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Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Syked! What's New for Kim Falconer

Girl Warrior by Shurjo
Thank you everyone for jumping in with your comments and posts! The WINNER of the draw is Michelle! Congratulations and please email me (enchantment AT kimfalconer DOT com) your postal address so I can pop your book in the mail (if you want a different book in the series, that's fine too). Let me know! xKim

I'm amped sky high! So excited about a new series I'm writing. SYKED, you might say, and that isn't because the main character's name is Ava Sykes. This is all pure and natural adrenaline coursing through my bloodstream, keeping me up late at night and launching me out of bed at dawn. What a kick! This is the kind of thing that happens when a story takes hold, and won't let go. Who needs coffee? I'm already out of this freaking world, over the moon!

I'm not supposed to say much. Right, like that's going to happen. Here is the blurb for book one, and my working titles.

Series Title: Eyes of a Demon  (Ava Sykes Novel)

Book #1 The Blood in the Beginning
Book #2 The Saint in the Sacrifice
Book #3 The Savior in the Sea

When a girl with unexplained powers uncovers her past, she falls head first into a world darker than any imagined.  

* * *

Book #1 The Blood in the Beginning (Ava Sykes Novel)

Some things are better left buried . . .

When a tall man dressed in Armani, smelling of cologne and faintly of blood, tells Ava Sykes, twenty-four, student by day, bouncer by night, they’re hiring at a new club, she’s glad for the tip. The job looks promising, until the place turns into an underworld so dark it’s all she can do to keep from screaming. Ava runs like hell, killing the muscle they send to stop her. But when his body disappears before her eyes, Ava’s sure she’s losing her mind. The stalkers don't give up, and she finds herself in the hospital, under the care of Dr Miguel Rossi, a man who reveals her origins - Ava Sykes is the half-blood child of a Shen Mar, the vampiric race entombed beneath the sea. Shocked to the core, Ava searches for her birth mother, and the truth, but time’s running out.

The police want to arrest her, the Shen want to kill her and Miguel wants to awaken her powers. Ava used to dream of knowing where she came from; now she’d give anything to forget . . .

* * *

To celebrate this new vision, I'm giving away a signed copy of The Spell of Rosette, for all you science fantasy lovers out there.

Just pop in a comment about the last thing that had you SYKED and your name will go in the hat.

Tweet and FB comments get double the chance, so let me know if you do that too! This is worldwide, so don't hold back!

Kim Falconer is a Supernatural Underground author writing paranormal romance, urban fantasy, YA and epic science fantasy novels. She also co-directs Good Vibe Astrology, an astrology and law of attraction school.

You can find out more about Kim at kimfalconer.com or on the 11th House Blog. She posts here at the Supernatural Underground on the 16th of every month. Her latest release is Supernatural Underground: Vampires Gone Wild.   


Unknown said...

New books from favourite authors! I get sooo excited I can barely sleep :) Especially when there is a release date, countdown timers galore!

billabong1502 said...

new series sounds intriguing for sure!:-)

what's the last thing that had me SKYED? hmmm... that's a tie between my team's latest win on the weekend (I play American Football and this team we beat we weren't able to beat for the past 6 years) and my new physique (wicked muscles I managed to build... lol) after losing loads (and loads) of weight in the past year... :-))

Helen Lowe said...

Wow, sounds amazing, Kim - no wonder you're 'syked' - am looking forward to more reveals here as the series progresses!

Unknown said...

Sounds like fun!

Cate said...

Excited to hear about this and read!! And as I am typing this, my male cat, Odin, leapt up from his snoozing position and started leaping around the room wildly in pursuit of a gnat!

SandyG265 said...

Getting a new exercise bike.

Sullivan McPig said...

Winning an ARC of a book I was really looking forward to, four month before the release :-D

I might have done a little happy dance...

Jacque said...

So excited for you Kim! :)

Michelle said...

Kim, this imagery--"smelling of cologne and faintly of blood"--has me Syked. You have me intrigued already.

Good luck on this series! It sounds like it will be a winner!

Jamma said...

"The vampiric race entombed beneath the sea" gave me chicken skin ... holy Neptune, Kim, your creativity knows no bounds!

Starr K said...

The last thing that got me syked was the finishing the last scene in the short story I just finished....one that will probably turn into something longer

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