Who We Are

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Claws and Effect!!!

Congratulations to Bonnie who one the giveaway!
So, like most of us, I’m still recouping from Christmas (where I hosted twenty-four at my little house on Christmas Eve), New Years, (where I shopped like it was 1999), and a book launch in between.
My brain is a little zapped, partially from the holidays and partially from the secret that I'm dying to tell you guys.
So, let me just tell you about my favorite character in Claws and Effect, my second book that came out December 27th. While writing this novel, I completely fell in love with Tucker Briggs. I’ve never written healing male before. He really becomes stronger and I loved his development into what Violet needed, not a romantic interest but a brother. The Tucker Briggs that you see in the first few pages is not the Tucker Briggs at the end.

An without further ado, a small excerpt, featuring Tucker Briggs.

* * * * * * * * * * *

The buffet we found off the highway said it was all you could eat, but the owners shot me dirty glances from behind the cash register as the four men kept getting up and going for seconds and thirds and fourths. It was worse than a high school basketball team.

Tucker ate with a little more reserve, though he did plow through two plates before he said a word to me. “Sorry about them.”

“I’ll expect better next time.”

“Yes, ma’am,” he said with military efficiency. I could see him curse himself afterward. But he was learning.

It begged the question. “Were you in the service?”

“Army. Four years right out of high school.”

“And your brother?”

“When I came back, Tyler had been changed over, and he wasn’t strong enough to make it on his own.”

I winced. “And he attacked you?”

Tucker shook his head. “I chose.”

I dropped my fork. Well, more like, my entire body flinched in disbelief and my fork flew across the room. The owners scowled harder.

“You let him?” the words were like cotton balls falling out of my mouth.They left an odd taste that wasn’t the pork dumplings I was pushing around my plate.

“He couldn’t do it alone. So we did it together.”

I gulped. I couldn’t fathom choosing this life. If it weren’t for Chaz, I think I would rather had just curled up in that alley and died if I knew what was coming, if I could have predicted all of this.

“And the others?”

“Picked them up along the way.”

“So you’re like THE big brother.”

Tucker just shrugged.
I looked back down at my low mein. “Huh. Never had a big brother.”
* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

If you like that, then let me know and I’ll choose a random commenter to get a signed copy of the first in the series, Diaries of an Urban Panther.
Amanda Arista
Facebook: Amanda Arista
Twitter: @pantherista


Roni said...

I have Diaries of an Urban Panther, and the next two, on my wishlist. Winning a signed copy would be awesome.

SandyG265 said...

I'd like to be entered for a copy. Thanks for the chance to win.

sgiden at verizon.net

CrystalGB said...

Loved the excerpt. Sounds great. Thanks for the giveaway.


donnas said...

Great excerpt. New series I am definitely going to have to pick up.

Congrats on the release!!

Bonnie said...

That little tidbit of your book Diaries of an Urban Panther just did one thing... It made me want more! Please enter me in your fabulous giveaway and I'm keeping my fingers crossed to win.
Congrats on your new release.

Ash Wolf said...

Okay, that little bit makes me want to read more. Or at least check out the series.
Glad to see you survived the holidays. Have a happy new year!

Barbara E. said...

Great excerpt, I can't wait to read more. Tucker Briggs sounds like a wonderful character and I'm looking forward to seeing his development.

Barbed1951 at aol dot com

Amanda Arista said...

Keep posting guys!
I'll keep the contest open unti the next Supernatural aunderground author posts.

Llehn said...

I'd love to play please. It sounds intriguing.


June M. said...

I have Diaries of an Urban Panther on my wishlist. I would love to win a signed copy of it to start this series cause it looks great.
manning_j2004 at yahoo dot com

Brenda Hyde said...

I have your books on my wish list too. I NEED a bigger book budget. I love the snippet. Shifters at a buffet-- I never thought of that!!

wayfaringwriter at gmail dot com

Jacqui R said...

It sounds good :) I'd love to be in with a chance to win too please.

ticklebear2 at yahoo dot com

alainala said...

that sounds FRIGGEN AWESOME!! i wanna know the rest of the story now! please pretty please enter me!!! i would LOVE to get the first book!!!

(ahem.. pretty pretty please with a cherry on top??)

alainala AT hotmail DOT ca

Melissa (Books and Things) said...

Oh he sounds like a great hero. I so would love to read this series. Do sign me up!

Dakota Banks said...

Great excerpt, Amanda!

Teril said...

ah squee! I loved book one and now with this post I find out that book two is out! Fabulous times.I cannot wait to add it to my nook. Thank you!
I would love to be counted in for a signed paperback!

terilhack at yahoo dot com

Van Pham said...

Awesome excerpt! Would love to win a signed copy, thanks for the giveaway.


Cate said...

Cool excerpt, can't wait to read the whole book. Thanks for the giveaway! Kayko118(at)yahoo(dot)com.

Sharon Stogner said...

like the sound of him :) loyal...will there be Tucker smexy?

Tara G said...

Sounds great - would love to get to read the entire book!!

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