Who We Are

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

8 for 8

Hi everyone!

A quick intro as this is my first ever Supernatural Underground blog post.  I'm Leigh Fallon *waves* I'm Irish, and I write books. I'm currently writing paranormal romance for teens. My debut novel, Carrier of the Mark, has been making book shelves all over the world that little bit pretty for the past five weeks. It's the first book in a trilogy. The second will be out early 2013. 

On the 8th of the month I'll be posting my 8 for 8.  Each month I'll be chucking random paranormal / supernatural questions out on Twitter and FB. I'm going to be finding out what's hot, what's not. What's beautiful,  and what's down write ugly. What makes our spines tingle, and what makes our toes curl..  So join me here on the 8th for your 8 for 8. Be warned, I don't take life too seriously *wink* There will be fun.  So follow the Supernatural Underground on Twitter and click 'like' on Facebook and join in the fun.

See you here in December for a cracking 8 for 8.

All the very best and talk soon.



Brenda Hyde said...

Welcome to the blog-- I'm really looking forward to reading your posts:) Oh, and your cover is beautiful!

Helen Lowe said...

Great to have you join us here, Leigh! :)

Bonnie said...

Sounds like fun, I'll look for your posts.

Amanda Arista said...

I've got cover art envy!
Welcome to the blog, Leigh!

Sharon Stogner said...

beautiful cover! and I don't take things to seriously either ;) Looking forward to what ever you throw at us!

Kim Falconer said...

Wonderful to see your first post!

Welcome. :)

Looking forward to all those paranormal/sup questions on FB and TW!

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