Who We Are

Monday, February 14, 2011

What A Guy Wants For Valentine's Day

Valentine’s Day is such a girly holiday, isn't it? We women want (and expect) some visible token that our special guy is thinking about us: flowers, candy, a card. Doesn't have to be big, doesn't have to be expensive, just needs to be there.

Guys, on the other hand, have very low expectations of Valentine's Day (according to my husband, who claims most men's only goal on February 14th is to stay out of trouble by not forgetting it!). Getting lucky is a bonus. :-)

But what to get him? Here's a few inexpensive ideas for the man in your life to share the love on Valentine's Day, or any other day:

Hard worker? How about a Saturday or even just an evening when he can be completely alone – no kids, no yardwork, no dinner dishes, no honey-do list. You take the little darlings to the movies, to your sister’s, to the mall, or anywhere that gets all of you out of the house for a while.

Hobbies? A magazine subscription to Car & Driver, Runners World, Muscle & Fitness, Field & Stream or Sports Illustrated shows you’re paying attention to his interests, even if you don’t share them.

Does he cook? A new saucepan or a sharp set of knives isn’t out of line for the man who fancies himself a gourmet. If his skills are limited to the grill, a new set of outdoor grilling tools is probably well overdue.

A deep thinker? Can’t go wrong with a gift certificate to your neighborhood bookstore, and the promise of an uninterrupted few hours browsing to his heart’s content.

Dad of the Year? A special photograph of the kids – either taken by you or professionally done – nicely framed in a masculine style.

Does he like sweets? Who doesn’t? How about a freshly baked batch of chocolate chip cookies, or a bag of Hershey’s kisses to take to work?

Is he a sports fan? How a hand-written IOU stating that during the next televised game he watches, you promise no interruptions of any kind and his favorite snacks on a tray beside the couch?

Of course, if all else fails – never underestimate the old saying “the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach”. Cook the man something, and after dinner, who knows...  *wink, wink*

What about you?  Help out your fellow Supernatural Undergrounders (a/k/a "Undies") by leaving a suggestion of your own of what to do for a guy for Valentine's Day, and you'll be entered to win a cool assortment of bookmarks, cover flats, an "I Read Books That Go Bump" in the night button, and a randomly chosen book from one of our Supernatural Underground authors!  Three winners will be chosen by this time tomorrow, and announced here.

Good luck, and Happy Valentine's Day!


Anonymous said...

Tickets for him, and 3 of his best buddies, to attend a terrific game (basketball,football, baseball, etc...)

bridgemama on twitter

Anonymous said...

Loungerie on his wife!

Kirsten said...

Get a man in to do the DIY jobs round the house that he promised to do, but is not looking forward to. This way he's excused AND you get the stuff done. Win-win situation I think.

Elena Gray said...

One of my hubby's favorite gifts was a St. Christopher necklace in memory of his father. His father passed away when he was very young and he remembered him wearing one.

Terri Garey said...

Excellent ideas, so far, including "lingerie on his wife"! :)

Sharon S. said...

I don't know about all y'all, but my husband only wants one thing on Valentine's Day ;) So I guess dressing it (me) up with something smexy would be what he wants. T.M.I.? sorry, but you asked

lgm52 said...

I think a good home-cooked meal of his favorite foods, a nice card, a hug and a kiss should do it! (It works for me..and I've been married to my high school sweetie for 41 yrs!)

Terri Garey said...

I always respect honesty, Sharon! :) (Have fun!)

Deea said...

Well... Last time I asked a guy about this, he was uber excited about receiving some Chocolate Body Paint.:)) *rolls eyes*

Terri Garey said...

Deea, I just got a very naughty response to this question on my Twitter account, so maybe I'm just over-thinking what guys REALLY want! :-D

Terri Garey said...

Kirsten, can it be a CUTE guy who comes in to do the DIY jobs? Then it truly IS a win-win!

Scoot said...

For my husband its not about the stuff he gets - but the TIME I spend with him. He would just love to do something together. And personally I don't think you can get much better than the last suggestion of.. "Cook the man something, and after dinner, who knows... *wink, wink*"

Thanks for all of the other suggestions!


SandyG265 said...

My boyfriend just likes to spend time together. So I make whatever he wants for dinner and then the evening is his choice of activity.

Mysteriousrose said...

I will write a poem, I love to write poems and then I will include a giftcard to a massage by me;-)

Happy Valentine's Day!


RFTC Blog said...

My boyfriend told me he doesn't appreciated cards or anything sappy and that all he wanted was candy. Men!

Happy Valentine's Day everyone.


donnas said...

A night out to see an action movie, not a so called "girly" flick.

Melissa (Books and Things) said...

Honestly, I was expecting a one word answer to this title. ;)

Jessica @ a GREAT read said...

Not sure honestly. Currently single, so it would have to depend on my [future] guy's interests and then I would likely go with something of that area.

And he of course better get me books/book gift card and Reese's! ;)


Terri Garey said...

@Melissa, hah!

Good idea on the movie, Donnas!

My husband doesn't go for sappy, either. One time I sent him flowers at the office, and to my surprise, he asked me very nicely to never do that again! He does like funny cards, though.

The one I got him today said, "When I first met you it was love at first sight... and then you turned around and I realized you had a great face, too!"

Now that a few of you have answered, I'll admit that I'm in the "fix the man some dinner and see what happens" category. :)

Ashleigh said...

Give him coupons for foot massages or a weekend to just relax.

Michael said...

As a man I would love nothing more than the ability to watch an episode of Dexter without my wife rolling her eyes, tutting and loudly wondering 'what I see in it?'. Alas, I got a barbecue cleaning brush. Gift fail.

Empress Awesome said...

A coupon for him to do WHATEVER he wants without you getting on him. No, better! Get some sexy undies and wear them for him. That way you get to go shopping and he gets a show.

Sullivan McPig said...

You know: there are guys who'd love to get a bunch of roses for Valentine just as much as a woman does.
I myself would love to be surprised with a nice dinner or something like that.

Terri Garey said...

Michael, I LOVE Dexter!!! But alas, I'm married. :) Sorry about the cleaning brush. :(

Sullivan, I guess the idea is that we should ALL think about the person, not just the holiday, and get our gifts accordingly.

Claire (Cem) said...

My opinion would be to go with what he wants. A meal of his choosing, night in or out, whatever. But his choice.

Crystal @ RBtWBC said...

This year the hubs and I didn't really celebrate V-Day but I think he would of liked a nice dinner, surf n turf, and the kids visiting granny's for the night. ;)

Helen Lowe said...

I posted a poem that I wrote for my partner on my blog today and he seemed to like that pretty well as a present. :)

Sharon said...

A nice dinner, hugs and kisses as well as dishes, glasses and silverware for his new hunting trailer. He was thrilled. Go figure.

nymfaux said...

I'm starting to feel like this should be a two-day event: His and Hers (or vice versa)

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