romance that spans time. Please throw my name in the hat.


Katie Dalton said...

Hmmm lets see my fav love story of all time. That's a tuff one. First I am not a Notebook kind of gal so that one is out. Okay hands down would have to be Braveheart! He kills for his land and the woman he loves, what could be better then that?!

k28dalton (at) yahoo (dot) com

Barbara E. said...

I'd say my favorite kind of love story is where something has gone very wrong and the couple has split up but circumstances bring them together again and they get a second chance at love.
I don't have a Kindle, so I'd love a print copy if I were to win.

Barbed1951 at aol dot com

The Introverted Yogi said...

For me, a Love story is something that exists between 2 people where they share the good and the bad times and support and find strength in each other's presence. When it's real, it's when two people overcome any obstacle to be with each other:)

Kim Falconer said...

I love all these comments! Pulling names out of the hat on the eve of the Solstice! xxxKim

Cylver said...

I love a good redemption story, and a story about the redemptive power of love can be absolutely breathtaking!

If I win, I'd love a Kindle edition please!


Unknown said...

Sounds LOVELY! :-) Since I believe all relationships are eternal, I prefer love to be eternal love--which feels like a spiritual, divine love to me. I love a "love story," no matter how you define it!

And I'd like my winning to be of the Kindle kind, since I haven't yet bought mine, but it's on its way! Hugs, Barbara

Jess said...

My favourite kind of love story is the kind where the two meet and are not impressed with eachother, yet usually keep bumping into eachother or are forced to work together and there's lots of witty banter and frustration and then finally it all clicks into place and love!
Often seen in movies and one cliche is where the woman slaps the man and then they kiss passionately! Cracks me up everytime! :D

If my name is drawn, I'd like a paperback please.

selwyn_jp (at) hotmail (dot) com

Leo Neil said...

This Leo wants a printed version of any one of you books. About ready to just pay the full price for one.

A good love story needs obstacles put in the way. A path is dull if not twisty. True love overcomes adversity, but it needs some adversity to test that.

Rochelle Muller said...

This is a bit of a hard question.

In romance novels I'm firstly looking for a spark (Love as Epithemia). To sizzle things up (not sex on every page).
Then a combination of 1.Love as philia & Love as Eros. They should get along somehow (1.friendship) & when they finally get it on, it should be a (2)."lasting transformation" for both of them.
I also like it when the guy is all possessive and all (cave man style).

Okay, that sums it up, hopefully.
I don't live in USA so if there is a slight possibility that i'll win, I probably can't get a paperback. Kindle it is :)


Kim Falconer said...

Loving everyone's thoughts! FIY the series is released in Aus & NZ thus far so I'm sending to anywhere in the world :) Kindle of course is a little easier but winners can choose their preference! xxxKim

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