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Sunday, October 3, 2010

New Releases, New Covers, New Videos and Big Screen News from the Supernatural Underground!

***WINNER UPDATE*** Thanks so much for sharing in all our good news!  The winner of Juliana Stone's HIS DARKEST HUNGER is SPAV, and the winner of Kathryn Smith's LET THE NIGHT BEGIN is PATRICIA LYNNE!  You guys please send your mailing address to booksthatgobump@gmail.com, and your prizes will be in the mail!***

September just whooshed by and so much is happening with the authors here in the Underground that we decided to take a moment, take a deep breath, and relive the highlights of the last month or so.  (Not only will we relive them, we'll celebrate them by giving away some autographed books, so read on!)

First, September was a big month for new releases -- all new work by Kerrelyn Sparks, Helen Lowe, Janet Mullany, Merrie Destefano and Colleen Gleason:

We got to see some GORGEOUS new covers for upcoming releases from Tracey O'hara, Kimberly Derting, Melissa Marr, Tera Lyn Childs, Pamela Palmer, C.L. Wilson and Juliana Stone:

And we also found out that some of the authors in the Underground have received some FABULOUS news regarding film and TV!  Melissa Marr's WICKED LOVELY is being adapted for film by Universal Pictures (you can read all about it here, in the Hollywood Insider!).  She's also recently announced a new deal with HarperCollins for a brand new YA trilogy, coming in 2013.
Sophie Jordan is also thrilled to announce that the film rights for her debut YA novel, FIRELIGHT, have been purchased by Mandalay Pictures! 

The 9/16 episode of JEOPARDY! featured a question about Kerrelyn Sparks! The category was Bestsellers for $1200, and the Question: A vampire series by Kerrelyn Sparks is punningly titled "Love at" this. You can see it happen around the 5:42 marker at on this YouTube video!

And speaking of videos, we have three new, and very different ones for you this month! Nicole Murphy's SECRET ONES:

Janet Mullany's JANE AND THE DAMNED:

And Juliana Stone's HIS DARKEST EMBRACE:

(Don't forget, there are lots more book videos on our VIDEOS page!)

Going to be in NYC the first weekend in October? Then you might want to attend New York ComicCon on October 8th, 2010 where you can sit in on a panel discussion with Jeaniene Frost, Juliana Stone, Marjorie Liu, Pamela Palmer, Jocelynn Drake and Margaret Ronald, as they fight like cats and dogs over the appeal of feline vs. canine shapeshifters:
Panel Description: In the furball battle for supremacy, what shapeshifter is going to claw, bite, gnaw and scratch its way to the top of the pack? In recent novels by novelists such as Pamela Palmer and Juliana Stone, paranormal romance fans have gone absolutely feral over the emergence of cat shapeshifters…they purr, what’s sexier than a werepuma or wereleopard? Loping through the howling legions of the other side of the debate comes authors such as Jocelynn Drake, Marjorie M. Liu, and Margaret Ronald – who might argue that woman’s best friend is going to hound all the competition until they emerge triumphant. The argument may get catty; and the arguments over which breed of shapeshifter is sexier are going to be doggone good – so come and join the melee!

Panel Room 7 (1A22)
2-3 pm, followed by booksigning 4-6pm
WHEW! Did I forget anything? Oh, yeah... the book giveaways!! :-)

Leave us a comment and you'll be entered to win one of the following SIGNED BOOKS:

HIS DARKEST HUNGER by Juliana Stone (signed!), and

A signed copy of LET THE NIGHT BEGIN by Kathryn Smith.  Both winners will get a cool "I Read Books That Go Bump In the Night" button, and various assorted bookmarks from the authors here in the Supernatural Underground.

Got any good news to share?  Feel free to share it, or just leave a comment anyway.  :-)  Good luck!


Sara M said...

Congrats on all of the new releases, new covers, and movie news! September was a great month!

Sara M
sara_UFblog [at] yahoo [dot] com

Anonymous said...

I'm so happy to hear that Wicked Lovely and Firelight might be made into movies - YAY!! Loved both books so much, so that's something to look forward to (",).


Unknown said...

Congrats to everyone! There are so many books waiting in my TBR pile and it just keeps going. Since finding this site has added to it even more, I don't know if I will ever get through it.


Ashleigh said...

Wow, I didn't realize so much had happened in the last month. Congrats to all who released books and got shiny new covers to show off. Each time I read a post it seems like my TBR stack gets higher and higher.

Patricia Lynne said...

OMG this month was crazy for books! I feared I might go broke from all the new releases I wanted! I spent more time on books and author's blogs and comments that I did on my craft shows that was busy as well >.< Do I regret it? Hmmmm...... NOPE! Thanks for all the awesome books! =)

Katie Dalton said...

Can't wait to read all the new books coming up!
Did an interview with Gini Koch on my site if anyone wants to come check it out. :)


More books!

Helen Lowe said...

It's tremendously exciting to be part of such a dynamic--and quite frankly, kickass--author site!

Jeremy said...

September was such a great month! I hope that October is just as awesome. Good luck to all the authors that have books released this month.

Spav said...

Congrats on all those new releases! I have a few of them in my wishlist. I can't wait to read them!


Casey said...

Wow, September was an awesomely busy month for you guys! Congrats to all!!


Sullivan McPig said...

congrats with all the releases and other stuff!
I still have to buy me some of those releases, but will get on it soon.

Barbara E. said...

Congrats on the new releases and the new covers are gorgeous. I'm so glad Wicked Lovely and Firelight are going to be filmed, that is something to look forward to.

Crystal @ RBtWBC said...

Wow, that's a lot of great New stuff! Congratulations to everyone!

Camille said...

what gorgeous new releases!! :D :D :D

midnite dot fantasy at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

Okay! First, I have to say that your site ROCKS! I cannot get enough of paranormal (hot) reads...just finished up J.R.Ward's BDB series as it is up to date so far....OMG! Read it, if you have not yet done so! A-MAZ-ING!

Chris R said...

The Shifter panel sounds great! Too bad we can't get a transcript of the panel for those of us who can't be there. IMO whether it is feline or canine, shapeshifters are number one priority with small book budget.

Unknown said...

I love this site!!

Congrads on the movie deals!! That is just too AWESOME!!!!

I cant wait to see what Oct brings! Thank you all for such wonderful work!

Book Chatter Cath said...

Oh My Gosh...I totally need to update my 'to read' list
So many books, not enough reading hours...eeeekkkk!!!!!

Unknown said...

Congrats on all the releases and movie deals!!

Cassandra C
cassandra dot crouser at yahoo dot ca

Sweet Rachel! said...

Good news! New books are great news!


Kirsten said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Giada M. said...

Congrats! So many new and interesting books to read. Can't wait!
And thank you for the giveaway! :D

Giada M.

fabgiada (at) gmail (dot) com

Sharon S. said...

So much happy news! Great give away. I would love to win either book.

Unknown said...

The Desires of the Dead and Darkest Mercy covers are amazing! Also I can't wait for the Wicked Lovely and Firelight Movie!

CrystalGB said...

Congrats on the new releases and movie deals.

MsC said...

Just found this blog! Just started reading Jocelyn Drake....Can't wait to dive into some of these fab novels! ♥

mariska said...

so many great books to be read !!
and congrats on those good news. making to the movie ? wow, i have to check it out when it's out !!

cuniquas at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

I can't wait to read these books..

Sheree said...

Wow, I'll be looking forward to those books for sure!

WICKED LOVELY will be a great movie!


Lea @ The Yearning Mermaid said...

I can´t wait to read those books! Sooo excited :))

Cherry said...

So many wonderful books coming out with my very thin and anemic budget!! *sigh*

I've always had my eye on Juliana Stone's books... *looking dreamy*

Cherry Mischievous
cherrymischif-warrior [at] yahoo [dot] com

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