Who We Are

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

The Great Alaskan Hunt for Howard

Congratulations to Lisa of Ohio for winning this month's prize!  Please come back August 25th for the next giveaway!  And thank you all for dropping by and leaving such great comments!

The 25th of every month is my turn to blog, and sometimes (for example, Christmas), I write the blog early, knowing that I'll be busy on the 25th. Today is like that. Today I'm giving a speech at the Librarians Day luncheon at the RWA conference in Anaheim. (RWA is Romance Writers of America). Writing I can do. I'm all alone in my office, and that's a comfort for an introvert like me. But public speaking?  Let's just say, I won't be eating much of that luncheon. My stomach will be in knots. But once I get started, I'll be all right. (That's what I keep telling myself!)

Later today, from 5-8 p.m., there will be a giant booksigning at the Anaheim Convention Center. I hope to meet some of you there!  About five hundred authors are signing, and it's open to the public.(Although there is a parking fee at the convention center).

And now, the Great Alaskan Howard Hunt!!  Yes, I just returned from Alaska, where I saw humpback whales, seals, sea otters, squirrels, moose, caribou, but I couldn't find Howard.  Not that I really wanted to run into a grizzly bear!  I did, however, find some of Howard's friends. I've posted a few photos here, but you can find more on my Facebook author page. And the highlight of the trip-- finding Howard's underwear!

Today, I'm giving away a signed copy of Sexiest Vampire Alive plus a signed coverflat of Howard's book, Wild About You. (That's the cover/artwork for the book coming out at the end of November.)  Just leave a comment about Howard (boxers or briefs?) or Alaska (or wherever you've been this summer), and a winner will be selected at random. International entries are welcome. Good luck!


Samantha said...

About Howard...boxers! :D
I will be in america for the first time this fall and i really really need something to read. Gee thats a 14hour flight and whats a better thing to do on a plane than reading ;D

SandyG265 said...

We're going to Vermont next month. Otherwise haven't gone anywhere this summer.

Barbara E. said...

Oh wow, lucky you. I've always wanted to do an Alaska trip and it sounds like you enjoyed it. I think Howard would wear boxers, I think he'd be into comfort and ease of movement. :D

Chelsea B. said...

I am so excited for Howard's book! The first time I read about him I wanted his story, and worried he wouldn't get one! Thank you so much for writing it! The cover is stunning-- I think it may be my favorite in the series yet!
Definitely briefs. It's the best of both worlds ;-)
So glad you had fun on your trip! We just got back from vacation in New Orleans. Love that city!


evlqn said...

I love Howard, he is one of my favorite were-people. As for boxers or briefs for Howard -neither, they would both bind him in places he would rather not be constricted.

Nickanickz said...

posted on my birthday! Nice gift! Thanks! :p

Danny said...

About Howard... definitely boxers! :))))
I can't wait to read this book.

cinful1121 said...

Ok rapid fire boxer briefs, always think of bear claws when I think of Howard cuz well he loves and I think has eaten them at some point in all the books he's in haha, let's see Alaska beautiful would love to go there, and sadly only trip I took this summer was back home to Wisconsin for grandma's funeral so that about covers it ;)

SamanthaDurrell said...

I read the entire series in one week, right before summer started!!! I can't wait until Wild About You comes out!!! I passed on the books to my friend who's a big fan now too!!!

sgttibbs said...

I'd have to agree with a fellow commenter..boxer briefs. That's mainly because boxers ride up the leg too much and I just don't see Howard as a total boxer kinda guy. Can't wait for his book. Then again I am a Love at Stake junkie!! This summer I have not been anywhere. Too hot! Hope you're having a wonderful summer.

Anonymous said...

I honestly have no idea what Howard would wear - though the puffin boxers would be hilarious. I just wanted to say that I can't wait to read the book when it comes out.

crystal said...

I think Howard would wear nothing but a smile on his lips when he meets his true luv. and i can't wait till i get to read all about it. My family and i have been to the beach and the zoo and we're thinking of taking the kids to the New Port Aquarium next week. Hope ur enjoying the Summer so far Kerrelyn. Can't wait to see u agin in ohio this time i promise i won't be late because of me getting my hands cut. lol i'm just glad i made it in time to see u that night.

Theresa Haywood Donbroski Johnson said...

I was in upper Michigan. We went canoeing. You know there's bear in Michigan & if I'm not mistaken I think we seen Howard. Awesome! tree1313chevy@gmail.com

Sarah said...

I would definitely say boxers, I love Howard and can't wait for his book.


Sharon's Style said...

I love all your books cant to read Howards story.

MJ Noduh said...

Don't know if I'm too late with this but what the heck. I'm heading over to Washington's lovely Whidbey Island soon to visit family. Can't wait to go over Deception Pass and enjoy the pacific ocean views. As for Howard, I'd have to agree with cinful 1121. Boxer briefs all the way ;)

Iva said...

I love all your books. Boxer briefs.

Anonymous said...

Boxers. I will be going camping.
love the books, can not wait for the next one. I got my friend hooked on them. would love it if you made the one into a book you made for the ereads and nooks.

Anonymous said...

I say he goes commando. They'd just get in the way. :-) Can't wait until Nov.

Wyntir said...

Looks like you had a great time in Alaska. Would love to go there someday. I'm staying home and out of the heat as much as possible, for the summer.
I think, coming from Alaska, Howard probably wears alot of longjohns to stay snuggly warm til he finds his mate. :P I hope to see you in the Dallas area again soon. Can't wait to see Howards book!

Sue said...

I like the best of both worlds - boxer briefs. Can't wait for this book. That's one sexy cover.

Larynn Ford said...

Yes boxer briefs...gotta see what Howard's working with:)!

Anonymous said...

Hmmmm...I love boxers on a guy,but I kinda "see" Howard in boxer-briefs. Been chillin' in the pool as much as possible in this summer's heat.


Lisa midrealm3868bat@yahoo

bn100 said...

Nice covers. I'd say both.


Sharon Stogner said...

Alaska is one of those places I will see one day. and boxers ;)
sstogner1 at gmail dot com

Adaiah said...

Howard in boxer's works for me.

Sharon A said...

Love he series, can't wait for Howard's book!

Sandy said...

I LOVE all your books! Each is better than the last! Keep up the goos work.

txpepperqueen said...

I would bet that Howard is a boxer's guy!

KhelseyJackson said...

I think Howard is a Briefs kind of man!!!

Tamsyn said...

I think I would like to see Howard in briefs - sexy!

PamB said...

I got to go on the trip of a life time this summer! 7 countries in a month. Germany, Ireland, The Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, France and Austria! Thanks to my husband and daughter!

Lisa said...

Boxer Briefs for sure. Just doing a staycation this summer with hopes of going back east (NH, MA, CT) in the fall. Hopefully sans kiddos so that I may enjoy time with friends I haven't seen for years.

Anonymous said...

I want a chomp of that bear claw!

Amy2read said...

I would have to say briefs :) and last month I drove from Rhode Island where i live to Florida and next month I'm going to visit New Hamphire.

Mary K. said...

Love the series - can't wait for Howard's book and all the other book possibilities - now there's Nate. We're sure to love him!!

Marion Emery said...

Well I love briefs so I will have to go with that. OMG I love all your books and I love series I hope you keep writing this series. I have read all and still have them. At 72 I figure in about 10 years I can read them again and think they are new but they are soooo good I know I will have to read them again.
A big fan

Anonymous said...

love your books have read them all and ca't wait until the next book


Debby said...

I like the boxer briefs. I am leaving for Michigan in a few minutes. Just waiting for my hubby.
debby236 at gmail dot com

mk said...

I'm pretty sure that a bear would go commando (that's a good mental image!) ;-)

Chris R said...

So cute! Definitely boxers.

Anonymous said...

Howard would boxers. I can't wait to read Howard's story!

Mindy said...

Gotta be commando Howard, the thought (added to the awesome cover model) is droolworthy!
Congrats on Sexiest Vampire Alive winning second place in the Prism contest 8D
Your series is soo awesome.
I havn't been to Alaska yet, but it's on my ever growing bucket list.


Anonymous said...

I agree commando for sure and I'll bet most of the characters from that series do the same YUM! Can't wait for his story!

High School Sweethearts said...

Boxers for sure.

We have a week off this summer but didnt go anywhere. Would love to visit Alaska though.

flo.m said...

i´d say boxers.... and some sunny place to relax

malainabolin said...

For Howard, I would say boxers but he could pull off anything honestly. I haven't been to Alaska either but I would love to go. I haven't traveled at all this summer but I am leaving tomorrow for a small road trip. =]

Audi F. said...

Howard in sexy silk boxers...definitely!


molly.frenzel said...

Boxers definitely! There's something about briefs that really turns me off. I like boxer briefs, though. Maybe it's because briefs remind me of panties...

author nikki noffsinger said...

Normally I would say Howard is a "Bear in the Buff" kind of guy but he's totally a boxer kind of guy. I can even see Phineas, Ian, and several others pranking him with Winnie The Pooh boxers or worse! I can't wait to read Howard's book. Something I have to know though-what inspired Howard?


Erin said...

For Howard I would say that he is a boxer briefs man/bear. As for where I have been this summer, not far just to visit some relatives and meet the newest little guy :)

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

I love Howard and I think a touch of fun would call for white silk boxers with red hearts all over them!

Karen H near Tampa said...

I also think Howard would go commando (and that's a lovely thought). I have loved the series and am eagerly awaiting Howard's book.

Sheila Lord said...

Cannot wait to read this next book in the love at stake series....I just love them all.....

Lisa G said...

I picture Howard as a boxers man when he wears underwear. We just got back from a week in Colorado visiting family. It was fun.

I've been waiting for Howard's book for a while and am glad the wait is almost over!

Shari C said...

Definitely briefs!

While we did not have time for a vacation, it has been an interesting last few months since we sold and bought a new home as we moved from Minnesota to Texas...no more cold and snowy weather for us.

Booksrforever123 said...

I love briefs. When the guy actually is able to fill them out nicely. I've never been to Alaska but it's been a dream of mine to see it before I die. Congrats on the award.

Anonymous said...

howard looks a boxer type of guy but he also could be a commando type of guy too. who knows lol. Can't wait to find out. AS for summer vacations or any pending not for this gal I work work work and then come home and tend to three kids and work work work some more. My only vacation is reading wonderful books.

Gladys Dawn said...

Boxer briefs for Howard!!! It should be white!
Whenever I see Howard's name on a page of your books I'm looking forward on reading that he'smunching some bear claw donuts again.
It's summer for the most countries in the world but it's winter here in Australia so I went for an Asian tour. First stop Singapore, Malaysia then Phuket.

Toni said...

Congrats on your win Kerrelyn. I've enjoyed reading your "Love at Stake series and look forward to Howard's story. It doesn't matter if Howard wear boxers or if he goes commando. Either way, he will be yummy to read about.

RubyRed said...

Your books are always on my "absolutely must buy the first day they're out" list, thanks for all the laughs & fun!

RubyRed said...

I had the good fortune to get to Alaska finally last summer, I envy you your recent trip--what a gorgeous place.

Sheila said...

Howard wearing underwear I think not.
I think he is a commando man/bear , noting but the bare essentials for him.
Looking forward of his book. :-)
Summer in the Uk will be coastal visits and sight seeing for our family.

Anonymous said...

boxes of course, nothing like a surpise package to unwrap.

Vonnie Alto said...

Your Alaskan trip sounds exciting! Did you see any dolphins in Alaska? Or do they only swim in warm waters?

Wish I could be in Anaheim. It would have been lovely to see you at the literacy reception. Maybe next year's conference.

Anonymous said...

I think boxers for howard. Yum yum yum. My vacation time is when i get home from work sit and relax get me glass of wine and a good book. I just can not wait for howards book.


Mineliz Medina said...

OMG Congratulations!!


Nocturnal Lady said...

stud puffin? Ok.. cant stop giggling about that. it's cute. I'd think Howard would deffinately have a sense of humor and I deffinately think the stud puffin boxers are a good idea... just immagine him wearing those first time his lady love sees him in his underwear and she breaks out in giggles.. now THAT would be a fun scene to read how he handles that.

Joanne said...

I can't wait for Howard's book. I think Howard would wear boxer briefs. Maybe he'd go commando? One could only hope.

June M. said...

I would think that Howard would either wear boxers or boxer briefs. But I don't think anyone would complain if he went command ;)
I can't wait to read more about Howard. He has been a big part of the series, but a mystery too. We don't know a lot about him even though he has been a character since the beginning.
I hope your speech went well. I hate public speaking in front of adults. Children do not bother me as much for some reason.
manning_j2004 at yahoo dot com

DianaF said...

I didn't think Howard would be so gorgeous after eating all of those bear claws! Looking forward to his book.

Mimi said...

Congrats to you for coming in 2nd at the RWA! I think Howard would wear boxer briefs, the best of both worlds :)

Carol L. said...

Congrats on your second place win. I love both of these covers. They are gorgeous. Looking forward to reading about Howard. Tight boxers for sure and I'd love to see him in them. :)
Carol L.
Lucky4750 (at) aol (dot) com

alainala said...

i would love alaska! this summer, im trying to get as many hours of work in as possible.. hoping to go to Banff, Alberta in september though!!

alainala AT hotmail DOT ca

Matthew Holley said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Matthew Holley said...

Hey Kerrelyn,
It's Matthew from NC again wanting to say that I can't wait for Howard's book to come out so I can find out who he's going to fall for. And I love the fact that I've gotten my mom hooked on the books. Her favorite part about Howard, and mine too, is his love of bear claw doughnuts.

Teresa K. said...

Hi Kerry,

I'm glad you had fun on your Alaskan trip, to bad you didn't see Howard though.
I would have thought Howard would be a commando sort of guy but if he had to wear any type of undergarments I picture him in Boxer briefs.

Teresa K.

Pat Cochran said...

Questions for Howard: Boxers or briefs?
Giggles or Ghouls? Sweet or Savory?

I'm reading a book currently that is
set in Alaska. Oh, and Sarah Palin is
speaking in the area tonight. Those
are my only connections to Alaska at
the moment!

Pat C.

Meghan Myers said...

Definitely boxers! Love Howard and cannot wait to purchase the book in November!!!


Meghan Myers said...

Definitely boxers! Love Howard and cannot wait to purchase the book in November!!!


Diana said...

Definately briefs! Can't wait for Howards book and congrats on your Prism award!

wanda f said...

Working all summer no vacation its our busy season (doggie boarding)
.I d love to go to Alaska looks so beautiful.I like my man in boxers lol

mariska said...

no vacations for us, hubby's busy with his work..well maybe we'll go for vacation at the end of this year ? :)

uniquas at ymail dot com

Janhvi said...

Can't wait for Wild For You!
Thanks for the giveaway!

justjanhvi at gmail dot com

joni said...


Debbie said...

Oh...Howard...definitely boxers! Love your books!!! Can't wait for Howard's story.

Anonymous said...

I vote for neither...he is a were-bear, bears don't like to be constricted.

Unknown said...

I guess boxers however since he's a bear i would almost do comando. ;-)

Thanks for writing such a great series! I look forward to reading "Wild About You" this fall. :)

Terri M
oklahomamommy0306 @ Gmail.com

Unknown said...

Can't actually go anywhere this summer as learning to deal with a permanently dislocated ankle, so a nice new book would keep me company.

Eli Yanti said...

Boxers :)


Stacey Smith said...

Congrats on Sexiest Vampire Alive winning second place in the Prism contest.so want this book can't wait to get my hands on it!
sasluvbooks at yahoo.com

Lizzard said...

Can't wait to read Howard's story.
Howard.....boxer briefs for sure.........sexy! *Purrrrr*

deb said...

I can't wait to start my new books. I haven't had much time to read lately, have been in school getting my RN. Excited here, my daughter has decided she want to write books. She already has some awesome ideas, now we just need to figure out how to get her started.

Anonymous said...

Kathy said...
Howard ...Hum..definitly boxes you always need a little more room. I just love your books

Charla85 said...

Love boxers on a man! This summer I didn't go far, went up to see sgttibbs and some of our girls! Whoo hoo!

Anonymous said...

Love boxer briefs - tighter on the butt than boxers, but more manly than tightie-whities. Went to Pagosa Springs, CO in June. You could see smoke from the fires every day. Went for a hot air balloon ride & kayaked down the San Juan. Got major sunburn on the river, my poor fair skin. Keep going Kerrelyn, LOVE the series.

Anonymous said...

I can't wait for Howard's book..As for boxers or brief? For shifting u need less, so whats wrong with commando....


jellybelly82158 said...

Howard -- Boxers

I haven't been any where other than KY this summer because my
hubby has COPD and can't breathe
in the heat. So we have stayed in
the air conditioning as much as possible.

Becky Weiner said...

Hmmmm well I would say he would probably wear boxer briefs. :-) I would love to go to Alaska. Sounds like you had a great time! For the summer we stayed in the area camping. Thanks for the giveaway! Cant wait to read the books!

Invisible_fish said...

I gotta say briefs :)

miss.mommy03 said...

Boxers or briefs? How about NOTHING!!! Howard is too sexxxxxy! Who would shop for him? He probably wouldn't go buy that stuff, he should go natural.

Alaska Hunting said...

Howard is so cute! Hope to see him when I get back to Alaska. :)

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