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Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Which 5 fictional characters would you like to have to lunch

**** Winner Announced****

Thanks to random.org a winner has been chosen - it is 

Stacy (Urban Fantasy Investigations) 

contact me on contact @ traceyohara dot com and you can choose copy of either Dark Brethren book.

**** Winner Announced **** 

I did a blog post a little while ago for Murder by the Book which had a really great question.

If you could choose 5 fictional characters from books to eat lunch with, who would they be, and why?

It took me a time to come up with this list. There were so many characters to choose from. The first however was easy the other's not so much. There were a few who got close - but one that missed out was Scarlet O'Hara from Gone with the Wind - that woman annoyed me and I just wanted to slap her - both inthe movie and the book. Anyway - here my final list.

Atticus Finch - Harper Lee’s To Kill A Mockingbird - he was a level headed, fair minded man ahead of his time and I liked the way he looked at the world.

Sherlock Holmes - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s fictional detective - he seems like such an interesting character with an amazing deductive mind. Would be interesting watching him interact with the other guests.

Elisabeth Bennett - Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice - she was a smart woman in the time when smart women weren’t fashionable.

Eric Northman - Charlaine Harris’s Southern Vampire Series - I love a vampire who embraces his nature.

Dexter - Jeff Lindsay’s Serial Killer "hero" - on the surface he is a nice guy but with the heart and mind of a cold blooded killer. And it would be interesting to watch him and Sherlock Holmes at the same table, and very interesting to see what Mr. Holmes would make of Dexter. Would the famous detective pick up Dexter’s homicidal tendencies? Or is Dexter so in tune with what the world expects to see that he could even fool the great Sherlock Holmes.

So if you could invite 5 fictional characters to lunch - who would you have and why?

One random commentor that lists their 5 fictional lunch guests, and reasons why, will win an unsigned copy of the January 25 release on my 2nd Dark Brethren novel DEATH'S SWEET EMBRACE via the Book Depository.

*** Sorry bit of shameless promo here for my next post in Februray 5th. ***

Come back for my February 5th post for a chance at some signed copies. I am going to be doing something a little different to celebrate my blog tour and my release. You can double your chances to win by-
  1. Visit any one of my stops (which you can find copied below or on my website www.traceyhara.com) and post a comment 
  2. On my Feb 5 supernatural post, tell me where you posted your comment
  3. The more tour blog stops you comment on, the more chances you have here too - i.e. post a comment on 5 of the blog tour spots - and you post every stop on the Feb 5 post - you then have 10 chances to win a signed book.

The tour runs from January 25 until February 14, Valentine's day. 

Jan 25         Bitten by Books
Jan 26         Sidhe Vicious 
Jan 27         Nocturne Reads
Jan 28         Book Lovers, Inc.
Jan 29         A Great Book is
Jan 30         A Great Read
Jan 31         Tynga's Reviews
Feb 1          Dark Faerie Tales
Feb 2          Wicked Little Pixie
Feb 2          Paperback Dolls
Feb 3          Literary Escapism
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Feb 5          Tori the book faery
Feb 6          Amberkatze's Book Blog
Feb 7          Dear Author
Feb 7          All Things Urban Fantasy
Feb 8          Larissa's Bookish Life
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Feb 9          Fiction Vixen
Feb 10        Magical Musings
Feb 11        Paper Cut Reviews
Feb 12        Urban Fantasy Investigations
Feb 13        Merrie Destefano
Feb 14        SciFiGuy


CdnMrs said...

Great post. Here's my 5.
1. JRR Tolkien's Galadriel. A millenium old, elven, warrior-queen. Nuff said.

2. Cat Crawford from Jeaniene Frost's Night Huntress series. A light lunch with a gin and tonic and maybe she'll introduce me to some of vampire hotness she's associated with.

3. Patricia Briggs' Mercedes Thompson. She just seems so down to earth for a butt-kicking, walker/mechanic.

4. Jo March, Little Women. Would love to sit and pick her brain about books, writing, the Civil War and extestensialist (sp?) philosophy.

5. This is a tie between Anne of Green Gables, James Bond, Betsy Taylor (Maryjanice Davidson's Undead series), the entire BDB, Aslan and Watson. I couldn't decide. :)

Grizlee said...

If I have to pick five characters then I would probably go with the following. but bare in mind ask me again in five minutes and I would probably have a completely different view lol... Enjoy.

1) Harry Dresden
from the phenominal dresden files from Jim butcher, Harry seems to have a similar sense of humour and wit that would make him fun to get hammered with..

2) Harlon Nayl
a tough brusing bounty hunter type from Dan Abnetts Eisenhorn trilogy. he is a no nonsense sharpshooting tough guy... always handy to have around in a pinch!

3) Patience Kys
she is a powerful seductress as well as psychic capable of capturing hearts as well as racking up an impressive body count with her Kine blades... I like dangerous women.. they are far more fun to hang out with. she is from the ravenor trilogy from Dan Abnett.

4) Tessa
Well this one is kind of a cheat as she is my own character who I am currently going to be getting published... a Demon with a wicked temper incredibly hot, loyal & quick witted. Lee Taylor Unleashed.

5) bilbo baggins
Well although he might not seem like a conventional choice seeing as he is old and crazy he would sure have some great stories to tell wouldn't he? and of course he is from the fantastic lord of the Rings by Jrr Tolkien

StacyUFI said...

hmmmm this will be hard

1. Gin Blanco- Jennifer Estep's Elemental Assasin series. Because she rocks. Seriously she is on my top list of people I wish I was lol.

2. Mira- Jocelynn Drake's Dark Days series. She is one of the coolest vampires I have read about. Loyal, to the point doesn't take crap

3. Persephone Alcmedi- Linda Robertson's Series. I secretly want her dom loup and Vampire.

4. Curran- Ilona Andrews Kate Daniels series.. YUM that is all the reason necessary

5. Jenks- Kim Harrison's The Hollows. HE ROCKS. He has great views on how things should be. I would love to be his friend and let him eat crumbs off my plate

Urban Fantasy Investigations

SandyG265 said...

Patricia Brigg's Mercy Thompson: She seems like she'd make a good friend.

Jules Verne's Captain Nemo: It'd be cool to have lunch on the Nautilus.

Dumbledore: He's someone I'd really like to meet.

Dracula: It wouldn't be safe but I've always been big Dracula fan.

Chloe Neil's Merit: She's really interesting and I'd like to get to know her.

Sullivan McPig said...

Oh... let me see.

1 - Tara from the Dark Oracle series by Alayna Williams.
She's a really cool and likeable character and she could read me my cards.

2 - Jax from Ann Aguirre's Grimspace series
I've fallen very much in love with her after reading Grimspace I must confess.

3 & 4 - Kitty and Martini from Gini Koch's Katherine (Kitty) Katt series.
They're fun to have around I can imagine and when Kitty is around something cool is bound to happen.

5 - Shadow from Neil Gaiman's American Gods.
When something happens he's the man to have around in case something goes wrong.


Kylie Griffin said...

I'm afraid I couldn't split couples from certain books (makes for a great lunch), besides I'd doubt they'd let me have lunch without their partner/s!

Lessa & F'lar (Dragonrider of Pern) - Weyr leader and he flies an awesome dragon.

Mac McCoy/Keely & Jethro Riggs - two awesome characters from FORBIDDEN PLEASURE by Lora Leigh (enough said *grin*)

Keir & Xylara (Warprize series) - a conquering hero and a healer

Paenther & Skye (PASSION UNTAMED) - what's not to like about a warrior & a mage?

Julian & Grace (FANTASY LOVER) - what a couple!

Wanna join this lunch anyone? :-)

D. F. Krieger said...

Anita Blake- From Laurell K. Hamiltons "Anita Blake" series. Her sense of humor and mine are so close I think we'd have tons of privates jokes within half an hour.

Liam Morrissey- From Jennifer Ashley's "Pride Mates". A sex fae-cat shifter with an Irish accent. Gods yes, please!

Lily-From Nina Harper's "Succubus in the City". She's funny, fun, and a succubus to boot. I could only imagine the convo's her and Anita would have.

Lucivar Yaslana - From Anne Bishops "Dark Jewels Trilogy". He's a winged warlord male with a fine line on primal and deadly; and a wicked sense of humor!

Saetan SaDiablo- Again from the "Black Jewels Trilogy". Besides being the highlord of Hell, he's sexy, sophisticated, and loyal. I'd so tap that!

Tracey O'Hara said...

Sara - great selection - Mercedes seems to be a hot fave with a few. I loved Jo March too and who wouldn't want to have lunch with the ultimate Alpha male, James Bond.

Tracey O'Hara said...

Grizlee - Harry Dresedan is awesome. And if you can't invite one of your own characters to lunch - who can.

Tracey O'Hara said...

Stacy - great to see you here - Mira is very awesome and Jenks, OMG yes - I live that little Pixy. He rules!!!

Tracey O'Hara said...

Sandy - another Mercy fan. And yes to Captain Nemo and of course Dumbledore. Not sure about Dracula - apart from the fact I'd be worried about ending up as lunch - and how would he get there in the middle of the day? He'd be sleeping .

Tracey O'Hara said...

Sullivan - I have not met any of those characters - they sound interesting though.

Tracey O'Hara said...

Kylie - you hopeful romantic you. of course you would. I hope F'lar and Lessa bring their dragons - you know how we are about dragons. :)

Tracey O'Hara said...

D.F. Krieger - another set of characters I have not yet had the pleasure of meeting. Always interesting to make new friends.

Ashleigh said...

It's also fun to make a list of characters to back you up in a bar fight. But here's who I'd want in my lunch crew:

Harry Dresden (Dresden Files): he is my kind of witty sarcastic and awesome. He'd be great to have around at any time.

Hermione Granger (Harry Potter): Bookworm like me, and she knows about muggle books so we would probably have a great chat about all kinds of books and recommendations.

Cat Crawford (Jeaniene Frost): I'd say Bones instead of Cat, but she'd probably come and kick my ass. Besides, she's pretty cool to hang with.

Rosto the Piper (Tamora Pierce's Beka Cooper trilogy): Beka, if you don't take him, I'm going to. He's sexy, fun, and a musician.

Kisten (Kim Harrison): I don't care if you're gone. You are coming to my lunch Kisten.

Cindy Bailey said...

Okay this takes alot of thought:
#1) Chess Putnam and Terrible from Stacia Kane's "Downside" Series because they were the couple that most intriguing to me and the best books I read in 2010!
#2) Rachael Morgan and Ivy from Kim Harrison's Witch series because their relationship seems so solid and enduring to me and I'd like to know their secret!
#3) Jaz Parks and Vayl From Jennifer Rardin(RIP) Because they are the BEST kick ass team to date!
#4) Kat and Bones From Jeaniene Frost because they are the best couple to stay together!
#5) Anita Blake and Jean Claude from Laurell K. Hamilton because they are the MOST erotic couple on the plant!

ParaJunkee said...

This is a great post...

#1 Ender Wiggins from OSCs Ender's Game
#2 Barrons!!! From Karen Marie Monings Fever Series
#3 Anita Blake - Because I think she needs an intervention
#4 James from Maggie Stiefvater's Faeries series
#5 Mercedes Thompson - Patricia Brigg's series

aurora M. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Terri Garey said...

Wow, this is a hard one, Tracey! Since I'm not eligible to enter the drawing anyway, I'm not even going to try to narrow it down!

(Although Anne Rice's vampire Lestat springs to mind!)

Good luck, everyone!

aurora M. said...

If you could choose 5 fictional characters from books to eat lunch with, who would they be, and why?
Elisabeth Bennett - Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice - This girl kept her wits about her and I would like to ask her for a real dirt...come on girl...dish!
Rose-Vampire Academy-Richelle Mead- another strong women (girl) I would want to know whats next for her and I think she could use a big hug...and I would ask...."Is Dimitri really @$%&* !"
Sin from the book-Swoon by Nina Malkin. Because being him must be so much fun and the table could do with some fun flirty chatter.
Anna Karenina-Tolstoy
Prue romance and elegance....of coarse I would have to bring her back from the dead but hey this is a "what if" list
Everybody could use some magic! Plus maybe I could learn a few new tricks..lol

I am a follower as veltara

Frier Finds said...

1. Wrath from J.R. Ward's Black Dagger Brotherhood series...dining with royalty! Quite honestly though, I wouldn't be too picky if it was ANY of those brothers!

2. Bones from the Jeanine Frost series; I'm a sucker for a British accent!

3. David, all powerful Djinn from Rachel Caine's Weather Warden novels. If the meal was cold, he could easily warm it up! But, I wouldn't want to piss off his weather warden wife, Joanne! She gets pretty kick ass when she's angry!

4. Shane from the Morganville Vampire Series- He works at a BBQ place, so I'm sure the pulled pork would be delicious. And the Glass House would protect us while we eat so as not to be eaten by any vamps.

5. Team Edward. No wait. Team Jacob. No wait. Team Edward. Oh, hell with it.

Casey Harris-Parks said...

In no particular order, here's my five:

1. Mercy Thomas from Patricia Briggs Mercy series
2. Meghan Chase from Julie Kagawa's Iron Fey series
3. The Devil from Stephanie Rowe's Immortally Sexy series
4. Bones from Jeaniene Frost's Cat and Bones series
5. Heyou from LJ McDonald's The Battle Sylph

There are so many others that I'd love to meet, it was hard picking only five!!

Book Chatter Cath said...

#1 Cat from Jeaniene Frost's Night Huntress series because she is an awesome kick ass chick
#2 Eric from Charlaine Harris's Sookie Stackhouse series because he is just sex on a stick (lick,lick!!)
#3 Aslan from CS Lewis's Narnia series because who wouldn't want to know a magic talking lion
#4 Any of the brothers from JR Wards BDB series they wouldn't even have to speak I'd just ogle and drool:)
#5 Jaime from Diana Gaboldon's
series just because I love that he went for an older women and his Scottish brogue!!! (Aye Lass...swooon♥)

felinewyvern said...

After somethought I came up witht his list:

1. Miles Vorkosigan from Lois Bujold McMaster's books - he is such a charismatic character so full of life and energy he would be great to meet.
2. Honor Harrington from David Weber's books - she is a true grit type of woman who I wish I could be more like her(and if she brought her tree cat too it would be wonderful :D)
3. Master Harper of Pern from Anne McCaffrey's books - he is so wise and yet for all his age he is youthful in his approach to life :D
4. Archeron from Sherrilyn Kenyon's books - he is the oldest character I know and I would love to talk to him about the true history of the world :D
5. Vanyel from Mercedes LAckey's books - He is so powerful a mage it would be nice to see him do his stuff (and the chance to meet Yfandes his companion would be great)

A. B. Keuser said...

1. Behemoth - Mikhail Bulgakov's The Master and Margarita. He wouldn't say much, but it'd be cool to meet the Devil's right hand cat.
2. Edith Adelon - Louisa May Alcott's The Inheritance. She just seems like such a tender soul.
3. Mae - Sarah Rees Brennan's The Demon's... series. #1. Pink Hair. #2. girl doesn't care who she takes out when it comes to keeping her brother safe.
4.Trillby - Linnea SinClair's Finder's Keepers. She's a hoot. I love funny people - especially since people dont tend to get my sense of humor, I always want to meet people who have a sense of humor I enjoy.
5. Bella Swan - So that I can poison her food and save us all from the horrible, terrible waffling.

JenM said...

1) Francis Crawford from Dorothy Dunnett's amazing Lymond Chronicles. He was my first literary crush and still the one that gets my heart beating faster - plus he was Scottish - need I say more?
2) Along the same lines, Aragorn from LOTR (or maybe I just want Viggo Mortenson, who was an example of the most perfect casting ever). He just seemed so strong and noble (as well as being dark and mysterious).
3) Curran - another book boyfriend - I don't think I'm going to want to eat at this lunch, I'm just going to want to stare around the table. He so psycho, and so alpha, I just want to hang out with him.
4) To balance out the testosterone - Mercy Thompson, because she always keeps her head and thinks things through and she always finds a way to come out on top.
5) Hermione Granger - I was pretty brainy growing up and she seems like exactly the kind of girl I would have wanted to hang out with and have as a BFF.

writtenwyrdd said...

I would want to meet Kate Daniels because she's my favorite kick-butt UF heroine, Jean Claude the vampire master of St. Louis, The Wicked Witch of the West because I think she's gotten a lot of bad press (and that has nothing to do with the play, lol), Tim Curry as the Satan figure in Legend, and Darth Vader...these latter two because they are the best evil characters I've ever experienced. (Sauron doesn't count. He's only manifested as a burning eye and a looming threat.)

StacyUFI said...

THANK YOU!! So exciting

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