Who We Are

Monday, January 9, 2012

Dance Like No One is Watching...

Hey all and Happy MONDAY!!!

I'm deep in deadline doo doo so this is going to be short and sweet. I trust you all made it through the holidays and if you're like me, kind of happy that um, they're over?  My kids are finally heading back to school today so in a way, my year is starting NOW.

Now, I'm not really the one to make New Year's resolutions.  Not really. I feel in a way it's like setting yourself up to fall.  But I do believe in setting goals.  Having something to aspire to.  This year my goal is to...Dance like there's no one watching.

I am living this year for myself with no inhibitions, no boundaries and no self remorse. I want to be fierce in my life, my writing and my mind set. This is a lovely video I found courtesy of Megan Hart and  I WANT TO BE HER!

How freeing it must be to live your life with this attitude, no?

So what about you all?  Can you dance like there's no one watching?


Leigh said...

OMG! I wish I could grow big brass ones and get down and boogie in a public place like that. Maybe this year will be the year they finally drop! LOL.

Sable said...

Great post Jules. I tend to call resolutions goals too and not believe they should only happen on jan 1. Dance like no one is watching... Love it. New goal set.


Amy Valentini said...

I've been known to do some crazy things in public (I do strut and sing to the music playing in the grocery store sometimes) but wow, never had the cojones to all out dance like that! Not alone anyway. ; ) When I hear the beat, my body's gotta move!
Love your goal, Juliana, it's a good and somehow, I see it happening. : )

Terri Garey said...

I just wish I could dance that well, much less do it in public!!

I'm with you, Jules, no new year's resolutions... just want to live my life to fullest EVERY year!

Juliana Stone said...

I can tell you ladies that I danced all the way down the isle in the grocery store today and my daughter didn't find it amusing at all, LOL...score!!!!!!!!

Sharon Stogner said...

if i could dance like that (with that butt!) I would do it everywhere too . My girls and I car dance like that. Gives people something to look at while sitting at a stoplight.

Juliana Stone said...

LOL, Sharon I emailed my girlfriend and told her our ball team should start our first game like this...on the field...haha

Sharon Stogner said...

someone would upload it to FB and it will go viral!

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