Who We Are

Friday, October 3, 2014

The M&M at the end of this sentence

Thanks for my TWO WINNERS! Ash Wolf and Cheesecake- Email me to get your prizes!

Year of Living Heroically #8: The Reward.

I love it when great minds think alike. A few days ago, Helen Lowe was talking about rewards and how writing a book is hard work and the  completion of a novel is its own reward. Some days, writing is not about  focusing on commercial success but for the pure art of the novel itself. And on some not as inspired days, writing is just about getting to the end of the sentence so you can treat yourself with an M&M or similarly candy-coated goodness.

This month, our step in the hero's journey is exactly that: The Reward. Our heroine has just confronted a dragon or some other hideous thing and survived. And she's better for the experience. She has gone through the fire of her ordeal and come out a stronger, better version of herself.

Don't you think she deserves something all sparkly and wonderful and preferably made of chocolate or gold? I know I do.

Dwayne Johnson in costume playing with a visitor on set. 
Many of us are tested on a daily basis, and every now and then we experience something that really changes who we are or how we look at life. The reward is not only the betterment of yourself, what you learned from the experience, but also a moment to appreciate that you survived. You are still here to fight another day.

It reminds us that even Hercules got a few moments to stop and play patty cake for a while (The sheer size of Dwayne Johnson's thighs in the most recent version of Hercules is probably a whole other blog post).

I think its something that this fast paced culture doesn't appreciate enough. Stop. Enjoy. Relax for two seconds. Appreciate where you've been and where you might be going. You are not history yet, your story is still being written.

So to help you take a moment to relax, to reflect on the awesomeness that is you, I'd like to give you a small reward. Post in the comments below something that helps you relax, so we all can learn your secrets, and I'll give one lucky comment a gift box of things that help me relax (and maybe a few of your ideas tossed in there too for good measure).

So until next month, don't forget that you are AWESOME!

Amanda Arista
Author, Diaries of an Urban Panther Series


Ash Wolf said...

I sit on the couch, a throw wrapped around my legs, and either read a book, watch tv, or play a video game. Sometimes, I do two of those things: watch tv and at commercials play with a handheld game or read. Hot showers are also relaxing, especially on my muscles.

cheesecake.thief59 said...

I have a couple of ways to relax. First one, I wrap myself up in a fuzzy blanket and either binge read or binge watch Netflix. The second, I get my roommate, crank up the music on Pandora and have a mini improv dance-off in our living room. It's crazy and silly and we usually end up on the floor laughing our butts off. And then there's chocolate. I stuff my face with chocolate ALL THE TIME. (Not just when I'm stressed. But shhh. I say it's a stress reducer and I need it. *grin*)

Amanda Arista said...

Thanks for the ideas! Email to to claim your prizes Ash Wolf and Cheesecake!

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