Who We Are

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Forbidden Fruit

***WINNER ALERT*** Congratulations to DANIELLE (Comment #8), who won the hardbacked copy of Insatiable!  Thanks so much to all who commented! :-)

The apple is dangling on the tree right in front of you.  It's deep red in color, ripe and shiny and plump with juices; a perfect orb just begging to be cupped by your hand.  One sharp tug and it'll be freed from the tree, ready to be raised to your mouth and bitten; you can practically feel the crispness beneath your teeth.  One bite, and there's no going back.  The pristine perfection of that shiny, untouched apple can never be regained, lost forever the moment you reach out your hand, and take it.

Do you take it?

Maybe you're not hungry.  Maybe you know that it doesn't belong to you, or maybe you don't like apples.  Maybe you think it will be there another day, when you are hungry, or (oh, yes!) maybe there's an even better apple on the next tree!  Or, (oh, no!) the apple belongs to someone else, and if you eat it, it would be stealing.  Even if you just took one bite and gave it back, it would be forever spoiled.

So many decisions. So many complications, when really, all you wanted was a simple bite of an apple.

The cycle of temptation, choice and consequence is a recurring theme in our lives, and why, in my opinion, romance novels are the perfect solution.  You can pick up a romance novel, and while you're between those pages, you can sample as many red, juicy apples as you like, no strings attached.  With paranormal romance, you can kick it up a notch, and let your imagination go wild!  Dark-haired men with magical powers? Open the pages of a romance, and you can try out as many wizards, warlocks, vampires or demons as you like without having to actually take orders from them, cook their dinner or pick up scattered pieces of eye-of-newt.  Prefer the sensitive type?  Here's a savage, leonine beast with brown hair and green eyes who--at heart--is really a pussycat.  Or how about this one, the proud hero with the blood of the Fey in his veins, whose anger threatens to rule his life, but is calmed by the touch of your hand on his brawny, muscular arm?

So many decisions. So many complications, but between the pages of a romance novel, none of them actually affect you! You can finally take bite of that apple.

No guilt, no consequences.  A veritable orchard of ripe, crispy apples, waiting to be tasted.

Romance novel sales defied industry trends last year, up $100 million in sales from the year before, in the face of an almost 2% drop in overall book sales.*  And yet, we're a genre that still gets very little respect from the general public. Even those of us who read it and love it sometimes feel like reading romance novels is our "dirty little secret".

I, for one, have decided that there's nothing wrong in having a dirty little secret, particularly when it contains forbidden fruit that's perfectly safe to eat.  :)

Today I'm giving away another book I got at the recent Romance Writers of America conference, a hard-back edition of INSATIABLE, by Meg Cabot (in large part because I love the cover, which reminds me of forbidden fruit).
For a chance to win, just answer me this:  Isn't it fun having a dirty little secret?

*Bloomberg Businessweek, July 26-August 1, 2010, by Spencer Morgan
The (AAP) Association of American Publishers reports an overall 1.8% drop in book sales for 2009, except for one genre: romance. Romance novel sales in 2009 defied industry trends, increasing 7.7%, up $100 million from the year before, to the tune of $1.4 billion dollars a year. Some 75 million people read at least one romance novel in 2009, and it's the top-performing category on the best-seller lists compiled by the New York Times, USA Today, and Publishers Weekly.


Alicia0385 said...

I have no problem with people having a dirty little secret however when it comes to what I read I dont care who knows what I like. I love romance especially paranormal romance!! People who have a problem with it have probably have never read them otherwise they would change there mind about it.


Anya said...

You're right about the Dirty Little secret....and having one is fun! I totally agree! :)

Van Pham said...

Most definitely :)

Buffy said...

I like dirty little secrets however, reading paranormal romance, or even erotica isn't one of them. I've caught many people sneaking a peak at the page I'm on, or flipping through. They all want to read it, but they don't like secrets. That's why I say, wave the romance flag high. So what if I want my man to be tall, dark, and sexy with a tendency to bite people or get hairy? At least I admit that I have a type! Even if he doesn't exist. ::sigh::

Patricia Lynne said...

Hmm, I guess I gotta agree. Dirty, little secrets are fun. They add excitement to your life, a thrill of having something to hold close and not let anyone see. But there's also the other side, dirty, little secrets can make you feel shameful (even when you shouldn't be) You worry about what people will think, fret and stress over some one finding out. I guess I see it as a two sided coin. An exciting, scary thrill that makes life more fun. ^.^

PS I LOVE that book cover! Now I gotta look it up and see what it's about. =D

Brenda Hyde said...

It's like hiding a bag of Lindt truffles in the cupboard so the kids don't eat them up. You pull out just one or two to have with tea or coffee. It's heaven. I love paranormal romance and urban fantasy. My sister once said to me: You KNOW vampire and werewolves don't exist, right?" Well, they just don't know what they are missing. So, yes, I love savoring truffles AND paranormal romance books:)

Dorthy said...

Oh yes, having a dirty little secret can be delicious
although i have to say that reading romance isn`t my diety little secret, writing is
:-) but shh i didn`t tell you.

Danielle said...

Yes, I love my dirty little secret and I have tried numerous times to talk some of my friends into reading one and they avoid them like the plague. I just ask them "Have you ever watched a movie that had sex in it?" well romance novels are better than movies and just because there is sex in some of them doesn't make them cheesy.:)


Anonymous said...

I love em. I have a couple of dirty little secrets of my own. I really like it when I know my friens little dirty secrets too. Its like we are in clulb! Thanks for sharing!

Nicole said...

It is super fun to have a dirty little secret!!

Fi-chan said...

Yes yes. I feel.. good, not letting my friends know. Some of them I still refuse to tell. Some kinda hard to keep though :/ LOL! I also love the song Dirty Little Secret by All-American Rejects <3

oh uhm, count me in the giveaway if it's international!

Melissa (Books and Things) said...

Depends on the secret. Some are fun. ;) However sharing with the right person could be fun too! :D

Sara M said...

I don't think I have a dirty little secret. I just can't keep things to myself, so it would never actually be a secret. Lol.

Sara M
sara_UFblog [at] yahoo [dot] com

Casey said...

Having a dirty little secret can be loads of fun! I have several xD

Lea @ The Yearning Mermaid said...

Yes, my books are my dirty little secret. Only my closest friends know about it. But I´m not keeping it a secret on purpose. It´s just that most people seem to be shocked when they find out that I love sensual,sexy books. So I don´t brag about it. When people are shocked, I smile inwardly. They will never have such a thrilling dirty little secret as me.People are ignorant these days. They don´t know what they are missing out on.

A'lina said...

It's fun having a dirty little secret. I feel like a little spy or something, lol. A dirty little spy hehe ;)

Sharon S. said...

yes! A secret identity even more fun ;) Now I think I will go find an apple (read: alpha-male) and take a big juicy bite.

Unknown said...

Yes! I think having a couple of dirty little secrets is fun, in an exhilarating feeling.

Sullivan McPig said...

having a secret just by yourself isn't fun. I only like fun, shared secrets.

librarypat said...

Having a secret is always fun. As long as they don't hurt anyone, "dirty little secrets" make you feel a little bit wicked and are fun.
That cover is lovely.

librarypat AT comcast DOT net

mariska said...

Yeap, having a dirty little secret is always fun. coz seems that everybody has their own secret not to be told :)

cuniquas at gmail dot com

Jessica @ a GREAT read said...

It can be devilishly fun to have a dirty little secret. Simple because secrets can be deadly! ;) It's fun to know something so scandalous and no one else knows about it!

Martha Lawson said...

Hell yes!! I'd love to win this one.

mlawson17 at hotmail dot com

Michelle said...

It's definately fun to have books be my dirty little secret. It just adds to the fun of gettingost in the pages.

Crystal @ RBtWBC said...

Agreed, dirty little secrets can be so much fun!
Although I wouldn't say reading romance was one of mine, not since I was a teen at least. ;) I like to spread the love.
Though I may blush just a wee bit when the 16yr old male cashier checks me & my book with the hawt cover out at the book store. LoL

Sweet Rachel! said...

Definately, I know I have a dirty little secret but for the life of me I can't figure out what it is. Romance novels are more my dirty little indulgence :))

nymfaux said...

Great Post!!!! I'd be surprised if anyone didn't like having a dirty little secret!!! I know I do!!!

And I think it's a shame that there is such a stigma on romance books, or adults reading YA...I used to be embarrassed and always felt like I had to explain myself, if someone "caught" me, and I may have said this before, but I've come to realize that a good book is a good book, and a good author is a good author--genres should be used as guidelines to help you find what you're looking for, not to box people or books into categories...I love that it seems like more and more people are openly reading outside the lines...

And hopefully romance writers will start getting the credit they deserve!!!!

Thanks for the giveaway!!!! :)

Unknown said...

Having dirty little secrets can be loads of fun

Unknown said...

There are 2 kinds of secrets: the fun, mischievious ones, that are best shared with a few friends but you still keep a secret from others so that you can share a look/a smile and know that only you know about it :-D

Then there is the kind of secrets you keep for yourself and don't even share with others. I believe everyone should have at least one of these as it is fun to have a hidden secret, and if it is a dirty one, all the best :-D lol

Anonymous said...

It's a lot of fun to have a dirty little secret, hehe ;)

However, reading romance novels isn't mine ... I love them and everyone knows this, hehe ... I do find, however, that - apart from other bloggers - most people will adamantly avoid ever bringing this up, LOL ... it's kind of strange ... it's no secret that I love romance books ... and there's certainly nothing *wrong* with it ... they're probably scared it will rub off on their literary-minded selves :P

Paula R said...

Hi, don't count me in for the prize. I picked up this book at the conference too.

I love the post. It was very enticing, let's say. You really sucked me in. I love to take a bite out of the forbidden fruit, in the many books I read. My romance reading is not a dirty little secret. I read romances and wear the badge proudly. My students make fun of me, but they will see when they get older what a joy it is to escape into a world without consequences to their everyday lives. Thanks for the wonderful post.

Peace and love,
Paula R.

Carley said...

Oh yes, dirty little secrets are the best! And reading romance novels is one of the naughtiest past times around ;)

Nicole Murphy said...

Here Here! Let's take this out into the open and be loud and proud - I read romance and that's fantastic!!!

Snazel said...

I think it's nice having little secrets that people don't all have to know about, it's just when you feel you CAN"T tell people that things get awkward. Ish.

ExtremeReader said...

I believe EVERYONE has at least one dirty little secret! (You are lying if you say you don't!) I guess people have their own definitions as to what qualifies as a 'dirty' secret~ but personally I will own up to at least a handful! My idea of a 'dirty' secret would involve lots of blushing if it was ever revealed! I have lots of 'In My Dreams' dirty little secrets' that involve me and Bones(and Spade if I'm really dreaming!-Night Huntress series) with a side order of Seth, Irial and Niall(Wicked Lovely series)!! Now that has the makings of a FUN dirty little secret!! As for reading paranormal romance- NO SECRET!! My collection is the go-to spot for all my friends & fellow teachers when they want a good book!! .... Thanks for the contest- I would LOVE to win Insatiable!!

Rachel498 said...

Dirty little secrets are definitely fun! And for me, one of those secrets is the books. I like to sit down somewhere, alone, and just read a good romance.

Katie Dalton said...

I love my Paranormal and have no shame telling anyone and everyone! :) If people dont get it, well thats to bad, for them. lol Hide it if you must but were the ones paying money and reading them, so its our choice and I love spending my time and money on these books.
Come check out my reviews and let me know what all of you think. http://ismellsheep.blogspot.com/
Lets grow this network of forbidden fruit :)

nymfaux said...

congrats to the winner!!!

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