Who We Are

Monday, July 25, 2011

Want a Sexy T-shirt?

Congratulations to Loretta Broussard of Louisiana for winning the Sexiest Vampire Alive t-shirt and a signed copy of Forbidden Nights with a Vampire!

Please excuse the short post! My book starring Phineas, aka Dr. Phang, is due in four days, and I'm furiously working on it. So instead of thrilling (or boring) you with some brilliantly dull words, I shall tempt you with a fun giveaway. At the RWA conference in NYC, the Avon publicity department gave us authors some cool T-shirts with book covers on them. Mine shows the cover of my upcoming release, Sexiest Vampire Alive (starring Gregori), which goes on sale September 27th. Today, it is up for grabs!! Post a comment about whom you think is the Sexiest Vampire Alive, and a winner will be chosen at random. I'll also throw in a signed book. How about Forbidden Nights with a Vampire? So, one lucky winner gets the signed book and the T-shirt that promotes my next book, Sexiest Vampire Alive! (note how often I use those words, Sexiest Vampire Alive. All part of the evil plan to brainwash you into buying the book when it releases, let me get this in one more time, bwahahaha, September 27th!)


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Amanda said...

I would like comment on the sexiest vampire alive. Ive have seen alot of vampires in my day so I should be able to come up with a few. Gregori, Connor and Ian for sure. But I also have to give pops to all the Argeneau men of Lynsay Sands novels and also to a rogue hunter Bricker. As for other vampires or people who protray them here is my personal top 5.
1. Alex O'Laughlin-Moonlight
2. Gerard Butler-Dracula 2000
3. Ian Somerhaulder-Vampire Diaries
4. Rick Springfield-NIck Nite
5. Stuart Townsend- Queen of the Damned

Emily Tardy said...

I love your humor Kerrelyn! Can't wait for more books! =D


BiteMeAsh said...

Without a doubt Angus MacKay is the Sexiest Vampire Alive!!!

Rita from South Africa


Angie M said...

You are so funny! I have already preordered Gregori! I would have to choose Conner as sexiest of you vamps because he broods and he has no idea he is sexy! Good luck with Dr Phang! Can't wait for his book!

Anonymous said...

yeah......I can't wait to read about the love doctor......love the series!!!!

Lucy Montemarano said...

Can't wait to read SEXIEST VAMPIRE, love Gregori beause of his sexxy way. We have only had a brief encounter with him but I'm sure we are really going to get to know him very well in this new book. CAN'T WAIT. Not for nothing, but all your VAMPIRES are sexxy.

Lucy M.

AmyB said...

I can't wait for the new book to come out!!! It is gonna be really good!! I love all the books!!!

AmyB said...

my email is evilpirate at nc dot rr dot com

Anonymous said...

i love the t shirt and the book series!!!

SiNn said...

besides Gregori id have to say hands down Lestat from Ann rices queen of the damned

and of course ll of joey hills vamps r very sexy

mortalsinn (AT)yahoo(DOT)com

wendy dorsey said...

Love them all.... but write... write... we can't wait for the book!!

Denise said...

I cant wait for this new book I have so loved this series. I read them all over again to get ready for the next one. Thank you!!!

YzhaBella's BookShelf said...

Sexiest Vampire Alive = Eric Northman from True Blood HBO series! Woot Woot!

mleger0546 at rogers dot come

Kara J. said...

My sexiest vampire is a tie between Gregory and Angus :) i dont know why but they both appeal to me in different ways :) cant wait for the new book ;D

Kimmie said...

Connor is my fave from your series but I also have a thing for Eric, truth be told. Also my guilty little vampire secret is Damon from The Vampire Diaries. Let's face it I wouldn't kick any of them outta bed that's for sure.

Fancy said...

I love this series. Keep up the amazing work Miss Kerrelyn!!!!

Fancy said...

And Angus is the sexiest!

Bonnie said...

There are just too many sexy vamps to choose from; however I will pick my top three. Like many others Connor would have to be there along with Angus - between the kilt and the scottish accent how could they not be. Then the next one is Jean-Luc I think that how he goes for a woman that has more to her makes him a great choice. As for the next two books - PLEASE HURRY!

kaisquared said...

The Sexiest Vamp "Alive"? From the LAS series, I pick Ian, but I bet the Love Doctor will give him a run for his money! Out of all vamps, I prefer Spike ( I value snark over stature, so sue me lol).

Anonymous said...

hi there i think all your books are good and i love them all to hope u never stop writing.... i have to say all the characters are my favorite love them all....

shannon jackson

Kim said...

*jumps up and down* Ooooo...pick me, pick me.

Isabella said...

Hey Kerrelyn, good luck with Dr. Phang's book!!! I'm sure it's going to be a hit! I can't wait to get my copy of Sexiest Vampire Alive!
My vote for Sexiest Vampire Alive, has to go to ALL the Vamps(Roman, Angus, Jean Luc, Ian, Jack, Robby, Connor, Gregori, and Phineas)! I love 'em ALL! But I will admit I do have a favorite, GREGORI!!!!
Keep up the good work! And I hope to read more of your books to come!

Squenn said...

Hey Kerrelyn! It's Jenn from the New York bus trip. I cannot wait to read the new book. You are the best!

lilabi said...

I love all of your books. I read them all. The sexiest vampire alive would be Angus.

Rose said...

I love all of the Vampires and Shape Shifters you have written about so far! But if I had to pick one, I would say that the Sexiest Vampire Alive is Jean Luc. He's sexy, funny, protective, thoughtful when it came to Bethany and her needs, and fell in love with Heather for who she was...an independent, real woman.
I can't wait to read Gregori's story, and am happy to hear that you have Dr. Phang's coming as well!

Jessica said...

if i had to choose a sexiest vampire alive then the sexiest vampire alive would have to be angus.oh no already brainwashed! SEXIEST VAMPIRE ALIVE! Can't wait!

Brigitta said...

I think that Robbie may be my pick for the sexiest vampire! I may be partial because his book was the first one I read. I have gone back to read all the rest and have read the others as they have come out. Robbie was just so romantic and heartbreaking all in one.
Please pick me! I really can't wait to here Gregori's story or Dr. Phang's either.

Angeleaf said...

Ian is by far the sexest man alive.

lish said...

this is a tough decision but i think robby was my favorite:)

danigirl1989 said...

I Think that it has to be either Gregori, because I would want to be charmed by his ladymaness, or Jack, just because I would listen to his Italian accent all day!! Both very dreamy!!

Nikki Partain said...

I love Connor hes my favorite but i also love carlos.. Ur books are amazing and i cant wait till sept when the new one comes out.

laysia frost said...

I LOVE the love at stakes series. I don't have a specific favorites because there is so many of awesome guys. My friend and i actually made a list of the guy characters and called dibs on the ones we like best.

Lori said...

I think Ian is the sexy Vamp alive.


Unknown said...

Sexist Vampire..umm...so many to pick from..a real smorgishborg (sp)..But for me..I dream about..Jagr from Alexandra Ivy's Guardian series..love the loner brooding type:)...but Jean-Claude from the Anita Blake series does make my heart go pitter patter:)..

Looking forward to your next book!..

I'm in Canada:)...Happy Civic Holiday weekend!

Laura McGinnis said...

Looks like this is going to be a good book

Anonymous said...

Sexiest Vamp...... That is a definite 'Tuffie'!! I have always had an urge to meet Ian from your books!! I think that he always has the right cocky sarcastic retort that makes me laugh my trousers off!!! I don't quite understand the word sexy and all the baggage that comes with it! but I know Ian is charming, funny, smart, and cool! So that was always really close to the definition 4 me!!

Anonymous said...

Sexiest Vamp...... That is a definite 'Tuffie'!! I have always had an urge to meet Ian from your books!! I think that he always has the right cocky sarcastic retort that makes me laugh my trousers off!!! I don't quite understand the word sexy and all the baggage that comes with it! but I know Ian is charming, funny, smart, and cool! So that was always really close to the definition 4 me!!

G France said...

The sexiest Vampire Alive is an apt description that fits all of your characters! After all beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

Kelly said...

I just love all of your vampires-it's hard to pick out the sexiest. Robby and Ian rank at the top, though. I've read the entire series this summer, and am anxiously awaiting Gregori's book!

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