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Friday, July 9, 2010

Friday Musings

Hey Everyone! Happy Weekend! We've gone from extreme heat here in Canuk land to rain. I won't complain 'cause my grass and flowers sure needed some!

I am deep in deadline hell at the moment and revisions arrived yesterday for book 3 in my jaguar warrior series. So yeah, I'm stressing a little bit. But I shall get it done! But my post today will be short and sweet. Next month I will be holding a contest for ARC's for my second book, HIS DARKEST EMBRACE It's due out October 26th and I'm super excited about it! Just click the title and you'll be able to read the blurb and an excerpt of the first chapter!

If you want to see what I'm up to with my latest, Declan's book, I've got some visual inspiration posted as well as some little snippets! Just click HERE.

Because I'm stressed as all heck I ususally try to find a bit of time to relax. This weekend I'm taking my daughter and her friend to see Eclipse. I thought the first two movies were just okay. The acting left something to be desired but seriously, my daughter loved it and I'm loving the fact she is into paranormal. When my revisions arrived this week my editor sent along the first 4 books in the Vampire Diaries...my girl is devouring them! Woot!

But when it comes to movies they have to be really well done for me to truly enjoy. I loved Coppola's version of Drakula. Gary Oldman was supurb, I totally crushed on him huge after seeing it. I also like movies that show a different take on an old theme. Just watched Legion last week and thought it was really well done.

so, my question today is, what is your fave paranormal movie? Any reccomends for me as I dive into the rest of my deadline hell? Cause I'll have to come up for air....eventually!

Until next time,



Tanya said...

I loved Constantine. Thought the story and affects were great. I really like all of the Underworld movies too.

Sharon S. said...

David B. oh, yeah. Gosh, when it comes to movies I am a action/PN girl. We are going to see Predators tonight. I was disappointed with Legion. I thought it should have been...more. The guy who played Gabriel looked to much like Tom Jones, Vegas style . I also like Blade, Sixth Sense, Underworld, The Corpse Bride, then the line starts to blur between sci-fi and paranormal...

Good luck with the edits and holler if you need a flotation device thrown your way .

1337 said...


I am a zombie nut... Dawn of the dead and diary of the dead i think are well done, quarantine as well.. i kind of like the docu films at it looks like it could be real if you know what i mean! otherwise paranormal films... i have watched tooooooo many lol, from dusk till dawn, that was good at the time, Dog Soldiers is a must see for some decent werewolf action, van helsing if you want to see Hugh Jackman, you were right about oldman being a classic drac was good, christopher lee was good too, leslie nielson was tops! i think it all depends what mood your in at the time, if your annoyed with people watch a zombie movie if you want to feel powerful watch a vampire movie and if you want to feel out of control and practically feral then watch a werewolf movie lol. oh and before i forget i think in american werewolf in london, it was genius musical placement of bad moon rising i can't watch that scene with the main character transforming in his agonizing way without giggling like i prepubescent child!... yes i am aware i am chemically unbalanced :(

Terri Garey said...

I loved The Sixth Sense, and loved Gary Oldham's Dracula, but my favorite paranormal movie is The Labyrinth, which is an oldie but goody, featuring David Bowie as the evil Goblin King! Oh, and then there's Beetlejuice! LOL. A great movie I also saw recently was Pan's Labyrinth (subtitled in Spanish), but very cool.

Crystal @ RBtWBC said...

Happy Friday!
I thought Eclipse was good, better then New Moon. Bring ear plugs though! LoL
I agree with Terri, LOVED The Labyrinth. The Neverending Story, Beetlejuice; the 80's had a lot of great movies! Those are in my top faves definitely.
Is The Crow considered paranormal? He comes back from the dead.
And Interview with the Vampire & Queen of the Damned.
Those or my faves, or what I can think of right now. I'll probably think of more later. LoL
Hope everyone has a great weekend!
And hope you enjoy the movie Juliana and your 'relax time'. =)

Ash Wolf said...

I really liked the remake of "The Wolfman." That one had me jumpin'. "Cursed" is another good werewolf movie.
"The Crow" is an excellent movie. Didn't much like the second and third ones, though.
"High Spirits" is my favorite ghost movie.
I like reading about vampires than watching them.

Melissa (Books and Things) said...

Actually my recs depend on my mood. I will give you my fave around Halloween time vamp film: The Lost Boys. Don't know why. Just have to see it around that time every year. :)

Patricia Lynne said...

It's official, Juliana Stone, you have me so curious about Declan's book. I want to read it now! lol!
I don't really have any favorite paranormal movies. Wait, does Disney's Little Mermaid count? because when I was little I loved that movie and I still do!

nymfaux said...

Oh, so you DIDN'T like the old version of Dracula where armadillos come out of the wall??? (watched it for a class, am SO not making that up!!!!!)

Totally agree with Sharon on Legion! Just haven't been getting into the paranormal movies lately--Didn't get as much into the new Wolfman...felt kind of slow to me...

--When someone mentioned Ghost movies, Ghost Dad popped into my head, then Ghosbusters, and then Ghost--yea '80s!!!

p.s. I liked Eclipse a lot better than the others, I think the last book was difficult as a movie, because as a book it's QUIET; or rather I mean that so much of it is inside Bella's head...

nymfaux said...

A while back I really liked SPHERE, and Cube--Oh, and I suppose you can count Hot Tub Time Machine--SO FUNNY!!!!

Jessica @ a GREAT read said...

Ooh I loved the Vampire Diaries! I read them back in middle school when they were already 10 years old or so. So I have the totally awesome 90s covers. And now the series is picked up again along with a TV show! Loving it!!

My favorite paranormal movie? Hmm...I agree with the others The Labyrinth rocked! David Bowie was freaking awesome!! Love that movie!

I liked the original Dracula, Wolfman, and the Creature from the Black Lagoon--that's a GREAT movie, a lot more hysterical than horror, but that's why it's funny because it used to be scary!

Also LOVED Beetlejuice! I loved how the spelling was how it sounds, but in the movie it's spelled differently! And that cartoon show from the 90s, one of my faves! Different than the movie since Beetlejuice and Lydia are best friends, but whatever!

I liked the Blade Trilogy as well, those were awesome and the Underworld Trilogy. Loved Kate in that! Van Helsing with her and Hugh Jackman was also awesome, still can remember that my friend ruined the ending by telling me what happened!

nymfaux said...

I LOVE L.J. Smith--and I LIKE Vampire Diaries, but I LOVE the Secret Circle!!!! and Nightworld...

If you like Secret Circle you might like the movie The Craft.

nymfaux said...

sorry...just remembered Witches of Eastwick...And Hocus Pocus, of course...

Crystal @ RBtWBC said...

The Craft! That's what that movie was called. I have been trying to think of the name of it since I posted this morning. Thanks nymfaux!
And love Hocus Pocus! Thank you Disney Channel for playing it every year. I always want to name my black cats Binx but get out voted every time!

nymfaux said...

@Crystal, I read your posts and feel like we must be facebook friends separated at birth!!! lol!!!!

Well, the reverse is also true, if you liked The Craft, you'd probably like The Secret Circle...the coven is a lot bigger and there's more going on, I swear it feels like it influenced The Craft (and my friends do, too), but there are enough things to make them different...and make me want a Secret Circle movie/series of it's own!!!

Crystal @ RBtWBC said...

@ nymfaux; LoL, you're too funny. And I agree about the Secret Circle. I read it a while ago and liked it. I will have to re-read it now that you've mentioned it. And I liked Night World too but I wish the next one would hurry up and come out. I thought Strange Fate was suppose to come out last month but now I look and it's been pushed back again to April of next year. =P I need to work on my patience.
@ Juliana; LOVE the visual inspiration! N I C E!

nymfaux said...

@Crystal--you think YOU'VE been waiting for Strange Fate??? I've been waiting since 1999!!!!

Juliana Stone said...

So many rec's! Thanks guys....and a host of movies I'd forgotten about. I watched The Lost Boys a little while ago with my son and he loved it. I told him I wasn't much older than him when I saw it the first time.

Loved The Underworld movies..

will watch Labrynth...have not seen it though the I have the visual of Bowie in my head! thanks again guys and I hope you all have a lovely weekend!

Kylie Griffin said...

Underworld & Underworld:Evolution & Underworld:Rise of the Lycans (paranormal/action/romance)

Pitch Black (sf/thriller action)

Serenity (sf action) - if you're a Firefly fan, you'll love this one.

Zita said...

I waver between the Underworld trilogy and the Resident Evil trilogy for top spots. Oh, and the Lord of the Rings trilogy too. Hmm. Maybe I just like trilogies?

Cylver said...

My favorite vampire movie has to be Frank Langella's Dracula. Damn, he was hot, and what a voice! I also enjoy Love at First Bite. ("Children of the night...shut up!")
Zombies creep me out, but I love Night of the Living Dead and, for comic relief, Shaun of the Dead.
My favorite Ghost movie is, well, Ghost!
As for time travel, it just doesn't get better than Somewhere in Time. So romantic!
Hey, a few people mentioned The Craft. Has anyone ever played the "Light as a feather" game for real? We played it in high school, and it really works! OK, minus the levitation, but we really lifted a friend of ours about three feet off the ground with only a few fingers! Freaky...

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