Who We Are

Saturday, July 3, 2010

What's Your Sign?

***WINNER ALERT!***  Congratulations to justinbarnes, who is a Pisces!  Justin has won the full set of Vicki Pettersson's Zodiac series!  In addition, because we had so many enthusiastic entries, we're going to give away two more of Vicki's books as extras:  You Said What Again gets a copy of SCENT OF SHADOWS, and Kaelie gets a copy of CITY OF SOULS.  Justin, Kaelie and You Said, send an email to booksthatgobump@gmail with your mailing info, and we'll get your books in the mail.  Thanks so much for everyone who played along - peace, love and kisses to all, whatever your sign!***

There was a time when the phrase, "Hey, baby, what's your sign?" was a universally acknowledged "pick-up phrase" of men everywhere. The modern day "Age of Aquarius" brings to mind the sixties and seventies, a period of spiritualism and open-mindededness where peace, love, cosmic forces (and evidently a few magic mushrooms!) reigned supreme.

In reality, astrology is believed to have begun with the ancient Babylonians sometime in the 3rd century B.C., and was used as a method to determine the will of the gods.  Man looked to the heavens for answers, because it was the heavens who ruled their lives: the rain that made the crops grow, the breeze that cooled their brow, the sun that beat down on their heads, the damage from storms and floods.  The movement of the sun, moon and stars began to be seen as the activity of the gods themselves, and it was believed that if these movements could be interpreted properly, man could use these patterns to his advantage.

It took several centuries before the art of horoscopic astrology came into existence, led largely by the Greek astronomist Ptolemy, whose teachings on the movements of the planets and their influence over a person's physical birth laid the foundation of astrological teachings for thousands of years afterward.  So today, in the 21st century, there are many, many people who believe that the sign you're born under has a direct influence on who you are as a person (c'mon, admit it... how many of you read your horoscope every day, even if you don't really believe it?) Many prominent rulers through the centuries were said never to make a move without consulting their personal astrologers (as recently as Ronald Reagan!), as the heavens continue to be looked to for answers, even now. 

Most of us take some kind of pride in the sign we were born under, although the actual casting of horoscopes is much more complicated than just what constellation was in the sky at the time of our birth - the place, time and position of the planets all come into play, as do the elements those planets represent.  Details aside, we seem to like the idea that some of our personal traits are given to us at birth - the good traits make us feel good about ourselves, and the bad traits are the perfect excuse for when we're less than perfect, right?  :)

So, as a proud Scorpio (loyal, passionate, independent, resourceful) my question for you today is the good, old-fashioned "What's your sign?".  One person (who if astrology is to be believed, will have been born under a lucky star), will win the ENTIRE set of Vicki Pettersson's Zodiac series!

(Two books, The Touch of Twilight and Cheat the Grave, have been signed by Vicki herself!)

Up your chances of winning by:

+1 Posting in the comments section

+1 Linking to this post on Twitter
+1 Linking to this post on Facebook
+1 Linking to the Supernatural Underground blog on your own blog/website

Post what you did in the comments section.  So c'mon, baby... what's your sign?


Unknown said...

I am Taurus the bull.

Unknown said...

I'm a Pisces, slippery and hard to pin down! I've shard the link on Facebook. Good luck to all!

Anonymous said...

I, too, am a Scorpio, and I've connected on Twitter and my Blog!

Sarah K said...

I'm a Taurus, with Libra rising and Venus in Taurus, for extra-taurean oomph. (Being an amateur astrologer, it's difficult to just stop at the sun sign....)

I tweeted, too!

Unknown said...

I am a Taurus, stubborn and rooted in the earth...

Sara M said...

I'm a Scorpio. But after looking at the common characteristics of Libra and Scorpio (my birthday is only two days away from being a Libra), I have more in common with Libra.

Lauren said...

Scorpio here! I've always matched up pretty well with the characteristics of a scorpio, so I'm proud to say it :)

arteemus37 said...

Pisces. And I want to win this contest!! :)

Linked to Facebook.

throuthehaze said...

I'm a Cancer (the crab)

heatwave16 said...

Pisces...Go fishies!!!

tweeted - http://twitter.com/Heatwave316/status/17657019340

facebook - http://www.facebook.com/#!/hcreely

tori aka ggs_closet said...

I'm a Gemini so I'm slightly crazy. :)
I have reposted on Twitter,linked to on facebook,and linked you to my blog.

Vicki Pettersson said...

I'm surprised the Pisces in this group are up early enough to comment on this post. *grin,duck&run*
Sleepy-heads ...

Just my .02 ... I'm, unsurprisingly, a Sag. Independent to a fault. Blunt. Loyal.

Happy Friday/4th!


Anonymous said...

I'm 500% Virgo ... a totally neurotic OCD perfectionist ... and I wouldn't want it any other way :D

Tweet Tweet: http://twitter.com/izibellz/status/17657816865

I've linked to Supernatural Underground on my blog's sidebar: http://paranormal-obsession.blogspot.com

Buffy said...

+1 I'm a Gemini (June 20, right on the edge) which is spot on for me.

+1 facebook.com/thatoneindiecindie

= 2 entries

Ash Wolf said...

Taurus all the way. As an Earth sign, I'm known to be Dependable, Patient, Attentive, and Resourceful. But also Slow-Moving, Stubborn, Easily Embarrassed, and Prone to procrastination (hee hee).

1 point for here only.

Sue said...

I'm an Arian, born under the sign of Aries! :D

Tracey O'Hara said...

Just like Joanna and Vic herself - I am a Sagittarian. :)

Andi said...

Woot! For the Capricorn .. bossy..opinionated and strong like a rock

Andi said...

oh and I facebooked Lol!

Lisa R. said...

I am an Aries with a Scorpio rising. I am all Scorpio with the temper and impatience of the Aries. What a mix. Include that with a Venus in Aquarius and Moon in Cancer and I am quite a contradictory. Free love with a conscience and I worry all the time!

Debi Murray said...

I was born on the cusp of Capricorn and Aquarius and have the split personality to prove it.

Unknown said...

I'm a Libra, with my moon in Virgo

God's gal said...

Oh, yes. I love being a Leo! ROAR! Reading the horoscopes bring me pleasure. Thankfully, it's usually good news all the way. And really accurate. So I take chances to follow.
Thanks for the contest. Fingers crossed :)

Tweeted: http://twitter.com/VamPoet/status/17659088083

Kristi said...

I am an Aries!

elaing8 said...

+1 My sign is Cancer (just had my bday on the 25th)

+1 tweeted http://twitter.com/elaing8/status/17660255298

sarah said...

i`m virgo but not your tipical one

Sandra Wickham said...

I am an Aries and DANG PROUD of it! LOL. Yes, I’m a little firey.. Hee hee.

Twitter Post: https://twitter.com/sandrawickham/status/17658838627

Facebook Post: http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#!/pages/Sandra-Wickham/107107069324247?ref=ts

Graylin Fox said...

Leo.. which today means purry mixed with a lil growly when I'm hungry :)

RT'd on twitter, will copy to facebook page.

fr_larsson said...

I´m a Scorpio, through and through =)

And i tweeted, fr_larsson

Tynga said...

I'm a Gemini =)

Thanks for such a great giveaway, I've been eyeing this series for a while, but haven't bought it yet ^^


BWest said...

Cancer, the crab. Which my wife finds appropriate...lol

Barbara E. said...

I'm also a Scorpio.

Trader Mare said...

Capricorn..but very much influenced by my moon in Pisces...

Retweeted @Jeaniene_Frost's tweet about the link to the page! http://twitter.com/Jeaniene_Frost/status/17660357006

Drea said...

I am an Aquarius, through and through. =)

Rachel498 said...

Haha, Vicki! I'm a Pisces..got up at noon today :)

I think my personality fits my sign.
Rachel- Res498(AT)aol.com

Jennifer said...

Cancer, the crab! Water sign and ruled by the moon. So put me on the beach at night and I am at my best. The rest of the time I'm moody, but loyal to family and friends. Just don't get on my bad side...I will cut you out of my life without a second thought. I am very sensitive I will act as though you cannot hurt me. In other words...I'm confusing.

linked site on facebook: http://www.facebook.com/?ref=home#!/profile.php?id=1138646894

Terri Garey said...

This is interesting! I wonder if there's a correlation between astrological signs and people who read speculative fiction? I'm going to add up how many different signs we get in the comments and post the astrological results along with the winner!

Angelwolf9 said...

Im a loyal and passionate capricorn with aquarian tendecies! Im also joanna's future boy toy!

Ava Riley Romance said...

I'm a Libra and I posted at:

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=542970010

Twitter: RT @Jeaniene_Frost: RT @VickiPettersson Win my entire Zodiac series on Supernatural Underground today: http://lnk.ms/BJcVg

My Blog site: http://yousaidwhatagain.blogspot.com/

Unknown said...

II Gemini! Both me and my Mom are Geminis, we used to say it was like living with four people, even though it as just the two of us!

Danielle said...

I'm a Gemini all the way. I for sure have multiple personalities.

Bardic Lady said...

Sagittarius and linking on my twitter, bardic_lady!

Crystal @ RBtWBC said...

Oh, I love astrology and it would be so awesome to win this set! Good luck to everyone. =)
I'm a Taurus, pretty much all the way.
Though Warren drives me crazy for being a Taurus too! Why couldn't someone sweet like Vanessa have my sign Vicki? LoL
Hope everyone has a fantastic weekend!

+1 commented
+1 posted on FB

Kendra said...

I'm a Virgo

Tyava said...

I'm a gemini but I don't consider myself a true gemini ... I don' have very many of the true gemini characteristics...

Anonymous said...

Capricorn in the house!!!! Almost my entire family is born in January with it being fresh after Christmas makes for very poor pockets!!! LMAO

Angelwolf9 said...

I rt the link on my twitter page-angelwolf9

Rosanne said...

Another Pisces! Posting on FB..

Anonymous said...

Am Sagittarian Monkey underneath an Elder Tree with an Owl and a Falcon in the branches above an narcissus all about.

Sun Signs, Chinese Zodiac, Celtic Tree and Animal Zodiac, Native American Animal Totem signs and Flower Signs.

Heather Gruenloh

Anonymous said...

Im cancer and in the chinese im teh dragon. I wonder how crabs and dragons get along?

+3 pionts

Cassandra C

StacyUFI said...

+1 I am a Capricorn
+1 http://twitter.com/StacyMaynard
+1 http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#!/Chllybrd

=3 entries

wont said...

I'm a Taurus. That hard headed part fits like a glove. I'm also linking on Twitter.

robsad79 said...

I'm a Sagittarius and there are some days I believe it and sometimes I don't :).

+1 Blog post (http://robsad79.blogspot.com/2010/07/daily-giveway.html)

Bast said...

Libra. And it matches me pretty well.

+1 for commenting

Rosa said...

I am a Gemini. I linked this to my twitter.com/newyorkhardygrl

Nicole said...

I'm a typical gemini...or am I? I can't make up my mind!

Also posting to FB! (http://www.facebook.com/nicolepallamollo)

Renee said...

I am a LEO, the lion, and it fits me pretty well most days.

+1 comment
+1 twitter: http://twitter.com/mcdonaldrenee/status/17665028922

K.A. Stewart said...

I'm a Sagittarius!

Also tweeted and Facebooked.

lianakay said...

I'm a Libra and acording to my (Leo) friend a very typical one... which I'll take as a compliment!

+ 1 Twitter - twitter.com/lianakay
+ 1 posting on FB too

Thanks :-)

Michelle Santiago said...

i am an aquarious.

+1: Linked Supernatural Underground blog: http://booksandmakeup.blogspot.com

Texas Book Lover said...

I am a Taurus...barely, a day or two later and I wouldn't be and most of the time I don't think I should be.

Your books look good and I am always looking for great new authors and series.
Thanks! Maria S

Jane Makuch said...

I'm a Cancer and love to climb into my shell a bit too often.

Tori [Book Faery] said...

I'm a Capricorn! It totally explains my obsession with planning and being a hard worker. It also explains why I can be super stubborn :)

+1 Posting in the comments section:
+1 Tweeted:
+1 Linking to the Supernatural Underground blog on your own blog/website:

cheesecake.thief59 said...

I'm a Sagittarius.

+1 for commenting here
+1 for posting link on Facebook
+1 for linking to Supernatural Underground on facebook

Froggy said...

I'm a capricorn born on Dec 27th! would love to win.

+1 Posting in the comments section - done!

+1 Linking to this post on Twitter - done i am Froggarita

+1 Linking to the Supernatural Underground blog on your own blog/website - added you to my blog friends!


iokijo said...

I'm a Taurus, born in the year of the Dragon.. isn't that a combo..LOL
Thanks for the chance to win the Zodiac series, have been hoping to try these since the first came out.
Good luck everyone & have a good 4th

Tanya said...

I'm a Virgo. I'm very much the perfectionist. My kids say I drive them crazy I'm so bad. Great giveaway. Happy 4th!!

+1 comment
+1 link on Facebook
+1 link on Twitter

Unknown said...

I'm a Gemini. I've read the first couple books in the series and liked them, so if you pick me, please feel free to give someone else the first two books. Maybe they will get hooked!

Anonymous said...

I'm a Scorpio and proud of it
+1 posted on twitter.
+1 on facebook
+1 for commenting :)

Melissa silva
msilvabooks dot live dot com

Erin said...

Im a Scorpio also. I am very passionate and independant which the independance drives my husband crazy.

+1 Posting in the comments section
+1 Linking to this post on Facebook



Rosalie Lario said...

I'm a Sagittarius. I've been dying to check out the series but haven't gotten to it yet. Too many books to read, too little time. *Sighs*

Natasha A. said...

I'm a Cancer :D

Anonymous said...

scorpio here! and love it :)

+1 twitter http://twitter.com/omg_Lauren/status/17668259069

Raven Twinn said...

Gemini here.
LOVE this series.
I don't need to be entered into the contest, I have the whole series.
I just wanted to show my support.
I hope someone deserving wins.

Victoria said...

I am a LEO through and through. Match just about all traits, good and bad.
+1 Tweeted: http://twitter.com/Jovial_1/status/17669161755

blackwulf.s said...

I am a Scorpio in every sense of the word.

Melissa (Books and Things) said...

My sign? Stop. Sorry, had to say that comeback. :D
It's actually Virgo.

Tweeted: http://twitter.com/BooksThings/status/17669460591
Have link on my blog, Books and Things.

Brandi said...

I'm a Virgo and proud of it!

Unknown said...

I am a Gemini, and so am I

Charchelar said...

I'm an Aries ram: an extrovert with a fiery demanor and I like to be first-so pick me for this contest!

angel said...

I am a Gemini & I loveee being a Gemini!

tweet: http://twitter.com/AngeliaFRusli/statuses/17671476840

Terri Garey said...

You guys are funny!

There's no question I'm a Scorpio - my husband claims my mantra is "Don't tell me what to do."

Luckily, he's a level-headed Capricorn, so he can handle me. :-)

Angela @ Reading Angels said...

I'm a Virgo :-)

I have the supernatural underground linked on my blog


nymfaux said...

Go Libras!!!! I am a libra, who is constantly indecisive, but always likes to win things!!!! ;)

+1 Posting in the comments section
+1 Linking to this post on Twitter
+1 Linking to this post on Facebook
+1 Linking to the Supernatural Underground blog on my blog sidebar http://nymfaux.blogspot.com/


J said...

I'm Aquarius

Cathy M said...

I am Pisces. Along with both my boys, two sisters, my mom, and 3 aunts. Birthdays are a riot around here,lol.

caity_mack at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

I am a pisces, and I posted the link to my twitter, and my own website(s)
I hope to win these books because I love love love Vicki Pettersson, and I would love to have the first five signs of the Zodiac books of my own, and with two of them being signed by her! I love the books, and I hope I win. Good Luck To Everyone Else Though, May the Odds be With You! :)

Steele26 said...

i'm a Taurus through and through!

Anonymous said...

I'm a Taurus (& Rooster)
Posted on Twitter & Facebook.

robertmoonson AT hotmail DOT com

RFTC Blog said...

I am a Virgo.

Snazel said...

I'm a Virgo!

Adelina said...

+1 Ooooh the Zodiac series! I'm a fish--I mean Pisces. ;)

Book Chatter Cath said...

+1 I'm Taurus the Bull and yes I'm stubborn, loving and loyal, competative and I LOVE TO EAT

+1 for tweeting
+1 for facebooking

Unknown said...

I'm a Leo with ascendant Libra, but my Libra side is the more dominant one :-)

I would love to read Vicki's books, tehy sound exciting, and I've heard amzing things about them!

+1 Posting in the comments section

+1 Linking to this post on Twitter: http://twitter.com/Stella_ExLibris/status/17678651228

+1 Linking to this post on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000899165880&v=wall&story_fbid=129707037064628

+1 Linking to the Supernatural Underground blog on your own blog: www.stella-exlibris.com (I have your blog button on display)

Thank you!

stella.exlibris (at) gmail (dot) com

elovold said...

I am an Aries

JDuncan said...

Capricorn here, and I'm pretty much practical to the core, other than having horrid short term memory and thus entirely scatter-brained.

Vicki S said...

I'm a Leo with ascendant Gemini, though my Gemini is definitely dominant.

+1 for commenting here
+1 for tweeting (http://twitter.com/StormyWolf147)
+1 for posting link on Facebook (http://www.facebook.com/vicki.smallwood)
+1 for linking to Supernatural Underground on my blog (http://the-wolfs-den-147.blogspot.com/2010/06/blogs-about-writing-5.html)

And do I get extra points for sharing the author's name? ;D

Britt said...

I'm a Scorpio

Catch My Words said...

I'm a Sagittarius archer who couldn't hit a bulls eye one foot from the target.

+1 enter
+1 retweeted


Nicole said...

I am also a fellow scorpio! :D

+1 posted on Twitter (MinnChica)
+1 posted Facebook (Nicole Snyder)
+1 Link on my blog (http://lifeaccording2nicole.blogspot.com)
+1 for comment
4 total

*Astrid A.* said...

I am a CANCER! =D

I tweeted too! (AstridAR)

Thanks! =)

Flur said...

I'm a gemini.

Anonymous said...

Gemini baby, fast, fun and flirty! Woot!

Jessica @ a GREAT read said...

Sagittarius, just like Joanna!

Sagittarius rules! :)

I have a link on my blog in the sidebar: hhtp://jessica-agreatread.blogspot.com

Nicky Strickland said...

Cancer. Total moon girl (which may explain the attraction to writing mermaids).


Unknown said...

I'm in the middle of two signs (Scorpio and Sagittarius), and I like to think I have the best of both worlds.

+1 Linking to this post on Twitter http://twitter.com/angelwonders/status/17682955467


Nicole Murphy said...

Am so jealous of all the potential winners! Have just started reading the series myself and I'm loving it!

I'm a Piscean, which is supposed to be the oldest of the signs and thus the wise ones. I'm really not...

Juliazun said...

I'm a Virgo (but I'm married, so definitely not a virgin!):)

Terri Garey said...

Quick mental poll shows that Gemini and Pisces may be leading the pack!

Fellow Scorpions, show thy stings! LOL

Seriously, I am SO excited to see who wins this prize!

Katie said...

Gemini here. I am always of two minds on things. It is tiring. :-D

Anonymous said...

I'm a Leo. So a bit of a strong personality.

I linked on my facebook and twitter and blog.

Kimberly B. said...

I'm a Libra. Not sure that's why I'm indecisive, but I am.
Thanks for the great giveaway!

Dee-Ann LeBlanc said...

I'm a Taurus, definitely bull-headed. :)

Keziah Hill said...

I'm 0 degrees Taurus. Libra moon and Leo rising. Thank god for the Libra or else I'd be a total pain. What? What's that you say? I still am? Nooo. Not with my shy mars in Cancer. :-)

kiapinky said...

I am an Aquarius, married one and had a little Aquarius baby. Weird.

Unknown said...


Deb said...

I'm an Aries and I linked on Facebook and on my blog.

JenM said...

I'm a Leo and even though I don't think I have the "typical" Leo traits, no one is ever surprised when I tell them my sign, so I guess I am a typical Leo after all.

Jacqueline C. said...

I'm a Sagittarius!

+1 Commented
+1 Link to Supernatural Underground on your own blog

VampAngel said...

I'm a Gemini!

+1 Posting in the comments section

+1 Linking to this post on Twitter:


+1 Linking to the Supernatural Underground blog on your own blog/website:


I'm up to 3!

VampAngel's Dilemma: To Read or Not To Read It? That is The Question

GINYJAY said...

I'm a LIBRA.. fair and balanced... I am the peacemaker of the family .. always smoothing things over..

Anonymous said...

I am Gemini born in "the week of new Language" with Pisces Rising and Neptune as ruling.... Needless to say I am a Very strange combo of things....

Anonymous said...

I'm libra

Tez Miller said...

I'm Cancer, so I think that means I'm overemotional and mood-swingy. Or maybe that has nothing to do with my horoscope, and everything to do with ME ;-)

Remi F said...

I'm a Leo!

Read the first book on Kindle, and it seems like a fantastic series!

Anonymous said...

I'm a Libra. While I don't put a lot of stock in astrology, I do feel I am a very balanced person. I don't stress and not much can get me off kilter.
I re-tweeted at www.twitter.com/ailishsmom
I re-Facebooked (?) at www.facebook.com/ailishsmom
I Webspaced at www.webspace.com/ailishsmom

Anonymous said...

I'm a cusp baby! I'm a Virgo-Libra. When people wonder how that works, I explain it this way:

I really, really, really want to get organized, but I have how,

I am my own see-saw.

Your covers are beautiful, Vicki! Don't enter me into the contest, I just wanted to share. ;)

Carol L. said...

This i a series I have yet to read.
I'm a Pisces, the oldest and wisest of the Zodiac.Thanks for the opportunity.
Carol L.

Blodeuedd said...

I am a Pisces and it does suit me very well, I am always daydreaming for instance :)

Anonymous said...

I'm a Gemini!

Caitrin said...

I'm a Gemini! It's sometimes weird how true it can be. My attention is very flighty, while i focus hard on whatever catches my fancy at the time, I can easily move on to something else.

Sharon S. said...

Another Sharon, another Gemini . I will have to figure out how to change the name that appears. To the other Sharon out there: hey!

2 points for me!

Mel Teshco said...

What a fantastic prize!!
I'm a virgo through and through - a perfectionist who wishes her house would clean itself and remain spotless while I read for a spell LOL!

Giada M. said...

I'm a Scorpio (Tiger in the chinese horoscope).
Please enter me if this contest is international.
Thank you!

Giada M.

fabgiada (at) gmail (dot) com

Larissa said...

I'm a Scorpio, too! :)

+1 comment
+1 link on blog: www.lchardesty.blogspot.com

lchardesty at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

I am Sagitarius

+1 for comment

Anonymous said...

I'm a Sagitarius


I would love to readf these books!
+1 for comment

CrystalGB said...

I am a Leo. :)

CrystalGB said...

I am a Leo. :)

Honey Cuddles said...

+1 Luscious Libra here. ^_~
+1 tweeted: http://twitter.com/honeycuddles/statuses/17748502394
+1 posted to FB (honeycuddles)

Keila said...

I am Libra!

mariska said...

I'm a proud Scorpio ! ^_^ v

+1 Posting in the comments section

+1 i tweeted :http://twitter.com/becunique/status/17762530110

+1 posted on FB : http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1834044116&v=wall&story_fbid=140401139305128

Unknown said...

I'm capricorn - it's lonely up the mountain.

nymfaux said...

congrats to the winners!

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