Who We Are

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Angus MacKay's Secret Hobby

Congratulations to Pam of Pennsylvania for winning this month's prize! And thank you all for dropping by and leaving comments. Please come back June 25th for the next contest! And stop by my Facebook page to see more photos from Scotland, Ireland, and the Orkney Islands.

I've just returned home from a fabulous cruise around the British Isles, and withdrawal pains are setting in. No castles to see today? Where's my five-course dinner and personal waiter? How can I possibly sleep when no one has turned down my bed and put a foil-wrapped chocolate on my pillow?

Now reality is back. There are about ten Munros (Scottish mountains) of dirty laundry to do, and my family doesn't believe my claim that I've completely forgotten how to cook. Maybe I should just give them some Haggis Poo or Nessie Poo to eat?

I didn't spot Nessie in Loch Ness, but I did discover what Angus and Robby have been doing whenever they get a free minute away from MacKay Security and Investigation.  Apparently, they like to make jellies and jam!

It's probably obvious from my books that I love Scotland (and Scottish men, alive or undead). In the next Love at Stake book, Dougal Kincaid will take his heroine to Scotland, and she'll love it, too. She also gets to meet Connor, his wife Marielle, and their baby son. The Vampire with the Dragon Tattoo goes on sale August 27th.

Last month's winner never responded, so that prize is still looking for a home.  If you'd like a chance to win Robby's book, The Vampire and the Virgin, plus the poster, please leave a comment and tell me which Scottish vampire you like the most-- Angus, Robby, Ian, Connor, or Dougal?

International entries are welcome. If you don't leave an email address with your comment, please remember to check back in a few days to see if I'm trying to find you. Good luck!


Unknown said...

Ahhhh, man that's such a tough question! I guess I'd have to go for Angus. He's such a sweetie yet a total bad ass as well!


Pam said...

I would so love to visit Scotland. I will just have to get my fix of Scottish men through your books. :) But anyway, despite the fact that I love all the Scottish vampire men in your books, I think my favorite would have to be Angus.
Thank you for this opportunity!


Glittery Fingers & Sparkling Toes said...

I love all the men in your books!!! And I don't think it's very nice for you to ask me to pick just one. But if your promise not to tell them, Robby is my favorite!! Drool

Amy Valentini said...

What fun to go to Scotland and to find all of these goodies. Not sure I'd want anything to do with Haggis Poo but the marmalades, preserves, and definitely, the lemon curd sound delish!
I don't even have to think about it, Angus is my favorite Scottish vampire. He's just so, so, Angus! LOL! Thanks for the giveaway!


robinky42 said...

I love book posters. I like Angus.

CBrandstatter said...

Hi Kerrelyn! How does one choose between all those yummy Scots??? Maybe Ian.....or maybe Angus.... or Dougal??? Connor too. It's just too hard!!! I've got all the books and love rereading them!!

Thank you for great stories!!1

Unknown said...

Interesting question. Mum told me not to play favourites but it's definitely Connor. I even bought a kilt in Buchanan's tartan. I wore it on my first date with my now husband, so it must be bringing great luck! I was dreading it when his book came out because I don't want to accept the fact that he'd be falling in love with mundane human, but he didn't and you Kerrelyn is a genius!!

Unknown said...

I am longing to visit Scotland!! I have traced my family tree back to Scotland and just feel drawn there (I'm hoping to find my soulmate there)
After much deliberation, I think I like Robby the best. He has changed so much in the course of your books. And he has the gentle soul that has suffered also and yet he is strong. A wonderful role model for a young man to boot.
Love your books and please don't stop writing them!!

Mom said...

I love love love Conner not only is he portrayed as noble and kind hearted but he has a secret past..........I can totally relate best to him and his defensive thoughts on staying away from love it's almost heart breaking. all of them have great love story but I was gonna ask for my life to be a love story I would completely want Conner to be in it mmmm

Mom said...

I love love love Conner not only is he portrayed as noble and kind hearted but he has a secret past..........I can totally relate best to him and his defensive thoughts on staying away from love it's almost heart breaking. all of them have great love story but I was gonna ask for my life to be a love story I would completely want Conner to be in it mmmm

wanda f said...

Its definutely Angus for me

Kristi said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kristi said...

Oh my! I am going to have to find me some of that jam on the off chance that maybe Angus dripped a bit of sweat into it! LOL So glad you enjoyed your cruise! Thanks for sharing this little insight into one of my favorite characters! ;)

rushes off to the store to find this vampire jam

My favorite Scottish vampire? It's simple, the one in the kilt! ;)

Unknown said...

I love em' all, they are like a bag of Lays potato chips...you can't have just one!! :)

Unknown said...

The Vampire and the Virgin was the first book I read from Kerrelyn Sparks. I fell in love with the characters as well as the story. I have several of her books and love them all, but I have to say that Robby was my first hero!

rainstar said...

I choose Angus, the reason being that he was just the funniest because he was an 'old timer'.

Unknown said...

I love them all, but I have to go with Angus as my top favorite Scottish vampire.

Isa said...

For the moment Angus, but I just received the french version of Connor's book so let me know him and maybe I'll change my mind ^^

If I'm the lucky one, my e-mail is lutine.des.villes@gmail.com

Unknown said...

Hi Kerrelyn!

I LOVE your books! I have to agree with most of the other posts, Angus is my favorite, but I've always had a soft spot for Dougal...Can't wait for his book!

Thanks for the opportunity to win such a wonderful story!


shobe12 said...

Love them all Scottish vamps but, i have to go with..
My Forever first love Angus MacKay. His such sweetie.



Unknown said...

Wow which Hottie to pick? That is like trying to name your favorite child. Maybe even worse with all that beefcake. But I think I will have to name Angus. He reminds me of a big teddy bear with a big dose of sexiness. I can imagine being the in Highlands, settling into a the castle homestead, for eternity. Yum!

Cylver said...

Hi Kerrelyn! I'm glad you had such a wonderful time on your cruise. The fruit preserves and lemon curd sound awesome, but do I even want to know what Haggis Poo and Nessie Poo are?

Right now, my favorite Scottish vamp is the one and only Ian, but Dougal may take the title. Can't wait to find out!

Unknown said...

Hi Kerrelyn, would just like to start by saying I absolutely love your vampire series, they have been the centre of many a cosy night in x I have to admit eveytime I finish one of ur books I fall in love with every hero and his soulmate x its so hard to choose but I am torn between Gregori/Jean Luc, I know not ur typical answer but I find each of ur Heroes strong and sexy x this just proves U write a hero for every1 and for that I want to thank U xxxx

Janhvi said...

ALL the Scottish vampires are hot! I really like Angus, Ian and Doughal though :-) SO looking forward to the next book!

justjanhvi at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

I love this series! You connect so much with the characters that when you're done with the book it seems perfectly reasonable that vampires exist and that the whole story just happens to be true in "real life" ;)
Anyway, who to chose? Oh, that's hard! I'm not sure I can pick between Ian and Robby- they're both so yummy! :)


Unknown said...

Hi Kerrelyn, I'd really like to visit Scotland one day too. I'd really like to see some of pictures you took during your trip. Like you I'm fond of Scottish man alive or not ;-)

Kim said...

My favorite Scott from your series is hard to choose. I love them all. I think Dougal wins simply because of his quiet nature. He's a man of few words but I always imagine when he does speak people tend to listen. I can't wait for his book. (If you had asked me 2 weeks ago I probably would have said Connor, it seems I'm fickle)

Unknown said...

I loved Robby ! Those Scots are all pretty hot though ;)

stephanie said...

I LOVE LOVE LOVE them all...............I am always waiting for the next book and keep re-reading the others. mad_mom@comcast.net Love me some Scottish vampires

Diana said...

Would love to win this book. I have all the others. Currently on vacation, going to see Mickey & Minnie today!

Diana said...

Would love to win this book. I have all the others. Currently on vacation, going to see Mickey & Minnie today!

Unknown said...

Well all I can say is my heart belongs to my lovely Robby. He was my first read in the series and made me fall in love with it. To me he needed to be healed by love and you made it happen. Now I wish my hubby was as breath taking as Robby.. He open my heart that love can heal all pains.. Thanks for all the good books and stories..

Unknown said...

Well all I can say is my heart belongs to my lovely Robby. He was my first read in the series and made me fall in love with it. To me he needed to be healed by love and you made it happen. Now I wish my hubby was as breath taking as Robby.. He open my heart that love can heal all pains.. Thanks for all the good books and stories..

Unknown said...

I love the Love at Stake series. The MacKay boys are so... so... I'm gonna go with yummy. How to Marry a Millionaire Vampire was the first book I ever bought for my Kindle. Now that I have about 800 books on it, this series remains one of my favorites.

PaulineW said...

I would say Angus for his old school charm and knight chivalry. You can't find that nowadays!

Unknown said...

I lust...I mean love all the Scottish men, but I have to say that Angus has a special place in my heart because he was the first one I met. I eagerly await all your Love At Stake books!
Thank you!
LeAnne Bristow

KrystineM said...

I think today I would go for Connor. Who knows who would be my fav tomorrow though. :)

Tangaray said...

So far Connor is my favorite. Would love to win anything you have, your books are fantastic and have loved reading them. Thanks for all your hard work!!!! RGober60@gmail.com

Sewicked said...

Until I read the next one, Ian is my fave.

Unknown said...

My ultimate favorite series!!!

clynsg said...

Hard to pick, but will go with Robbie.

cgclynsg0 @ gmail . com

TerrieLynn61 said...

Robby, his and Olivia's story was my first read of the Love At Stake Series. I was hooked. I have now read every book.


Unknown said...

For me it has to be Angus. Anybody who could talk Roman into creating the Irish drink of choice, aka. Blisky. Can't be all bad.
Can't wait for August. I reread series every time you manage to crank out a new one.
Love them all.

Unknown said...

So hard to choose one, but Robby would be the one. I really loved his book. Can't wait for Dougal's book though. :D


Xhex said...

My favorite would have to be between Ian and Angus....

Terry's Crafty Fingers said...

OH my but I could never choose just one. Like chocolate they are all sinfully delicious in their own special way.

email is terrystitch57@yahoo.com

Thanks for the opportunity

Amanda said...

I love them all, but think Ian is my favorite. P.S. love this series...they are fun quick reads and you always want to know what the crew is up to. Thanks for sharing your talent!

SandyG265 said...

I like Ian.

JeanMP said...

Love them all, but my favorite is Angus.
skpetal at hotmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I'm definitely an Ian fan! I loved his story and he's such a sweetheart :)

Alina P said...

Tough question, but from lots of thought I'll choose Angus :D

Anonymous said...

Angus of course!

Stefanie said...

Definitely Angus!!

Laurie P said...

I want to see all of the British Isles, but mostly Scotland and Ireland. As for my favorite Scottish Vamp? Angus of course.

Carrie @ Paper Bindings said...

An impossible question! How could you make me choose one?

I guess I shall have to say Ian, since his book is responsible for me reading the series.


Anonymous said...

I adore the strong silent types so Dougal is #1 with Connor a close second.

Dolores said...

Gosh, I like them all as well. Let me say Ian because his story fascinated me.

Stormy Vixen said...

I love Conner. I have from the very 1st book. He was tortured over Darcy. He did a good deed that didn't work out so well.

Sharvie said...

I have always adored this series, ever since my younger sister said I just had to read it. Ian is my fav, Conner is hers.

As an aside, you never see posters of the cover art!! There are so many gorgeous book covers out there and no matter how much I've looked, I'm coming up with nothing. How would I go about finding where to get more? If anyone knows, please let me in on the secret!!

My email is sharvie at gmail dot com.

jmcgaugh said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
jmcgaugh said...

I tend to "love the one I'm with," but I'll still say that Angus is my favorite.

jmcgaugh (at) semo (dot) edu

KerrelynSparks said...

Hi Sharvie,
The posters that I have are done by my publisher. Sometimes cover art is copyrighted by the artist in the publishing house's art department, so it's not supposed to be copied by anyone other than the publisher. They allow the author a little leeway for the sake of promotion-- so I can post the cover on my website and blogs, etc, or have bookmarks made up. But if I tried to sell a bunch of t-shirts with the cover art on it, that wouldn't go. So that's why you shouldn't be able to find the cover art for sale anywhere.

Lisa G said...

Angus is still my favorite, but Robby and Ian come very close.

Nix the Ever knowing soothe sayer to the stars said...

He is to die for...
Its nice to know that men like him can fall in love too ^.^


Johanna R Jochum said...


evjochum AT aol DOT com

pwolf11 said...

I'd take any one of them!

Unknown said...

Ian! Ian! Ian! Anyone who would put himself through the sort of pain he did just to find true love is my kind of hero!

Unknown said...

well, that's a very dfficult question :/ considering that i love all the scottish vamps :D but Ian and Robby are my favourites :D

Eli Yanti said...

I have not read your book but I will if you give me a chance to win and recommend to my friends as well :)


Unknown said...

This is a hard question but I would choose Ian. He took all that pain in Undead Next Door to find love. I think that is romantic, amazing and it was manly of him. I couldn't fathom what he must have went though. However, I have to be honest and say Conner is also my favorite he is so hot headed and sweet and has an amazing back story. Him and Ian are respectful and loyal as well. This is why they are my favorite caharacters.

Texas Book Lover said...

I love them all but Ian and Conner are definitely my favorites!

mmafsmith AT gmail DOT com

Unknown said...

I absolutely love your books and can't wait for the next one to come out! As for my favorite Scottish vampire, I think I have to go with Connor on that one.


Unknown said...

I love all your books, all your guys are delish, but I would have to say I like Ian the best.

Pat Cochran said...

I guess I must be a very greedy girl,
I just have to say "All of them!"
Their hobbies are making jams and
jellies! Interesting!

Pat Cochran

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