Who We Are

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


(EDIT**** Congratulations to VanillaOrchid! Contest is now closed. Thanks to all who commented. You were all brilliant! )

Happy Tuesday everyone!

The Heather half of Sable here, and as I'm recovering from deadline, this will be a short, but sweet, post. To celebrate the release of our first e-novella, BEFORE THE FALL, I'm giving away a signed ARC of our December release, BEDEVILED: A Dark Breed Novel -- the book that picks up where Ascension left off.

Interested? Answer this question and you're entered to win. Simple. And sweet!

Question: Aside from people and pets... if Hell was opening up outside your door, what's the one thing you couldn't leave town without?

Please include your email address in your comment so we can contact if you if you win.

BEFORE THE FALL: A Dark Breed Novella
Zach was once the Order of Ancients' most feared warrior, beating back the hounds of hell to protect the unsuspecting human race. But since he left the Order ten years ago, he'd been living as a mortal...until now. The gates of the underworld are breaking open, and Zach is needed once again in the fight. But before he can answer his summons, there's one person he refuses to leave behind. Shanna may think Zach has screw loose, spouting all this "hounds of hell" nonsense, but he has to get her to safety. The journey to the Order's headquarters is a dangerous one, and even a warrior like Zach might not be strong enough to keep the darkness at bay.


SandyG265 said...

I'd take my Kindle.

sgiden at verizon.net

Sharon Stogner said...

lol, I gotta go with the kindle too!

Sharon Stogner said...

forgot the email! sstogner1 at gmail dot com

Book Addictions by Christina said...

I my family photo albums and video camera. Also some food and water if I could, And a gun with ammo.and a knife lol. Gotta be prepared!


thanks for the giveaway:)

J.K. Coi said...

is this a zombie world? 'cause I might need a gun or an axe

But I'd probably reach for my Supernatural T-Shirt. *sigh* Can't go anywhere without Sam and Dean LOL :)

Llehn said...

My laptop! Gotta have internet access!


Brenda Hyde said...

My kindle. When I'm stressed I HAVE to read as escapism. If hell was outside my door you can damn well figure I'd need my kindle. It has over 400 books on it, so I'd be okay for awhile:)

Stephanie said...

I would also take my laptop.


Unknown said...

LOL! So if they found a way to turn the Kindle or laptop into a weapon with maybe a little food/water dispenser thingys... we'd have all we need?
Awesome answers!

Pam said...

I don't have a kindle or anything like that so I'd have to say some books.


Anonymous said...

I'd grab my Nook. I need it to escape reality now so I'm sure I'd need it even more then.

Thanks for the opportunity.


felinewyvern said...

I would grab my Sony Touch by preference, but common sense tells me without a way to charge it up it wouldn't last long. So more sensibly I would grab something to use as a weapon of self defense :D

RFTC Blog said...

My books and my Kindle. No way I could ever leave those behind.


CeciliaJ Reads said...

My hard cover copy of pride and Prejudice. Not only would it give me something to wack the demons out of my way with, I'd have some Darcy to dream about too.


Sara M said...

Well, considering it would be hard to get out of town with my five bookshelves worth of book, I'd definitely grab my Kindle and my credit card (to purchase more ebooks of course).

Sara M
sara_UFblog [at] yahoo [dot] com

YzhaBella's BookShelf said...

Oooh! That's easy! My personal library! Gotta have my books!

Thanks for the chance to win!
mleger0546 (at) rogers (dot) com

Sullivan McPig said...

my cellphone, so I can take pictures of everything that's happening and upload it to the internet right away.


Unknown said...

This is why I love readers. We know what's important!!

Judi said...

It would be a toss up between my laptop which has all my ebooks on it and a fire extinguisher! I would use the fire extinguisher both to put out any fires close by & for demon bashing, lol.


Thanks for the giveaway. :-)

Na said...

A fat book! I don't own an ereader but if I did I would be taking that, that way I'd have tons of books to keep me company and lose myself in. Logically, I would say a first aid kit but then again I need books to keep my sanity!


Barbara E. said...

I couldn't leave town without my iPhone. It does everything and even though I just got it a few weeks ago, I've grown to love it very quickly.

Barbed1951 at aol dot com

Unknown said...

both my ereaders with the battery adapters and all my ebooks loaded onto them or! my favorite teddy bear it is a toss up LOL (what can I say 40 going on 14)

Darcée said...

I would take my Swiss Army knife... Never know how handy a wine cork screw can be.


Teril said...

ohh I want Mary Poppins ever holding bad bag and stuff my bookshelf in there. That and red vines. And my iphone.

terilhack at yahoo dot com

Helen Lowe said...

Love the new cover, Heather--and not many sleeps now until December & release day!

As for what I couldn't leave home without (altho' of course as a fellow Supe I can't be in the draw), I think it would have to be my favourite coffee pot--which is small, brew-for-one size, so very packable, but also robust!

MariC said...

I couldn't leave without the computer tower. All my eBooks, a database of all the paper books I own, family picks, fave games, music, etc, etc I couldn't live without it.

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