Who We Are

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Carlos, Man of Love!

Congratulations to the winner, Katie Dalton!! Please contact me at kerrelyn@earthlink.net so I can get your address. Many thanks to everyone for the comments! A big were-panther hug to you all!

  1. He's a powerful were-panther from Brazil. In previous books, we have seen Carlos shift whenever he needs to. He doesn't have to wait for a full moon like other were-panthers. How did he get so powerful? Find out in three days when Eat Prey Love goes on sale!
  2. He let his friends think he was gay. Why would he do that? Find out in three days!
  3. He's a rascal! He used to watch his friend Toni get dressed. How will she react when she finds out he's not gay? See Carlos get what he deserves in three days!
  4. He likes to drive fast cars, especially black Jaguars.
  5. He likes to dance, especially the Samba.
  6. He likes to fight. He taught Toni martial arts, and we've seen him practice with Robby.
  7. He likes to win, and he can be sly and stealthy about it. See his sparring scene with Robby in The Vampire and the Virgin.
  8. He's a loyal friend. Even though he likes to tease his friends, he will charge to the rescue and risk his life if they're in trouble.
  9. He likes romance. He played matchmaker to spur Robby's romance forward. How will he react to romance in his own life? Find out in three days when Eat Prey Love goes on sale!
  10. He's a true hero. He rescued five were-panther children when their villages were razed to the ground. What heroic feats will he do in Eat Prey Love? Find out in three days!
In case you haven't noticed, the next book in the Love at Stake series, Eat Prey Love, goes on sale in THREE days!! I wasn't too obvious, was I? Leave a comment about Carlos, and one lucky commentor will receive a signed copy of The Vampire and the Virgin plus a signed spiral notebook featuring the cover of Eat Prey Love.


Zita said...

I especially liked the "See Carlos get what he deserves in three days!" Hee hee!


Mysteriousrose said...

I can not wait to read how Carlos got so powerful;-)


Virginia C said...

Carlos is a tempting, tantalizing teaser who meets his match in Caitlyn. I can't wait to see how the match plays out!!!

US Resident, GFC Follower, Subscriber

gcwhiskas at aol dot com

Patricia Lynne said...

If I stole... I mean bought (cuz I totally can afford it.... *guilty look about fibbing*) would Carlos come visit me so we can go for a drive? I swear my bf (whom I love very much) won't know, I'll distract him w/ guitars and computers. =D It'd totally be innocent too, I swear... maybe. Just might have to flirt a little, teeny, tiny bit ;)

Unknown said...

I think everyone needs a man like Carlos. Can't wait to see how ths plays out.

Jeremy said...

I have heard a kinds of good things about this book and would love to read the series. You have totally got my action after the 10 things about Carlos. I have to read this book.

Thank you!

romancebookjunkiesdanielle at yahoo dot com

Sharon S. said...

You have a book coming out?! When?! . Looking forward to this one. I love the fact that he let everyone think he was gay. That is a new one for me.

Good luck with the launch and next time make sure you tell us when it is released. I'm still a little fuzzy on that;)

Sullivan McPig said...

Oh, just three more days!? you sure know how to get people excited about the book. I must go order it.

(don't enter me, I already won The Vampire and the Virgin in your last giveaway.)

TracyW said...

I can't wait to read about Carlos! I have been reading your series and really enjoying it!

JenM said...

Ha! Letting a female friend think you are gay and then watching her get dressed is pretty funny. I haven't been following this series, but I'll definitely check it out now.

Giada M. said...

I love rascals and Carlos sounds like a superb one. Can't wait to read about him! Thank you for this awesome chance! :D

Giada M.

fabgiada (at) gmail (dot) com

Beccie Weaver said...

OOO I can't wait. Carlos is sure to have his fair share of romantic trouble!! Going to hit the bookstore as soon as it opens on Tuesday. Way to go Kerrelyn, keep them coming!

nymfaux said...

Congrats on your release!!!!! That's awesome and it sounds sooooooo good!!!!!!

Unknown said...

You have no idea how excited I am for this!!!!!

vampiregirl813 @ gmail . com

Juliazun said...

I am so curious as to why Carlos allowed everyone to think he was gay - I can't wait to find out!

Kirsten said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
catslady said...

Carlos likes to dance! (among other things lol).I'm so jealous. If I can drag my husband out for a slow dance I'm lucky. I've heard such great things about this book!


Pam S (pams00) said...

Carlos sounds like a great character. I am excited for this release - congrats on it :)!!

Loved the 10 list!

Pam S
pams00 @ aol.com

Anonymous said...

How could I have missed this series! Carlos sounds truely yummable! I have to get to the bookstore and find these books...it would be best if I wait three days. I have to get Eat Prey Love.

Shari C said...

Anxious for 'Eat Prey Love' to come out...when was that...oh, right, THREE DAYS! I definitely got that from your posting... ha,ha. Congratulations on your new book and can't wait to find out more about Carlos...very intresting. Certainly my type of hero!

dawn said...

Loved it. Cannot wait for the book!!!

Michelle Bledsoe said...

Am waiting very impatiently to read Carlos's story.He has just captured my heart...lol...love the entire series...keep 'em coming....

Anonymous said...

I'm so excited for Carlo's book. I cant't wait to read it. I'm very curious about him, I learned about him in the first Love Stake book I've read w/c is All I Want For.... , I really thought he was gay. =) It would be very exciting to know his own love story.

Loretta B. said...

I knew it, I knew it he was just letting them think he was gay. Can't wait the read the book. I love this series.

KerrelynSparks said...

LOL! Toni was convinced he was gay, but Ian always suspected...
Thanks for all the fun comments!

Sami@WitzEnd said...

Just want to grab Carlos and do really wicked things with him. He is absolutely, positively scrumptious!!!

Johanna R Jochum said...

I always wondered why he pretended he was gay! I can't wait to find out! I thought it was funny how he had almost everyone fooled. His story looks hot!!!! Thanks!


Nicoletta Campanelli said...

Can't wait to have all my questions answered IN THREE DAYS!! It will be great to finally learn more about Carlos and "his kind"!! Hopefully these three days will pass quickly, can't wait any longer.

griffom said...

i can't wait to read the book to see why he hides the fact that he is so powerful and why he tells everyone he is gay and i cant wait to see what toni or Ian do to him for watching her get dress. It sounds like a good day to call in sick and just read.............

Auntie B said...

Im sure Toni will have something to say about Carlos not being gay. Too back he taught her martial arts!

Rachel498 said...

Carlos sounds very interesting. I'm definitely intrigued.

Melissa (Books and Things) said...

I'm really curious about #2 and #3. ;D I also love the title of this book.

Chelsea B. said...

I've always liked Carlos' character! I'm really, really looking forward to reading his book (in three days!) !! ;-)

Anonymous said...

Carlos can come up and scare me anytime he feels like it.. :) So looking forward to his story!!!

katsrus said...

Hi Kerrelyn just coming to support you. Can't wait for your new book with Carlos. I love that cover. Don't enter me as I already have The Vampire and the Virgin book.

Unknown said...

I can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE Carlos!!!!

Teresa K. said...

When I first found out about Carlos it was in the Vampire and the Virgin. He was a really great friend when he tried to help Robby out.
However, I thought he was one sexy dark, handsome, panther. I thought I would love to have me some Carlos. I also loved his sense of humor. Oh how I wish I could find me a man like him.

Lea @ The Yearning Mermaid said...

OMG.OMG.OMG. Caaan´t wait!

Katie Dalton said...

Tuesday. Borders. Be warned. I will be outside pacing......lol

Stephanie P. said...

Nope you weren't obvious at all.

I want Carlos. He was always one of my favorite characters. I really loved him in "The Vampire and the Virgin."

P.s- i also love Phineas, you should do his book next, gotta love 'em.


maria said...

I just knew Carlos wasn't gay yay!!!! I can't wait to see how Carlos is brought down by love. Cant wait already pre ordered my copy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

queener said...

I can't wait to read your new book - Eat, Prey, Love!! I am a huge fan of yours!!! I especially can't wait to read about Carlos!! To find out when he changes into a werepanther & why? And how he falls in love. I love all your books!!! Keep them coming!!!

Anonymous said...

I love the series so much!, I hope Toni's not to rude kelseyavalos@yahoo.com

Casey said...

Haha that made me laugh =) I can't wait to read it!!!

jellybelly82158 said...

I can't wait to read Carlos's story. I agree he is a real hero.

jellybelly82158 at gmail dot com

Tamsyn said...

I saw the cover. No way Carlos is gay!


Unknown said...

I am so excited! Carlos is my absolute favorite in the Love at Stake series!

Shonte' said...

Omg i totally love this series i am so estatic i knew i did the right thing in ordering this book once i found out about it! Carlos you naughty boy i really thought you were gay! Good job in fooling everyone! Three days awesome!!!!!!!!!!! Great job in this series Kerrelyn!

Moishe Moose said...

I'm looking forward to reading Carlos' story!! Panthers are so ... so EVERYTHING! I've not yet had a chance to read The Vampire & The Virgin, but I've read all your other books, so I'd be ever so happy to win a copy! ;-)

Llehn said...

I'd love to play please!


Cylver said...

OK, so Carlos is romantic, funny, heroic, and a good dancer...rats, why does he have to be fictional??

Stacy said...

Can't wait to

ebeilz said...

I am very excited for Carlos' book! I cant wait to hear about his quest for love and whether he finds what he thinks he's looking for or not. I never thought Carlos was gay, so it will be funny to watch what Toni does when she finds out he's not. Cant wait!

jempfer said...

I cannot wait for this book! Carlos has been one of my favorite characters in one of my favorite series and I'm so excited!!

milly said...

IT comes out..in THREE DAYS...omg no way...(so sarcastic) Carlos give us some romance! WHOOP WHOOP

SiNn said...

i cant wait deff wanna see how she reacts when she realizes he isnt gay lol congrats cant wait for this book!


lavendersbluegreen said...

He's not gay huh? Cannot wait for his comeuppance!

michelle said...

i cant wait for eat prey love to find out more about carlos & kaitlan. i like to see more about the relationship between him & toni and find out if he was in love with her prior to ian comming into the picture. i got the feeling that he had a thing for her

shobe12 said...

i cant wait for eat, prey, love.
carlos has been interesting since he came about.his just the character who is funny and very caring about his friends. been interested in his since ian and tonis' book. and the fect that his not gay totally rocks, and having another whelan in the story rocks.

CrystalCiti said...

1.maybe he is an alpha panther.
2.he let his friends think he was gay because his kind is naturally attracts woman and he didn't want to take advantage of that fact.
3.she slaps him and ian her husband punches him .ouch!
5.that was in the fifth book.
6.yeah i remember, he got wet.
7.i saw,read.
9.he scared olivia.
10.but he doesn't know how to help them emotionally.

CrystalCiti said...

i can't wait. EAT PREY LOVE i read 66 pages and now I'm dying for tomorrow.and i just bought For Love or Country, Kerrelyn Sparks historic romance.
IT'S really good so far.

CrystalCiti said...

oh and i forgot Carlos Panterra is such and amazing character.i wish i could a guys like him in person.He's like the funniest person except for phineas,Dr.phang.LOL.
i love the cover but i imagined Carlos a little different though.
i think the cover is great too.i think Carlos is good friend especially in times that you need one.he's a Great Man.

Unknown said...

I love this series & have book release dates marked on my calendar. I LOVE Carlos. Usually I'm not a were/shifter kinda gal, vamps mostly for me, but Carlos has changed all that. I was SO excited to finally get to read his story. Wooohooo!

Katie Dalton said...

Holy Sheep I won?! OMG Cool! emailing u now!

KerrelynSparks said...

Baaaaa!!! Congratulations, Katie!
I'll get your package in the mail soon!

Crystal @ RBtWBC said...

LoL, love it!
Congrats on the release Kerrelyn! I am going to have to make a HUGE purchase at the book store this week. Can't wait to read Eat Prey Love!

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