Who We Are

Monday, October 7, 2013

A Halloween-Themed Birthday Giveaway

I love October.  October brings cooler temperatures, colorful leaves, Halloween costumes, and MY BIRTHDAY.  Yep, I'm officially another year old today and I'm giving away some presents to you.  That's a pretty good deal in my opinion. 

Help me celebrate my birthday by entering my giveaway!  What's up for grabs?  I am giving away a copy of ANGEL'S INK, the first novel in my Asylum Tales series about magical tattoos, warlocks, elves, trolls, werewolves, and the grim reaper.  You can win either a Kindle or Nook copy of ANGEL'S INK or I can mail you a signed copy (US only for this contest).


Looking for a tattoo -- and maybe a little something extra: a burst of good luck, a dollop of love, or even a hex on an ex?  Head to the quiet and mysterious Gage, the best skin artist in town.  Using his unique potions -- a blend of extraordinary ingredients and special inks -- to etch the right symbol, he can fulfill any heart's desire.  But in a place like Low Town, where elves, faeries, trolls, werewolves, and vampires happily walk among humanity, everything has a price.

No one knows that better than Gage.  Turning his back on his own kind, he left the magical Ivory Towers where cruel witches and warlocks rule, a decision that cost him his right to practice magic.  If he disobeys, his punishment -- execution -- will be swift.
Though he's tried to fly under the radar, Gage can't hide from powerful warlocks who want him dead -- or the secrets of his own past.  But with the help of his friends, Trixie, a gorgeous elf who hides her true identity, and a hulking troll named Bronx, Gage just might make it through this enchanted world alive. 
To add to the fun, I am also giving away 3 copies of the Halloween-themed anthology BLOOD BY MOONLIGHT.  You can win a Kindle, Nook, or print copy (US only contest).
Blood by Moonlight

Just in time for the scariest season of all, three popular paranormal authors come together to tell original tales of romance where anything can happen under a Halloween moon . . .
Tempers flare and passions rise in Jocelynn Drake's Of Monsters and Men as the local werewolf pack clashes with the Winter Court's Wild Hunt . . .
In Terri Garey's The Ghoul Next Door, a witch and a warlock battle it out for possession of a haunted house, but the ghost may have her own agenda . . .
And, in Trick or Treathen by Caris Roane, a master vampire struggles to stay away from the mortal woman who enflames his very soul.
I will pick and announce the winners on Thursday, October 10.  What do you have to do to win one of these awesome books?  Leave me a comment telling me: If you could dress up as anything or anyone for Halloween, what would your costume be?


JWilli said...

Happy Birthday, Jocelynn! Cool contest prizes...woooot! Since I have a special thing for witches & they rule Halloween, I would definitely dress as a witch! Enjoy your day, Kick-Ass Author!

Texas Book Lover said...

Happy Birthday! I'd probably dress up as a devil and have my hubby be an angle or maybe fallen angel.

Unknown said...

Trick and happy birthday treats! So... (Clearing my throat and coyly not looking at anyone) I have always wanted to dress up as a sexy leopard. Think tight ballet costume, net stockings, high heels, cat collar, headband with pointy ears, a tail,... No, I've never even been to a night club. I've only entered a bar once in my life with a friend for the strangest after-funeral party I'd ever heard of. I just... I just want to be a leopard. Well-rounded chicks can't get away with that look anyway. Nuf said. BTW, Angel's Ink was an eye-popping read!

Anonymous said...

This is an awesome giveaway. Happy Birthday. I have all the books of yhe Asylum Tales except for Dead Man's Deal. I listened to it on Audible. I have to have that book. Good luck to everyone with the giveaway.

CrystalGB said...

I would dress up as a Regency lady going to a ball. Love the gowns they wore then.
Happy Birthday!

SandyG265 said...

Happy Birthday. I think I'd choose a pirate.

Jessica @ a GREAT read said...

Happy Birthday!!! Hope you have a fabulous day!

Hmm...I think I would choose a character from a book I've read. Preferably not a leather clad wearing one since I don't think I could pull that look off! Would have to think if recall seeing the heroine wearing something other than leather...but since that requires more thinking than I am capable of on a Monday afternoon, let's just say a witch!

But not the classic black pointy hat kind. More of a sorceress!


Melissa (Books and Things) said...

Happy Birthday!

I donno about the costume. Something funny perhaps. Can't think of anything right now. How creative, I know... LOL

mod2011 said...

Happy Birthday! Is it only the print books that are for US only or all ? I want only Kindle anyway. I'm in Canada. I would dress as Elvira. She was so cool.

mod2011 said...

Happy Birthday! Is it only the print books that are for US only or all ? I want only Kindle anyway. I'm in Canada. I would dress as Elvira. She was so cool.

Carrie @ Paper Bindings said...

Happy Birthday! I love Halloween, best holiday ever. If I could dress up as anything, I'd probably pick something steampunk.

AmyDelaney said...

Hello - I am dressing a Velma from Scooby Doo for NY ComicCon & Halloween. I am not using the cheap prefab costume, using real clothes for a nicer look and no wig needed since I have short brown hair and will wear my real glasses instead of contacts.

My favorite costume that I would do again was when I went as a road. I wore all black with black face paint. I had two yellow ribbons attahced going doing my center and I had a stuffed animal spray painted red for road kill and I used silver duct tape to make a manhole cover

Dawn C said...

Happy birthday! I hope you did something fun (besides this wonderful contest). For Halloween I would love to dress up as Queen Elizabeth the first.

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday! What would love to be for Halloween is something gothic. I'm an accountant, boring, so putting on some high boots, put on the heavy makeup, tease the hair and be the alter ego of myself would be great! :)

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday! I get to dress up for what I always wanted for a big work party we are having this year. The theme is Victorian England so I bought a dress, corset, hoping to get my nails and hair tone. Can't wait going to be a blast.
Next year I think ill dress up as Mira.. Just need to convince hubby to dress as Danaus.
Hope you have a great Birthday week, it shouldn't be just one day. :)


LorettaLynn//Temprance said...

Happy Birthday :)
I would dress up in a renaissance dress! I love how they look and the hug you like skin!

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