Who We Are

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Can Mortal Men Be Sexy, Too?

Congratulations to Martha of Missouri for winning this month's contest! Thank you all for the comments! Please come back July 25th for the next giveaway!

Here's the cover for Less than a Gentleman, and I believe it answers my question extremely well. Matthias, the hero from Less than a Gentleman, is neither fanged nor furry.  But plenty sexy!  The e-book version of Less than a Gentleman goes on sale in one week!  (The print version will be available August 6th). Luckily, you don't have to take my word for it when it comes to Matthias's sexiness. You can read the first two chapters and decide for yourself!  You'll find the link for the excerpt here--

And once you've read the excerpt, you might as well enter my website contest!!! TEN lucky winners will receive a signed print copy of The Forbidden Lady in July and then TEN more will receive a signed copy of Wild About You at the end of August to celebrate the release of The Vampire with the Dragon Tattoo. Yes, that's two books back to back! A historical in July and book 14 of the Love at Stake series in August! Here's the link to the contest page! http://www.kerrelynsparks.com/contest.html
If you're anywhere near Atlanta, GA, I hope you will consider coming to the giant booksigning that starts off the Romance Writers of America annual conference. The booksigning is open to the public and over FOUR HUNDRED authors will be signing!!  I'll be there along with some of your other favorite authors. The event will happen Wednesday, July 17th, from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. at the Marriott Marquis hotel in Atlanta. To see which authors are signing and for more information, check out http://www.rwa.org/p/cm/ld/fid=564. 

I'll also be appearing with some other Avon authors at the Margaret Mitchell House on Thursday night during the conference. For more information, go to http://www.margaretmitchellhouse.com/page.asp?ID=244&EventID=112.

And now for today's contest! It's a double header!! One lucky winner will receive a copy of the Supernatural Underground anthology, Vampires Gone Wild, and a copy of Love at Stake book 13, Wild About You!  I'll sign both before mailing them. International entries are welcome. Just leave a comment, telling me what you're currently reading. Good luck!


Unknown said...

would love to win the contest

Sullivan McPig said...

Great giveaway :-)
I'm about to start on Hot Blooded by Amanda Carlson. I loved the first book Full Blooded, so I'm anticipating a great read.

Chera said...

Just read the Kindle review of Vampire with Dragon Tattoo; makes me love Dougal all the more. Can't wait for the release!

Carol L. said...

I love the covers. What an exciting giveaway opportunity. Thanks so much.
Carol L
Lucky4750 (at) aol (dot) com

MJ said...

I'm currently reading Twice Tempted by Jeaniene Frost and I'm listening to Secret Life of A Vampire on my Audible app. ;)

Karen H said...

I'm currently reading all of Robyn Carr's Virgin River series (I know, how could I have missed these before?) but just finished Johanna Lindsey's newest One Heart to Win. And I'm very eagerly (okay, impatiently) awaiting The Vampire with the Dragon Tatoo!
kesh307@yahoo.com (I'm going to log in with Google but I never read that email)

NoraA said...

I've read many of your books and enjoyed them all. I'd love to actually own some of them and start collecting them. I'm in the middle of Alien in the House by Gini Koch. It's a sci fi/ romance


Jessica Hansen said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jessica Hansen said...

I just finished Sweet Peril by Wendy Higgins, and am waiting for my mind to clear to start a new read :-)


Unknown said...

Would love to win! I'm currently about half way through Faking It by Cora Carmack. Really enjoying it.

true2roam said...

I'm reading "Less Than A Gentleman". Just started it. Already immersed!

true2roam said...

I'm reading "Less Than A Gentleman". Just started it. Already immersed!

true2roam said...

I'm reading "Less Than A Gentleman". Just started it. Already immersed!

80slady said...

Reading Shadowborn - Moria Katson
Just finished Heart of Evil - Heather Graham - I love summer reading!!

true2roam said...

Of course I mean the first two chapters.

SandyG265 said...

I just finishe A Thyme to Die by Joyce Lavene.

Heather Hand said...

I am between books - just finished Shadow of Hope by Tina Pollick and Elizabeth Rose. I am ready to start Inescapable by Natalie G. Owens and Zee Mondee.

Vamp City 2 by Pamela Palmer also came out today so once I am done my review books I am jumping in! :-)

Minna said...

I'm reading Alien in the House by Gini Koch.

Stefanie said...

I'm reading J.R. Ward's LOVER MINE.

Unknown said...

Just Finished Colleen Gleason's Roaring Midnight. Started Robyn Carr's Informed Risk last night.

Amy Valentini said...

I just finished reading A KISS OF BLOOD by Pamela Palmer which was out of this world awesome and I'm currently reading an anthology called HOTTER ON THE EDGE 2 which is scifi romance by 3 awesome ladies, Erin Kellinson, KC Klein, and Jessa Slade. Highly recommend.

Thanks for giveaway, Kerrelyn. Have fun in Atlanta and looking forward to the new reads! : )

Jackie said...

I am reading The Reluctant Goddess by A.F Firebird. I love all your books Kerrlyn.

Unknown said...

I would really love to win ! Your books are so amazing that I can't wait to read them !

beckyjo said...

when ever i can get the changes to read its a Vicki Lewis Thompson book called Chick with a Charm. ive been to busy with work to really read a chapter. plus working night doesn't leave much time to read outdoors, plus its summer time!!!!!!!!!!

cant wait to read a vampire with a dragon tattoo!!!

Dannyfiredragon said...

I am reading against the sun by Kat Martin.

Dannyfiredragon said...

I am reading against the sun by Kat Martin.

Dannyfiredragon said...

I am reading against the sun by Kat Martin.

Stormy Vixen said...

I would love to win this contest, especially the anthology, I don't have that one. Love at Stake is one of my Top 10 favorites. I just started Kelly McCullough's Broken Blade. Thanks for giveaway.

Melissa (Books and Things) said...

I'm actually in between books and need to see what I am reading next according to my schedule. I just finished Other Oceans by Andrea Jones.

Alina P said...

Great prize! I am reading Visions in Death by J.D. Robb

Gwen said...

Nothing is better than a free read, unless of course you add free chocolate:)

Bookworm said...

I am reading The Iron Duke by Meljean Brook.....

rachael said...

im inbetween books at the moment. im trying to decide between a vampire book or a regency romance. I tend to go through phases of reading a certain genre


Jan Hougland said...

Hello Kerrelyn (I love the spelling of your name BTW)! I've loved your vampire series, but now that I've read the blurb and excerpt from your American history series (I HOPE it will be a series?), I'm anxious to read Less Than a Gentleman. But I'm still reading your vampire stories, so I can wait awhile. :-) Right now I'm reading Sabrina jeffries' What the Duke Desires in exchange for a review asap. So I'll get back to my vampires when I'm finished with that. :-) jdh2690@gmail.com

Terry's Crafty Fingers said...

OH some great books to give away. I'm getting ready to read and ARC of Master Undone by Lisa Renee Jones for an honest review. Can't wait to start it.

Unknown said...

I am reading jr ward lover at last

Adaiah said...

First, let me state that the photo of Matthais is very sexy and I mean steamy sexy! Finished reading Rebecca Zanetti's Twisted and now I'm going to read Nalini Singh's Heart of Obsidian. Kaleb has his book! Fingers crossed that I win and can't wait for A Vampire With A Dragon Tatoo.

~Erica~ said...

I am currently reading "Fever" by Maya Banks. After that I will read "The Key" by Lynsay Sands. I have read all 13 books in the "Love at Stake" series and can't wait to read "The Vampire with the Dragon Tattoo". I love all of you books, Kerrelyn ! Thanks for the opportunity to win!

Barbara E. said...

I'm currently reading a print copy of A.A. Aguirre's Bronze Gods and an electronic copy of Julie Anne Long's I Kissed An Earl (on my iPhone). I usually have two books going at once so no matter where I am I can read.

Unknown said...

"Magic, mischief and mayhem" by Alexandra O'Hurley.

Janhvi said...

I'm currently reading Allure by Nina Lane :)

justjanhvi at gmail dot com

June M. said...

I just started CAPTURED BY MENACE by Lolita Lopez and am reading it and a couple of other books :) I need to order Lynsay Sands new release and read it, it sounds like a fun historical!
manning_J2004 at yahoo dot com

Booksrforever123 said...

just for the night by tawny weber

Unknown said...

Just finished Darynda Jones's FOURTH GRAVE BENEATH MY FEET and started Katie MacAlister's TIME THIEF!


Unknown said...

The Mating by Nicky Clark

Anonymous said...

Some Like It Wild - Teresa Medeiros

felinewyvern said...

Currently reading Nightborn: Lords Of The Darkyn by Lynn Viehl, Blue Hearts Of Mars by Nicole Grotepas, Baiting Ben by Amber Kell, Love Has No Boundaries Daily Stories by Goodreads Authors & Tales From The SFR Brigade by JC Cassels et al.

Unknown said...

I am currently reading Entwined With You. I can't wait to get Vampire With The Dragon Tatoo.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Currently I'm reading Dragon Actually by G.A. Aiken

Unknown said...

I'm currently reading sexiest vampire alive! Gregori indeed is the sexiest vampire alive!

Unknown said...

I'm currently reading sexiest vampire alive! Gregori indeed is the sexiest vampire alive!

Spav said...

I'm reading Heart of Obsidian by Nalini Singh.

Unknown said...

I love your books, but admit, I have not read the last couple...I've fallen behind a little. I would love to win this book...

robinky42 said...

I love your books. Have all of them.

Unknown said...

Pamela Palmer's , I am waiting patiently for dougal's wish it was out now lol, love all your books Margie s Phillips rophill63@yahoo.com

She Talks said...

Just finished Katie MacAllister's "Hard Days Knight," and earlier tonight I started Tessa Dare's "Lady by Midnight" Patiently awaiting the July 2nd release of Kresley Coles's "MacReive" (valkyrie.lightning@gmail.com)

She Talks said...

Just finished Katie MacAllister's "Hard Days Knight," and earlier tonight I started Tessa Dare's "Lady by Midnight" Patiently awaiting the July 2nd release of Kresley Coles's "MacReive" (valkyrie.lightning@gmail.com)

Jacqui said...

I'm reading Aunt Dimity and the Next of Kin.

Dani said...

Great contest!! I'm reading Katie MacAlister's Zen and the Art of Vampires.

Jovhanna said...

Awesome contest :D
thanks for the giveaway

GG Moore said...

Would love to win can't find a copy of Vamps Gone Wild where I live. Got my sister reading them too

beckyjo said...

chick with a charm by vicki lewis thompson. then im going to re read an english bride in scotland by lynsay sands

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