Who We Are

Monday, July 11, 2011

The Long Road Home

Forgive the late post today. I've landed in Vegas for the last three weeks of the never-ending move to Seattle. Ever since I visited the Emerald City in Spring 2010 I've been trying to get myself there. It took another visit, a long stay with the parents, a five-day road trip in which I slept in my car in National Parks, and two weeks on a friend's couch, but I finally have an apartment.

After signing my lease (literally hours later) I headed to the East Coast for a library visit, a writer's conference, and a visit with a very dear cousin. Then I headed to Houston for the debut signing for Fins Are Forever at my favorite home bookstore, Blue Willow.

Now I'm in Vegas to visit with the parents, catch up on emails, get some work done, and hopefully see some shows and spend many hours in the pool since I know it will be a cold day in Hades when I get a good tan in Seattle. When I leave Vegas at the end of the month, my stuff, my dog and I will make our way up to our new home.

Whew! So, how's your summer going?




Roxanne Skelly said...

You missed some epic good weather in Seattle over the 4th of July weekend. 80's. Spent time soaking up the rays on the beach and a tan was had.

Welcome to Seattle, best darn city around.

KerrelynSparks said...

Congratulations, Tera, on making your dream come true!!

Sharon Stogner said...

wow, my summer is nothing like yours! I am just sending kids to grandma's and camps. At the end of July I do get to go to Yellowstone!!! My first visit West of TN ever. It is a girl's trip with me, mom and my two girls :)

Congrats on your move :)

Helen Lowe said...

Tera Lynn, it sounds like you've been way busy but I hope the Seattle move turns out to be that dream come true.

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