Who We Are

Thursday, September 23, 2010

SMART CHICKS Make Great Tour Buddies!

You may have heard of it: The Smart Chicks Kick-It Tour. Brainchild of three uber-fab YA authors Melissa Marr, Kelley Armstrong, and Alyson Noel. (And, by the way, Melissa and Kelley are also fellow Supernatural Undergrounders!) Basically, what started out as a 6-city, author funded tour, quickly exploded into 12 stops, with Melissa, Kelley, and Alyson being joined by 15 other YA authors who alternated events with them. I was fortunate enough to be included among those lucky 15…And. It. Was. Epic!

In (110 degree) Scottsdale, it was Melissa, Kelley, Alyson, Holly Black, Sarah Rees Brennan, and me:

There were cookies (Get it? Boots because we were “Kicking-It”!)...

...sparkly tattoos...

...and Sarah Rees Brennan showing off her fencing moves (yes, in her skirt and high heels) to a crowd of almost 300!

In Menlo Park, we lost Holly Black and Sarah Rees Brennan…but we picked up Melissa de la Cruz, Margaret Stohl, and Kami Garcia:

Backstage, we showed off our jewelry and our shoes.

And then we were on:

I'm not sure what Alyson was talking about, but I LOVE the picture!!!

And I just have to say that group tours are incredible, but touring with some of the Smartest Chicks in YA literature was absolutely mind blowing!!!


Jessica @ a GREAT read said...

I wanted to go to one of the stops but none were nearby enough. And even the one that was like 5 hours away didn't really pan out because it's a long trip for just one night.

Been hearing that the stops were good though! Looks like fun! Maybe I'll go next year if the Smart Chicks do it again!

Jeremy said...

I wish I could have been there but it was too far away. :(

Vicki Pettersson said...

Wow! I've been following the tour from the periphery and it looks *amazing!* Congratulations, ladies, on such a successful, communal tour. And Kimberly, I know you're not the only author to go home energized and ready to keep kicking it. Best to you all! Kudos!

Sharon S. said...

looks like so much fun!!! Maybe an East Coast tour could happen one day . Love the rings and shoes.

Claire Dawn said...

That tour does look amazing. I saw som clips over on Lisa Descrochers' blog. If onmly I was in the Western Hemisphere :(

Anonymous said...

I so wanted to go but couldn't! :-( Looks like a lot of fun!!

CdnMrs said...

So fabulous to see a Canadian date on this tour!!

Mundie Moms said...

I love these ladies! It was such a blast being apart of the tour in Austin, TX and The Woodlands, TX. I think it's such a brilliant idea and one I hope they continue next year.

Miss T said...

Wish, wish, wish I could have been there!

mountie9 said...

It looks like fun -- I'm off on Saturday to the Canadian date in Brampton -- woo hoo : )

Patricia Lynne said...

gah! All these tours make me want to find some to go to! I'd geek out if I could meet any of the author's of the books I read.

KerrelynSparks said...

What fun! Safe and happy travels, Kick-it Chicks!!

Helen Lowe said...

Wow--looks like a lot of fun. (Bet you slept afterward though!)

Kimberly Derting said...

Jess - We forgive you, 5 hours is awfully far ;)

Claire Dawn - "Smart Chicks International Tour", I like it!

Sara - Are you going???

Mundie Moms - Wish I could've been there too, but so glad you had a good time!!!

Mountie9 - Have fun and say hello for me :)

Helen - You betcha!!!

Nicole Murphy said...

Looks such fabulous fun. Very inspiring.

nymfaux said...

Wow!!!!! I just have to say how awesomely fun that sounds!!!!! You go girls!!!!! :)

Unknown said...

That looks like so much fun! Where the heck did you get the tattoos??? Brilliant.

Midnyte Reader said...

Awesome post and recap. I wish one was closer to me.

Kimberly Derting said...

Heather - The Poisoned Pen came up with the tattoos (and, yeah, they were gorgeous!).

Crystal @ RBtWBC said...

Ooo....sparkly tattoos!
Wish a stop was closer, looks like a ton of fun!

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