Who We Are

Friday, July 2, 2010

A Mish Mash of Sorts.....

Hey everyone! It is Friday and for me, being Canadian, the long weekend has already started. (Happy Canada Day to all my fellow Canunks) So far it hasn't turned out the way I'd expected...I was supposed to go up north to spend some time with the family at a friends cottage. On a lake. With a boat. A jet ski. Beer. BUT...I had edits arrive for another publisher and according to my editor, revisions are coming today for my third book in the Jaguar Warriors series, HIS DARKEST SALVATION. So I decided to let the hubby go and have fun with the kids and leave me all alone...by myself in this house. FOR THREE WHOLE DAYS.....

So, Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! Okay, I do love my family, for reals and I had to try really hard to appear sad at the prospect of missing out on the cottage, but um, I am so happy to have some time alone.

I've already finished my edits on Black Destiny, which is a time travel short story. I loved re-visiting this world. I hope to get my revisions started on Salvation, because I am hard at work on my fourth book which is due in September.

I shall organize my new office, get my covers up on the wall, do some cleaning, take the dog on long walks....and float in the pool! What is everyone else up to? I know my American friends are celebrating July 4th!

Tell me your plans, I'd love to hear. In the mean time, I'm starting to organize promo etc for my fall release, the second book in the Jaguar Warrior series, HIS DARKEST EMBRACE...here is a teaser of the cover...

What do you think? Ya'll like? I will admit at first when I saw this I thought, oh my, Jagger is nekkid...butt, (pun intended) it's a beautiful cover and Tom the cover god has outdone himself.
So, I will be holding a contest for ARC's for this book in the next little while. In the meantime have a wonderful weekend whatever you are doing!


YzhaBella's BookShelf said...

Oh dear me! I blushing just thinkin' about the about the rest of the cover! Nekkid or not, he's "nummy nummy nummy"! Can't wait!

Happy Canada Day from a fellow canuck!

Texas Book Lover said...

I love finding new authors...and your books look so yummy! I just added your book(s) to my wish list!

Ash Wolf said...

Hope you have a lot of fun this weekend, Juliana.

Tonight, I'm headed to our 4-H fair to watch the truck and tractor pull, eat a moon crator, and look at what my cousins have on display in the projects building.
Saturday I have to work. :(
Sunday, I work the morning shift but then can spend the rest of the day lazing about until near dusk where I'll join up with my family at the park and watch the fireworks. They're suppose to be real good this year. We always manage to get a front row seat to the action.

Happy 4th, America!
And happy Cananda Day.

throuthehaze said...

From the bit I see I can tell you I already love the cover!

nymfaux said...

Wow! My first thought is with a cover like that...SOMEBODY must REALLY like you--People are going to have to buy it just because they picked it up and drooled on it so much!!!!

As for the 4th...I'm thinking sleep? fireworks? Read? Movie?

Hope you have fun all by yourself!!!! Don't work too hard ;)

TracyW said...

That is a great cover! Have a great 4th of July weekend!

Tanya said...

All I can say is wooooweeee!! It's hot!! Love it!

RFTC Blog said...

I say it's HOTTTT! Can't wait to read it.

Terri Garey said...

I've got my fingers crossed that Tom gives me a cover that's HALF as hot for my next cover, Jules! Have a great time all by yourself (weee!!) this weekend - I'll be having the family over to eat and laze by the pool, with some fireworks with my hubby on the 4th.

Happy Canada Day!

Jackie Uhrmacher said...

I know I said this when you posted the sneaky peak on Facebook, as well, but DAY-UM! That cover it HOT!

Patricia Lynne said...

I do love that little snippit of the cover, can't wait to see more!

My weekend consists of going home to my parents, stopping by a 10 yr HS reunion, hanging out w/ the only two ppl from HS that I still talk to (lol!) and spending all day Sunday trying to sell jewelry I made at a 4th of July celebration. Gonna top that off w/ fireworks then probably an hour long drive home so I can do NOTHING Monday because I don't have to work!

Melissa (Books and Things) said...

So far I like this cover better than the first. ;) However, I still think they need to work on the tattoo. It is described so much more intricate. I do want to see more of that butt, however. ;)

Nicole Murphy said...

Plan for the weekend - book launch. Party, party, party (not that we get a long weekend in Aus, but still...)

As for the cover - Hawt!

Keila said...

Hi Juliana!

Nice cover, very sexy! Tomorrow I'm going to visit the city of Old San Juan with a couple of friends and then at night go to see the movie Eclipse. Sunday, I probably do the same that all we Puertorricans do to celebrate July 4th, spent the whole day at the beach or a river.
Hope you have a nice weekend. ;)

Crystal @ RBtWBC said...

This cover is so pretty, I love the colors. And totally HOT too, does it come in poster size? LoL
Hmm...4th of July weekend. We have a get-together at a friends for Sat. with drinks, a bonfire w/smores and fireworks and then Sunday we're heading to the park for music, food and fireworks. Should be a nice weekend. Keep your fingers crossed that it doesn't, shh...don't say it out load, R-A-I-N. .
Hope you have a nice, quiet, relaxing holiday weekend way up there in Canada!

Juliana Stone said...

I'm glad to see everyone is kicking back and enjoying the weekend! You should all be happy to note that I got all of my office stuff done and still had some floaty in the pool time. today is strictly for writing....tonight my girlfriend is coming over and we're going to watch It's Complicated...I've heard it's quite funny!

Oh and thanks for all the comments on the cover snippet....wait until I can show off the whole thang....

Sharon S. said...

I am right there with you! Love the family, but...alone time is so hard to come by in the summer. My oldest girl is going to Anatomy camp on Sunday and I hope to send the youngest to grandma's. Which means....days of no kids!!! (excuse me while I wipe a tear away ). Might try to see some fireworks, hope to pick out a new kitchen floor!
Oh, and the cover...:shiver:

Honey Cuddles said...

I think this is one of the sexiest covers! Well done to the Cover God! ^_^

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