Who We Are

Thursday, July 25, 2013

The Dougal Countdown Begins!

Congratulations to Margie of Texas for winning this month's contest! Please come back August 25th for my next post and contest! And many thanks to all you who left a comment!

First, before I get started on Dougal, I'd like to thank the readers who came to see me in Atlanta at the giant booksigning. I'm posting a few photos here. I'd also like to thank those who took a small vacation from the Vamps and followed me into the American Revolution. Less than a Gentleman is getting great reviews! Thank you so much!  The print edition will release August 6th. If you want a print copy, you'll need to order it online or contact Katy Budget Books, where I can sign one to you personally. The contact info for KBB is on the historical page of my website, www.kerrelynsparks.com.

Now on to Dougal!  That's Dougal Kincaid, the sexy Scottish vampire in a kilt who will star in the next Love at Stake book, The Vampire with the Dragon Tattoo. It releases August 27th! The excerpt will be up soon on my website. If you haven't entered the contest there, what are you waiting for?  Ten winners in August will receive a signed copy of Wild About You, plus a signed coverflat of The Vampire with the Dragon Tattoo. Also in August, Dougal will make a personal appearance on the I Smell Sheep blog.  On August 13th, don't miss the debut of the Red Carpet Premiere Video for Dougal's book. Most of his friends will walk the red carpet, and of course, Dougal and his heroine will be the honored guests!  The video will debut on the USA Today Happy Ever After blog. I'll be posting links to the video and Dougal's interview, so keep an eye on my Facebook pages, Twitter, and newsletter posts. The launch party for The Vampire with the Dragon Tattoo will take place on August 27th at Katy Budget Books. Contact them if you'd like me to sign a copy for you.

Now for today's contest!  I'll be giving away a print copy of the anthology Vampires Gone Wild, plus another book, Vampire Mine!  Why? Because Vampire Mine stars Connor, who just happens to be the Vamp who transformed Dougal after the Battle of Culloden. You'll get to see what good friends they are in The Vampire with the Dragon Tattoo.  Just leave a comment to be entered in the contest. International entries are welcomed. Good luck!


SandyG265 said...

I'm looking coward to reading The Vampire with the Dragon Tatoo

Unknown said...

I can't wait for Dougal's book to come out, and so happy Conner is making an appearance love him rophill63@yahoo.com

Stefanie said...

I adore the cover of Lover Mine!!!!!

Laura H. said...

Love your work!!!

Megan H said...

Love the books! Would love to win some and get more of the series read

Unknown said...

I'm so ready to read this book. Love the series.

Unknown said...

I'm so ready to read this book. Love the series.

Unknown said...

really love your books. They keep me interested and put excitement in my dull teen age life! Thanks for the great read! =)

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dannyfiredragon said...

I can hardly wait till The vampire with the dragon tattoo will be released.


sin said...

I love the series. Can not wait to read about Dougal.

It was nice meeting you in Atlanta :)

Anonymous said...

First book I read in the series was 'All I want for Christmas is a vampire' and when I found out it was in a series I flipped out. I read it around Christmas 2012 and since then I've read the rest aside from anthology stories. I love these books and devour them. My calendar is marked for the release of Vampire with the Dragon Tattoo. I can't wait!

GingerAnn said...

I can't wait for The Vampire With the Dragon Tattoo.

Unknown said...

I so cant wait for the new book!!! :)

Lisa G said...

I am so looking forward to The Vampire With The Dragon tattoo.

Tricia said...

I love your series! Can't wait for the next!

Jessica said...

Love all these books! So wonderful :))

Sullivan McPig said...

Thanks so much for making this international :-)
I have read several of your books and they're really cool. I should get the other books of my wishlist and onto my bookshelves ad well.

Jan Hougland said...

Oh boy, Kerrelyn, do I ever love vampire romance and I'm so excited that I heard all your news in your newsletter today. Couldn't wait to enter this contest and any other you may have. :-) jdh2690@gmail.com

Unknown said...

Awesome pics! It looks like you guys had an amazing time!

Jessica Hansen said...

Can't wait for August! I am so excited!!

Jessica Hansen


hlasala said...

Love this series. Can't wait to read more about Dougal.

CrystalGB said...

I am looking forward to Dougal's book.


Unknown said...

Dougal!! less than one month left

Minna said...

I can't wait to read this book!

Unknown said...

love your series .. cant wait to read the new one

kristiglasco said...

Love love love your books! U are an awesome author! Maybe ill meet you again sometime soon!

kristiglasco said...

Love love love your books! U are an awesome author! Maybe ill meet you again sometime soon!

Janhvi said...

Oh I am super excited for Doughal's book! Can't wait to see his and Connor's friendship more :)

justjanhvi at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

I just love yours books! My grandmother showed me them and we bonded over these books we are big fans. We can not wait for The Vampire with the Dragon Tattoo and I hope to one day meet you.
victoria.c 040@gmail.com

Pat Cochran said...

Great cover on Lover Mine!
Haven't begun this series,
shame on me! Will do that
very thing when I finish my
current read. Good luck on
your August release!

Pat C.

Pat Cochran said...

OOPS! That title should have
read Vampire Mine - my bad!

Pat C.

robinky42 said...

Can't wait to read The Vampire with the Dragon Tattoo. Love this series.

Jen Kyle said...

I can not wait for Vampire with the Dragon Tattoo!!! I love Sparks books!! Thanks for the giveaway!!

Unknown said...

Love the series!! Looking forward to Dougal's story!

Unknown said...

I can't wait to read Dougal's book. I read the exerpt and it's awesome. As always I know I will never be disappointed by your wonderful work ;-)

Melissa (Books and Things) said...

Oh I wanna meet Dougal! :)

Angi said...

I love the series. Thanks for the giveaway!

Unknown said...

Loved the series and can't wait for the next book.

beckyjo said...

sweet, cant wait to read this one!!!! just know im going to love this book too. thanks for writing awesome books!!!

Unknown said...

can't wait for Dougal's book and then the next one, and next one, and next one you get the drift :)

sms77845 said...

Cant wait for Dougal,s book :0)

Barbara E. said...

I love your stories Kerrelyn and I can't wait to read Vampire with the Dragon Tattoo. :D

Unknown said...

I sent them an email on price and how to get a. Signed book but haven't received an email back I've tried like 4 times so PLEASE I would love to win this book. Thanks again Lisa from Australia

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

I love your series and I can't wait to read this book thanks again

phizgig24 said...

I love your works! I'm so excited about Dougal's book I just can't stand it! I hope you write this series forever!!

GG Moore said...

Still looking for a copy of Vampires Gone Wild locally.

Diana said...

So excited for Dougels book!!!

MJ said...

I can't wait for Dougal's book! And favorite part of Connor's story is ice cream shop scene.

Angela (Angel's Book Nook) said...

I enjoy your seroes & Can't wait for Dougla's book. I'm so excited.

Karen H said...

There isn't one of your vampires I haven't loved (okay, I only like the girls) and I'm very much looking forward to Dougal's story, and the one after that and the one after that and...

Norma said...

love your work

Norma said...

love your work

Booksrforever123 said...

love this series and can't wait for the next one.

Jennifer Sapa said...

I absolutely love this series!!! So looking forward to Dougal's book.

Stormy Vixen said...

It looks like you enjoyed yourself at the convention. I hope so. I love the Love at Stake series and I am hoping it lasts for a long while. evamillien at gmail dot com

Eli Yanti said...

Thanks for the giveaway, always love vampire's story :)


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Huge Sparks fan. Have not missed a book yet and I am really looking forward to VWDT!! I ♥ this blog!

Unknown said...

My friend from work got me hooked on your books. They are great. I would love to win one of your books.

Johanna R Jochum said...

OMG! The cover for Dougal's book is hawt!!! Can't wait!!!

evjochum AT aol DOT com

jmcgaugh said...

I'm really looking forward to Dougal's story.
jmcgaugh (at) semo (dot) edu

Bzangl said...

Can't wait for the dragon tattoo!

NoraA said...

I'm a huge fan of Kerrelyn's books. I can't wait to get my hands on them.

Amy Valentini said...

I'm so glad you had so much fun at RWA and I know you were a big hit with some of my friends who went. :-)
Thanks for the giveaway! VAMPIRES GONE WILD is an awesome anthology and VAMPIRE MINE - yes!!

amyvalentini at aol dot com

Unknown said...

Love the series. Keep them coming. Can't wait to see how Dougal Handles everything.

June M. said...

I can't wait to read Dougal's story. I have been looking forward to it since he lost his hand in NOLA during the battle with the Malcontents when Robbie was taken.

Unknown said...

I love this series and I love books! I would cherish signed copies! Can't wait to read the new stories!

Xanaphia said...

I love the serie Love at Stake:) Read
them even before they were translated into Dutch:D

Unknown said...

Thanks for having international contests!!! Love Kerreyln!!

Juana said...

I can't wait to read The Vampire With The Dragon Tattoo. All of your books are keepers.

jmesparza821 at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

i love your books! i read and reread them. it is hard to pick a favorite because each book is so different and each character touches my heart in so many ways. Ian's story was so sweet though because of his need to be able to age so he could find love like his friends have. I can't wait to read dougal's story!

Unknown said...

I love this series! I can't wait to read Dougal's story!

Blindbaby35954 said...

Absolutely love this series! Can't wait to read about Dougal!

Unknown said...

i LOVE YOUR stories and I'm patiently awaiting for THE VAMPIRE WITH THE DRAGON TATTOO!

Norma said...

Love your books! Looking forward to Dougal's story. Thanks for the contest!

Unknown said...

Love the Vampire series and can't wait to get Dougal's book.

felinewyvern said...

I am just starting to collect all the books in this series and haven't got either of these yet. Look forward to catching up on all of them sooner or later :D

felinewyvern at googlemail dot com

Alina P said...

I can't wait to read Dougal's book!

Unknown said...

I love The Series.I can't wait to find out what up with Dougal's tatoos and what does have to do with the Dr.

Unknown said...

Woo Hoo!!!
Awesome series...
Awesome cast of characters...
Write ON!!!

Unknown said...

I can't wait to read the new book, already ordered! I hope i can win a signed copy, it would be a great gift for my birthday in two weeks!

Stacey Smith said...

love your books!
So Want Vampires Gone Wild
have Vampire Mine already can't wait for the Vampire with the Dragon Tattoo.

Unknown said...

Can't wait for Dougal's story.

Unknown said...

wow thank you for the chance. looks great. thank you forall your work

emisan said...

We've laughed, cried, cursed, been annoyed, and hoped along with each of your wonderful characters.
Keep them coming, and thanks for giving us HEAs today in a not so HEA world.

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