Wednesday, August 25, 2010

The Supernatural Stepback

The winner is Sullivan McPig of the Netherlands!!! Sullivan, please contact me at to give me your address. Congratulations!

The Supernatural Stepback may sound like the dance you do when suddenly confronted with a group of really nasty-looking ghouls-- just step back and hope they didn't see you or smell you-- but never fear! Stepbacks do not mean you're in danger. The worst they can do is cause a dent in your wallet when they convince you to buy a book. You know how some books have a cover on the front, then you open the book to find a second cover? That's a stepback. I've been fortunate to have them on the last four books in the Love at Stake series.

I love stepbacks! Especially mine! I feel like I can say that since I have nothing to do with them. They're produced by the art department at HarperCollins. What I really love about them (other than the fact that they're beautifully done) is that they often tell a story all by themselves. Take a look at Exhibit A from All I Want for Christmas is a Vampire. On the cover, we see the heroine, Toni, patiently waiting in bed for her vampire lover. You can see him coming outside the window in the form of a bat. Then you turn the cover to the stepback and BAM!!! The vampire lover has arrived! And boy is he ready for action!

Here's Exhibit B from The Vampire and the Virgin. On the cover, the Virgin looks very healthy and enticing, but the Vampire-- he's looking a little too undead. Poor guy. What can we do to make him feel better? Just turn to the stepback. BAM! After sampling the virgin's charms, he has miraculously recovered his skin tone!

And now for Exhibit C from Eat Prey Love, which will release September 28th. On the cover, we see Carlos, the were-panther, on the prowl. He's looking very sexy and determined...and alone. Poor guy. He needs to find his mate. Turn to the stepback and BAM!Carlos has found a woman! YAY!!! Of course, if you want to know just how he finds a woman, you'll have to read the book!

Which of these covers do you like the best? Or do you have another favorite cover you'd like to mention? Leave a comment, and a winner at random will receive a signed copy of The Vampire and the Virgin. Be bold, be brave, be batty!


Zita said...

Your step backs are very nice. I remember one from a Lori Foster book called Wild that had a very hot step back. I like them, except that sometimes they are not attached very well and they fall out of the book :(.

Terri Garey said...

Oh, wow, Kerry! LOVE Carlos the were-panther, but I'm probably still a bit partial to vampire in All I Want For Christmas is a vampire! They really do tell their own little story, don't they?

Great post!

Kirsten said...

Great stepbacks. The characters and their stories come so much more to life with two pictures. My favorite is: All I want for Christmas is a Vampire. Cause it's hot, and yeah he sure isn't wasting any time. Love it!

Lea @ The Yearning Mermaid said...

Wonderful stepbacks!But I like the one from Eat,Prey,Love the most. I can´t even say why, it´s just ...well it just attracts all my attention. ;-)

I also looove the stepbacks of the Night Huntress Series from Jeaniene Frost. They´re awesome!

Nicole said...

I love stepbacks as well! I wish that publishers would include them in ebooks. I buy a lot of ebooks, and never get the stepbacks. =(

I LOVE the Eat, Prey, Love stepback. Where Can I find that dress??

Melissa Walker said...

I love the "All I Want For Christmas..." stepback and cover! All of the red fabric, the moonlit city through the window - it has a broody Gotham City vibe to it. Every girls Batman in the window fantasy come to life!

Just had to save the stepback to my desktop slideshow folder :-)

Sharon S. said...

I like the All I want for Christmas stepback. Very sexy. I love the bat on the cover and then BAM . Stepbacks are indeed a fun surprise.

Casey H-P said...

I love them all! But if I had to pick one...oh this is hard...hmm...probably All I Want For Christmas Is A Vampire because what's better than being pressed down into a bed by a sexy vampire?

Joa said...

Oh! They're all so pretty and full of some vampire-loving it's hard to say...
But I'll go with The Vampire and the Virgin. It's the best one from the name to the cover and stepback. I love it, as you said, how the vampire is sickly and then as he finds his true love, he's all better! Sigh, don't we all want that? Besides, I'm a sucker for the destined-love thing, as the words in the stepback imply...

Sage Ravenwood said...

Wicked stepbacks! They definitely up the cover lure. (Hugs)Indigo

Terri said...

I love Carlos but my favorite would have to be All I want for Christmas is a Vampire. That was the first one of your books that I read (I got it for Christmas :). After that one I went out and bought all the others! :)

Meljprincess said...

Exhibit A is my favorite. I have that book too. I'm always batty!

Mel K.
Meljprincess AT aol DOT com

Sharon A said...

I love the first cover and I cannot wait for the book!!!

maria said...

i love the cover with just him ready to leap.

I love the vampire and the virgin but so far my favorite is "All i want for Christmas is a Vampire" but that might change with Connors story comming out He is my favorite Vampire through this series and i can't wait to read this book.

Phylis said...

All three of them have elements that I love. All I Want For Christmas Is A Vampire to me is the classic with the moon in the background. With the Vampire and the Virgin the difference the vampire on the front and the one inside is great. Now Eat Prey Love grabs me because the Carlos is on the hunt. He looks like he could be coming for me. On the inside you find out he's found his mate and the moon is in the background again. Very cool. I love vampires so the first two are wonderful but Carlos grabbed my attention!

Marie said...

I just love your stories!! Love at Stake is so much fun to read... can't wait to read more of your work. :)

Unknown said...

My favorite is exhibit C from Eat Prey Love...can't wait for the release. Carlos is a favorite of mine!

Andrea said...

Yes lovin the stepbacks and have to say I love all your covers, but my fav has to be, Secret life of a vampire. Keep them coming.

Jenn M said...

My favorite is All I want for Christmas. It is just very sexy and all the colors just bring in all of your senses.

Carla said...

Stepback covers are fabulous! I especially love the All I Want For Christmas Is A Vampire cover. It makes you want to read the book just to find out about that sexy couple.

Unknown said...

Really I have to pick just one??? You're toooooo funny....As if that's really easy!!!!! OK...I've got it....CONNER'S
He's my favorite and thus will be my favorite cover as well. Even though you don't have the cover yet is not a problem :0)

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Cassie said...

Love the stepbacks :) How can you pick a favorite? I do really like The Vampire and The Virgin though. Your books are some of the few that I could just read over and over and it never gets old - just better each time :)

Jessica M. said...

Oh I loved All I want For Christmas is A Vampire (Toni and Ian's book) the best! I don't know if it's the bat coming towards her in the background or their positions, but it has always been my favorite! Not that the others are bad, but this is just my favorite.

Joyc3 said...

The vampire & the virgin is such a different setback compared to all I want for Christmas is a vampire and eat prey love
The serback itself shows how love revitalises the vampire while the title itself promises some "action"

Nan Lindsey said...

I like the Vampire and the Virgin covers,because that is the first book I read! I did not know about the series. I did shortly after reading the Vampire and the Virgin,cause I was hooked! I went out the next day and got them ALL!!!!
I also sent a SASE and received 2 bookmarks and signed stickers, that is so cool Thank You so much you are my favorite author!
Keep up the great work and Thank You for good Vampires!

hotcha12 said...


Cylver said...

So they're called stepbacks? You learn something new every day! I'm gonna go along with everyone else who prefers All I Want for Christmas is a Vampire. I mean, they're all gorgeous of course, but Ian...*sigh*

Jolene Allcock said...

My favorite is All I want for christmas is a Vampire. I love this series, the first one I picked up was Jack's story and I immedietly had to back track and get the rest of the books that came before and now patiently wait for each new one to come out. Thanks for keeping me enthralled :)

Carol L. said...

They are all great. I love stepbacks in books. I'll go with The Vampire and The Virgin. It just pulls me the most. I too love Connor and can't wait for his book.
Carol L.

Anonymous said...

Firstly, I enjoyed all of your books to date. Cant wait for Eat, Pray, Love. Also, the cover with Carlos crouching, ready to pounce, is perfect for the cover! I do have to agree though, All I Want For Christmas is my fav stepback.

Karen Robinson said...

The Vampire & the Virgin is my favorite. I love the setbacks on all but that one did it for me. Can't wait for Eat,Prey Love!

KerrelynSparks said...

Oh my gosh, Hotcha12! I hope you don't name me as an accessory to the crime at your trial! How about tying him to the bedposts, then trying out all the love scenes on him--that might be better for the marriage than murder...LOL!

Barbara E. said...

I love stepbacks, you get two covers for the price of one! My favorite cover is All I Want For Christmas Is A Vampire. I love the front with the vampire as a bat swooping in, and then the stepback with the couple together, it's really hot.


KerrelynSparks said...

Thanks for all the comments! Ian is one sexy guy, that's for sure. And the model who's playing Carlos-- oh my gosh!
I have to agree about Jeaniene Frost's covers-- she has some beautiful covers and stepbacks, too! And there's a reason for that-- we both share the same fabulous artist from the art department at Avon!

Nicoletta Campanelli said...

They are all great covers, stepbacks are indeed fun and you also get an idea and image of the characters before you begin reading the story. All I Want For Christmas Is A Vampire is really great but I also like Eat Prey Love alot. I wonder if Connor's book will have a stepback? Can't wait to find out.

Johanna R Jochum said...

I have always loved stepbacks especially since they can be a little bit naughty! I love new step back for Eat Prey Love its very sexy. My favorite is the Vampire and the Virgin since it was the first book I read of yours. The name got my attenion first and the hot guy got my attenion 2nd. Loved it. I love all your books now. Can't wait for Carlos! Thanks for sharing today!

Sullivan McPig said...

I really like the cover and stepback from The Vampire and the Virgin.
I like how on the cover the vampire is in charge of the situation and the female is submissive so to speak, but how on the stepback there's been a reversal of roles.

Anonymous said...

I love the stepback for Eat Prey Love. It could be that I love Carlos. I can't wait to read his story.

KerrelynSparks said...

I don't think you can look at the stepback for Eat Prey Love without wishing it was you in Carlos's arms-- I know I can't!
Connor's book will indeed have a stepback. I have seen some prelimenary photos, and it is going to be another super uber awesome cover!

Katie Dalton said...

I like the cover for Be Still my Vampire Heart. :)
While the Ian story to date has been my fav, the cover of Emma's book is dead on. Or at least what I think she looks like.
Cant wait to see/read Connor's book his has been a LONG time comin!

Holly said...

I love your books. I've read every one of them and wait very impatiently for more! Thank you!

Karen said...

I love reading your books, it takes me away from rotten reality for awhile and gives me a great thrill. Looking forward to the next book.

Karen H said...

My favorite is the stepback for All I Want for Christmas is a Vampire. It's Nathan Kamp and he's showing off his tatoo (okay, he's naked)--what else do you need? My least favorite is The Vampire and the Virgin because the models don't look to be the same people on the cover and the stepback. I'm okay with his complexion becoming blood-infused but the stepback models just look too different to me to be the same people and that really puts me off the cover/stepback combo.
On another note, I have read all your books and love them all. I'm so looking forward to EPL and all the future books.

Life is about becoming a new you said...

I love your book each one just gets better. I hope you write one about Connor soon.
Eat Prey Love comes out the day after my birthday i am so excited to read it.

Laurie P said...

I love all of your books! I don't think I could pick one as a favorite above the others. So more books please. And I love the Carlos cover, but the stepback is really great!

Pamela Palmer said...

Gorgeous covers, Kerrelyn! And the stepbacks are so romantic. I especially love The Vampire and the Virgin. Gotta love that skin tone! :)

Jacqueline C. said...

I really like all of the stepbacks! As for my favorite, as a whole - cover and stepback combined - I prefer All I Want for Christmas Is a Vampire.

Ashleigh said...

I like the All I Want For Christmas is a Vampire covers, but I also love the Eat Prey Love stepback. Jeaniene Frost is another author whose covers I love, especially the stepbacks. I love that we get more awesome art with the stepback instead of just a cover.

Linda said...

I love stepback covers, but I mostly read your books in ebook format and they have the cover, but not the stepback...I FEEL GYPPED!! Your stepbacks are AWESOME and I didn't even realize that your books had them... But I comfort myself with the fact that I can take ALL your books with me on my ebook reader and the book, not the cover, is the most important thing after all!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for all the wonderful books you have created. Especially, for the character development. I actually feel like I could look up and see them standing there as I read.
My favorite Stepback so far is the Vampire and the Virgin.
I also enjoy the various opportunities to get signed copies of books in random drawings from time to time.

Anonymous said...

Im not entirely sure what a "stepback" is exactly....if im new to all this.
As for the cover of Carlos' book, I like the look of him alone on his hands and knees. It looks seductive and wanting, almost like he's hunting.

KerrelynSparks said...

Linda, so sorry you don't get the stepbacks on the e-books. Secret Life of a Vampire and Forbidden Nights with a Vampire had stepbacks, too. If you haven't seen them, you can see them in the photo section of my Facebook fan page. Thanks for having ALL the books on your e-book reader!

CrystalGB said...

I love your stepbacks. My favorite is The Vampire and the Virgin.

Barbara said...

For the Stepback, I like All I Want For Christmas Is A Vampire the best. But my favorite book has to be Be Still My Vampire Heart with Ian's book a very close second. I have reread Angus and Emma's story several times and never get tired of it. And I can't wait for Connor's story. It will be just as good. I have fallen in love with the whole series!

Shari C said...

I think setbacks are great. It was a hard choice, but I think I will have to go wth 'Eat Prey Love' as it appears so sexy and just draws my attention.

Anonymous said...

I love all these books my favorite is the vampire and the virgin. I can't watie for Carlos's book I can't believe he got a girl!-

Anonymous said...

I love how you used the Eat, Prey, Love title all though I've never seen the movie. Eat, Prey, Love really is what Carlos is I am glade he finally got someone I thought he would have never got one. Abd boy is he good looking!- Michele

Islandgrl77 said...

First off, I would like to say "Thank you". I have never liked reading for fun, the only reading I ever did was for school. I have always had a thing for vampire movies though. One day I was at the book with my daughter and I saw "Secret Life of a Vampire" on the shelf and thought I might try it and see. I LOVED IT!!! I have been hooked ever since. After that book, I decided to start from the beginning and read the entire series. I was done in two weeks. You are an amazing writer. Please keep the books coming! =) ......oh and my favorite book so far is "How to marry a millionaire" I never thought reading could be so entertaining, I laughed so much. Thats one of my favorite things about your writing style and story telling.

Cindy said...

I loved your stepback, especially the vampire and the virgin He looks yummy in the step back

Jackie Uhrmacher said...

All I Want For Christmas Is A Vampire is my favorite because the title makes me giggle. Seriously. I LOVE it! I must say, though, that the stepback for Eat Prey Love is one of the hottest things I've seen in a while. Mmm, mmm, mmm!

Caffey said...

Hi Kerrelyn! I so love stepback covers! I always looking back in those covers at the stepback while reading! I remember having read a book of an author and being at a used book store, I saw the book on the shelf but the spine looked different so I took it out and found out it was the first cover that was a stepback. I just had to have it because they weren't available anymore with that book! I just adore your title and stepback of EAT, PREY LOVE. That is priceless! Gosh its so hard to pick on favorite you posted! I so love that with the covers they put the sheets slowing right into the stepback with CHRISTMAS! The moonlight in the back window of them is perfect!

I'd so love to win THE VAMPIRE AND THE VIRGIN. Thanks bunches!

cathiecaffey @

Anonymous said...

Exhibit A is my choice of the three you offer, although I've been anxiously awaiting Carlos's romance for quite some time and may change my mind when I've read the story that goes with the stepback. But they're all fun!

Krewl said...

Woohoo! I'm so glad Carlos finally finds someone, he's one of my favorites.

Alaina said...

ohh man am i excited for this book.. i mean.. Vampires have their place, but shifters are my ALL TIME fav!!

Patricia Lynne said...

wow, I never knew what that was all about in books. Yay! I learned something today! Thanks!
I'm all about exhibit C too. I am so excited for Carlos' story! The Vampire and The Virgin was the first book I read of the series and I just loved the were-panther. even more than the vamps (although Roman's got a special place in my heart cuz he's the first of the series!)

Minna said...

I think The Vampire and the Virgin is my favorite.

Meshanna said...

I just LOVE your books!! I have read all of them 2 times! Looking forward for Eat Prey Love!!

jellybelly82158 said...

I love the stepbacks. Your books are great.
I can't wait to read Carlos' book

Melissa (Books and Things) said...

Eat Prey Love is my fave cover. He looks so feral and with the title in bold... LOVE it! :)

wolfwattitude said...

Hi, Kerrelyn, I love the name for the inside cover. My favorite is All I Want for Christmas is a Vampire. It's so very traditional Vampire; bat, window, dark, girl & very hot guy. I love your books. They just keep getting better & better. Eat, Prey, Love is on my TBB list.

Take care,
Jill M

Jeremy said...

My favorite cover would be exhibit A but I think that my favorite stepback is exhibit C.

Danielle said...

I love Eat Prey Love the best. Carlos on the front prowling has a certain poetic, sexy charm to it that you can't help but shiver in excitement from. Then you turn the cover and it has a romantic, knight-in-shining-armor look to it. I CAN'T WAIT FOR THIS BOOK!!!!!

Heather said...

I love this series!!!!! Can't wait for Eat Prey Love to come out :)

miranda said...

my favorite is all i want for christmas. I love how it shows the city and moon in the background of it. it fit with the book and the red silk of his cape that they used. i love your books dearly and can't wait for the rest of them. Miranda

Anonymous said...

I just love the cover to EAT Prey Love..Its hot from the outside..all the way in..Love a man willing to get down and stalk his prey.. ;) HOT!

Anonymous said...

I dont know exactly what I like more, I have all the books and expecting the new Pantera story, I wish you can deliver more books faster, is a long wait, but I love it. facebook

Debbie said...

I absolutely love your stake series. My favorite is the undead next door. Just fascinating. Keep up the wonderful writing!

Jazzy Uchiha said...

I'm going to say exhibit C, just because I love Carlos, and that is an awesome stepback. However, I love Exhibit A as well, because Ian and Toni make a great couple

Stacey Harris said...

My favorite is exhibit C from Eat Prey Love...can't wait for the release.

Unknown said...

My favorite is All I Want for Christmas is a Vampire. I love the tones and the full body shot of the heroine.

robin [at] intensewhisper [dot] com

Jeanne Endres said...

I love the cover of "All I want for Xmas", because she's peering out into the beautiful night sky & she see's a bat & then the next time "Bamm" a vampire appears that she's attracted to & she's at his mercy! And I love the colors used! Her red dress & the night sky! My second would be "Vampire & the Virgin", because the guy is so "Hunky"!!!! I love all of them though & I love how you thought to do that! It adds to the book! Thank You Kerrelyn!!! Can't wait for Carlos story!

Kris said...

My favorite is all I want For Christmas Is A Vampire. Wanna know why? It's on eof the FIRST books I read when I got into the whole paranormal scene. Fell in love with your books and that was it for me! :)

Sami@WitzEnd said...

My favorite is Jack's cover and stepback from Secret Life of a Vampire. Who wouldn't want to grab this gorgeous guy who's also the illegitimate son of the legendary Casanova? Yummy!!!

Ka Wai said...

this is what happens when one switch to a ereader. I love it but sometimes the actual book is so much better. I missed out on these...they are beautiful.

Lucy S. said...

I love your stories! As for your setbacks - they're all stunningly beautiful! But I think The Vampire and the Virgin is my favorite. It's sweet and sexy at the same time. =)

Anonymous said...

I love your stake series. My favorite is the Undead Next Door. It was the first book that I read in the series. I enjoyed it so much that I had to read the rest of the series.

katsrus said...

I loved the Vampire and the Virgin book! And the cover is what drew me to your book. I liked that he was pale. It was differant to me. I love all your book covers. and all the stepbacks. I cannot wait for your new book. Don't enter me as I already won this book from you.
Sue B

JenM said...

I love the cover for All I Want for Christmas. I don't usually see the stepbacks because most of my books are ebooks, but when I do see them, I usually like them even better than the cover.

angelbear said...

I'm so excited about the new book! I can't wait for it to come out. My daughters and I love the Vampire series. Keep these books coming!

Helen Lowe said...

Your stepbacks are seriously cool--I love the whole 'story within a story' concept!

KerrelynSparks said...

Thank you all for stopping by! I really enjoy reading all the comments. You guys are the best!

shobe12 said...

i love the stepbacks really like it.
but i have to say that i love the stepback of the vampire and the virgin, i don't know but there is something about it, still i love all the stepback.

~and i really love the series!:)

Cindy H said...

I love all your Love at Stake Books. Can't wait for the new one with Carlos. Were-panther,vampire you just have to love them all. Thanks for the opportunity to receive bookplates and the new Carlos bookmark. Your the Best. Keep writing this sreies, Please

Stacy said...

Can't wait for the new book to come out.

SiNn said...

sounds like another winner cant wait for this book to be out too congrats!

Darkreader said...

I love the new stepback!! Can't wait!!

Unknown said...

I love the first one...And i love all your books can't wait for this one!!!

michelle said...

i love the vampire & the virgin cover & book as this was the first book i read then i went back and bought all the books and read from beginning to end.

michelle said...

cant wait for eat prey love the cover looks great. i love the youtube clip talk about sexy men

Anonymous said...

I love the cover on "All I want for Christmas is a vampire" But the cover on "Eat,prey,love" is pretty sweet also. Can not wait to read it!! Congrats to you once again.

nymfaux said...

congrats to the winner!!!

katsrus said...

Congrats to the winner!