Who We Are

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Celebrating Australia and Worldcon

Thanks to everyone for the great comments. I'm in New Zealand at the moment, at their convention, and there's some great local writers here.

Trent's book Death Most Definite has been won by Nymfaux. Kirsten's book Madigan Mine has been won by Shari C. Tansy's Book Power and Majesty has been won by GB (formerly JD). Congrats! Email nicole@nicolermurphy.com to send me your address and I'll get your book in the mail to you asap.

In just under two weeks, the World Science Fiction convention (Worldcon) swings into action down-under.

Every ten years or so, Australia hosts Worldcon (under the name of Aussiecon) and for a lot of us who can't afford the airfares to the Northern Hemisphere, it's our only opportunity to enjoy the experience. Members of the Supernatural Underground who will be present are Tracey O'Hara, Helen Lowe, Carrie Vaughn and myself.

It's also a chance for us Aussies to spruik ourselves. The dealers room will be awash with Australian publishers, particularly small press, writers groups and artists.

In that spirit, I thought I'd use this month's post to spruik three new Australian paranormal/dark fantasy novels which have been released in recent months. These are all books that I've read and absolutely loved. In two cases (Trent and Kirstyn) it's the debut novel, and they are fantastic. In Tansy's case, it's a blend of urban and traditional fantasy that often had me stopping in awe of the brilliant ideas.

Note that only one is currently being published overseas, but I'll give you places to order the others if they interest you.

The most recent arrival on the Australian urban fantasy scene is Trent Jamieson, with his Death Works series. Death Most Definite is the story of Stephen de Selby, who is a pomp. It's a job that runs in the family and a job he likes - good pay, hours are okay, exciting enough without being overpowering. However, someone wants to take over Death's role, and that means killing all the pomps. Stephen has to find it within himself to not only survive, but find out what's going on and stop it.

Stephen's not your usual UF protagonist - he's a bit ineffectual, really. But the world Trent's developed is incredible, and Stephen is challenged and forced to grow like few characters are. This book is available in the US and UK, so look for it at your local bookstore.

Next is Madigan Mine, by Kirstyn McDermott. This isn't urban fantasy or paranormal romance, more what I'd call dark fantasy, but it's got such a fabulous premise and is so wonderfully written that I don't hesitate to recommend it to you all.

Alex Bishop's life is kinda drifting when his childhood soulmate Madigan Sargood reappears in his life. Alex is delighted to again be directed by Madigan's intensity and passion but all the while there is a time bomb - Madigan is dying. Eventually, the intensity becomes too much for Alex and he ends the relationship, then is devastated when Madigan dies soon after. But Madigan remains very much alive to him - too much alive.

Last is Tansy Rayner Roberts' Power and Majesty, book one of the Creature Court trilogy. Tansy has done something really interesting here - she's taken some of the tropes of urban fantasy, such as the hidden world and shapeshifters, and planted them into a fantasy world.

The city of Aufleur is a place of parties and parades, but each night while the citizens sleep the Creature Court wages war with the sky to save them. Velody is about to recieve the ultimate accolade for a dressmaker - the Duchessa is wearing one of her creations. But the Power and Majesty of the Creature Court is killed and suddenly Velody finds herself with powers and part of a world she never knew existed and she needs to learn how to live in it fast, or it will destroy her.

Unfortunately, neither Kirstyn nor Tansy's books are yet published outside Australia and New Zealand (although there are plans afoot - oh yes, my friends, there are plans). You can order them online at http://www.boomerangbooks.com.au/ or http://www.fishpond.com.au/

Fortunately, I have copies of all three books to give away to three lucky commenters! To win, join the fun by spruiking a local writer that you love. Winners will be chosen at random on 28 August.


Jackie Uhrmacher said...

Michelle M. Pillow and Candice Gilmer would be my pimp-worthy local authors. Super nice ladies, too! They, like myself, reside somewhere in the Midwest...: )

Helen Lowe said...

Looking forward to meeting you in person at Worldcon, Nicole. :-)

Giada M. said...

I love Mariangela Cerrino's fantasy books, but unfortunately they are only available in Italian, German and I believe also Spanish (I'm not sure though).

Shari C said...

I am a midwest gal and am proud to have two of my favorite authors in this part of the world. One is MaryJanice Davidson whose Undead series and also light-hearted fantasy books are terrific and also Lori Handeland whose Nightcreature series and Phoenix Chronicles series are wonderful.

Van Pham said...

Some great authors here on the west coast are Alyson Noel, Lauren Kate, Elieen Rendahl, and Seanan Mcguire.

Patricia Lynne said...

Oh, Madigan Mine sounds REALLY interesting! Unfortunately, I don't know of any Michigan authors. Anyone know of any?? lol

Rachel498 said...

One of my favorite authors, Suzanne Collins, lives on the east coast near me :) And Jessica Anderson does as well.

Melissa (Books and Things) said...

Local? I'd have to say Carrie Vaughn! Love the wereworlf series. She's even written about my hometown. :) Gotta love a CO author! :D

Jacqueline C. said...

I love the Chicagoland Vampires series by Chloe Neill, a fellow Midwesterner.

Jeremy said...

Susan Hubbard is a local author and she actually even wrote one of her books using my town as the setting.

Unknown said...

Natasha Moore is a local author.

Nicole Murphy said...

Thanks everyone. Love reading books/stories set in own town - there's a strange moment of connection beyond the usual there.

Katie Dalton said...

CA born and West Coast gal like myself Gini Koch is my pic for this contest. :)
Wish I could be at Worldcon....still trying to find the dingo that stole my baby!


Sweet Rachel! said...

Any of Melissa Mayhue books, they are my favorite highlander novels! J.C. and Barb Hendee are another one of my favorites. All three are from Colorado like me :))


Casey said...

One of my favorite authors, Alyssa Day, lives in North Florida like me. Meg Cabot has a house in Key West (down in South Florida) where she lives half the year.

nymfaux said...

Great post!!!! I love hearing more about your side of the world!!! ;)

I hope you have a lot of fun at Worldcon!!!!! It sounds AMAZING!!!!!

Is it weird that whenever I think of you guys in Australia and New Zealand I picture scenes from the Thorn Birds? ...and sometimes here the theme song...

Local authors huh??? ....I currently live in CA, but have moved a lot--In fact I just recently moved, and right after, I found out there was a debut author right in my old area!!!! Heidi R. Kling, author of SEA, from Palo Alto--I'd been in San Jose for a couple years, so I hope that counts???--Oh, and I lived outside of Yosemite for a couple years, and I used to visit a cabin where Mark Twain lived, so I guess he was a local ;) ...before that, I lived in PA for a year, which is where Tamora Pierce is originally from... But I'm originally a Midwestern girl from WI, and I think I'll have to go with Laura Ingalls Wilder as our most famous local author--Before Little House on the Prairie, there was Little House in the Big Woods!!!

JenM said...

I recently discovered Juliet Blackwell, who was born and lives in my backyard - the San Francisco Bay Area. She writes a great witchy mystery series (first book is called Secondhand Spirits) that features a witch who owns a vintage clothing store in SF's Haight Ashbury district. I picked it up initially because it was set in SF and I was surprised at how much I liked it because I rarely read cozy mysteries.

Kris said...

Hmmm...Local authors? I'm not sure there....Anne Rice? Is she still even in New Orleans? I would have said Nicole peeler but now she moved to somewhere! yes, I know...I can't keep up with people LOL!


Tracey O'Hara said...

Coming in late. I am getting very excited about worldcon. Not long now.

And my local authors are your local authors. :)

Brenda Hyde said...

I just found out Joss Ware lives in Michigan...I haven't met any other authors that live here so that was quite exciting to find out. I'm near Grand Rapids, which is the home of Zondervans and at least 4 other Conservative Christian publishers, so paranormal romance authors aren't big here. Unless they are hiding:)

I love Australian authors...Sara Douglass is one of my favorites, besides you all--she writes fantasy.

Sharon S. said...

I don't know of any local North Carolina authors. Would love suggestions . My fav indie authors are Joleene Naylor (Shades of Gray) and Linda Welch (Along Came a Demon)

would love to win any of those books! They all sound interesting. Power and Majesty is a pretty cover.

GB said...

I had no idea we Aussies were wo well represented for UF/PNR. I'll have to add your suggestions to the Wishlist!

Keri Arthur is another local author and I'm only just now starting to read the Riley Jensen series (coming a bit late to that party I know!) There's also Marianne de Pierres (SF writer), Erica Hayes (she of the wonderful Shadowfae book) and the awesome Scott Westerfeld and Justine Larabalestier.

Jessica @ a GREAT read said...

Hmm, interesting! The convention sounds awesome. Those big ones always seem cool but they're usually too far away for me.

Lea @ The Yearning Mermaid said...

I live in Germany and one of my favourite local writers is Nina Blazon. She writes wonderful fantasy books.

nymfaux said...

OMG!!!!!! YEA!!!!!!! I'M SO EXCITED!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!!!!!! YEA!!!!!!!

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