Who We Are

Friday, February 4, 2011

The fruits of my labor

Several weeks ago on my blog, I mentioned that I was getting together royalty-free pictures, music, and video clips for a book trailer on This Side of the Grave. Most of you know that a book trailer is basically another medium to tease about the plot elements in a particular story without giving anything major away that would spoiler. You could liken it to the description of the back cover copy of a book, only set to music and visuals.

I’ve done book trailers for three of my other books (if interested, you can see them here) and while I don’t necessarily think trailers net an author any new readers, from the feedback I’ve received, a lot* of existing readers enjoy seeing a story teaser in video form. I’ve also said before that I get a kick out of book trailers, so part of the reason why I do them is because it makes me happy. Doing something that makes me happy is why I started writing novels in the first place, after all. So with all of that said, here is the book trailer for This Side of the Grave. I had fun picking out the various different elements in it, and I hope you enjoy watching it.

*As with everything, not all readers like trailers, and even among readers who do, not every one of you will like this trailer. Subjectivity means that I can never please everyone all the time, alas :)). So what about you, readers and authors? Do you like book trailers? Hate 'em? Inquiring trailer-junkie minds want to know! -Jeaniene Frost


Anonymous said...

Oh, another 'Grave' book....I gotta get my hands on this one asap!!!!

And I usually only watch trailers if I'm visiting a website or a blog where one is. I don't go searching for them or anything.

And I liked this trailer very much.

in Germany

Melissa (Books and Things) said...

I enjoy the trailers. Some are so creative. I can't wait for this book to come out! :)

Jessica @ a GREAT read said...

WOW! That was awesome! I actually like book trailers. While I don't always care for the character models, because I never see the characters that way exactly in my head, I still like it because it kind of gives you some visuals to the storyline and characters themselves.

I know when reading I do picture things in my own way, but I sometimes like getting a visual of something from the book, character, scene, whatever! It's fun and makes reading a little more fun--but since it's already fun to begin with it's not a big deal if I can't see a trailer for EVERY book I read, but I like them when they are available.

Katie Dalton said...

I love all trailers. Books movies whatever! I have to watch them all :) Can't wait to read the continuing story of Cat and Bones!

Nicole Murphy said...

I love trailers - both looking at them and making them. For me, like you, it's another way of being creative. I have great fun, and hopefully that comes through.

Loved this trailer - well done Jeaniene

Barbara E. said...

I'm definitely in the love 'em camp. That was a fabulous trailer, and really got me excited to read This Side of the Grave (like I wasn't already dying to read it).

Patricia JL said...

I can't stand book trailers. Every one I have watched, halfway through I closed it because it just didn't interest me. Maybe because I'm thinking book and when I see trailer I expect movie so my mind rebels at the connection.

Stoopsie said...

I am excited about the new book and the trailer is great. Thanks for being who you are and having the desire to share it with others.

Sharon S. said...

I love the creative trailers. The funny and sexy ones are my favorites. Can't wait to get a hold of Bones, uh, I mean the book ;)

Helen Lowe said...

I love a good trailer!

Anonymous said...

Omg I love these books they are hard to put!!!! down great writing I am on 6th book hope there are a lot more. It would be awesome if there were a series or movie love the trailer. Hey the are doing Vampire diaries why not yours they are better reading A new fan Marion Emery, from MA

Unknown said...

I was wondering if the book Once Burned from the Night Prince series is it having the same Vlad as in Night Huntress series and Bones or Cat will pop in on the series?

Anonymous said...

I was wondering if the Vlad on Once Burned will be the same Vlad in the Night Huntress series and if we will have Cat or Bones in it since Cat is friends with Vlad?

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