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Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Children of Scarabaeus – release day!

Thanks for your entries. The winner was chosen randomly (random.org) and it's Scorpio M. Congrats! I'll be contacting you for your mailing address.

Today in the US, my second book Children of Scarabaeus is released. It’s the sequel to Song of Scarabaeus, and for those of you who've read the first book, it picks up right where that story left off. Edie and Finn continue their adventures in a far-flung corner of the galaxy, attempting to bring hope to the Fringe worlds but thwarted in their plans by the dastardly Crib empire.

Edie and Finn are bound together by a “leash” – a transmitter/receiver arrangement whereby if Edie dies or goes out of range, a little bomb in Finn’s head explodes. The bad guys created the leash to force Finn, an ex-con, to become Edie’s bodyguard. Neither of them is happy about it. What makes them even more unhappy is that it’s malfunctioning. Whenever Edie feels strong emotions, Finn gets a blast of uncomfortable static directly into his brain. As you can imagine, this hinders the progression of their romantic relationship. But never fear. This couple has been through a lot together, and they don’t give up easily.

You can read the first few chapters of Children of Scarabaeus on HarperCollins’s website here. If you do read the entire book, I’d love your feedback. Tell me what you think! Email me or write a review on Amazon. If you review the book on your site, drop me a note and I'll tweet about it. Also, visit my blog this week for a chance to win a cool Finn & Edie mousemat, and follow my blog tour for other giveaways.

Giveaway time
(Happy dance!)
To celebrate the release, I'm giving away a copy of Children of Scarabaeus along with a nifty matching signed bookmark. For a chance to win, post a comment on this thread and answer this question:

What’s your favorite sci-fi romantic pairing in a book, movie or TV show?

Contest ends on Sunday 3rd April at 11:59 PM EST. I will randomly select one winner and post their name at the top of this post, so please check back after Sunday. 


Bella@BeguileThySorrow said...

hi Sara,
I haven't read your series yet but will definitely pick it up next chance I get; I like that it sounds different from everything I'm reading right now yet still has a good romance element with the scifi:)

My favorite sci-fi romantic pairing in a book is Mercy Thompson and Adam right now. I love that series soo much! As for movies, I loved Hellboy and Liz' relationship; his crush on her was so sweet:) And I dont know if it really counts as science fiction, but it's fiction and has science and lots of empirical evidence thanks to Tempe, and TV's Bones and Agent Booth is a major favorite of mine:D

Tez Miller said...

Lurr and Ndnd from Futurama. I don't care if they're not the main characters, I love them! I most especially love their witty married-people banter, where they bitch about each other. No surprise that "Spanish Fry" is my favourite episode ;-)

I actually did a guest blog about why I love these Omicronians. This concept of "wuv" confuses and infuriates us! ;-)

Book Chatter Cath said...

Neytiri and Jake Sully from the movie Avatar.
They just exude love and understanding, even though they are different races.

Jennifer S. said...

I love Olivia and Peter from Fringe! The show is so addicting.

Kylie Griffin said...

Sara, happy release day for SOS! I've read your first book - actually devoured it would be a better word. I think I stared it about 5pm one afternoon and had it read by 11pm that night. Loved Edie and Finn and the mix of SF and hints of romance. Can't wait to find out what happens to them next! :-D

OK, my fav. TV series couple for pure chemistry are Aryn Suune and John Crichton from Farscape, closely followed by Mal Reynolds and Innara Serra from Firefly.

SFR book couple (you mean besides Edie and Finn? *grin*) - that's a toughie, it's a toss up between Raina Bowen and Wizard in ROAD WARRIOR by Eve Kenin, and Jax and March in GRIMSPACE by Ann Aguirre.

Allison said...

Hi Sara, I loved Song, am re-reading it right now before I start Children. I am excited to find out what new adventures Finn and Edie are up to.

My fav. TV couple--it's probably a toss up between the Doctor and Rose from Doctor Who and Peter and Olivia from Fringe. Both those shows are great!

Sharon S. said...

I read this book without reading the first one in the series and I was still able to understand and enjoy it! I left a review on goodreads and amazon.com. (will send you the link)

4 stars!

(don't enter me in contest since I have already had the privilege of reading it :)

SandyG265 said...

Congrats on teh release. I don't really have a favorite sci-fi pair since most of the sci-fi I've read hasn't been the romantic type.

sgiden at verizon.net

Lexie said...

Happy release day Sara!

My favorite one currently is Eli and Chloe in Stargate Universe--its kind of awkward and hampered by the (very cute) Matt, who Chloe is with, but recent episodes have given me hope!

Lexie C.

CrystalGB said...

Happy Release Day! I would say Han Solo and Princess Lea.

Vivien said...

Peter and Olivia from Fringe for sure!! And NOT the Faux-livia lol I absolutely love that show.

deadtossedwaves at gmail dot com

Scorpio M. said...

So far my favorite pairing is Mad Machen & Ivy Blacksmith from Here There Be Monsters, a novella by Meljean Brook.

jenma76 at hotmail dot com

thatonegirlyouknew said...

Great giveaway thanks!! I really loved Zoe and Wash from Firefly. They were an amazing couple because you feel the love every time they looked at each other.

Sable Grace said...

Happy release day!

I love the marriage between Joe and Allison in Medium! Reminds me alot of my own marriage :)

Barbara E. said...

I'd choose Mal Reynolds and Innara Serra from Firefly and Serenity as my favorite SciFi couple. In books it would be Jax and March from Ann Aguirre's Sirantha Jax series.

Congrats on release day. I really loved Song of Scarabaeus and I can't wait to read Children of Scarabaeus, I'm so glad it's finally out.

Anonymous said...

I'm so excited for Children.
For book my favorite book pairing is: Jax and March.
TV: Toss up between Rose and the Doctor in Doctor Who and Jo and Zane from Eureka.

Llehn said...

Fox Mulder and Dana Scully from X-files.


Melissa (Books and Things) said...

Worf and K'lar on ST:TNG Yep. Let my nerdiness shine!

books (dot) things (at) yahoo (dot) com

Casey H said...

Happy release day!!!

My favorite would have to be Nora and Josh from Syfy's Being Human. I adore them!!!


JenM said...

Do Eve and Roarke from the In Death series count? Those books could be considered SciFi since they are futuristics.

jen at delux dot com

Clary said...

Mulder and Scully from the X-Files

Clarissa Pereira

Anonymous said...

My favorite pairing would be from the rebooted Battlestar Galactica. I love Gaius Baltar and Number 6 together. I love how crazy the two of them were during the beginning of the series especially. They had great lines and greater chemistry.

Congratulations on the new release!

user1123 AT comcast DOT net

Jessica @ a GREAT read said...

To step away from the supernatural vamps, weres, and other things that go bump in the night! I would say I loved Max and Liz from Roswell! Alien/human hybrid and human! Totally got addicted to that show!

Congrats on the release!


Spav said...

My favourite Sci Fi book pairing is March and Sirantha Jax by Ann Aguirre.


HayleyAG said...

My favourite sci-fi romantic pairing is Amy and Elder from Beth Revis's Across the Universe. Thanks for the contest!

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