Who We Are

Friday, July 25, 2014

RWA National Conference

Congratulations to Abbie of New Jersey, who won this month's contest! Thank you all for the great comments!  Please come back August 25th, when I'll do another contest and give away two more Love at Stake books!

What is RWA?  It stands for Romance Writers of America, even though there are members from all over the world.  And once a year, some of those members come to a national conference.  The location changes each year, so a different area of the country can have access to the events that are open to the public.  Last year, it was in Atlanta, Georgia.  This year, it's in San Antonio, Texas. Next year, it's New
York City. And every year, the conference kicks off with a giant book signing that is open to the public. Over 500 authors sign their books in a giant ballroom, and the proceeds from the book sales go to local adult literacy programs.

How can you have a giant book signing without the most famous romance author?  You can't, so here is Nora Roberts, sitting at her table before the doors open and her mob of fans pour in. Her line was huge!! And here is Christie Craig (aka C.C. Hunter) right after she'd learned that she'd hit the New York Times bestseller list!

I was thrilled to be able to meet some of my readers! Thank you for coming!  Since I know many of you were unable to come, I have a consolation prize for you.  One lucky winner will receive a signed copy of How to Marry a Millionaire Vampire and The Undead Next Door.  That's Roman and Jean-Luc-- two very sexy vampire heroes who want to spend some time with you! To enter, just leave a comment. International entries are welcome. If you don't leave your email address in your comment, please remember to check back here in a few days to see if you've won. Good luck!


BrigitteWhoa said...
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BrigitteWhoa said...

Kerrelyn Sparks is my all-time favorite writer. I have loved her books since the second I got my hands on the first book. I would LOVED to have autographed books - she is my idol!!!

kaisquared said...

Love your books, wish I was able to go to RWA!

Kezia said...

Oh man, I wish I could have been there! Love your books and it would be so awesome to win. :)

Ella Z. said...

why i live so far?? why?? I would love to meet you Kerrelyn!

my email: ella.zegarra@gmail.com

Unknown said...

so exciting i love roman

Unknown said...

Kerrelyn Sparks is an amazing author was a fan from the first one of her books i read "Vampire Mine" and have sense then read all of them last year I am a big fan of the love at stake series would love to own these books. my email is lbragrl_73@yahoo.com

Unknown said...

I have been reading you books for a long time. When I have money to spare I add another one to my collection. I reread the others all over again. Keep up the great work. :)

Mineliz Medina said...

I have Mrs. Sparks books from The Vampire and the Virgin on to the last book HtSaV (Without Really Trying) but I've read them all and can't wait to see if there are more to come!


author nikki noffsinger said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

RWA looks like so much fun

Sandra said...

I love your books. Wish i could win signed one. Can't wait till i could read your latest book but i can't find it anywhere. hope it's change soon <3

author nikki noffsinger said...

The Love At Stake Series is one of my top favorite book series. I love them all but I still have a crush on Robby and Ian. I was weeping from laughing so hard in Ian's book my entire family had thought I had lost my mind. Email: nikkitrueblue@hotmail.com

Joanie Watson Dixon said...

Ms Sparks, I have loved all your books, I have all of them in paperback and also e-books on my kindle. I would love to win these two autographed books that is being offer as the prize. Please let me find this email note in my inbox letting me know that I have won these two books. thanks, Joanie Watson Dixon

Terry's Crafty Fingers said...

I would love to have been there to meet you. I absolutely LOVE your books. I would love to win "How to Marry a Millionaire Vampire" as that is the only one I'm missing to my bound book set. I have you on Kindle also. Email is terrystitch57@yahoo.com

Unknown said...

Hi, I love your books and I can't wait for the next one.



Unknown said...

The series is absoulutely amazing loved every single word written. Wish there were lots more to come. I have bought all your e books would love to own a hard signed copy to treasure. adga831@yahoo.com

Please write more soon.

Unknown said...

I love your books,and would love to have a signed one. :)


Unknown said...

Hi Kerrelyn,

I can't wait till the end of the year to read your new book.
I hope you will surprise us with many more books in the future. Thanks for writing all those amazing stories.

Valérie (email: joriandre@hotmail.com)

CrystalGB said...

RWA looks like a fun conference. Thank you for the giveaway.

Cherri said...

Hi Kerrelyn! It sounds like you had a great time at the conference!!! As you already know by my stalking, I mean my FAN-GIRL enthusiasm, that you are one of my ALL TIME FAVORITE authors and the main reason that I enjoy reading Vampire and other paranormal romance books! <3 <3 I hope that you are enjoying all of your adventures of late and have a great rest of the summer! :) (cboitson@****.ca) I figured that you already have my email address so I only posted a partial here.

Unknown said...

I love your books.mstygee@yahoo.com

donnas said...

Looks like a great event. Hopefully will get to go one day

Megan Johnson said...

I love Kerrelyn Sparks books! I'm excited for the last (for now) in this Love at Stake series and looking forward to her new works!

Unknown said...

It would be an honor to receive these books. Thank you for being an amazing author!


Unknown said...

You are an amazing author and I love your books. I wish the conferences where closer to where I lived in Canada so that I could attend some of them.

Unknown said...

I would love these 2 books. The whole is just great!


Anonymous said...

why is it that the RWA are finally in TX after I move to Illinois? would have loved to meet you! Msangel511@yahoo.com

Unknown said...

Enjoy your books so much!!

NicoleP said...

How to marry a Millionaire Vampire was my very first romance novel ever, and the one that got me hooked! Roman will always be special to me because of that :)

Unknown said...

I absolutely love these books, can sit and read one in an afternoon easily.


NicoleP said...

Oh, sorry! Email is: nsart88@gmail.com

Unknown said...

I wish i was able to go so many of my favorites and signed copies or kerrelyn sparks 😁 thank you for the chance my email is jcanoto@ymail.com

Unknown said...

Great series. I've read them all and I've almost collected to whole series. Can't wait for the next book.

Geraldine Wentzell said...

Good luck to all! auntgerry@comcast.net

Linda Young said...

Thank you for the chance to win. Wish I could be there with you.

sms77845 said...

I love this series :)

Unknown said...

Thanks for the chance to win! I've read both of these and loved them! moncheriDOTschmidtATgmailDOTcom

kbanks54 said...

Thanks for this chance Kerrelyn!! Would luv to be a part of that family. I think I've read all except maybe 3 or 4 of the series! Enjoy the convention. :)
email address: ksb.1954@yahoo.com

Paranormal Pleasures said...

I would love to have gone to the RWA but alas I am too far away, trouble taking time off as I m my own boss too, boo hoo, maybe one day, Thankyou very much for the giveaway
julienewberry31 (at) gmail.com

Cylver said...

Wish I could have been there; sounds like it was loads of fun! Maybe some year...*sigh*


Heidi said...

I love this series!! I can't wait for the next!!

Kerrelyn keep up the great work!

I hope some day to make it to the convention, so have a blast for me!!


Unknown said...

I wanted to go really badly. Unfortunately I couldn't afford to. 😭

MsAwesome said...

Man, so jealous of all the people that got to go and got to meet you! I'm going to try really hard to go next year to New York and if not, there is always next, next year =D
Joanna M
annaoj (dot) mortes (at) gmail (dot ) com

elizabeth said...

Love the Love at Stake series, and I'm so glad that I picked up How To Marry A Millionaire Vampire. One of the best series I've read.

Elizabeth Gray

jmcgaugh said...

It sounds like you're haveing a lot of fun at the RWA conference. Maybe I'll get to go sometime. Interestingly, I'm currently devouring How to Seduce a Vampire...!
jmcgaugh (at) semo (dot) edu

NoraA said...

I love that series and have read them all. It would be wonderful to actually own them to be able to re-read them anytime I want.


Unknown said...

I love the series! Sparker7217(at)gmail(dot)com

Paula said...

I love your books and would love signed copies.


Unknown said...

Your series was one of the first paranormal I read. Now I can't get enough. Thanks so much.

Unknown said...

I love kerrelyn sparks books always checking the website to see whats new on there, so I would loveeeee to get the 2 books signed for her it would be the most awesome thing to happen to me in the whole world!! please pick me I love ur vamps, and I absolutely adore ur scotts also, cant leave them out either!!

Unknown said...

I highly doubt I'll win but I'd like to try haha. I've read each of your books I've gotten my hands on and do to my upcoming birthday, Aug 12, I wouldn't mind a signed book as a gift.
Email: emmydiane141@gmail.com

Unknown said...

I would love to win! I don't have this one in my collection. :)

Rini K said...

Ooh, I would love to win this! Thanks for the giveaway!

Unknown said...

:) love the series. fingers crossed

Pat Cochran said...

Thanks for the contest! I've not read these books and look forward
to doing so!

Pat C.

Unknown said...

I have read all of them, usually multiple times. These are my one favorite cast of characters in books, movies, TV, etc. Some of my spines are getting quite ragged.

Jeanette J said...

I would love to read about Roman and Jean-Luc. Please include me and thank you for the chance to win.
lindahl at rogers dot com

Unknown said...

I love your books! I have been faithfully reading and rereading them for years and am always excited for the next novel! You have inspired me to be an author myself!

Unknown said...

I love your books. Your books are amazing. You have inspired me to start writing. I wish Lazalo would find true love though.

Amanda said...

I wasn't able to go to RWA but I love your books. The Love at Stake series is my favorite I wish the characters were real so I could meet them.

Unknown said...

RWA sounds like so much fun. Going is on my bucket list. You and Nora Roberts are tops on my list for meeting.
Thanks for the giveaway. :)


Sullivan McPig said...

One day I will visit a US book convention... *dreams*

Thanks for the international giveaway!


Unknown said...

great author , she always keeps me enthralled from the first word till the last, with plenty of chuckles along the way.

Unknown said...

I love your books!! I hope I win! I really love the story the undead next door! it as the first book i read for this series.


Unknown said...

I love your books but I haven't read these two and I thank you for a chance to win them my email is pjalie.bruyette315@gmail.com good luck to everyone

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Love Kerrelyn Sparks.

Carol L. said...

Someday I will make it this conference. It looks like a wonderful time was had by all.I would have loved to meet you in person to thank you for all the great hours of reading enjoyment the Love At Stake series has given me.So for now I'll just say "Thank you" :)Thanks for the chance to win the two books I haven't read in the series.
Carol L
Lucky4750 (at) aol (dot) com

Alina P said...

2 of my most favorite books in the series... Thank you for making the contest international


JennJ said...

So wish I could have made it to the signing I would have loved to meet you! :) You are one of my favorite writers.

Juana said...

I love your books too. I can always count on your stories to make me swoon at the heroes, and smile.

jmesparza821 at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I love Kerrelyn's books. I have How to Marry a Millionaire Vampire and All I Want for Christmas is a Vampire. I would love to have How to Marry a Millionaire Vampire and The Undead Next Door, Signed by her.

teresaryntetar said...

I love Kerrelyn's books. I have How to Marry a Millionaire Vampire and All I Want for Christmas is a Vampire. I would love to have How to Marry a Millionaire Vampire and The Undead Next Door, Signed by her.

Carrie @ Paper Bindings said...

Missed RWA this year, maybe next year.


Unknown said...

Amazing books by an amazing author!! I have all of the love at stake books and just finished last installation last night--loved it!! What a great opportunity--best of luck to everyone here! My email: drbaby2008@gmail.com

Ann I said...

Awesome books! Thanks for the chance to win.

Unknown said...


Eli Yanti said...

awesome giveway



Unknown said...

Love the Love at Stake Series. Good luck Everyone

jbekmom said...

I am so not good at writing comments. But I am good at devouring vampire books.

Psyche said...

OMG! I want your autograph Kerrelyn, please. :) Roman is one of my ultimate fictional crush. *crossing my fingers* my email is : msbookworm22(at)yahoo(dot)com pick me please :)

Unknown said...

I can't wait to read more books by KS. The first I ever read was How to Marry a Millionaire Vampire and was totally hooked. If I win contact me at sasullins28@yahoo.com.

hernameisavril said...

I love these type of books! Hope I win!

CarrieMarie said...

How exciting! I hope to get to a RWA signing at some point... any planned for the Chicago area? *grin*

Unknown said...

I wish you guys would come to Boston for a convention or signing. I love your books and would be thrilled to win a signed copy. Dbrk1020@aol.com

J. Morgan said...

I have loved this series since I stole Millionaire Vampire from my wife's side of the bed. Was instantly hooked! jennmorgan69@yahoo.com

beckyjo said...

sweet, love these books.

Unknown said...

I would love to win Roman's book. Its full of laughs i cant ever get enough!
Email: kjmichael71@gmail.com

Unknown said...

I love Kerrelyn Sparks vampires!!! My library has a few but not the complete set but the first one I came across was How to Marry a Millionaire Vampire and I was hooked. Love this series!

Anonymous said...

Love these books! They have gotten me through some tough times and for that I'm grateful! Jo-Ann Larkin. Larktwo@aol.com

Megan H said...

I love both of these books!! I tryt o reread them once a year! Definitely would love to win :-)

juliedeveport68 said...

omg love vampire romance, nothing beats curling up with a good old romance with a little bite. Being in the uk we don't get many chances to go to book signings with great paranormal romance writers.

keep writing,as I love reading

julie xx

Kassandra said...

Vampires were my very first paranormal read experience and remain my go to! Thank you for the chance.


Kathy said...

Thank you for a lovely contest! I love your books!


Unknown said...

I just Love the 'love at stake' series and have retread them a few times,can't wait for Crouching Tiger, Forbidden Vampire.
Hope there are going to be more in this series.
Email: dark-angel87@hotmail.co.uk

Unknown said...

I would have loved to have gone to RWA! Love your books!

Anonymous said...

I also love Kerrilyn Sparks books. I would love to see them made into a movie series. Some people may think that they are "too revealing", yet I believe there is a great demand for them.

Geraldine Wentzell said...

Love the series, hope to win the books. Good Luck all

Knitcore said...

I love your books, especially Wild About You. This is the fourth time I've tried to enter this comment, so I hope it works.

kbanks54 said...

Kerrelyn Sparks - I absolutely love all your work, but especially the "A" family!! Enjoy the RWA Conf. and thanks for the chance to win signed copies of How to Marry a Millionaire Vampire and The Undead Next Door!
My email address is: ksb.1954@yahoo.com .

KareBear said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
KareBear said...

Kerrelyn Sparks - Your books are what started me on my journey to obsession of paranormal romance. I have found the truest form of escape in reading your stories and those of it's like. As a Military wife and mother of three teenagers stationed in Sicily I need all the escape I can get. Thank you for giving me that! I have also gotten my husband hooked. Lol So keep up the good writing, and know that we love and appreciate all that you do!


Unknown said...

love reading your books

SandyG265 said...

Thanks for the chance to win

ReCie said...

Love to snuggle with two of the sexiest vamps. :p


Unknown said...

I absolutely love this series! I got hooked when I came upon "How to Marry a Millionaire Vampire" & saw that it was being offered for free on my iPod Touch. The title was very intriguing to me, so I downloaded it & started reading it. I couldn't put it down & immediately looked up Mrs. Sparks to see if she had other books because I wanted to read her other books. Now she is one of my fave authors! And while reading her books, I sometimes find myself wishing some of her characters were real lol :)


Unknown said...

I am a huge fan of your Love at Stake series. A friend of mine lent me How to Marry a Millionaire Vampire and I was completely hooked. I have read and re-read the series as I just can't get enough of the characters. You bring them to life beautifully. I am really looking forward to your last book. I am hinting to hubby that I would love it as a late Christmas gift. ;) I have been so curious about Russell.

Well, I have gotten a few others addicted to the Love at Stake series. I wish it would never end. LOL


Peggye said...

Love these books

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