Who We Are

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Where would you go?

Aussies call their home a land of sunburnt plains. Americans I’ve met call it the last frontier – a vast country, even newer than their own, with all the mod cons they like plus a dose of mystery in its alien vistas and ages-old peoples.

Next month I’m migrating to Australia… back to Australia. I lived in Melbourne, in the temperate south-east, from the time my dad took the family out there from Britain in the 80s, when we were teenagers and saw the whole thing as a grand adventure, until I got married five years ago and moved across the Pacific to the Old West.

It’s been an amazing year for us – my debut novel landed on bookstore shelves; we had our beautiful and long-awaited baby; my husband, an American who has lived in Tucson for 30 years, took the first step in his literary career when he signed with an agent; and now we’re setting off on an adventure of our own. Tucson has become my home over the past few years. I never quite got used to the heat, but I love the house we bought and the friends we made. Returning to Melbourne will be a major step for me as well as for my other half.

I write about far futures and distant worlds, knowing I’ll never visit those times and places. Other writers deal in creatures that don’t exist or alternate histories that never happened. The truth is, I always wanted to live in America, at least for a while, and now I have. Almost every American I meet, after a brief discussion about my accent, tells me they would love to visit Australia. What about you? Where have you lived or visited? Where would you love to visit or live, real or imagined? 

- Sara Creasy


Melissa Marr said...

I'll be visiting Australia Dec 2011 for the first time :) Where would I like to visit? LOL. Everywhere, I suspect...

I just returned from spending most of August in Scotland. I have trips back there, to Italy, Australia, Romania, Wales, England, & Germany pending in the next 24 months. Given my way, I'd live on the road.

Living somewhere? Spouse jokes that I pick a "want to live HERE" spot every year, and I fear that he's being mild. He's a recently retired Marine, & I am having a terrible time adjusting to the thought of NOT moving every few years--so I keep adding travel to he family's schedule to cope with the fact that we seem to be staying put for a few years. Luckily, they all have big lists of "want to go to" spots, so they seem happy with my solution.

Great topic!

Barbara E. said...

I lived most of my life in Southern California and moved to Central Florida six years ago. Where I'd like to live is the PNW, specifically Oregon. I long for the cool after being hot and dry, and now hot and humid. I have determined that once the housing market gets back on its feet and I can sell my house for what I need, I will move back to the west coast-to Oregon. I would love to visit Great Britain, Australia, New Zealand and Canada, those lovely places I've heard about and long to see.

Patricia Lynne said...

I've been as far as Hawaii and into Canada but that's it. I would LOVE to visit every single art museum in France, Rome, Greece and Egypt (for the statues and everything I learned in art history naturally) China to see the great wall, Japan because I love anime and Australia would be cool because they have those giant ferns. My brother got to see them when he was in the navy, his ship sailed around the world. Dunno if I'll ever get the chance.
But if I don't I think I'll survive for the one simple reason. I've already seen the one thing in the world I've wanted to see the most. Twice too! I got to see my all time favorite band Green Day and honestly, that fact just makes me feel like if I never get to see any of those places, I'll be okay with that.
IMHO,everyone should take the chance to see something they love, whether it be a person, band, place, anything. I believe that's something everyone should try to do.

Ciara said...

I've always lived somewhere in Wisconsin but have visited a few other states throughout the US. The only time I was "out" of the country was when we were on a cruise that took us to the Bahamas.

I'd really love to visit Ireland though. If I could choose anywhere to live, it'd be a slight variation of where I currently am. I love the changing seasons, but I'd like to have more control over the weather!

Cylver said...

I've lived all my life in the San Francisco Bay Area, and even though I love it here, there are lots of other places I'd like to see some year. I'd love to go to Alaska to see the Aurora Borealis, I'd love to go just about anywhere in Italy (but maybe I should learn some Italian first) and yes, I'd love to visit Australia and New Zealand!

Katie Dalton said...

A real place: Scotland. I would want to live in a castle on top of a hill looking over the ocean. Dream come true.
Imagined: anywhere the show Farscape goes. Its no longer on TV but it was an amazing show, to be on Moya and have friends like John and Erin..or Dargo? That would be awesome. Seeing worlds and getting in trouble. Fantastic. :)

Fun question. :)


Mardel said...

I hear Australia is pretty cool - if only for the wildlife alone, and the land variations - deserts, jungles...it sounds so varied and fun. I would like love a visit there - except for the whole heat thing.

But the places I would like to see th most are Scotland and parts of England - the places where the weather might be a bit cooler and where there is castles and very old buildings. Love that stuff.

Tez Miller said...

I've been in Melbourne as long as I've lived, but I'm convinced Canada is my spiritual home :-)

Hopefully you can hook up with a bookstore here for your Children of Scarabaeus release :-)

nymfaux said...

I was born and raised in Wisconsin, right on the border of Michigan...and for most of my childhood I couldn't imagine ever wanting to go anywhere else--why would I, when I thought the whole world was right there--Not to mention the world's best cheese :)

@Ciara, please have some squeaky-fresh cheese curds for me!!!!

But then, in high school, I traveled a little bit, and I started to get itchy feet--the more places I saw, the more places I wanted to go. Places are like books to me, I want to read all the books I can, and visit every possible place!!! Stateside and abroad. The Grand Canyon, and Italy, and Brazil, and Australia, and Norway...So far, Ireland and Yosemite have been my favorite visits.

In the fictional world, I'd love to visit Tamora Pierce's Tortal, and Star Trek, and Eureka.

But no matter where I go, I'll always be from WI, my home is still and always with me.

Sharon S. said...

Congrats on the wonderful things that have been happening in your life :) I've always lived in NC (from the mountains to the beaches) Don't think I would live anywhere else. I would love to visit, everywhere! Especially anywhere with history still standing. Castles, Pyramids, cathedrals, tombs and so on.

Claire Dawn said...

I've been fortunate. I live in Japan right now, and I'm from Barbados. I've live in the US as well. I've visited Hong Kong, Colombia, Gibraltar, Portugal, Bermuda, Trinidad and Tobago, India, Australia, Jamaica, St. Maarten, Canada, Puerto Rico, Martinique, Morrocco, the Bahamas, Spain and Venezuela.

There are only 3 places left I REALLY want to go Hawaii (which is like a seperate country anyhow), Italy and Greece. I'll do one for my 30th bday next year, but not sure which. Oh, and Antartica, because then I'll have seen all the continents.

Helen Lowe said...

Well, I'm in Melbourne Australia right now--because it's Worldcon on Thursday--but I think in terms of places I'd really like to visit, the "romance' countries, France, Spain and Italy, plus Greece and Turkey are still right up there on my list. Bon voyage, Sara.

Crystal @ RBtWBC said...

I read Song of Scarabaeus last week and loved it! I picked it as our book of the month for our book club and no one has been disappointed with it, can't wait to discuss it next week!

Anywho, I've lived in Florida all my life, Central & West Coast and love it. I can't stand the cold, which is anything under 76 degrees to me, and love the heat so the only other place that would be perfect for me to live would be a tropical island. And speaking of islands, I would love to visit (or be marooned on) Johnny Depp's! =)

Good luck with your move!

Sara Creasy said...

Thanks for your responses. I would love to see Europe, particularly the ancient parts, and one day I must get to New Zealand - soon to be closer than ever. Crystal - thanks for picking my book! Let me know what your book clubbers think.

Nicole Murphy said...

Woohoo! Another Aussie paranormal superstar :)

As for where I'd love to live - England, and also northern Italy. Not that I speak Italian or anything, but my grandfather was and it's always called to me...

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