Who We Are

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Do authors have favorites?

Hello to everyone out there in the Underground. We're well into November now and feck, where has the time gone? Is it really and truly that close to Christmas? Oy...the time she is a flying by. I've been busy though and have had a great excuse! The second book in my jaguar warrior series, His Darkest Embrace, released a few weeks ago so they were pretty much a blur. (if you click on the title you can read an excerpt)

Releases are always crazy times, filled with blogs and more blogs and book signings etc. There's almost not enough time to just enjoy...almost...I did manage to sneak in some...Holy Crap I wrote a book time and celebrate with my friends and family.

I also got a sneek peek at my next cover and well, HOT is the only word that comes to mind. I shall share as soon as I can!

But as is the way of it I'm busy at work on the next project. I thought I'd share a bit of what I'm working on!

Book three, His Darkest Salvation comes out in July of 2011. You can read an excerpt of it HERE. It's the oldest Castille's story, Julian's, and I had such a great time writing it. I think because as a character he went through a lot and changed the most out of the brothers. Plus because this story ties up a lot of the plot points of the three book story arc, we get to see Jaxon and Libby again, as well as Skye, Jagger, Cracker and of course that smart ass Declan plays a major role.

Declan's book was the most fun I've had. A friend of mine told me that she thinks authors have characters that are favorites and she thinks Declan might be mine. She says its in the way I've written him. I'm not so sure, but he does seem to stand out a bit. To date I've gotten a lot of emails asking if I was going to write Declan's book and I'm happy to say YES!!! Wicked Road to Hell is scheduled to release next November and I can't wait for everyone to read it!

Here is a little snippet. In this scene Nico, a jaguar warrior introduced in book 2 arrives on scene. He and Declan are partners of a sort and Declan is trying to convince Nico to aid him in a mission that's going to change his world.

Nico glanced his way and Declan winced at the fury that coloured the jaguar's eyes. Shit here we go. With his newly shorn Mohawk the dude looked like a deranged serial killer. “One word,” the warrior hissed, “purgatory.”
Declan clenched his hands into fists, at the ready, just in case. He was never going to live down the Church of the Holy fiasco. “Look the whole purgatory thing was a mistake but can we please move on? How the hell was I supposed to know the ladies were pure? That they’d been chosen to serve?”
Nico was disgusted. “They were living in a fucking convent. That might have been your first clue.”

Oh my lovely Declan, always in trouble it seems! As I read back over this manuscript I'm not convinced he's my favorite, but, he's certainly struck a chord with my readers.

So I'm curious, why do you think certain characters stand out? And which one character could you just not wait to read his/her story?


Kim R said...

Great snippet.... but a year until I can read it!

I think certain characters stand out because something about them resonates with the reader. Especially in a series when they appear repeatedly, you just need to know more.

I can't wait for Kougar in Pamela Palmers "Hunger Untamed". And of course Julian and Declan!

Katie Dalton said...

Oh for me its Cat and Bones, by Jeanine Frost. I love there story and the ups and downs that follow them.
But also a buddy of theres, Spade, he stands out for me too.

Book Chatter Cath said...

I have to agree with Katie....Jeaniene's Cat and Bones...oh HOT HOT HOT cant wait for number 5....but I also love her side character VLAD, I'm hoping he gets his own book too.♥♥

Rachel498 said...

Jericho Barrons by Karen Marie Moning. That guy is so mysterious and secretive and broody, and I'm dying to know his story.

I seriously want to know why he is the way he is, oh and also WHAT he is!

Also, Kieran by CL Wilson in her Tairen Soul series. I love how sweet, funny, and charming he is. I cant wait to read more about him.

Cylver said...

I enjoy Jeaniene's Frost's books too, but I want to read Ian's story. He has so many issues and weird quirks that you just know his book would be fantastic!
Christine Feehan always introduces new characters in her books, but I'm most interested in reading about Zacarias (who I believe will be in the next book) and (at some point) Skyler.
Kerrelyn Sparks also is very good at introducing new characters as her Love at Stake series progresses. I can't wait for Connor's story! And Dougal's. And Phineas'...

Crystal @ RBtWBC said...

Great excerpt on His Darkest Salvation, looking forward to it but I'm REALLY wanting to read Declan's book! LOVE him!

I also agree with the majority; I'm slowly withering away waiting for This Side of the Grave to come out, Cat & Bones are my all time faves.

It depends on the different characters as to why they stand out for me, each one is different. Sometimes because they're dark, hot, mysterious, funny, sarcastic, sexy...sometimes I like the good boys, most of the time the bad boys. Just depends =)

Thanks for the Declan tidbit!

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