Who We Are

Monday, November 28, 2011

EBooks 101

*** EBook Giveaway *** 
The Giveaway's over here,
but still running on my blog
until December 9, 2011.
I've recently gone through the process of converting one of my backlist books to an eBook. I wrote the PJ Gray series of psychological thrillers under the name Shirley Kennett. It was an interesting procedure, and I learned a lot along the way that will make the conversion of the next book in the series much easier for me. If you're interested in the process of eBook creation, whether for an original or existing book, I shared my experience in EBooks 101, complete with specific resources and lots of links. If you're a writer with a backlist or a reader who wants to tell her own stories, you might want to check out that article. If you're just interested in a free eBook, read on!

If you'd like to see how Gray Matter, book one of the PJ Gray series, turned out, I'll give away a free copy to EVERYONE who leaves a comment here by Friday, December 2nd. Let me know if you want the Kindle or Nook/iPad version (ePub). I'll be sending it to you as an email attachment, so I'll need your (disguised) email. If you prefer, you can email me at dakota @ dakota-banks dot com. Be sure to add my email to your whitelist for my response.

Happy holidays!


SandyG265 said...

Thnaks for the generous giveaway! I'd like a the kindle format please.

SandyG265 said...

Sorry forgot toleave my email address in the above comment

sgiden at verizon.net

Anonymous said...

I have a Nook and would love to read Gray Matter. Thanks for the opportunity.


Donna said...

Not a writer but fascinated by the process. Thanks for the giveaway. Nook for me please.

1_trouble AT msn DOT com

SacredmOOn said...

I won a new kindle that should arive tomorrow. YAY! I'm so excited. So I would love a kindle one thank you.

llamannerdymom said...

Thank you, I am very interested in the process.

I have a Nook. Thank you for the giveaway. That is very generous.


June M. said...

I have a kindle so I would love a kindle version please.
manning_j2004 at yahoo dot com

Na said...

That is very generous of you. Thank you. I have the Kindle for PC app and would like a kindle version please.


Nicole Murphy said...

Hi Dakota

I read somewhere that you can't use the final copyedited print version of the book because that work was done by the publisher and therefore they have some claim of ownership over that. What do you think?

Would love the Kindle version. nicole at nicolermurphy dot com.

Dakota Banks said...

Hi Nicole,

I'll offer my opinion, but I'm not an attorney. The book is copyrighted in my name. I can use the text from the printed version of the book, but not the cover or the specific text design. For example, a book might contain an ornate large cap at the beginning of each chapter, or some other graphic at the beginning of a chapter. The PJ Gray books have a large "CHAPTER", a line, and a large chapter number underneath it. It's part of the layout of the book, so I don't use that design element. Separate layout and design of the printed version (off limits) from the actual words in the book and I think you're okay. Says the non-attorney.

Dakota Banks said...

Everyone up to this point should have received a copy of Gray Matter. If I sent you the wrong version, let me know.

Bonnie said...

How interesting. I love that authors can put their back lists on ebook now. I would love a kindle version of gray matter please. Thanks so much.


Unknown said...

I hope more authors put their backlist on ebook. I've got a lot of favorite books that I would be happy to buy an ebook copy of, just so that I can take it with me everywhere I go on my eReader.

Would love to read Gray Matter on my kindle.

drainbamaged.gyzmo at gmail.com

Karen said...

Wow! That's a treat. I love books. My husband (God bless him, the man's a saint with my book buying binges) loves free books more. lol

Thanks for the giveaway!

I have two email addresses. In order to get this onto my eReader, you have to use: kw2vt(at)comcast(dot)net

Sarah said...

Thanks for a generous giveaway! I'd love the Nook version:-)

sarahjordan67 at yahoo dot com

Dakota Banks said...

Bonnie, Kathryn, unseelieme, and Sarah - you should have your free eBook. Thanks for your interest!

jacque said...

Thank you for the great giveaway. I am sure I will enjoy reading it. Hope your family has a great holiday!!!

Dakota Banks said...

Jacque, I need your email to send you the free eBook. Post it here in disguised form or email me at dakota at dakota-banks dot com.

Kim Falconer said...

Jo Dakota,
I so appreciate hearing about this process! It inspires me!

I will definitely be grabbing Gray Matter! Sounds fabulous!

Kim Falconer said...

lol that was a 'Hi, Dakota' not some hip new Aussie slang :)

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