Who We Are

Thursday, August 4, 2011


ETA: Updated to announce the winners! As usual they were chosen at random, but say congrats to...

Faith Holt for winning Prize 1, an Arc of One Grave at a Time!

and Freda Burkett for winning Prize 2, pick of a book from my backlist!

Thanks so much to everyone who entered. I read all your comments and it made my day :).

Today is my blog day at SU, and I have an apology to make. I am so behind the gun on my current deadline that I don't have time to write an insightful, interesting, funny, or even marginally coherent post.

But wait, don't click away! My lack of time/wit/intelligence may as well be put to good use. In lieu of a worthwhile post, I give you contest prizes instead. Free stuff is probably better than listening to me blather on anyway.

Prize 1: An Arc of my upcoming novel, One Grave at a Time. If you're not familiar with this book, here's a description from the back of it:

How do you send a killer to the grave when he’s already dead?

Having narrowly averted an (under)world war, Cat Crawfield wants nothing more than a little downtime with her vampire husband, Bones. Unfortunately, her gift from New Orleans’ voodoo queen just keeps on giving–leading to a personal favor that sends them into battle once again, this time against a villainous spirit.

Centuries ago, Heinrich Kramer was a witch hunter. Now, every All Hallows Eve, he takes physical form to torture innocent women before burning them alive. This year, however, a determined Cat and Bones must risk all to send him back to the other side of eternity–forever. But one wrong step and they’ll be digging their own graves.

And here is my shiny new book trailer to further highlight the plot. Click the Play button to view:

But wait, there's more! Prize 2 is a free book from any of my backlist, including Halfway to the Grave, One Foot in the Grave, At Grave's End, Destined for an Early Grave, First Drop of Crimson, Eternal Kiss of Darkness, and This Side of the Grave. You pick which one you want. If you're brand new to my books, I'd recommend starting with Halfway to the Grave (first in the Night Huntress series) or First Drop of Crimson (first in the Night Huntress World spin-offs). This giveaway is open to everyone no matter where in the world you live.

The Rules:

Leave a comment telling me which prize you're interested in: Prize 1 (Arc of One Grave at a Time) or Prize 2 (pick of one book out of my backlist). Be sure to include your name and email address so I can contact you if you win. No, you can't win both prizes - only one winner per prize category. Contest opens now and closes at 6am EST tomorrow, August 5th. I'll update this post with the winners tomorrow, as well as contact the winners by email.

Good luck!
Jeaniene Frost


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Sophiac83 said...

I love all of your books and ive been recommending it to everyone. Im extremely interested in prize #1. Thanks!! Sophia


Anonymous said...

Hi... hoping for Prize 1.Arc of One Grave at Time.I love all of your books, please...please let me be the one to win. Its so hard to comeby a copy of your writings here in Italy.
Siena Erana here... Siena_shyl@yahoo.com

thumballena954 said...

Cat and Bones have a special place in my heart!! You totally rock and I thank you with all that I have for writing such amazing books!!! Either price is super awesome but if I had to pick I would go with prize one!!! Thanks so much Jeaniene!! Great give away!!!

Jessica Mead


Anonymous said...

I love everyone of your books! But id die for an ARC of the next book!!!! I can't wait for more Cat & Bones. EnglandBev@aol.com

AmyS. said...

I'd like to enter the giveaway for the ARC of One GRave At A Time. Thanks for the chance.

truebloodfan AT rock.com

MissVanillinzucker said...

Hell, I would love to win price #2
I love the series, and I just read it in German and English.
The only book that I miss in my shelf in English is the second one,ONE FOOT IN THE GRAVE. It's my favourite in German, anyway, but the original language sounds always better, I think.
Because, well, I'm a German girl.
I just hope my English ain't that bad.
My name is Anne-Marie Herder and my eMail is annemie.herder@yahoo.de

Thank you for the opportunity to win this one.


Angelo said...

As somebody else was already wondering: You didn't intend for this to be international, did you? ;-) Because up until now I ordered from and have read all of the Night Huntress novels in Germany(not translated of course).

Saying that and hoping that this contest actually is international, I would very much enjoy prize #1, the Arc.

No matter what though, please continue to write down the stories of Cat & Bones as I am absolutely addicted to them. :-) (Still, remember to take a break every once in a while and take a deep breath)

All the best,

Wierdlings said...

I would love a chance to get my hands on the ARC of One Grave At A Time. Bones and Cat are two of my favorite couples of all time. Thank you for this wonderful world to explore and know.

~Justine B.
Ocoee, FL

Sandra said...

I would (as does many others it would seem) to win Prize #1 please. I'm international (UK) so I don't hold much hope for being picked, plus the fact that I'm yet to win any competition..... It's slightly pathetic, but hey-hoe, such is life :-).... Luv Sandra x

barbara said...

Count me in for the ARC of One Grave At A Time! I've read the rest of the series and am more than ready for more Bones & Cat. :)

Thanks for the giveaway!

bimmergrlmd at gmail dot com

samantha.thomson said...

Prize 2 please - I'd love Halfway to the Grave since i haven't read these yet :)


Amy R said...

I'd love to win Prize #1. I can't wait to read One Grave at a Time! This is my favourite series!
Amy R

Carol in Albuquerque said...

I would love to win Prize #1. I've read the whole series related to Night Huntress characters at least 5 times now !!! & cannot wait until Aug 30.
I can be reached at ceglegal @ gmail .com.
Thanks for these wonderful books JF.

Liz said...

Would love to win prize #1 the ARC of the new book!

Thanks for being so awesome! :)



Anonymous said...

Hi Jeaniene!! ~bouncing in my chair like an excited 6 year old~ ((grinning)) I'm so excited! First I had never seen this blog before so I had to join, and cannot wait to peruse further ... next...deadline? oh boy that means something else new to read from my favorite author! Yay!!!! I would love either prize, but would think the ARC (prize 1) would be a treasure on my book shelves. :) pickmepickmepickmeeee :) Anyway thanks so much for writing such a great series ! :) Kats72Chev@aol.com

Anonymous said...

Prize 1 please. We LOVE your books over at www.DDLF.net (Down and Dirty Lusty and Flirty) which is our brand new paranormal romance and urban fantasy group. We have only been online since Monday and winning your ARC would make us ridiculously happy. We also have an authors corner and would love you to join if you have time.


Sunscented said...

Yay! Prize 1 please!

Sunscented at gmaildotcom

TLC said...

I've read all the books several times now, and every time I literally can't put them down.I'm reading them again now in anticipation of the new one. Favorite series! I would love to win Prize 1: ARC for One Grave at a Time. I can't wait for this book to come out!


Kt Clapsadl said...

I've read all your books multiple times, so I'd love to win prize one, the ARC. Thank you for the contest! Kclapsadl at gmail dot com. Kt

Ana LucĂ­a said...

God! Chances at winning this are very close to zero but I'll try anyway.
Even though I'm DYING to read One Grave at a Time and I don't own any of your books (I have read them all, ebooks) I would like prize #2!!!

I don't know if it included your signature but that would out of this world if I win, I'm obssesed with this series!

P.S. Thanks for making it international :)

Ana L.

Anonymous said...

I absolutely LOVE your books!!!! I would love to win Prize # 1. Sarah.griffis35@gmail.com

Squenn said...

Hey Jeaniene! Would love to win the new book! Thanks.


Marjorie said...

I love love your books and I am constantly getting others addicted too - I would prefer Prize 1 I can't wait for the release
smileys raining from the sky for you.

Anonymous said...

I would love to win prize 1! The ARC of One Grave At A Time!!

I got a fever and the only cure is more Bones!!

Elizabeth Haney

Anonymous said...

oooooo prize 1 please!!


Jennifer said...

I would love to win prize 1. I am in LOVE with the whole series and the companion books!
Jnsanders4242010 at gmail dot com.

Anonymous said...

I would LOVE to win an ARC of One Grave at a Time, prize 1. I have been waiting (almost) patiently for it's release and it would be awesome to read it early. Jamie

Paige W said...

I would love prize1, the ARC!

Anonymous said...

Prize pack 1 because I can't wait to read it! =)

Larissa said...

Ooh! I'd love to win the ARC!

Lchardesty at yahoo dot com

You rock!!! And good luck with your deadline. :)

Anonymous said...

i always like to stzart with the first book

Anonymous said...

Great prizes! I'm eagerly awaiting your latest book so the ARC of one grave at a time please! I love this series! Thanks! Gemma

Anonymous said...

Prize 1 please! This is my favorite series and I can't wait for this book. Thanks for the opportunity.


Maloup said...

I've been a huge fan for a while! Cat and Bones are one of my favorite paranormal couples and your writing always takes me to that happy place away from everything chaotic in life! Thank you!


Andrea said...

Thanks for the great giveaway.
Prize #2 for me.


sunflowerkwm said...

Thanks so much for writing this AWESOME series!! I can't get enough of it!! I've lost count of how many times I've read through them now.. I read them on audio but would love my own copy of "Halfway to the Grave" (prize 2) Thanks again and keep up the amazing work!! Kristen mckay(at)mac.com

Melissa (Books and Things) said...

Oh prize one please. I would pick the other one, but I have all the back list books. ;) Can't wait for One Grave at a Time!!!! :)

books (dot) things (at) yahoo (dot) com

Anonymous said...

Hi, can I select Prize 1 please. I'm a very big fan. Melissa, email: msarrty@hotmail.com

Victoria said...

I'd love to win One Grave At A Time - prize #1, please :).


Anonymous said...

Hello Ms. Frost. Thank you so much for offering the free gifts. I would love to receive prize 1 of the ARC for One Grave at a Time. I can't wait for the book to come out.
My email is susieqbb@hotmail.com. Thank you, Susie

Jill said...

Oh I cannot wait for the newest book in this series! I <3 Cat and Bones!!! I choose Prize 1, because, lets face it, I can't get enough!


svmaddict said...

I have (and love) all your previous books so I'd love prize 1! Looking forward to One Grave at a Time!! svmaddict@gmail.com aka Sofia

Anonymous said...

Prize #1, please! Cheers, and good luck with your deadline.


Anonymous said...

I would love prize 1!
I've read all the others. Always waiting for your next book!


Anonymous said...

Prize #1 please. I actually have three of your books sitting right next to my keyboard, and though I'm missing two of them, I'm in most need of your newest one :)


Sullivan McPig said...

Please enter me for Prize 2

Noreen said...

Love both series, would love to have ARC of One Grave at a Time.
Noreen (mominman@netzero.net)

starsup0nthars said...

Having read and reread the Night Huntress books somewhere around 6 times since I was introduced to them in January, I would love to win Prize 1 and get an early peek at One Grave at a Time.

Anonymous said...

I would love to win Prize 1 (Arc of One Grave at a Time) - I have been counting the days until its' release, to get it early would be awesome! I've read all of your books and short stories, I love your writing. I'm impressed with your output, other authors dont publish as much per year - don't wear yourself out! Thanks for the contest and your great stories.

Candy said...

Big fan. Would absolutely love prize #1 because I own the rest of them...love them! Thanks for the awesome stories. carte2cr@gmail.com

Hope said...

Prize 2 please! hope.waverly@gmail.com

kara-karina@Nocturnal Book Reviews said...

I would absolutely love to win One Grave at a Time! Can't wait for this book to be out :)))
Thank you so much for the chance to win!

Debbie said...

Absolutely prize #1 would be fantastic...I love all of your books and so look forward to the newest book One Grave at a Time. I am going to read the previous books again so when I read One Grave at a Time it will be that much better. Thank you for all your hard work. Debbie dsaraceni@gmail.com

Anonymous said...

If I win, I would love to get Prize 1. Thank you so much for the opportunity! Crossing my fingers.
Hai-Yen Huynh

Amiee Snow said...

I'd love to win Prize 2! I love Cat and Bones (especially bones!) i first found these books last year on audiobook and fell in love with them I still buy copies of the books though just to have them I don't have AT GRAVES END and would love it if I won! I love listening to the books! Thanks Amiee

Anonymous said...

I would love to win prize 1. I absolutely love the series and can't wait for this one to come out. Thanks for the giveaway.


Emily K said...

I would love to win Prize#1 (The ARC)... I already own all the other books you've written. :) Crossing my fingers!

Kelley said...

Prize 2 Eternal Kiss of Darkness



Mindolla said...

I love these books and would be thrilled with either but I am all caught up and waiting for the Next Cat and Bones Drama!! Enter me in Prize # 1 please!

Renee said...

Wow an ARC of the next book! AWESOME! I would love Prize #1! I can't wait to read it!!!!!

selene said...

I would love priz 1. I love your books!! Selene (selly6767@yahoo.com)

Anonymous said...

I absolutely looooove this series!!!! I fell in love with Cat and Bones since the first time I read the books. I am going to read them all again before the Aug 30 release, I just can't get enough of them.
So if you grant me any of the prizes it would be out of this world!!!!!
Keep them coming Mrs. Jeaniene Frost!!!! :)

Jessica @ a GREAT read said...

I would LOVE to have prize pack 1!! Dying to read the next Night Huntress novel!! Need my dose of Cat and Bones! It's been too long!


Dee said...

I'd love to be entered to win Prize 1 - One Grave at a Time, please.

Thank you for this wonderful giveaway.

Dee Valand

Anonymous said...

I'd love to win Prize 1. I absolutely love your series. I can't tell you how many times I have laughed out loud while reading the dialogue between Cat and Bones. Best Series Ever! Thanks, Tina. (Sydneygrl_78@yahoo.com)

Alicia0385 said...

I love all of your books so much!! Put me in the running for Prize One!! Thanks so much!

Anonymous said...

I forgot to sign in and my comment appeared as anonymous, so here I go again.

I absolutely looooove this series!!!! I fell in love with Cat and Bones since the first time I read the books. I am going to read them all again before the Aug 30 release, I just can't get enough of them.
So if you grant me any of the prizes it would be out of this world!!!!!
Keep them coming Mrs. Jeaniene Frost!!!! :)

My email is buttercupchachi@gmail.com

Tami C said...

Hi Jeaniene! Thank you for this opportunity. I would LOVE to win prize #1. So I wrote you this little poem ;-p

Cat's hair is Red,
Lucifer's bouncing balls are Blue;
Only a HOT night with BONES,
Could top winning this ARC from YOU!!!

xx fingers crossed xx

deanna said...

I would love to win Choice #1..I love your books :)


bearkoda said...

So I wanted to win the Arc, Because this book series=My LIFE. =) I have been reading the books from book 1 came out. Seriously haha, I KNOW me and my friend Anasia are two of the biggest fans haha =) I LOVE YOUR BOOKS JEANIENE! YOU'RE AMAZING so this is the reasons why I wnt it haha.

Anonymous said...

I would love, Love, LOVE to win One Grave at a Time!

I am a huge fan and follower of this series and am passionate about Cat and Bones and enjoy their dark, thrilling and dangerous adventures together....along with the nuclear heat they make as husband and wife. Lol! ;)



RayRay said...

Giveaway #1--Only Cat and Bones can make shark week any better!!

xander_316 said...

awesome giveaway!!! wow over 200 comments.. my odds are slim but i would still love to enter ~ so put me down for prize #2


Anonymous said...

I would love prize #1. =)


Dawn & Winnie Book Reviews said...

Forget about Bones,Mancheres and Spade..I'll take Ian ANY day.mmm Love this series love Jeaniene, love the characters more. :)
Prize 1 (Arc of One Grave at a Time)

Anonymous said...

I would like to win prize 1 please, as I already have all the other books

Thanks for writing a great series!


mlp840 said...

I would love to win the Arc of One Grave at a Time! Thanks!!

Anonymous said...

I NEED prize number one!!! I have an addiction to Cat and Bones and need my fix, so please pick me!

Trista DeLong


Anonymous said...

Prize 1!! Love the books, I'm currently rereading all of them to prepare for the new one.

Unknown said...

I would like prize number 1. I have all your books (2 copies) and I know a couple of people who have gotten the ARC through other contests or by being a mod on your site. I want to be able to discuss the book with them! Thanks, Stephanie sgmiller1@gmail.com

Anonymous said...

I'd be thrilled to win Prize #1. I'm so excited for new Cat & Bones. Thanks for the contest, you're awesome!

Jana Hubble said...

I would love to win the arc of One grave at a time. I cant wait for it! :) jana3bananas@gmail.com

Anonymous said...

Prize 2 please. I would like Halfway to the Grave so i can start my collection


kingraham321 said...

I'll take door number one, Bob. (...since the "Price Is Right" - hee hee) I've got all of your other books already, and I'm a HUGE fan of the Night Huntress/Night Huntress World series. I'm jonesing for the next read! Thanks for keepin' them coming!

Tynga said...

Hi Jeaniene! Thanks for the giveaway <3
I'd love to win Prize #1 because I already own all of you baclist. I already pre-ordered your next release, but having a signed ARC would rock indeed!

kingraham321 said...

Ooops, forgot to give my email address and name *sheepish grin*


Caroline Caradel said...

I have been reading Night Huntress since I found Halfway to the Grave and One Foot in the Grave at the library and borrowed them out. I knew as soon as I started reading the first that I had to have them all. So I saved up my cash and went to my local lovely Barnes and Noble (I should get paid to advertise for them ha ha ha). I now own all the Night Huntress novels and spin-offs, except, obviously, the new one, which I would be happy to win, if my luck ever ran in the direction of winning contests like this. I love your books! And if I win I would like to win Prize #1, the new novel, One Grave at a Time. Thanks! Keep up the good work! :D

Robyn C. said...

o.o an ARC, did you say? yes PLEASE! the trailer is excellent, and i can't wait for the rest of the story!

DeAnna said...

Hi JF I would love to win your newest one On Grave at a Time, since that is the only one I have yet to purchase, as of book releases go. Your collection I have in audio I love them as much as the paperback. YAY ssoooo can't wait I'm jumping up and down in anticipation *rubs hand together* and *grins.* 2nd choice would be Eternal Kiss of Darkness. TY for the giveaway chance!!
DeAnna AKA:SacredmOOn

Barbara E. said...

I'd love to win an ARC of One Grave at a Time, since I have your whole backlist and every one of your books is fantastic!

Barbed1951 at aol dot com

Marilia said...

I would like to enter to win prize 1!!!
I'm a huge fan of the series!! Love all your books and would love to win a copy of One Grave at a Time!!! A fan from Brazil!!!


Anonymous said...

Love the series. Bones makes me weak in the bones chose prize 1.
Thanks.... You've always been such an accessable author.

OkieDiva said...

I love all your books and am so looking forward to One Grave at a Time. The chapters you posted on your website made me hungry for more. I pre-ordered from Amazon and am counting the days to August 30th!

I am interested in Prize #1
My e-mail is d_kgroff@hughes.net

TwiChica said...

I'm half way through the series and hope to be ready for te new book. I'd lov to win the Arc. I'm really enjoying your books :)

Steffanigeary said...

I would love to be considered for Prize Pack 1 because I have already purchased and read all the other Night Huntress and Night Huntress world books. The Night Huntress books are my absolute favorite. I can't wait for One Grave at a Time; you know what they say, "Once you go dead, no ones better in bead." :)

Steffani Geary

amandamorris said...

Yeah! I have read all the previously published books (more than once)so I would love to be entered for the Arc of One Grave at a Time.


email: argreen@aol.com

Anonymous said...

Hi I would LOVE to win prize #1
Ashley- Ashmonkeymoo@aol.com

Thanks :)

Britt said...

I would love, love, love, love an ARC of One Grave at a time as I have each and every one of your backlist. (And promptly devoured them upon release)

Brittany Hardy
brittanynoelle at gmail dot com

Ashling Hartigan said...

I've got the first 3 and I can always buy the rest, but the ARC is special, so sign me up for Prize 1 please =P
Loooove your work!!!!!
(email: ashlinghartigan@hotmail.com)

Anonymous said...

I would love prize one... I have read all of your books! Bones is by far my favorite vampire character. His Brit wit always leaves me chuckling... anxiously awaiting the next book in the series and hopefully many more!
Thanks... Kathy

stephjx said...

I'm a long time fan so I'll put my request in for prize number 1. Can't wait to read it ;).


Nicole Elmore said...

I would love to win prize number 2! My friends go on and on about how great your work is. I hope to get lost in your stories too. I just started back to school teaching high school English. I need something to cheer me up! Our summer was cut short by like 5 weeks! HELP! :)

Nicole Elmore

Anonymous said...

Prize #1 would make my month. Gotta love new Cat and Bones.

INCiDeNT (Kayleigh) said...

Prize 1. Seriously. And heck, I'd promise to gloat silently if it'd get me somewhere.


Beverly Ross said...

I am just getting ready to start reading the Night Huntress series and have heard rave reviews. I would love to get prize B so I can get the 2nd in the series. Thank you very much for the chance to win it.


susan harris said...

id luv to win prize 2 and id defo go for halfway to the grave .... ur books have been in my to buy lift for far too long so this mite b the pushi need to get sum cash together for them !

thanx susan ( susanharris112@hotmial.com )

Anonymous said...

Hi what a golden opportunity for me becauseof my country bolitical mess i still haven't got this side of the grave and i am dying to read it so i am very happy that i got the chance to have it. my name is Zainab Mansoor and my email is gaieeth_1989@hotmail.com

Jamie said...

Thanks for the great giveaway!! I would love a chance to win prize 1 please. I love you books and just can't get enough!!

akascrapaholic [at] gmail [dot] com

Anonymous said...

Please enter me in for the ARC!!!

Stephanie G

Anonymous said...

I Love Love Love this series. I'd love to win Prize 1.. as I already have all the other books. Thanks Lynelle :)


Bia said...

I would like prize number 1 since I already have all the rest! :)
Hope it's open for Brazil too.

MissLittleBookAddict said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Rachel said...

I'd love to win Prize 1 (Arc of One Grave at a Time)!! I've read all of the others and absolutely LOOOVE them :) Can't wait for One Grave at Time to come out!


Anonymous said...

I'd live to win an ARC of One Grave at a Time! The wait is KILLING me.


MissLittleBookAddict said...

I would have to say the arc of ogaat would be my choice. Can't seem to get enough of bones lol



pAu said...

In Spanish
Me encanta la Saga Night Huntress, me enamoré de los personajes en el primer libro y no pude parar! Me enamore de Bones, lo amo.
Lamentablemente en mi paĂ­s Argentina, no llegan todos los libros, solo he podido comprar el primero y me encantarĂ­a poder tener la colecciĂłn completa.
Por lo tanto, elijo el premio 2 y el libro Nro 2 de la saga One Foot in the Grave.
Mi nombre es: Analia AlmirĂłn de Buenos Aires Argentina.
Mi email: analiapva@gmail.com
Desde ya muchas gracias

In English
I love Saga Night Huntress, I loved the characters in the first book and could not stop! I fell in love Bones, I love it.
Unfortunately in my country Argentina, do not get all the books, I could only buy the first and I love to have the entire collection.
Therefore, I choose the 2 and the book prize Issue 2 of the series One Foot in the Grave.
My name is: Analia Almiron Buenos Aires Argentina.
My email: analiapva@gmail.com
Thank you very much

candrbeyer said...

Prize 1. Ive read every thing else and I'm jonesing for my Cat and Bones Fix. Thanks Rhonda

VeryKerri said...

Prize #1 please....love all the books so far. Thanks
Kerri email at

steph2007 said...

Prize one please! I'll be bouncing in my seat all night! Lol
Stephanie -rssteven10@gmail.com

Meg said...

Well I'd certainly love prize #1, I have all the rest of your books so prize #2 wouldn't be much good.
Good luck on your deadline and as NC resident I look forward to seeing you at your upcoming signing.
my email is mmartin23@elon.edu

tonya said...

I am hooked on Bones and Cat. Can't wait for the next book i would love One Grave at a Time.

KrisM said...

Im a huge fan!!!!! I would absolutely love to win a ARC copy of OFAAT.. :)))


kelleigh2327 said...

I'd love to have Prize #2...particularly book #3 At Graves End. Trying to get them all in paperback as well as audio!

Anonymous said...

I would like the ARC of One Grave at a Time. It's torture to wait so long. And I want to see how Don and Bones and Cat all fit together.

Fingers crossed
Ginna Wilcoxen
email: nyssacrman@yahoo.com

sue ellen said...

I'd love prize #1. I have read all the Night Huntress novels and just love them. Can't wait for One Grave at a Time.

Sue Ellen

Anonymous said...

I love the series and have been missing Cat & Bones. I can't wait until the end of the month so I hope I win the ARC of TSOTG

juliamarie18 AT aol DOT com

sue ellen said...

I'd love prize #1. Have all the Night Huntress books. Just love them. Can't wait for One Grave at a Time.

Sue Ellen


AlysL - A woman just trying to make it through the day. said...

This is awesome! Prize 1 - One Grave at a Time ARC would be awesome...I have read all of your books...many times! Love me some Bones! LOL Thanks for the opportunity to win!

Freda Burkett said...

I would love to win Prize 2, so I could finally get my hands on This Side of The Grave

Freda Burkett arkiegrl@gmail.com

Book Chatter Cath said...

LOVE this series...please enter me into the draw for the ARC of the latest release :)

Anonymous said...

Discovered Cat/Bones and the gang while reading a novel of short stories...and became instantly smitten!
Thanks so much
I would loooove Prize #1
I am currently in the midst of Book #4 and have read both the World Series books and am looking forward to #3....I really hope Ian gets his own book.
Thanks again
Gwen (gamoy1@hotmail.com

Kiera said...

I'd love to win Prize 1, I've already collected all of the other books (and read each of them at least twice). If I win, contact Kiera Fischer at kierapsi at gmail dot com

Thank you!

RR Kovar said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
RR Kovar said...

Prize 1 please (oh please, oh please!). I cannot get enough of this series and have turned a bunch of other people onto it. I'm a book pusher; I admit it.

Also, I am foolishly in love with Vlad, even though I know it could never work between us because he'd snap me like a twig.

(remembering email this time, duh) rebasays at gmail dot com

Jess said...

Prize 1 the ARC! Thanks for the giveaway!


Anonymous said...

I would love to win prize 1!!! My name is Stephanie and me e mail is fhschick_2005@yahoo.com.. tomorrow is my birthday! I actually have asked for the new book to be pre ordered for me for my birthday but no one has caved and done it yet!

Tonya said...

Hi Jeaniene! I'd love prize 1, the ARC. Thanks! Tonya Scully princesstonya@hotmail.com

Shannon said...

I personally think this is a great blog post! I'd love to be entered for Prize #1 an Arc of OGAAT. The trailer is very cool btw!
Thanks for continuing to write such amazing stories!
Shannon bontempscutie@gmail.com

Anonymous said...

Love your books and would be happy if I can add PRIZE #1 to my collection. Thanks!

Lani Barcelona

shan said...

I love your books. I have read all of them and am looking forward to your new one.
Prize 1 (Arc of One Grave at a Time)

Anonymous said...

#1. I have read all of the books multiple times. I love Cat & Bones, and can't wait to read One Grave At A Time. You are an absolute genius, I am forever hooked!!


Jennifer said...

I am in LOVE with the entire series and the companion books!!! I own them all and cannot wait for the One Grave At A Time. I would love to win prize 1

jnsanders4242010 at gmail dot com

Casey H said...

I love love love to win one of your previous books! (I'm kinda dying for One Grave at a Time but since I already pre-ordered it, I'll take one of the older books :D).

Yay for Bones!!


Anonymous said...

OMB!!!! I would love prize#1 the ARC, I just finished re-reading the series for the bazillionth time. I LOVE THEM! And, you are my favorite author of all time!!!!

Forever your fan,

Calliope said...

I would love prize #1 but, heck, prize #2 is pretty dang awesome too...is say I'm interested in BOTH an option, LOL?

Samantha B

Escape by Fiction said...

I about love this series to death! Will you eventually give Tate his own story? I am caught up and up-to-date with your series and I would love PRIZE 1, the ARC of One Grave at a Time.

Escape by Fiction said...

Sorry - forgot contact info:

Good reading ~ Escape by Fiction :)

Amber said...

Prize 1 would be awesome! Very excited for the new book.

tabooks said...

Definately the ARC. I have all the other books but an advanced reading copy of the new one would just "tickle me pink"!

Tonya Aberle

Llehn said...

Playing for Prize 1 please.


Anonymous said...

Awesome!! I love your night huntress books, especially Bones ;) I really, really want prize 1, thanks so much, Lorena (loriysa@hotmail.com)

llamannerdymama said...

I love your books!! I would love the ARC for ONE GRAVE AT A TIME. I discovered your books because a friend recommended you and I haven't looked back. I got my husband and my niece both addicted too. Keep up the writing, and we keep buying your books and reading them!

Cate said...

I read all of your books and would love to have prize # 1, can't wait to read the next chapter in Bones and Cat' story!!! Thanks for the contest, Jeaniene your
the B E S T !!! -----Cate


Unknown said...

I would love to win prize #1...I am addicted to your books and already own all that have been published (that I am aware of). I pre-order them as soon as the option is available.
April Seig

Anonymous said...

Call me obvious but I would LOVE prize one! I thoroughly enjoy each of you books and anthologies. I'm patiently waiting but if I didn't have to that would be awesome!

Amanda (Minooka, IL)


Ren said...

Prize #1 please! I already read all your books and so impatiently to have some Bones smexy pieces with me ( not him, of course, the book ;) )


sawamura_foxman AT yahoo DOT com

DMBrooks2000 said...

My son and I love your work. We have your backlist, but winning Prize1, the ARC, would prevent me from having to drive a 4 hour roundtrip to the bookstore. Yes, I am that far into the middle of nowhere. Thanks for the opportunity, and either way, I can't wait to start Ch. 4 of One Grave At A Time.


Anonymous said...

Price # 1 is my pick i have all the other books already.
Leela Clark
my e-mail is QTpie16416@aol.com

Juliann (the Insane) said...

I'm tempted to say the ARC, buuuttttt... I think I can wait for it, lol. And I need a new one of This Side of the Grave (my mom spilled COFFEE all over my original copy of it!) so I'll ask to be entered for Prize #2, so I can get This Side of the Grave please. :)

Juliann Hilton

Birgit said...

Awww ... what a great opportunity! I'd go for #2 and pick "This side of the Grave"! Thanks!

danaan at gmx dot at

Loony Linh said...

Please enter me to win an ARC copy of One Grave At A Time. I love your series and am so glad that you're going to continue writing more books for the Night Huntress Series!

Thank you so much for making it international. I love your writing and have re-read all your books countless time, Cat & Bones never gets old :) Please have a good day today~!^^

lnhphm24 {at} hotmail {dot} com

Joellen said...

I've been reading this series from the beginning and can't get enough! I have every book released in my library and I would love to win Prize #1. :)


Carina Olsen said...

Thank you for this amazing giveaway :D I have yet not read your books, so I would love to win Prize 2 :) And I would like Halfway to the Grave if I win :D
Love, Carina ~ carina-olsen@hotmail.com

Lani said...

Fantastic competition! I'd love prize #1. I devoured the entire series, reading it back to back just last week and I'm dying to read the next installment. :)

Shelby D said...

I'd love to win prize #1! I adore your books and can't wait to get my hands on the ones I don't have yet.

Shelby (lil_devlish69@yahoo.com)

dev said...

I would love love love a copy of "One Grave at a Time." I am so addicted to this series and can't wait to see what Cat and Bones get into next!


Spav said...

Awesome giveaway. Count me in for prize #1.


JaZ said...

Well, let's try this. I'd absolutely love to win Prize #1. There can't happen anything worse than me not winning, right??! Anyway, thanks for the chance for one of us to read OGaaT early. I think everybody'd flip and feel, like, unbelievably honored..

Anonymous said...

Hi Jeaniene I'd love prize 1! Megan Scully littleflyingfroggie1@hotmail.com

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to read this book! Id love prize 1! Megan megansuxx@hotmail.com

Anonymous said...

Prize 1 please! I've been waiting very impatiently for this book! Tonya little_monster1.co.uk

Si said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Insiya said...


I'd love to get prize 1 (ARC of One grave at a time).. i live in India and i have to wait for 15 to 20 days after release for the book to actually come on the indian online stores.. :(
it would be great to read the book as soon as it releases... :)
EMail : insiyakanchwala@gmail.com

Anonymous said...

love this series! I would love prize 1 the ARC! Thanks for the giveaway! Martine agent.scully@bigpond.com

Anonymous said...

OMG Prize 1 please!!! :)

andrea perkov said...

I would definitely prefer prize number 1 becuase I'm counting down the days until that book comes out =)
the date has been in my calendar for months now...so I'm totally excited because it's coming out soon

my e-mail is:

have a nice day

Anonymous said...

I am dying for this book! I've been counting down ever since the release day was known. I'd love prize #1. Thanks! Margaret email:hipgrandma1942@hotmail.com

Anonymous said...

I'm so excited for "One Grave At A Time" so I'd love to win prize 1! It would definatley take some of the sting out of my trial HSC exams! Name : Tonya Email: itstonyabyotch@gmail.com

Anonymous said...

Prize #1 Please. I have all your other books :) Cant wait for the new one!!!!!

Have a wonderful day

Janhvi said...

thanks for the awesome giveaway and for making it international!!
i would love to be entered for prize#2 i'm fairly new to your series and would love to get my hands on one of the former books!:)

GFC-Janhvi Jagtap

justjanhvi at gmail dot com

Joni G. said...

Thanks for the giveaway. I am intetested in prize pack 1; since I've read the rest of the series at least twice...
jguldy at yahoo dot com

J Ashley Whitt said...

I am in LOVE with this series, have every book, and am anxiously awaitng the new book. All I do is read! I have no socail life so I love to escape into the life of my books! With this series Im right there with Bones and Cat! I would love Prize one. Thank you for this opportunity!

J Ashley Whitt

Rain Maiden said...

I have not met Cat and Bones yet so Prize pack 2 would be my choice. Thank you for the giveaway!


mountie9 said...

i would kill -- well not really actually kill - for the ARC
jrayment AT rogers DOT com
Jennifer Rayment

Thanks for the chance!!!

CrystalGB said...

I would love to have prize #1. I am a big fan of your Night Huntress series.
Thanks for the awesome giveaway.

Candyce said...

Oh I would SO love prize #1. I have read ALL of your books over and over and need a new one before I start quoting them...

Chelsea B. said...

I would love to win prize two, as I am new to your books!!

Chelsea B.

Ellen Jay said...

Thank-you for such an awesome international giveaway!! I would love Prize #1 im struggling to wait for One Grave At A Timeto be released :P


jfort357 said...

Congrats to the winners!!!! Happy reading!!! :-)

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