Who We Are

Friday, December 16, 2011

12 Days of Christmas continued....

A dream can come true when you put your heart into it. ~Walt Disney

The WINNER of the Quantum Enchantment Giveaway is Bonnie (not because she was first in but because of Marshmallow Marsh!)

Thank you everyone for joining in and bringing such wonderful memories and experiences! Keep checking back as we continue to giveaway books right up until the grand prize at the end. All can enter! Blessings :)

When I was growing up in California, I had a brother. We were close in age and there was one thing we loved more than anything else in the world – Disneyland. OMG the Matterhorn! Tomorrow land, Pirates of the Caribbean, strawberry pancakes stacked to the sky and life size Mickey and Pluto and Snow White! In those years I divided my days between being in Disneyland (5), and wishing I was there (360).

Fortunately for me and my brother, our dad was a Disney nut so the trips were not too infrequent but the one I remember best was when I was eight, my brother nine and we spent Christmas in Disneyland. It was hands down the most spectacular time in my life, like living inside a storybook. Absolutely magic!

I am convinced that the shear imagination of Walt Disney and the world he created has influenced my writing. Walt believed in magic and he made me believe in it too. It’s not just a metaphor either. Walt Disney created Mickey Mouse, Pluto and all the rest in the face of daunting odds.

He was told he couldn’t draw, had no hope for a future in the industry and that his dream of Disneyland would fall flat on its face. But Walt wouldn’t let go of. After his first animation company went bankrupt he wrote himself an affirmation and kept it in his desk drawer until the day he died. It said simply, I am the greatest entertainer in the world. And he was! He put his whole heart into his dream and as a child, the world he created inspired me to do the same.

Quantum Enchantment Giveaway: In the spirit of this season’s celebration and dreams we dare to dream coming true, I’m giving away all three books in the Quantum Enchantment Series on Kindle. Just comment on your favourite Disney movie, character or ride to be in the draw. I look forward to hearing yours!

Have a wonderful festive season and mid-winter (summer down under) solstice! Blessings!

Kim Falconer is a Supernatural Underground author writing epic science fantasy novels set in the worlds of Earth and Gaela. Kim’s latest series is Quantum Encryption. You can find out more about her at kim.falconer.com or her daily blog The 11th House. She posts here on the 16th of every month.


Bonnie said...

Disney World was where we went every year at spring break and we would camp at the Wilderness lodge. My favorite part was going on the Marshmellow Marsh which was a canoe trip in the dark to an island where we would have a huge bonfire and tell ghost stories. I don't think Disney does that anymore but it was so much fun.
My favorite character was Cinderella.
Thanks for making me remember those times. I haven't thought about them in years.

Unknown said...

My favorite Disney movie is Mulan. I love that she is strong character. I think having strong female leads even in cartoons is important for young girls. It shows them that not fairy tales involve a damsel in distress.

Michelle Bledsoe said...

My favorite Disney character is Phenias and Ferb from the Disney Channel cartoon. I love them...

koonie2888 at yahoo dot com

Ken Charles said...

Fantasia. As a fantasy writer, how could it be anything else?

Charlie Kenmore

SandyG265 said...

I like the Haunted Mansion ride.

sgiden at verizon.net

Helen Lowe said...


I have never been to Disneyland but I loved the TV programmes as a kid--and am always inspired by the Walt Disney story.

Jen said...

Splash Mountain is my Favorite disney ride!!! Every since i was a little girl i LOVED that ride and still do.

Brenda Hyde said...

Wow, that's a tough one. I want to say Mulan--I loved the music and the characters so much! I think it's a toss up though between that and Alladin-- dang, my boys were small when we first saw it and we STILL laugh at it:)

Kim Falconer said...

You guys! I love hearing all your Disney favorites! Oh Bonnie! I forgot about Marshmellow Marsh! And YES to Fantasia, Ken, I agree. Amazing! Love you Mulan fans too and here's for the Disney Channel!

Haunted Mansion, Splash Mountain! Oh Brenda, Alladin is a Fav too.

My top ride as a child was the Pirates of the Caribbean and the Jungle Tour. I think Thunder Mountain is a favorite now. :)

Na said...

Disney has some pretty amazing, timeless movies. I love Beauty and the Beast, Finding Meno, National Treasure and Lilo & Stitich. hey are feel good movie that the whole family can enjoy.


Melissa (Books and Things) said...

I went to Disneyland when I was young with some of my cousins. Some of my very cherished memories came from that, and not because of the magical place we were at. It was when I knew that my cousin treated me like a little sis more than just a cousin. I will miss him so much. My fave movie... oh so many I can't name them all.

Fancy said...

My dream is to take my entire family there. Its a work in progress but one I intend to see through. My favorite Disney Character is Flower from Bambi... they made him so adorable how could anyone not just love him!

Kim Falconer said...

Melissa, I felt that way about my brother too. Life between us was always better there, like it took us to a 'higher level' :) Such good memories!

Fancy, Flower is the cuties skunk in the world (though I do adore the amorous Pepe Le Pew, Looney Tunes I believe)

Sharon Stogner said...

My husband and I like Disney w/o the kids . Favorite old school character is Pluto. Favorite princess probably Mulan. Favorite ride...Haunted Mansion!

Ashleigh said...

My favorite movie will always be Beauty and the Beast. I love Belle. And I would kill to have her library. Every time she throws the doors open I grin in childlike delight

Barbara E. said...

My favorite Disney movie is Cinderella, favorite character is Tinkerbell, and my favorite ride is Space Mountain. (Although Expedition Everest at Animal Kingdom is pretty awesome).

Happy Holidays!
Barbed1951 at aol dot com

The Introverted Yogi said...

I love the little mermaid. When I was younger I knew all the songs from that movie. Of course the ending was altered a little from the otiginal version. But it was a beautiful story.

Billie Jo said...

My favorite movie and characters are Belle and the Beast from Beauty and the Beast!!! The best movie ever.

ThatBrunette said...

Hooray! Another Disney fan. I highly suggest putting Tokyo DisneySea on your 'list'. It is a must-see for Disney fans.

Movie - Cinderella
Character - Maleficent's Dragon
Ride - Haunted Mansion or If You Had Wings

Stephanie Rowe said...

My favorite Disney character is Rapunzel from Tangled. Her spunky attitude and refusal to get depressed about her life (like being locked in a tower her entire life) was awesome!

Cynthia Andersen said...

I loved the Little Mermaid but I can't decide whether I like Ariel or Eric the best.

Kim Falconer said...

I am loving all your comments and these wonderful reminders of such uplifting times! Thank you!

Cherry said...

My favouritest disney movie will have to be Beauty And The Beast :) It was my first 3D animation movie... Couldn't forget my wonder!

Cherry Mischievous
cherrymischif-darkward (at) yahoo (dot) com

Keta Diablo said...

Disneyworld has been such a phenomenal concept for children around the world. Who wouldn't love the place?

My favorite movie is Beauty and the Beast, a timeless love story. I adore Tinkerbell from Peter Pan, another brilliant idea for a character.

Thanks so much for the contest. would love to win one of the books about THINGS THAT GO BUMP IN THE NIGHT,

Happy Holidays everyone,
ketadiablo at Yahoo dot com

Jan said...

I've never been to a Disney park but want to.

Donald Duck is a favorite of mine. Along with the rest of his family, Huey, Dewey, Louie, and Uncle Scrooge. I used to love reading the cartoons!


Dawn said...

Beauty and the Beast is, hands down, my favorite movie. And the Little Mermaid is a close second.


Jacqui R said...

One day I will make it to the states and go to Disneyland *sigh* till then I am content with the disney movies I loved Peter Pan as a child, but also love all the classics snow white, sleeping beauty, I don't think there is a movie I haven't liked.

Barb P said...

Hi Kim! I am proud to also call myself a Disney fanatic! I am a Mickey Mouse lover! I collect Mickey T-Shirts, Coffee Mugs, Jim Shore Statues etc. Some of the best times I have ever spent with my family have been in Florida at Disney World. My parents live in Tampa so we try to get there at least once a year. We also live in Kansas City where Walt got his start. Thank you for the inspirational post! Don't enter me because I don't have a Kindle, but I had to comment.

Unknown said...

I prefer Disneyland (CA) to Disney World (FL). My siblings and I really confused the other people at Disney world our first trip there. We did Butsch Gardens the day before and were not at all impressed with all the mechanical animals and kept asking to leave because we didn't like all this "fake stuff". We were 3, 8 and 9 so this got us some really strange looks. Both visits to World were pre-Epcot so would like to make a trip back to see how that is.
Love Fantasia, love the old Disney movies but I'm not as impressed with many of the remakes. I'm sure there are people with new ideas out there.

Kim Falconer said...

Thank you everyone for your warm responses and all your wonderful memories of Disney characters and worlds. It's great to share theses experiences!

The winner of the Quantum Enchantment Series on Kindle is Bonnie, not really because you were first in but because of Marshmallow Marsh!

Thank you everyone again, and keep dropping in to the 12 days of Christmas giveaway with a big grand prize at the end! Woot!

Bonnie said...

Thank you Kim. I can't wait to read them. They arrived on my Birthday.
Thank you so much

Kim Falconer said...

On your birthday??? That's awesome!

You're very welcome! Enjoy!

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